West Africa Project - Weebly

West Africa Project: Due Monday April 10th :

You will create a booklet of five stapled sheets of typing/construction paper. Each page (4 pages ) of the booklet will show a different theme of West Africa. The pages that you must include are below. Each page needs color for the maps.

1 Page: Draw or trace WEST AFRICA and show the two kingdoms we studied. What are they??

✓ Map Key

✓ 2 Kingdoms : Ghana and Mali

1 Page: Draw Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca. Show three physical features his caravan likely crossed. ( Rivers, Deserts, Moutains, or seas )

✓ A map of the northern area of Africa to the holy city of Mecca

✓ A route/line showing Mansa Musa’s journey. ( Starting on page 132 there is a description of Mansa Musa’s journey/pilgrimage.

1 Page: Draw a picture of Timbuktu or one feature of that city.

✓ 1 paragraph explaining the importance of this city or feature of this city.

1 page: Draw a map of the GOLD and SALT trade in WEST AFRICA.

✓ Trade routes, West African kingdoms, or present countries can be drawn to show the trade routes.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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