Especially for Wakes and Funerals or - Knights of Peter Claver

95250609600002095491132205Captain’s Guide Faithful Captain ____________________________________________ Gracious Lady______________________________________________ Chapter Name______________________________________________ Faithful Navigator__________________________________________ Chapter Number___________________00Captain’s Guide Faithful Captain ____________________________________________ Gracious Lady______________________________________________ Chapter Name______________________________________________ Faithful Navigator__________________________________________ Chapter Number___________________133350266700Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies AuxiliaryMeritorious Fourth DegreeLadies of Grace DivisionSupreme Navigator Marion Smith ReynosoSupreme General Chapter00Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies AuxiliaryMeritorious Fourth DegreeLadies of Grace DivisionSupreme Navigator Marion Smith ReynosoSupreme General Chapter4784725-7240270[Sidebar Title]00[Sidebar Title]2019 Conclave Atlanta , GA222885013970Jackie Simien–GuillorySupreme Captain00Jackie Simien–GuillorySupreme Captain 19894558015605Meritorious FOURTH DEGREE LADIES OF GRACE Division00Meritorious FOURTH DEGREE LADIES OF GRACE DivisionRULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FAITHFUL CAPTAINFamiliarizing yourself with YOUR dutiesThe Faithful Captain shall serve as the Presiding Officer in the absence of the Faithful Navigator.The Faithful Captain shall be in complete charge of the Uniform Ranks and shall be “Marshal of the Day” of the Gracious Ladies at all local turnouts.The Faithful Captain inspects the Church or Location of the turnout (working along with the Faithful Captain of the Assembly) to decide on seating arrangements, etc. She shall always be aware of Protocol, space and preference of the Priest/persons who extended the invitation and any dignitaries The Faithful Captain should always have a copy of White book (2016-Ed.), Chapter By-Laws & Constitution, Roberts Rule –latest edition, Captains Guide which is an overview, and a Bible.The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Charter & Constitution and By-Laws (latest Ed.), KPC Handbook for reference is also resourceful. (2011-Ed.) OFFICIAL REGALIA OF THE LADIES OF GRACEWhite-white suit (long sleeved jacket with matching skirt, no ornamentations, no short or elbow length sleeves.) NO PANTS ALLOWED, SKIRT ONE INCH BELOW KNEEWhite-white blouse is to be worn under the white jacket. No Dickie’s, bibs or scarves, etc.White-white gloves. No lace, leather, or knit gloves.White-white purse. No gold, silver or colored trimmings/buckles. Purse with shoulder straps are worn over left shoulder.White-white shoes. (No Open Toe Shoes, unless medically necessary.) Open back shoes are permitted. No colored trimmings (gold or silver) or buckles on shoes. NO EXTREME STYLES. (Appropriate white medical footwear only)All accessories must be white. NO BLACK OR DARK UNDERGARMENTS Flesh tone hosiery. (NO WHITE or BLACK). Medically necessary hosiery and shoes are permitted when necessaryEarrings are to be only white and small/moderate size. No necklace should be worn outside of the blouse. ARRIVE WITH 5 DRESS APPROPRIATELYBaldric is worn from right shoulder across chest, with cross situated in center. Beret is worn with cross/emblem over the left ear. Rim or lip of the beret is to be tucked under when worn. Maltese Cross or Officer Medallion according to rank is worn around the neck suspended by a gold chain with no other necklaces.Lapel Pin worn on left side – on LAPEL, not the collar.NO JEWELED PIN WHILE IN REGALIAMedals of Honor may be worn; 25 yr. pin may be worn (PGF)Gold/Silver Medal, Cartagena, PapalShoulder Braid (Color of distinction) is worn around left arm. MAY BE WORN DURING LUNCHEONS/UNIFORM RECEPTIONSTIPS for GRACIOUS LADYNo Gracious Lady may turn out without proper/full Regalia. (Arrive with 5)When possible, Gracious Ladies should be properly dressed when arriving at their turnout destination.When leaving Mass, main regalia items (Baldric, Beret) should be removed upon leaving the church. In a hotel, regalia maybe worn to your room, for removal. No Regalia items are to be worn in public places such as restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, and casinos, etc. PROTOCOLA system of rules that explain code of correct conduct and strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (Merriam-Webster)The following forms of address shall be used when addressing Supreme Officers:SUPREME NAVIGATORMost Faithful NavigatorSUPREME CAPTAIN Very Faithful CaptainSUPREME OFFICERSVery Faithful (state title) The following forms of address shall be used when addressing officers and members of the local chapter: NAVIGATOR Faithful Navigator ALL OTHER OFFICERSFaithful (state title) ALL GRACIOUS LADIESGracious Lady (state name)++++ Remind ++++ Remove ++++ Replace Gloves are part of our official regalia and the Faithful Captain will remind members when to remove and replace gloves. Very ImportantFaithful Captain shall remove her gloves placing bare hand and gloves over shoulder not to cause distraction by turning around or parading up and down aisle during mass. Always keep the ambiance of reverence first and foremost.Gloves are currently removed after the GREAT AMEN AND BEFORE THE OUR FATHER. Sign of Peace: w/ reverence extended to immediate neighbors only. No distractions. END upon the hearing of ‘Lamb of God’.Gloves are worn at all other times except for Holy Communion REMOVE GLOVES: NEVER SERVE WITH YOUR GLOVES ON Gloves will be removed when taking the gifts to the Altar during the Offertory Procession and if you are a Lecturer of the Word Remain Standing after the Gospel: Bishop will ALWAYS kiss (reverence) the book of the Gospel than he May bless the congregation before the Homily. Do not sit if 1st row is standing. <REMAIN STANDING**REMAIN STANDING>Gracious Ladies MAY NOT serve as Honor Guards. The only exception is for the Wake/Funeral Service of a Gracious Lady. The Faithful Captain leads all processions followed by the membership and officers (to rank) with the Faithful Navigator last in the procession. Recognition shall be given to Supreme Officers, whenever present, march in and shall be seated accordingly.The Faithful Captain sees that all Gracious Ladies are seated before she takes her place in the first pew next to the Faithful Navigator, where the local officers are seated. Faithful Navigator sits on the end seat; saves space for Honor guardHighest ranking officer always sits on the aisle seat Gracious Ladies can turn out in Full Regalia forGeneral Conclaves, National Convention, St. Peter Claver Day, State and District Conference, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Funeral Services of a Gracious Lady without an invitation. Before a Local Chapter can turn outThe Faithful Navigator of the Ladies of Grace Division must first receive permission from the local Grand Assembly. Only with the permission of the local Assembly can you turn out for anything other than what is stated above. Do not just show up for turnouts. LOG must be invited. Gracious Ladies follow the directions of the Faithful Captain who LEADS the procession to their designated seatingDon’t be disrespectful of those in charge; “You may be in charge next time around”The membership should line up according to height (2 lines); shorter ladies in front and continue to tallest, followed by the officers of the Local Chapter with the Faithful Navigator last.If Supreme Officers and National Officers are present in regalia for the Ladies of Grace Division, they should line up after Faithful Navigator with Past Supreme and Supreme Officers followed by Past National and Current National Officers.Gracious Ladies walk in single file according to rank with the highest rank processing in last The highest-ranking Supreme Officer present will be the last person to walk in procession and the first to walk out during the recession if there are no Past or current National Officers also in munion Time LOCAL - All Gracious Ladies shall stand and remain standing until ALL ---Gracious Ladies have returned to their seats from receiving the Eucharist before kneeling/sittingAll appearances (turnouts) are auspicious occasions and should be regarded as such. There should be NO loud talking or the stopping of the Line of March, etc.…Especially for Wakes and Funerals or ANY procession. Reverence is always Paramount8. The Regalia of the Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace can be worn only on occasions when the Grand Chapter has been invited to turnout and shall be led by the Faithful Captain or by a Lady of Grace who has been duly authorized by Faithful Navigator.EXEMPLIFICATION CEREMONY The proper attire for all Gracious Ladies in attendance of an exemplification ceremony:White suit with white blouse, white shoes, white gloves and white robe. All Gracious Ladies participating in the Exemplification ceremony (except candidates) must be properly robed in white. (NO PANTS ALLOWED) The Chapter turns out in Full Regalia at the Exemplification Mass with the newly exemplified Gracious Ladies.Newly exemplified Gracious Ladies should sit in a place of honor(ie. Front row with Navigator near aisle seat) Captain & Officers in following rows behind newly exemplifiedOnly one (1) EXEMPLIFICATION may be held ANNUALLY with no more than (5) ladies being exemplified. Ex. April to April -----Best practices – work all year; start early; pick a date/time and stick to it Membership Profile: suggested information for questionnaire Name of Gracious Lady – PROPER NAME Home address Beneficiary over the age of 18 and all pertinent contact informationHome address of relative/friend other than persons in your home and a phone number What ritual service to be formed: 3rd degree 4th degree BothHow shall Regalia be processed? Returned to chapter? Family? Eternal Wear?Update as needed at least every 2-3 years or decline in healthMake sure document is secure in folder and info. is passed onSHARE WITH FAMILY…. Membership Profile Ladies of GraceName: ________________________________________________Spouse: ______________________________________________ Home Address:________________________________________Phone (s): _____________________________________________Family / Friend / Other: (not living with you)____________________________________________Age________Phone:_____________________Address:__________________Relationship:__________________________________________What Rituals would you like performed? Please Circle3rd Degree only 4th Degree Only Both None How shall your Regalia be processed? Please CircleReturned to Chapter Family will keep Eternal Wear Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain _____________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Gracious Lady ______________________date________Captain/Gracious Lady initials _____ _____ _____ _____REDUE Every 2 years *Jan. Please copy & share with familyWAKE AND FUNERAL SERVICES OF DECEASED MEMBERS The biblical Wake Service Ritual of the Fourth Degree Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies of Grace Division is a beautiful ceremony which is designed for group use and can be offered with minimum preparation. The Ritual shall be considered a SOLEMN and inspirational ceremony and should always be treated as such.” I Shall See God” shall not be duplicated/copied in whole. The Faithful Captain of the Grand Chapter should have the Ritual(s) in her possession always and should keep it concealed from public or private view. It should be turned over to her successor in office at the meeting following the ELECTION of a new Faithful Captain OR UPON HER DEATH, RESIGNATION OR DISQUALIFICATION. The Ritual should only be given to Ladies of Grace to read at the Wake Service or the eve of the funeral of a Gracious Lady. INSTRUCTIONS WAKE The family MUST BE NOTIFIED in advance that the ritual takes at least 30 minutes and made aware that if there is not enough time the ritual cannot be performed. However, words of comfort will be extended. The Faithful Captain shall oversee the Wake and Funeral Services of a deceased Gracious Lady.She along with the Faithful Navigator (and or designee), ensures the wishes of the deceased member and her Family members.THE FOURTH DEGREE RITUAL is performed only if the deceased member’s family agrees/approves. The family should be encouraged to have the deceased member dressed in white and in regalia for the Ladies of Grace Division. The Ritual is held even if the deceased member is not dressed in white or Ladies of Grace Regalia. If deceased member is not dressed in white a memorial setting of the regalia shall be placed on a small table next to the casket. *White lace/linen cloth, gloves shall also be placed with the 5 regalia pieces. Ritual may be performed in Memorial setting in the absence of deceased member.No candles are to be used Seating at the Wake/Funeral service of a deceased member will be determent by the size and seating décor of the church. When possible, the Ladies of Grace will sit together; designate time and arrive early.NOTE: When the Wake Ritual for a deceased member is being conducted on the same day of the Funeral Service, with a short visitation time allotment, the following procedure is to be followed regarding the services of a deceased member:The Ritual is to be conducted at Wake Service of a deceased member, only before Funeral service. (If time permits, but not right before service begins). Ex: If both services are on the same day and wake is from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. the Ritual should NOT be conducted later than 10:00 a.m. one hour prior to start of funeral serviceOnly the Certificate of Condolence presented to the family along with sentimental words of expression. Songs for use by the Chapter can be selected at random by the Faithful Captain or designee for the Wake Ritual. THE RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE is read at the end of the Ritual and then presented to the family/significant others of the deceased member. NO description/explanation given to those in attendance regarding the various pieces of the Ladies of Grace Regalia. This is private and reserved for the membership only; and is explained during the Exemplification Ceremony.Ladies Auxiliary Wake Ritual is to be done BEFORE- LOG wake ritual if family approves Ladies Auxiliary Ritual. FAITHFUL CAPTAIN RETRIEVES ALL COPIES OF WAKE RITUALStanding Guard by Gracious LadiesTwo (2) Gracious Ladies stand guard at the casket (one at the head, one at the foot-facing one another) as indicated by the Faithful Captain according to time constraints and number of members in attendance. This procedure is continued THROUGHOUT THE WAKE SERVICE.NOT DURING THE RITUALNo Gracious Lady shall stand guard with Third Degree or vice versa during the Wake Ritual.To initiate and change standing guard, two Gracious Ladies proceed down the center aisle side by side quietly. When they reach the casket, bow in unison (together) proceed to the outside shoulder of GL standing guard a crisp (sharp) turn pursues and Gracious lady standing guard steps forward and the new/relief guards assume the position; each assume a place (one at the head, one at the foot of our deceased member). Two Gracious Ladies leaving guard meet, face the casket, bow, then turn and proceeds down the center aisle (opposite of 3rd degree}return to the rear of the funeral home or church together quietly back down the center aisle.FUNERAL SERVICES Gracious Ladies gather at the funeral home or church for funeral preparations. After the final viewing of the deceased, and prior to the closing of the casket, regalia items are removed and presented to the family, if this was their wish or the wishes of the deceased Gracious Lady. Some Gracious Ladies have expressed to their families that they wish to be buried with their regalia.A Gracious Lady membership PROFILE should be on file with chapter including but not limited to decease members wishes for Regalia, services and all pertinent concerns. Information should be kept secure by Captain. All Gracious Ladies shall march into the church before the casketform a cordon and are seated before Mass following the directions of the Faithful Captain always.After the Mass for the Deceased the Gracious Ladies precede the Clergy (must inform priest prior to services) and casket going out of the Church forming a cordon from the church to the hearse.The Faithful Captain or designee should precede the hearse to the final resting place if possible, and there form a cordon with the other Gracious Ladies who are present for the interment or entombment of our deceased Gracious Lady.Love Note: Our Faith saves us, so we should live in Peace, knowing and preparing for when we,’ Shall See God.Live to encourage, remembering always our motto:‘Praise God Forever,’which gives us another opportunity under the Creator to have that intimate acquaintance with each other as defined in our objectives. Repent and Believe in the Gospel, it is our hope in Faith that moves our order to the next level. Let death remind us to Stop, Grow and Go with God, for we are Meritorious Gracious Ladies. JSGNATIONAL PROTOCOL --- Processionals & Seating (KPC HANDBOOK 2011) -838200226060Order of Rank in ProcessionsNational ConventionsCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior Supreme Knight and Junior Supreme LadySupreme Officers (fourth Degree Knights and Ladies of GracesPast Supreme Navigators (ascending order)Supreme Navigator (Knight and Ladies)District/State Deputies (Knights and Ladies)National Officers (Knights and Ladies)Past Supreme Knights and Ladies (ascending Order)Supreme LadySupreme KnightPapal Chivalric Orders and Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy District / State ConferencesCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior District/State Conference OfficersJunior National Officers (Junior Knights and Daughters)Junior Supreme Knight and Junior Supreme LadyDistrict/State Conferences Officers (Knights and Ladies)Supreme Officers (Fourth Degree Knights and Ladies of Graces)Past National Officers (Knights and LadiesDistrict and State Deputies (Knights and Ladies)National Officers (Knights and Ladies)Past Supreme Knights and Ladies (ascending Order)Supreme LadySupreme KnightPapal Chivalric Orders and Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy 00Order of Rank in ProcessionsNational ConventionsCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior Supreme Knight and Junior Supreme LadySupreme Officers (fourth Degree Knights and Ladies of GracesPast Supreme Navigators (ascending order)Supreme Navigator (Knight and Ladies)District/State Deputies (Knights and Ladies)National Officers (Knights and Ladies)Past Supreme Knights and Ladies (ascending Order)Supreme LadySupreme KnightPapal Chivalric Orders and Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy District / State ConferencesCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior District/State Conference OfficersJunior National Officers (Junior Knights and Daughters)Junior Supreme Knight and Junior Supreme LadyDistrict/State Conferences Officers (Knights and Ladies)Supreme Officers (Fourth Degree Knights and Ladies of Graces)Past National Officers (Knights and LadiesDistrict and State Deputies (Knights and Ladies)National Officers (Knights and Ladies)Past Supreme Knights and Ladies (ascending Order)Supreme LadySupreme KnightPapal Chivalric Orders and Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy 280035011430Local TurnoutCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior Knights and Daughters Fourth degree Knights and LOGLocal Officers (Knights and Ladies)Supreme Officers (Fourth Degree)Past National Officers (Knights and LadiesNational Officers (Knights and Ladies)Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy Papal orders and Papal Awards. Papal honorees shall be afforded a place of honor because of their status in the Papal Family. Papal chivalric orders and the associated with follow in order of precedence. Supreme Order of Christ, Order of the Golden Spur, Order of Pope Pius IX, Order of Saint Gregory the Great; Order of Pope Saint Sylvester;Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Of Jerusalem and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. In addition, many our members have received either the ProEclesia et Pontifice or the Benenerati MedalFurther information following page of this guide.(2016-National Convention-Suggestion)**Past Supreme Ladies and Knights and Past Supreme Navigators shall sit in ascending order with present Ranking Officer. **00Local TurnoutCross bearerEscort Flags/BannersFourth Degree Honor Guards in Regalia (Knights)Junior Knights and Daughters Fourth degree Knights and LOGLocal Officers (Knights and Ladies)Supreme Officers (Fourth Degree)Past National Officers (Knights and LadiesNational Officers (Knights and Ladies)Papal HonoreesAcolytesMembers of the ClergyMembers of the Hierarchy Papal orders and Papal Awards. Papal honorees shall be afforded a place of honor because of their status in the Papal Family. Papal chivalric orders and the associated with follow in order of precedence. Supreme Order of Christ, Order of the Golden Spur, Order of Pope Pius IX, Order of Saint Gregory the Great; Order of Pope Saint Sylvester;Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre Of Jerusalem and Sovereign Military Order of Malta. In addition, many our members have received either the ProEclesia et Pontifice or the Benenerati MedalFurther information following page of this guide.(2016-National Convention-Suggestion)**Past Supreme Ladies and Knights and Past Supreme Navigators shall sit in ascending order with present Ranking Officer. **Continued: Seating in Churches, Oratories and HallsAll members of the Order are to leave a vacant space at the beginning of each pew in the place of worship for the Fourth Degree Honor Guard (when present). In places of worship, the Fourth Degree Knights (not serving as honor guard) shall be seated in pews to right of the Third-Degree Knights and the Ladies of Grace shall be seated in Pews to the left of the Ladies Auxiliary (if possible}. The front row should be reserved for Supreme Officers. In cases when the Fourth Degree Knights and Ladies of Grace cannot be accommodated in the above manner, the Supreme Officer present will sit with the Past National and National Officers. All Other members of the Fourth Degree Knights and LOG sit in front of the Third-Degree Knights/Ladies behind the Junior Division. If you are a recipient of several decorations (medals), they may be worn together with the highest one closest the center and the other as in order of rank, next in line, towards the side. The ranking beginning with the highest is as follows: (1.) Order of Saint Gregory the Great / Dame (2.) Order of St. Sylvester (3.) Order of Malta (4.) The Holy Sepulchre (5) Order of St. George (6.) Order of St. Lazarus (7.) Papal Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (8.) Papal Medal Benemerenti Seating Arrangement for Masses at Conferences and Local Turnouts (Cathedral Style)Fourth DegreeSupreme OfficersPast Supreme OfficersFourth Degree Ladies of GraceNational Court Board of DirectorsPast OfficersNational CourtDistrict / StateConferences OffersJunior National OfficersJunior Conference OfficersJunior DaughtersLadies National Council Board of DirectorsPast OfficersNational CouncilDistrict / StateConferences OffersJunior National OfficersJunior Conference OfficersJunior DaughtersKnightsFourth DegreeSupreme OfficersPast Supreme OfficersFourth Degree Sir Knights**** Papal Honorees and medalist should be seated in a place of honor in accordance with the Ceremonial life and Protocol of the Roman Catholic ChurchSEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR MASSES OF LOCAL TURNOUTS (CENTER AISLE STYLE)National Court Board of DirectorsPast Officers National OfficersFourth Degree Supreme OfficersJunior Daughters Fourth Degree Ladies of GraceLadies National Council Board of DirectorsPast Officers National OfficersFourth Degree Supreme OfficersJunior KnightsFourth Degree Sir KnightsKnightsDo’s and Don’ts of a Gracious LadyDo always follow the instructions of the Faithful Captain Don’t just show up for turnouts, Ladies of Grace must be invited? If out of town call and inform area chapterDo dress properly and carry out all etiquette behaviors of a Christian lady in your daily activities. We never know who is watching. Don’t be disrespectful of those in charge; “YOU MAY BE IN CHARGE NEXT TIME AROUND”Do be aware that others are watching you, act accordantly. Don’t speak outside the order to anyone about the business of the order in that which does not concern themDo Consult, Communicate and assist Faithful Navigator you are 2nd ===second in command. (Faithful Captain)Don’t forget the importance of passing your Medallion on to the newly elected officer. FN/FC may keep your shoulder braid (GREEN/ORANGE). Replace w/ Maltese cross/pass officer medallion may be ordered from Supreme ComptrollerDo wear ‘highest’ official shoulder braid when turning outDON’T FORGET YOU ARE A SERVANT LEADERDo remember that “Thou art a Gracious Lady” always.Remember to PRAY, PRAYER changes things.As we approach our future let us all be REMINDED of our objectives found in our revised 2016 By-Laws of the Ladies of Grace – Article 1 page 8:PLEASE READOBJECTIVE: OUR objective is to Foster Vocations to and for the Catholic Church and to advance the ideals of the Fourth Degree by fostering and encouraging a more lively devotion and fidelity to the cause of Catholicity; to stimulate in its membership a higher and more pure spirit of patriotism and love of country ; to stimulate and encourage the development of the Order of the Knights of Peter Claver; and to create a more ‘INTIMATE’ ACCQUAINTANCE AMONG ITS MEMBERS in order that EACH may help the other to grow MORALLY, SPIRITUALLY, INTELLECTUALLY AND CULTURALLY. Simple translation Love your Sister on your journey to GROW and truly be enlightened by this Poem: IF You Are My SISTER 59026637891If you are my SisterYou must always be Honest with meEven with it hurts.If you are my SisterYou should encourageMe to move to the topEven when I want to quit.If you are my Sister You must be critical of me When I am not Critical of myself. If you are my Sister,I know that I can cry, in front of you and not be ashamed. 00If you are my SisterYou must always be Honest with meEven with it hurts.If you are my SisterYou should encourageMe to move to the topEven when I want to quit.If you are my Sister You must be critical of me When I am not Critical of myself. If you are my Sister,I know that I can cry, in front of you and not be ashamed. 29527502220069If you are my SisterI should be able toshare my feelings with you and not offend youIf you are my Sister You will honestly be Happy for meWHENEVER, I have achieved.If you are my SisterYou will be patient with me When you don’tUnderstand me.If you are my Sister You should LOVE, TRUST, and RESPECT, me.As You vowed to when YOU took your oath.If you are my Sister, Then ALL these things I WILL DO FOR YOU.Your Sisters KeeperAuthor Unknown2018 VFSC-JSGThank You -GL Payne00If you are my SisterI should be able toshare my feelings with you and not offend youIf you are my Sister You will honestly be Happy for meWHENEVER, I have achieved.If you are my SisterYou will be patient with me When you don’tUnderstand me.If you are my Sister You should LOVE, TRUST, and RESPECT, me.As You vowed to when YOU took your oath.If you are my Sister, Then ALL these things I WILL DO FOR YOU.Your Sisters KeeperAuthor Unknown2018 VFSC-JSGThank You -GL PayneHistory of Supreme CaptainsGL. Rose A. Labostrie (D) Chapter 4 1981-1982*GL Mattie Lampkins(D) Chapter 12 1982-1986*GL. Irene T. Green(D) Chapter 3 1986-1992*GL Juanita Burden Chapter 12 1992-1998*GL Geralyn Shelvin Chapter 3 1998-2002*+GL Michelle C. Jackson Chapter 6 2002-2006*GL Dena Downey Garrett Chapter 2 2006-2008GL Elvina Beevers Chapter 4 2008-2014GL Jackie Simien-Guillory Chapter 6 2014-Denotes: *Past Supreme Navigator + Supreme LadyContact: jsgzeta@ 337-244-1222Captains, please use this Captain’s Guide to assist you with your duties and the duties of the chapter’s business. As you continue to practice what is correct protocol so will those in your care be able to learn. Put on the WHOLE Armor of God (Eph.6) when you serve and do so with the authority given to you. “We must know whose authority we are under to receive the power of His grace and mercy”.God Bless and Peace be with you, Jackie Simien-Guillory, Supreme Captain ................

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