
Death Notice List of Names



All lists complete

1 Jan 00 Adam, Eric

3 Jan 00 Adam, Eric Belton, Charles Brunsdon, Jack Carter, Horace Clarke, Christine Cooper, Eric Deer, Awhina Drake, Marion Duggan, Maureen Ellens, Florence Fleet, Jessie Gilbert, Mary Gilbert, Alan Grant, Alison Greenwood, William Gurr, Flossie Harding, William Hellyer, Evelyn Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Hume, Margaret Hutley, Rose Julius, Florence Keen, Graeme Kerr, Keith Kroon, John Lapham, June Lepper, Elsie Lublow, Henrick McCully, Robert McDougall, Nora McGirr, Patrick McLeod, Mary Miller, Margaret Monds, Aubrey Mooar, Clarence Morris, John Norton, Ethel Paterson, Albert Robinson, Eileen Smith, Iris Stewart, Bernard Sweetman, Dorothy Westgarth, Charles

4 Jan 00 Brunsdon, Jack Burrough, Kate Clarke, Christine Craib, Emma Deer, Awhina Dennis, John Elder, Florence Ellens, Florence Elston, Winifred

Fleet, Jessie Forbes, Nancy Gilbert, Ellen Gurr, Flossie Hall, Margaret Hamblin, Arthur Hancock, Brian Harding, William Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Hume, Margaret Julius, Florence Keen, Graeme Kenny, Jill Knowles, Winifred Kroon, John Laws, Ivy Gloria Lepper, Elsie Mansbridge, Robert Miller, Margaret Monds, Aubrey Mooar, Clarence Moore, Mary Paterson, Albert Paulden, Kathleen Riley, John Rogers, Stanley Smith, Iris Stuart, Bernard Tannock, Mary Thompson, Hector Timmo, Roy Van Workum, Liesji Vogelzang, Geertruida Wylie, Betty

5 Jan 00 Alimov, Viktor Astley, Catherine Aynsley, Dora Benseman, Betty Blee, Frances Burrough, Kate Calder, Phyllis Carter, Horace Chin, Kim Clarke, Christine Dennis, John Donald, Eric Duggan, Maureen Elston, Winifred Fleet, Jessie Forbes, Nancy Gavin, Mary Gifford, Darrick Greenwood, William Grundy, Vincent Hall, Margaret Hamblin, Arthur Hancock, Brian Harris, Karen Highman, Catherine Hubbard, Aileen Isles, Annie Keen, Graeme King, Ian Knowles, Winifred

Kroon, John Laws, Ivy Marfell, Leicester McCully, Robert McDougall, Nora McGirr, Patrick Miles, Joan Mills, Harold Mokomoko, Te Rau Mooar, Clarence Moore, Mary Neale, Arnold Paulden, Kathleen Riley, John Robinson, Lois Rogers, Stanley Slooten, Adriaan Smith, Iris Sweetman, Dorothy Tannock, Mary Thompson, Hector Timmo, Roy Van Workum, Liesji Walker, Mervyn West, Margaret Wratten, Craig Wylie, Betty

6 Jan 00 Bigelow, Robert Bramwell, Youilline Chin, Kim Clark, Margaret Clarke, Christine Denton, Patricia Donald, Eric Ferguson, Cecil Greenwood, William Hart, Doris Hendrey, Francis Hutchinson, John Jackson, Judith Keen, Graeme Laws, Ivy Manson, Janice Mills, Harold Milmine, Andrew Prestidge, Ngaio

7 Jan 00 Badderley, Ethel Beavers, Edna Buffin, Edward Chin, Kim Clark, Margaret Coles, Evelyn Denton, Patricia Dewe, Helen Dore, Theodore Evans, Arthur Hay, Raymond Jackson, Margaret Keith, Mary Lau, Averil Manson, Janice McMorran, Hendry Mills, Harold

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Parfitt, Edith Paynter, Clinton Prestidge, Ngaio Rogers, Violet Simpson, Hazel Waller, John Wilcox, Oscar Wilson, George Witherow, Mary Witteman, Cornelis

8 Jan 00 Allnutt, Ruby Allsop, Nancy Barber, Beatrice Beecroft, Craig Bigelow, Robert Brinsdon, Leonard Bulfin, Edward Carroll, Margaret Chin, Kim Coles, Evelyn Dalton, Evelyn Denton, Patricia Dewe, Helen Donaldson, Muriel Dore, Theodore Epiha-Webster, Marie Evans, Arthur Fall, Margaret Ferguson, Cecil Fifield, Brian Hansen, Samuel Hart, Doris Jackson, Margaret Johnston, William Lau, Averil Mackay, Mona Manson, Janice Martin, Anthony McMorran, Hendry Mokomoko, Te Rau Robinson, Lois Smith, Nigel Strathern, Nora Thompson, Ian Tomsett, Lynda Waller, John Wilcox, Oscar Witherow, Mary Witteman, Cornelis

10 Jan 00 Austin, Jack Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Blair, Ronald Bowman, Flora Brinsdon, Leonard Carroll, Margaret Cribb, June Dore, Theodore Durrant, Peggy Everingham, Nancy Ferguson, Cecil Fifield, Bryan Hanrahan, Bessie

Hayston, Alan Johnston, William Newble, Ronald O'Callaghan, Allan Parfitt, Edith Sharples, Bernard Strathern, Nora Thompson, Ian Tomsett, Lynda Ward, Valarie Witteman, Cornelis Yurjevich, Nora

11 Jan 00 Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Chin, Ming Cribb, June De Vries, Pieter Douglas, Ida Everingham, Nancy Fuldseth, Beryl Hayston, Alan Lewis, Barry Manning, Beatrice Mitchell, Aaron Newbie, Ronald Pagan, Thomas Rhodes, Vida Rickson, Gwendoline Sharples, Bernard Stevens, Heather Sutton, Nola

12 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Beaumont, Euan Beecroft, Craig Brotherstone, Tina Chin, Ming De Vries, Pieter Deller, Alice Douglas, Ida Fifield, Bryan Glasson, Edna Gray, Allan Greatbatch, Charles Grosse, Ken Heal, Andrew Hewitt, Marjorie Horton, Laura Lewis, Barry Manning, Beatrice Mitchell, Aaron Newbegin, Mary Newbie, Ronald O'Loughlin, Mary Pagan, Thomas Paterson, Ian Reed, Brian Rickson, Gwendoline Stevens, Heather Sundell, Hilda Sutton, Nola Tippet, Gerald Tomsett, Lynda Ward, Valarie

Wards, Marjorie Watson, Robert

13 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Beardsley, Martin Bryan, Margaret Cunningham, David De Vries, Pieter Eefting-Hugen, Grietje Ensor, Michael Gray, Allan Hemingway, Rosie Johnson, William Johnston, Stella Lance, Willemien McHarg, Rita Mitchell, Aaron O'Loughlin, Mary Paterson, Ian Riggir, Alfred Stanicich, Peter Wards, Marjorie Watson, Robert

14 Jan 00 Beardsley, Martin Calder, Hector Campbell, Sidney Cunningham, David Eefting-Hugen, Grietje Harris, Eva Johnson, Willemien McColl, Hugh McHarg, Rita Milward, Joan Sinclair, Kenneth Stacey, Thomas Stewart, Ronald Tait, Vera Wards, Majorie Wilson, Barrie Worsnop, Dorothy

15 Jan 00 Alderson, Francis Andrews, James Barton, Jean Beardsley, Martin Brown, James Campbell, Sidney Cook, Norman Flute, Paul Gallen, Edward Hampton, Vera McColl, Hugh Millward, Joan Pettigrew, Russell Pye, Helen Reynolds, Eileen Roberts, Francis Sinclair, Kenneth Stevens, George Tait, Vera Walker, Geoffrey

17 Jan 00

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Alderson, Francis Clemett, Myra Cockburn, Sophia Darling, Eileen Gable, Alexandra Green, Esther Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Johnstone, Elsie Leggett, Albert Lewis, Leslie Luskie, Raymond Mackie, Robert McLean, William Middleton, Christine Moody, Scott Nalder, Alexander Paul, Margaurita Pettigrew, Russell Pye, Helen Russ, Ailsa Thorby, Rita Tuuta, June White, Amelia Winton, Grahame

18 Jan 00 Bannon, Graham Butler, Gertrude Cockburn, Sophia Cuttriss, Dorothy Dalley, Henrietta David, Mildred Edwards, Shirley Fyfe, Douglas Gable, Alexandra Green, Esther Harris, Karen Hoare, James Jackson, Wainoni Kett, Dorothy Knox, Graeme Lay, Chheng Leggett, Albert Lewis, Leslie Mackie, Robert Maguire, John McLean, William Middleton, Christine Monastra, Susan Northover, Elizabeth Paul, Margaurita Pettigrew, Russell Reiri, Ian Robson, Marian Royds, Margaret Rudkin, Ellen Sibley, Norman White, Amelia Winton, Grahame

19 Jan 00 Birss, Charles Butler, Gertrude Chisnall, James Dalley, Henrietta Edwards, Shirley Frame, Grace

Harris, Karen Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Hoare, James Hutchinson, Clare Irvine, Bernard Jackson, Wainoni Kette, Dorothy Lay, Chheng Luskie, Raymond Mackay, Isobel Maguire, John McNally, Ivan Middleton, Christine Paul, Margaurita Rizvi, Sayed Robb, James Royds, Margaret Rudkin, Ellen Sibley, Norman Smith, Edith Smith, Norman Thomson, Marie White, Amelia Winton, Grahame Wisdom, Eric

20 Jan 00 Barriball, Donald Butler, Gertrude Enright, Edward Fletcher, Rex Gerard, Paul Grindell, Irene Haugh, Ernest Hawthorn, Smith, Trevor Leck, William Lloyd, James Matson, John McNally, Ivan Middleton, Christine Northover, Elizabeth Robb, James Sherrif, Jeffrey Smith, Norman Thomson, Marie Wills, Clifton Wroth, Charles

21 Jan 00 Agnew, Dorothy Archer, Peter Bagge, Jessie Baines, John Daniell, Myra Enright, Edward Hawthorn-Smith, Trevor Hough, Patricia Ives, Jennifer Jackson, Russell Jenkins, John Leck, William Matson, John Northover, Betty Ryder, Thomas Smith, Norman Sutton, Ronald Thomson, Marie

Wills, Clifton Wroth, Charles

22 Jan 00 Bagge, Jessie Bethwaite, Bryant Brewerton, Howard Bright, Frances Chilton, Beryl Clark, Nancy Daniel, Myra Haynes, Anthony Helps, Jeffrey Hough, Patricia Ives, Jennifer Leck, William Matson, John Moody, Tara Moore, Bessie Muunu, Francis Pigou, Robert Ryder, Thomas Toner, William

24 Jan 00 Barron, Ethel Bearman, Patricia Bethwaite, Bryant Brewerton, Howard Carpinter, Aubrey Chilton, Beryl Cochrane, Jeremy Forbes, Agnes Haynes, Anthony Helps, Jeffrey Hewson, Charles Hickey, Herbert Kippenberger, Muriel Lambert, Evelyn Macdonald, Hamish Matson, John Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew McIlroy, Stewart Medcalf, Colin Moir, Elsie Moody, Tara Muunu, Francis Pooley, Kathleen Robertson, Dawn Schepers, Josephus Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Toner, William

25 Jan 00 Bearman, Patricia Bennett, Dorothy Burdon, Craig Carpinter, Aubrey Cassidy, William Chappell, Lydia Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Colville, Norman Dixon, Lexford Dwight, Desmond

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Flaherty, Eric Greenwood, Jack Haynes, Tony Higginson, Maureen King, Clarissa Lambert, Evelyn Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew Medcalf, Colin Muunu, Francis Norton, Lawrence Pooley, Kathleen Poulsen, Ronald Roughan, Vera Schepers, Josephus Shelton, Frances Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Thomson, John Walker, Marie

26 Jan 00 Bardsley, Sally Bearman, Patricia Blom, Elizabeth Campbell, John Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Colville, Norma Dempsey, Peggie Dey, Olive Dwight, Desmond Edwards, Gilbert Flaherty, Eric Gough, Thomas Greenwood, Jack Lord, Shona Lovie, Maxwell Luxon, Joan Matthews, Gordon McAnulty, Andrew Moir, Elsie Morrison, Marilyn Nicoll, John Norton, Lawrence Pelvin, Irene Poulsen, Ronald Prescott, Elizabeth Radics, Anna Shelton, Frances Smith, Robert Sutherland, Talia Sutton, William Thomas, John Trudgeon, Russell Vickers, Bro. Michael.

27 Jan 00 Barry, Diane Buckley, Glenice Chin, Kim Clark, Mervyn Dey, Olive Edwards, Gilbert Evenblij, Rein Gough, Thomas Hammill, William

Judson, Alan MacCormack, Shirley Maher, Marie McNeill, Frances Murdoch, Elizabeth Nicholas, Catherine Nicol, Ross Nicoll, John Nicoll, Tim Prescott, Elizabeth Scobie, Albert Sutherland, Talia Sutton, William Trudgeon, Russell Vickers, Bro. Michael Wright, Raymond

28 Jan 00 Barry, Diane Chin, Kim Clarke, Neil Evenblij, Rein Farrant, Richard Fogarty, Anthony Greig, Dave Hill, Bernard Holowczak, Barbara Jackson, Arthur Keven, James MacCormack, Shirley Mannix, Douglas McDonald, Doris McNeill, Frances Murdoch, Elizabeth North, Mervyn Phillips, Kathleen Robinson, Agnes Rolfe, James Wood, William Wright, Raymond

29 Jan 00 Anderson, Jacqueline Barron, Henry Broadfoot, John Cameron, Onie Clarke, Neil Cox, Lilian Dickinson, Clifford Eckersley, Helen Evenblij, Rein Farrant, Richard Fogarty, Andrew Herring, Alma Kinley, John Lyall, Elliot McLean, Rex Norris, Lance Oliver, Douglas Phillips, Kathleen Ritchie, Arnold Robinson, Agnes Taylor, John Thwaites, Annie Wood, William Wright, Raymond

31 Jan 00 Bertram, Jean Cameron, Onie Cardwell, Myra Christie, Te Whakahawea Cox, Murray Edmond, Lauris Fogarty, Anthony Gale, Winifred Grey, John Hardie, Doris Herring, Alma Jones, Norma Kinley, John Le Nedelec, Joan Lees, Albert Lyall, Elliot Margetts, Leonard McBride, David McCurdy, John Oliver, Allan Pritchard, Eleanor Ranson, Geoffrey Reid, Frank Rhodes, Agnes Ritchie, Arnold Robinson, Margaret Sewell, Irma Thomson, Esther Thwaites, Annie Trifford, Winiffred

1 Feb 00 Christie, Te Whakahawea Cruickshank, Douglas Dennis, Owen Fogarty, Anthony Gale, Winifred Guthrie, William Hardie, Doris Herring, Alma Hill, Bernard Hillman, Gray Jenkins, Sidney King, Ian Kyle, Alan Le Nedelec, Joan Margetts, Frank McCurdy, John McNaught, Elva Morrow, Mona Paterson, Brian Petre, Athalie Ranson, Geoffrey Reid, Frank Rhodes, Agnes Waters, Ursula

2 Feb 00 Andrew, Johnathon Brohan, Hilda Bunker, Rellis Campbell, John Christie, Girlie Cummigs, Robina Dennis, Owen

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Jenkins, Sidney McDougall, Dorothy NcNaught, Elva Paterson, Brian Philpott, Joyce Sands, Dorothy Sheehan, William Van Kouwen, Bernard Webb, Ethel Wollan, Patricia Wong, Lowe

4 Feb 00 Bailey, Nola Boyce, Faye Buckly, Glenice Campbell, John Clark, William Cockburn, Patricia Darling, Leslie Dawson, Reverend John Faulkner, Edith Hooper, Barry Hunter, Russell Johns, Benjamin Leaman, Henry Lovell, Gordon Margetts, Leonard McKnight, Eileen Morgan, Elaine Mulligan, Arthur Nixon, Keith Nottingham, Lisa Paterson, Brian Reid, Jean Sheehan, Bill Slatter, Sydney Sturgess, Harvey Van Kouwen, Bernard Varoy, Anton Webb, Ethel

5 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bailey, Nola Brebner, Joyce Calder, Katlin Clark, William Clarke, Nancy Cruickshank, Douglas Gay, Warwich Herdman, Constance Hooper, Barry Johns, Benjamin Kearney, Peter Leaman, Henry Lovell, Gordon McKenney, Hilda Morgan, Elain Reid, Jean Slatter, Sydney Smee, Winnifred Smith, Arnold Thomas, Diane Van Kouwen, Bernard Washbourne, Shirley

Williams, Ceinwen Young, Stewart Zeinert, Brother Hugh

6 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bryant, Clifford Colquhoun, John Cruickshank, Douglas Filshie, William Fudge, Walter Gay, Warwich Heath, Erena Hunter, Russell Kearney, Peter Lynn-Thompson, Brandon McGrath, Scott McIntosh, Grace McKenney, Hilda Otway, James Prickett, Rodney Rankin, Harry Robertson, Florence Robinson, Matthew Smee, Winifred Thomas, Diane Thompson, Harry Washbourne, Shirley Zeinert, Brother Hugh

7 Feb 00 Bartram, Graham Broughton, Lynton Bushell, Leonard Cameron, Margaret Charleton, John Chatterton, Geoffrey Coghill, Olivia Colquhoun, John Filshie, William Findlay, Dorothy Gould, Beryl Heath, Erena Hopkins, Allan Johanson, Raymond Kearney, Peter Kelly, Brenda Mayall, Irene Mayhew, Len McGrath, Scotty McLeod, Violet Oliver, Joyce Robinson, Matthew Rowe, Moyra Spark, Harold Thompson, Harry Trist, Ernest Varley, Evelyn

8 Feb 00 Allison, Nan Bartram, Grahma Broughton, Lynton Butler, Raymond Chandler, Hilda Chapman, Doris

Charlton, John Cook, Cyril Fiddymont, Phillip Findlay, Dorothy Fudge, Walter Herdman, Connie Howlett Cora Johnson, Allan Keen, Alan Mayhew, Leonard Mccombe, Lena McGrath, Scott Osborne, Maxwell Rieter, Rebecca Robinson, Matthew Rodley, Gordon Rowe, Moyra Sinclair, Colin Spark, Harol Tanner, Connie Trist, Ernest Wiggins, Roy Worral, John

9 Feb 00 Austin, Kevin Blakie, Lisa Butler, Pat Chandler, Hilda Champman, Doris Cooke, Trevor Creedy, Brian Epere, Raymond Girdler, Margaret Goold, Henrietta Goulding, Tom Greer, Alan Howlett, Cora Kelly, Anne Lynch, Irene Mander, Sylvia McCombe, Lena Osborne, Maxwell Pawsey, Ormond Shadbolt, Alice Shuttleworth, James Sinclair, Colin Smith, Lorna Smith, Phillip Spark, Harold Stapley, Mabel Tanner, Connie Thomas, Edward Trist, Ernest Wiggins, Roy

11 Feb 00 Alexander, Judith Barton, Joan Blakie, Lisa Broker, Cecelia Butler, Pat Clearwater, Ann Cooke, Trevor Dirs, George

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Greer, Cyril Hefford, Phylis Mander, Sylvia McBain, Robert McCallum, Peter Murphy, Bonnie Osobrne, Maxwell Pawsey, Ormond Redmond, Mavis Shadbolt, Alice Sherwood, Dorothy Shuttleworth, James Sinclair, Colin Smith, Lorna Smith, Mary Sterne, Samuel Thomas, Edward Wright, Hector

12 Feb 00 Blaikie, Jesie Blakie, Lisa Brown, James Cooper, Grace Gillman, David Greer, Alan Hertherington, Kathleen Mander, Sylvia Manning, Mary McCallum, Peter Mills, John O'Connor, Anthony O'Hara, Nicholas Redmond, Mavis Skinner, Herbert Stericker, Edward Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Olive Thomas, Sam Waghorn, Bruce

13 Feb 00 Baigent, Keith Bateman, Glenn Boulton, Barry Brown, James Cooper, Grace Corey, Margaret Crellin Rupert Hannan Thomas Hanratty, Joyce McCartin, Graeme McLeod, Margaret Meates, Sharron Mercer, Frederick Meredith, Philip Mills, John Mukherjee, Sumantha Ngauamo, Sulieta O'Connor, Anthony Ohara, Nicholas Purvis, Alice Ramsden, David Rodreigez, Santanna Simpson, Ida Smith, Jean

Switalla, Fay Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Olive Vender, Elga Winsloe, Nita Yelland, Ivy

14 Feb 00 Bateman, Glenn

Blacklock, Ralph Boulton, Barry Bryant, Melise Burrows, Florence Clark, Dominic Corey, Margaret Fagalima, Saumalu Foster, Ruth Greaney, Inez Hannan, Thomas Hobson, Hazel Huddart, John Lee, Agnes McCartin, Graeme McLeod, Margaret Meates, Sharron Mercer, Frederick Metcalf, Edward Paterson, Phyllis Patrick, Susan Ramsden, David Sansom, Bernard Senior, Roger Sigglekow, Muriel Thomas, Kevin Thomas, Russell Town, Dr Shane Van Voorst, Cornelis Wood, Miriam

15 Feb 00 Ashby, Joyce Barrett, Phillip Blacklock, Ralph Bryant, Melise Burrows, Florence Corey, Margaret Foster, Ruth Fryer, Mary Gibbons, Edith Hannan, Thomas Hayward, Robert Hendren, Trevor Hill, William Hobson, Hazel Jones, Ivan McCartin, Graeme McKenzie, Gordon Meates, Sharron Metcalf, Edward Nicol, Jill Powell, John Sansom, Bernard Scott, Graeme Senior, Roger Shimmin, Doreen Smith, Nanoya Thomas, Russell

Van Voorst, Cornelis

16 Feb 00 Ashby, Joyce Ayers, Roger Barrett, Phillip Breen, Margaret Cardwell, John Corey, Margaret Empson, Marie Foster, Ruth Griffin, Thomasina Hayward, Robert Mace, Christopher Makinson, Geoffrey McCormack, Terrence Newman, Ivan Nicol, Jill Ormrod, Ernest Powell, John Ramsay, James Rawlinson, William Senior, Roger Smith, Nanayo Taylor, Jane Thomas, Russell Udy, Lois Williams, Una

17 Feb 00 Bayliss, Agnes Cardwell, John Chamberlain, Charles Connell, John Dewar, Gordon Empson, Marie Gale, Bernice Lummis, Elizabeth Mace, Christopher Makinson, Geoffrey Paterson, Ann Quelch, Edwin Ramsay, James Stewart, Winnifred Thomas, Russell

18 Feb 00 Allum, Robert Bensemann, Alma Bradley, Barbara Breen, Margaret Cardwell, John Connell, John Ford, Jessie Gilray, Neale Karena, Tautoko Kempkers, Frederik McFadyn, Don Powell, John Shatford, Stacey Stewart, Winnifred Stokes, Robert Stone, Janet

19 Feb 00 Anderson, Enfys

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Butler-Jensen, Makahuri Cotter, Nancy Cunneen, Patrick Fitzgerald, Shirley Gardiner, Reta Hayter, Graham Heberley, Ruby Hyde, Paul Johnston, Dorothy Kempkers, Frederik Lucinsky, Melvyn Mannis, Margaret Nash, Thelma Shatford, Stacey Smithson, Lawrence Stokes, Robert Turner, Noal Voice, Hazel Woodfield, Nancy Yeatman, Timothy

21 Feb 00 Bailey, Annie Barnett, Donald Barrow, Wilfred Braun, Edmond Coatman, Olive Cotter, Nancy Dawson, Christopher Evans, Fred Faherty, Mary Finnerty, Florence Flynn, Cornelius Fowke, Raymond Franklyn, John Graham, Craig Greenaway, Mavis Heese, Ewen Hyde, Paul Inglis, Alva Loan, Dr Eunice Lucas, Eric Lucinsky, Melvyn Morris, Arthur Nash, Thelma Nicholas, Pamela Osborne, Eric Prendegast, Shirley Proctor, George Robbins, Mary Shatford, Stacey Sherlock, Clarance Sutherland, Donald Turner, Noal van de Water, Gerard Voice, Hazel Woodfield, Nancy

22 Feb 00 Archibald, Arline Bailey, Annie Barrow, Bill Beard, Graham Chittock, Trixie Coatman, Olive

Comley, Mary Dalmer, Trevor Faherty, Mary Flynn, Cornelius Fowke, Raymond Free, Raymond Graham, Craig Greenaway, Mavis Hall, Julie Hartley, Barrie Heese, Ewen Kemp, Mavis Koster ? Barrowclough, Grace Osborne, Eric Parker, Coleen Prendergast, Shirley Saggers, Bevan Sherlock, Clarry Smith, Iris Sutherland, Donald Turner, Noal van de Water, Gerard Wassal, Vernon Willocks, Alastair

23 Feb 00 Baker, Roland Barrow, Wilfred Chamberlain, Cecily Comley, Mary Cuddihy, Desmond Curboy, Dawn Dawson, Christopher Fowke, Raymond Free, Raymond Graham, Craig Gwinnell, Dennis Hall, Julie Hartley, Barrie Hendry, Olivia Koster ? Barrowclough, Grace Lawson, Neil Martin, Hazel McCarthy, Minnie McCleary, Irene Parish, Rita Parker, Coleen Paul, Margaret Prendegast, Shirley Saggers, Bevan Sherlock, Clarance Taylor, Euphemia Thomson, Gwladys Wassal, Vernon Willocks, Alastair

24 Feb 00 Angus, Hazel Armstrong, Stanley Baker, Roland Barrow, Wilfred Butts, Lesley Clark, Rowena Clough, John Draper, Keith

Free, Raymond Garthwaite, Dorothy Humm, Anthony Lawson, Neil Lynn, Myrtle Martin, Hazel Nuttal, Bruce Parish, Rita Priest, James Saggers, Bevan Shackleton, Margaret Stagg, Roger Stirling, George

25 Feb 00 Angus, Hazel Anstice, Glen Chamberlain, Cecily Clough, John Cornish, Myrtle Ellison, Rewi Fisher, Eileen Ford, Gordon Garland, Frank Mackie, Ellen McCabe, Elizabeth McGowan, Maurice Nuttal, Bruce O'Connell, Michael Priest, James Richards, Lewis Shackleton, Margaret Stagg, Roger Stirling, George Surridge, Allan Valk, Gerard

26 Feb 00 Barrett, Cedric Bermingham, Wayne Bryant, Ivy Chamberlain, Cecily Clough, John Cornish, Myrtle Courtney, Mavis Fisher, Eileen Fleming, Bethea Ford, Gordon Garthwaite, Dorothy Gillespie, Gordon Halliday, Graeme Hayward, Marjorie Hitchins, Freda Keenan, John Lennon, John Leonard, Albert Macdonald, Murray Mackle, Ellen Maynard, Florence McVey, William Menzies, William Murray, Arthur Read, Dorothy Rumble, Rudy Shackleton, Margaret

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


Death Notice List of Names

Snelson, Arthur Stagg, Roger Stirling, George Surridge, Allan Tisch, David Valk, Gerard Young, Anthony

28 Feb 00 Anderson-Vercoe, Tain and Jesse Baldwin, Mary Bermingham, Wayne Bryant, Ivy Edgington, David Fleming, Margaret Gillespie, Gordon Grant, Peter Halliday, Graeme Hitchins, Freda Humphreys, Joan Keenan, John Kneale, Elizabeth Lennon, John MacDonald, Murray Madden, Rob Manning, John Maynard, Florence McIver, Esme McLachlan, Vera Menzies, William Mercer, Margaret Owers, Nola Price, Isobel Read, Dorothy Smith, Harry Stirling, George Thomas, Lewis Thomson, Rona White, Wallace Wiki, Campbell Young, Anthony Zoan, Roger

29 Feb 00 Anderson-Vercoe, Tain and Jesse Brown, Teresa Edgington, David Grant, Peter Healey, Shirley Kneale, Elizabeth Madden, Rob McIver, Esme McLachlan, Vera Mercer, Margaret Owers, Nola Price, Isabel Shaw, William Smith, Harry Taylor, Herbert Tuuta, Joan Waller, Thomas Watson, Joyce Wilson, Colin Young, Anthony

1 Mar 00 Brown, Teresa Chitty, Francis Colwill, Jean Doody, Doreen Hannay, Jane Healey, Shirley Lamb, Joan MacTaggart, Laureen McLeod, Finlay Paterson, Frank Perkins, Joy Rogers, Ernest Smith, Harry Taylor, Walter Tuuta, Joan Wakelin, Margaret Wilson, Colin Young, Anthony

2 Mar 00 Allen, Jocelyn

Bundy, Wilda Colwill, Jean Doody, Doreen Hamilton, Maree Hearn, Nancy Heath, Reta Humphrey, Clive Kerr, Alick Leonard, Julienne Perkins, Joy Raxworthy, Dessie Rogers, Ernest Rosevear, Ivy Stanley, Margaret Taylor, Walter Tuuta, Joan Warren, John

3 Mar 00 Boyd, Nancy Brown, Mary Brown, Veronica Challis, Trevor Cleland, Beatrice Ding, Ah-rana Doody, Doreen Hamilton, Maree Kerr, Allick King, Heather Lee, Ronald Legg, Louis Meek, Alison Parsons, Leo Perkins, Joy Raxworthy, Dessie Rosevear, Ivy South, Amy Stanley, Margaret Tierney, Dennis Watson, John

4 Mar 00 Aynsley, John Boyd, Nancy Brown, Mary

Challis, Trevor Ding, Ahrana Fullen, Gertrude Gaffney, Phyllis Goward, George Hill, Catherine Joynt, Bruce King, Heather Lee, Ronald Legg, Louis Lewis, Neville McDonald, John McKay, Madeline Meek, Alison Parsons, Leo Sands, Sibula

06 Mar 00 Anderson, Bruce Beaven, Barbara Blyth, Majorie Burling, June Campbell, Telford Collins, Pauline Currie, Ellen Dempsey, Ireland Dowling, Kathleen Earl, Noela Ellis, Ronald Fullen, Gertrude Goward, George Hill, Catherine Kelly, Jean Large, Alfred Lewis, Neville Manastyrski, Theodora Mann, Phyllis McDonald, John McKay, Madeline Milne, Victor Mowat, Craig Muldoon, William Rodgers, Kevin Foysmith, Rhonda Russ, Ashley Sands, Sibula Skene, Rona Slater, Robert Varney, Andra Williams, Brian Willoughby, Stephanie

07 Mar 00 Anderson, Bruce August, George Beaven, Barbara Beedel, Malcolm Biggs, Irene Blyth, Majorie Buitendyk, Margaretha Campbell, Telford Collins, Pauline Coote, Sylvia Cowie, Gaudin Dowling, Kathleen Earl, Noela Fielding, Freda

The Christchurch Press, a division of Fairfax New Zealand Ltd, publishers of The Press,, The Weekend Press, Christchurch Mail, Central Canterbury News, The Northern Outlook, Avenues. Cathedral Square, Private Bag 4722, Christchurch, New Zealand. Telephone: 03 3790 940; Fax: 03 3648 496;


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