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Capstone Project How would legalizing Marijuana affect Law Enforcement?By: Eric Dawson & Natalia GuardiolaLegalizing marijuana throughout the U.S has always been a topic throughout the U.S.How would this effect our officers when serving our country as law enforcements trying to protect are communities? Drug use has always been a huge part in breaking the law through the U.S, not just the users but the people that are distrusting the drug. Drugs have been banned for a reason in the past because of the outcome that a drug can have on a person or may cause a side effect on a person that may harm them. This effect is not being in the right state of mind when under the influence of the drug. Throughout the U.S we have the D.A.R.E program expressing that drugs are wrong for our youth because of it being a dreadful thing for your health and for the society. What kind of message are we sending to our youth and to our future if we do legalize this drug? What kind of drugs would we legalize next? We believe that the U.S needs structure and balance this legalization. By having this drug on the streets that would be very hard for law enforcements because of many various reasons like having to hire more officers, classes for officer to learn how to handle someone under the influence, learning new laws, dangers for society and officers, etc. It’s hard enough for different states to have enough people that want to choose the carrier of being an officer of the law because of what the outcome of an officer might be. The reason we feel a need for a design policy/program because if there is no structure behind why we want to legalize it, then we will be looked at crazy. We need to have a solid reason of why we want to legalize marijuana. We should make people understand the type of people it will help if it is legalized. We can’t just let anyone and everybody to have marijuana. Therefore, we came up with a policy that we feel should be sought out and not over-looked. The type of design policy we want to propose for the legalization of marijuana everywhere is that you must be in a serious medical illness to retain any type of marijuana. You can’t just want to encounter of having the right to smoke marijuana. We feel you must have an illness of at least cancer, HIV infection or AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury with spasticity, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, neuropathy, and Huntington's disease. The associated or complicating conditions are cachexia or wasting syndrome, severe or chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures, or severe or persistent muscle spasms, etc. Not anyone can just walk in and say they have these types of feelings. No, you must be medically checked before you can be dispersed a medical marijuana registry i.d. card.The way we feel that it will be determined the need for the policy is we will setup surveys (anonymously) and see what people think of our idea, and see what results we get back from that. I feel doing telephone interviews really don’t help much because a lot of people don’t like talking on the phone. We could also hold some type of ballot at like fairs, college events (if permission was given) and other type of events to also get peoples feedback. We will then try to push and propose this type of policy and get it pushed as far as we could.The type of resources that would be needed to execute this policy efficiently would get support from judges, police officers, law enforcement agencies, and most importantly doctors. I want to get results and proven documentation that it’ll help those people in need of it medically wise. We want to limit the legalization of marijuana. We don’t want it to get out of hand more than it already is. We want to build a greater drug free America that has a brighter future for our children so they have a chance of a successful future so we can keep America strong and independent. Our children are the future, so it’s important that we guide them and show them that we don’t need drugs to improve the U.S unless it’s for a medical cure or helping someone in pain. Other countries look at the U.S., as a safe place to live and may want to come live in America for that reason. If we keep putting down our standards in the U.S., we won’t be a country out of the ordinary. We feel that by leading this country we must set a good example and morals for the people. People look up to law enforcement for answer and protection. So with that being said, we must keep our streets clean so we can do our jobs as a law enforcement team, the proper way without any unnecessary harmful interferons. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Alliance., C. ?. (2017). We are the drug alliance. Retrieved from Marijuana legalization an regulation: , C. 2. (2017). Marijuana Facts A snapshot of current trends in national marijuana use. Retrieved from Caron: Wyllie, P. E. (n.d.). Legalizing marijuana: Police officers speak out. Retrieved from , 2. A. (n.d.). State Marijuana Laws in 2017 Map. Retrieved from Governing the staes and localites: , K. (n.d.). Five Reasons Cops Want to Legalize Marijuana. Retrieved from Rollinf stone: , C. (n.d.). Legalized marijuana is making it harder for police to search your car. Retrieved from The washington post: , 2. (2017). MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Retrieved from : ................

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