Faculty Bios - University of Florida

County Faculty Information

Name: John Stevely_____________________________________

County: Manatee Co.___________________________________

I. Education: List only the institutions from which you received degrees.

|Name of Institution |Degree Earned (e.g., B.S., Sociology) |

|University of South Florida |Marine Science, M.S, |

|Gettysburg College |Biology, B.A. |

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II. Extension Experience: Please list current and past employment within Cooperative Extension.

|State |Job Title |Program Area(s) |Years Employed |

|FL |Extension Agent |Marine |29 |

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III. Program Areas: Please list the program areas (e.g. 4-H, agriculture, horticulture) you are involved in, as well as the percentage of time dedicated to each.

|Name of Program |% of Time |

|Marine Extension |100 |

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IV. Honors & Awards: Please list major honors/awards you have received within the last 3 years.

|Name of Honor/Award |Awarded By: |Year |

|Visiting Scientist |New Zealand National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research |2008 |

|Distinguished Service Award |Epsilon Sigma Phi |2008 |

|Wachovia Professional Development Award |UF/IFAS |2008 |

|Gulf Guardian Award, Certificate of |Environmental Protection Agency |2006 |

|Appreciation | | |

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V. Grants & Contracts: Please list any grants/contracts you have been awarded during the last three years. Exclude in-kind contributions.

|Grant Title |Funding Agency |Value |Year |

|Florida Keys Sponge Survey |Fish and Wildlife Commission |7,000 |2006 |

|Northern Gulf Sponge Survey |Fish and Wildlife Commission |25,000 |2006 |

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VI. Professional Service: Please list any leadership positions (e.g. President, Chair, Secretary) you have held in professional associations during the last three years.

|Association |Office |Years |

|Florida Association of County Agriculture Agents |Chair, Sea Grant and Aquaculture Subcommittee |2004-2006 |

|Florida Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals |Director, South Central District |2002-2006 |

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VI. Programming: Please briefly describe the educational objectives for your major programs.

|Program Title: Sustainable Marine Fisheries |Target Audience: Resource managers, recreational and|

| |commercial fishers, general public |

|Describe program objectives: |

|Provide information that will enable resource managers to manage a sustainable sponge fishery resource based on objective, technically sound |

|data. |

|Enable resource managers to evaluate the recovery of sponge populations and the effectiveness of management measures taken to restore the |

|Florida Bay ecosystem. |

|Determine potential to expand commercial sponge production in the northern Gulf. |

|Adoption of new sponge harvesting practices that will increase the survival of harvested sponges. |

|Adoption of fish venting practices by offshore anglers to increase survival of released fish. |

|Achieve production and marketing of fish venting tools by the private sector. |

|Document that reef program managers participating in marine extension educational programs have increased their ability to plan, construct, |

|and manage artificial reefs in a cost efficient and environmentally responsible manner. |

|Develop an enhanced Manatee Co. artificial reef program that will increase fishing opportunities and enhance fishery stocks. |

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|Program Title: Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage(FISH)/Sustainable Cortez | Target Audience: General public, commercial fishing|

|Community |industry, Manatee Co. government. |

|Describe program objectives: |

|Fund purchase of the FISH Preserve |

|Generate $80,000 in Festival Profits to support expansion and restoration of the FISH Preserve. |

|Generate community-wide and political support (Manatee Co.) support for achieving the goasl of expansion and restoration of the FISH Preserve,|

|and preserving the commercial fishing/working waterfront heritage of Cortez. |

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|Program Title: Managing Florida’s Coastal Environment |Target Audience: Mater Gardeners, Extension |

| |Horticulture professionals, Estuary Program staff, |

| |landscape and property management professionals, |

| |waterfront property owner, resource managers, local |

| |elected-officials, general public. |

|Describe program objectives: |

|Evaluation of Master Gardener training programs will document increased understanding of estuarine nutrient loading issues and coastal plant |

|ecology and biology. |

|Evaluation of mangrove shoreline management training program will document that property management professionals and waterfront property |

|owners have increased their ability to manage mangrove shorelines properly and in accordance with state mangrove trimming regulations. |

|Provide training and reference materials dealing with red tide and nurture issues for Extension professionals, community leaders and elected |

|officials that will enhance their ability to disseminate correct information and make informed decisions regarding management of red tide. |

|Maintenance of an effective Technical Advisory Committee that will ass the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program and local governments in |

|implementation of Comprehensive Conservation and Management plans. |

|Development of strategic education and outreach strategies that will enable citizens to best adapt to red tide events in a manner that will |

|reduce economic losses. |

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|Program Title: 4-H and other youth |Target Audience: 4-H Extension Agents and 4-H |

| |leaders. |

|Describe program objectives: |

|Provide technical assistance to support county 4-H Extension agents and 4-H Leaders. |

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