Step by Step Scratch Tutorial Make a Platformer Game

Step by Step Scratch Tutorial ? Make a Platformer Game

Create a sprite and level for a platformer style game Bonus: add lives, extra levels

Programming difficulty: medium


First: Create your character Sprite, or import from file.


Open Scratch and Delete the cat (right click, delete)


Click the new button (or click import from file if you made a custom spaceship)


Choose a sprite to be your character. Then click OK.


Next: Program your Character so it can move


Drag and drop this code from the scripts tab into your Character sprite workspace (the open grey area)

Code for moving left Code for moving right


Click the green arrow to play-test your code, if the character doesn't move left and right, double check your code.


Next: Design a cool background and deadly area


Click on the "paint new backdrop" button.


Draw or import a cool background for your level!

8 Use the draw rectangle button Draw a rectangle of any color at the bottom

9 of the level to be your deadly zone.


Next: Make some platform sprites


Click the Draw new sprite button


Click magnifier and zoom to 200%, then draw a small platform. (use a different color than your deadly zone)


Drag your platform to where you want it in your level, and make it bigger or smaller by clicking enlarge or shrink, and then clicking your platform.



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