
Life of ChristLesson 7Jesus Begins His MinistryRead Mathew 4.13-17, Mark 1: 14b-15; Luke 4.14b-31a; John 4:46-54 After Jesus miraculously escaped death in Nazareth, according to Matthew 4:13, where didJesus settle?Why is this town significant according to quoted Isaiah 9:1-2 passage?What was Jesus’ message as he preached in Galilee and what was the reaction from thecrowd?Take the time today and pray for a family member or friend who is in need of salvation. Praythat they can recognize their need of Jesus as their personal Savior and the hope of salvation.What request was the royal official from Capernaum asking of Jesus in Cana? Did Jesusanswer him how he expected? What was the response of the official and others?What aspect of Jesus’ power and his very nature are highlighted in the second sign of Jesushealing the official’s son. (water to wine, the first)What was the spiritual condition of those in Capernaum as described in the Isaiah 9 passagequoted from Matthew 4:16? Who is the Light referenced from this passage? What effect doesthe Light have in the darkness? John 3:19, Luke 1:78-79.How does the royal official response to Jesus encourage or challenge you in your own faith inJesus?What was the custom of Jesus as he entered Nazareth? What was special about this town? According to Luke 4:22-31a, what was the crowd’s response in both word & deed to theproclamation of the Word from the prophet Isaiah?Specifically, what did Jesus reveal to those at the synagogue about the hardness oftheir own hearts?From Isaiah 61:1-2a, how does Jesus fulfill this prophecy and illustrate the gospel? Why wasrepentance the call of both John and Jesus?Have you ever faced rejection at work or from a family member? Was your response markedby prayer toward gospel progress in your life? If so, how? List scripture references that werehelpful to you.Jesus Calls the DisciplesRead Matthew 4.18-24, Matthew 8.1-17, Matthew 9.1-17; Mark 1.16-45, Mark 2.1-22; Luke 4.31b-44, Luke 5.1-39What were the names of the two sets of brothers and where are they from? What was theiroccupation and from what class of society are they?Who (plural) did James & John leave behind when Jesus called them? How does thisexemplify the call of the believer to pick up their cross and follow Jesus? Cite scripture if youcan. What do you think Jesus meant when he told the disciples, “I will make you become fishers ofmen”? Why did he use the fisherman metaphor?When you accepted Christ who/what were you called to leave behind? What was the response to Jesus’ teaching in the Capernaum Synagogue? Was thisdifferent from Nazareth? By what name does the demon refer to Jesus?What was the response of the crowd to the healing of the demonic man?Why do you think Jesus rebuked the Spirit and told him, “Be quiet and come out of him”?Describe the different details surrounding the healing of Peter’s mother in law from thethree gospel accounts. Don’t forget to include how others in the scene responded.MatthewMark LukeDetailsResponseAccording to Mark and Luke, Jesus retreated to a ‘lonely place’ place to be withHis Lord. What does your quiet time with the Lord look like now? Do you need to makeany changes so that you can equip yourself and bear fruit in the Christian life? If so,pray and ask someone to help you be accountable to make changes.How was Peter’s response to Jesus miracle of overloading the fisherman’s nets to thepoint of breaking a picture of a sinner’s fertile soil for the gospel?Why do you think Jesus’ healing of leprosy had significant impact in the region and‘great multitudes were gathering to hear Him and to be healed’ despite the fact Jesusinstructed the leper to tell no one?Who appears for the first time in Galilee, from Jerusalem, to listen to Jesus teach? Whatwas their response and the many who witnessed the miracle of both the paralytic’sphysical and spiritual healing?What was the Pharisee’s response to Jesus and his disciples attending the banquetMatthew held in his honor? How does Jesus use the parable of the wineskins to teach John’s disciples about hisushering in of the New Covenant vs. The Old Covenant?I Have Decided to Follow JesusI have decided to follow Jesus;I have decided to follow Jesus;I have decided to follow Jesus;No turning back, no turning back.2. Tho' none go with me, I still will follow,Tho' none go with me I still will follow,Tho' none go with me, I still will follow;No turning back, no turning back.3. My cross I'll carry, till I see Jesus;My cross I'll carry till I see Jesus,My cross I'll carry till I see Jesus;No turning back, No turning back.4. The world behind me, the cross before me,The world behind me, the cross before me;The world behind me, the cross before me;No turning back, no turning back.Life of ChristLesson 8Mounting OppositionRead John 5.1-47What was the condition of the man Jesus found near the pool of Bethseda in Jerusalem? What about Jesus’ miracle of healing on the Sabbath infuriated the religious leaders? Cite verses in your explanation. The sick man’s faith at the pool is not recorded in this passage. If this story is not about his faith, what is this story about in relation to the gospel? What was Jesus’ main concern for the man and how is this consistent with previous personal encounters? Did the Pharisees really know the OT law regarding Sabbath observances? Read Exodus 20.8-14. What was the focus of the OT commands concerning the Sabbath? In this section, cite verses which specifically show both the equality between the Father and Son and Jesus’ submission to the Father? What other tasks does the Father give to the son? What two types of people and their resurrection are mentioned in 5.29? According to 5.31-47, three bear witness to Jesus’ claim as God, who are they? What basic assumption are the Pharisees ‘missing’ that is clear in the following OT passages of scripture? Deuteronomy 32.39, 1 Samuel 2.6. In John 5.24 those that hear the word of God and believe in Jesus will not come into judgement; for they will pass from death to life. If you are a believer, take the time to thank God for the precious gift of salvation for yourself and any of your loved ones. If you have not heard the call of Christ on your life, pray that his words would become clear and for your heart to respond in faith. Read Matthew 12.1-21, Mark 2.23-3.12, Luke 6.1-11 What is Jesus’ fivefold rebuttal to the Pharisees accusation of his disciples violating the Sabbath according to the Matthew passage? Digging Deeper (Optional) Read the following passages and comment on the Sabbath. Exodus 20.8, Deuteronomy 5.12, Hebrews 4.9, Colossians 2.16-17, Matthew 12.9-13 What is Jesus’ argument for His lordship over the Sabbath & healing humans that bear God’s image according to the Matthew passage? What was the scribes & Pharisees response to his truth? From where did all the multitudes come from to hear Jesus preach and to be healed? How did Jesus fulfill the prophet Isaiah in 42.1-4? Jesus Teaches the DisciplesRead Matthew 5.1-7.29, Mark 3.13-19, Luke 6.12-49 Digging Deeper (Optional) All the apostles named by Jesus were Galileans except one. Who was it and where was he from? Who was the sermon addressed in its larger audience and what was the setting? Which OT prophet and location are this sermon reminiscent of? Make a list of both the inward motives and the outward conduct expressed in the Beatitudes. In reading & noting the many blessings in store for the righteous & woes of those who inherit the Kingdom of God, what are you most thankful for in the person of Jesus Christ? Make a list of praises and pray them back to God today rejoicing in your salvation and it’s benefits God lavishly bestows upon those He loves. As believers, what does it mean to be salt and light according to Matthew 5.13-16? How are you living this out in your homes or in your workplace? Share with your group. Digging Deeper (Optional) What does Jesus teach about the law, himself and the Kingdom of Heaven from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) How is Matthew 5.20 a condemnation against the Pharisees and scribes of Jesus’ day? You can use other scripture to make your point. List the six contrast between the OT law/Jewish tradition and what Jesus taught. What was Jesus main point in presenting his case before the Pharisees and scribes? What is Jesus’s exhortation at the end of each of Matthew and Luke’s passages? How does the gospel help you accomplish each of these commandments each day? What three hypocritical practices of the Pharisees is Jesus highlighting in Matthew 6.1-18? In response, how is Jesus exhorting us to act as believers? How does Matthew 6.19-7.6 speak to believers about anxiety and worry in regard to one’s future? In the context of this passage what does Luke 6.40 mean? How does this differ from Matthew 10.24, John 15.20, 13.16 and the proverb from Luke 22.24-27? How will you apply Matthew 6.33 in response to reading these passages? Be specific and share something the Lord has convicted you of this week. What was the multitudes final assessment of Jesus’s teachings versus the scribes? Speak O LordSpeak, O Lord, as we come to YouTo receive the food of Your Holy Word.Take Your truth, plant it deep in us;Shape and fashion us in Your likeness,That the light of Christ might be seen todayIn our acts of love and our deeds of faith.Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in usAll Your purposes for Your glory.Teach us, Lord, full obedience,Holy reverence, true humility;Test our thoughts and our attitudesIn the radiance of Your purity.Cause our faith to rise; cause our eyes to seeYour majestic love and authority.Words of pow'r that can never fail—Let their truth prevail over unbelief.Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds;Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us—Truths unchanged from the dawn of timeThat will echo down through eternity.And by grace we'll stand on Your promises,And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us.Speak, O Lord, till Your church is builtAnd the earth is filled with Your glory.Life of ChristLesson 9Emphasis on RepentanceRead Mathew 8.1, 5-13, 11.2-30; Luke 7.1-50After the Sermon on the Mount, where does Jesus go, who follows him and who came to plead with him? In the Luke passage, from Capernaum, where does Jesus go next, who goes with him, what miracle does Jesus perform and how did the followers react? When John the Baptist heard about the works of Christ, what did he do? How did Jesus respond to what John did? How did all the people who heard Christ react? What was the last comment Jesus made to John’s disciples before the left? (Matthew 11)Why would cities where Jesus performed miracles receive a stricter or greater judgment than completely pagan cities who had no relationship with God at all? How do you suppose God will hold us accountable for the knowledge we have?We see a glimpse of the relationship between Jesus and the Father. Jesus lets us listen to an intimate, personal conversation He has with His Father. What do you learn about Jesus? What do you learn about God? (Matthew 11)In Luke 7.36-8.3 Jesus forgave the sins of a repentant woman who anointed his feet. What differences did Jesus point out between the actions of the woman and those of Simon the Pharisee? Luke 7.22-23 are quoted from the Old Testament (see Isaiah 35.5-6; 61.1). Why did Jesus perform these miracles at this time and then quote Isaiah to John’s followers? Read Matthew 8.5-13 and John 4.48 and compare and contrast it with Acts 13.34-48. Matthew 11.27-30, clearly states how one is saved and also the free offer of Christ. How do these work hand in hand with the grace of the gospel? A centurion’s servant was healed in the reading this week. How many men does one centurion command? How many centurions in total were featured in the New Testament who showed genuine faith and what is significant about this number in Deuteronomy 19.15? A widow’s son was raised from the dead in the reading this week. How many times did Jesus raise people from the dead as recorded in scripture? Jesus used the faith of a centurion as an example to others. Where would Christ find this level of faith in your life that he could use as a witness to others? Confrontations with the PhariseesRead Mathew 12.22-50, Mark 3.20-35, Luke 8.1-3, 19-21How does Jesus respond to the accusation of being out of his mind/satanic? What one unforgiveable sin does Jesus communicate? How can the state of every person’s heart be known?Who is in Jesus’ family? How does this apply to you?When the scribes and Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign, He responds quoting Jonah (see Jonah 1.17, 3.5-10). Why does Jesus say the men of Nineveh will rise up with the judgement against this generation? In Luke 8.19-21, to whom does Jesus extend his family? In Mark 3.28, Jesus states for the first time in the book of Mark, “Truly, I say to you…” What comes next is truthful and authoritative. List all other instances Mark records this phrase and list several authoritative statements Jesus makes afterward. What do your words reveal about your heart? Take inventory today and this week, noting where your words are not honoring to God. What practical changes can you make so that your speech shows a heart honoring God? Parables To the Crowds by the SeaRead Mathew 13.1-35, Mark 4.1-34, Luke 8.4-18The teaching of parables in these passages marked a significant turning point in Jesus’ ministry. What was the setting and the meaning of the Parable of the Soils? Why did Jesus speak in parables? What was His reason from Matthew 13?List the 4 Kingdom Parables from the reading in this section, their meaning, and what action Jesus takes in Mark 4:34? MeaningActionParable 1Parable 2Parable 3Parable 4Read John 15.1-8. How does this compare with the Parable of the Soils? What evidence is there in your life that you are a believer?Read Ezekiel 31.1-6 and Daniel 4.5-12, 20-22. What do you learn about the tree, the birds of the air nest in? What does the tree represent in each case? What do you think Jesus was implying in Matthew 13.32-33?Where do you see yourself in these parables? Are you the good seed or the bad seed? Wheat or weed? You may be surrounded by believers, and you may have learned to act the part, but has your heart been changed? Have you totally surrendered your will to His?How are you doing as a sower of seeds? Do you have any experience sowing seeds on the various soils described in the parable this section?List people by name that you are praying for their salvation. Are there others you should add to the list? Only JesusVERSE 1Father of grace, You’ve sacrificedYour only Son for us, the crucified JesusEnlarge our hearts to love Your SonO grant to us the grace to walk with Him alwaysTo make Him our great delightBringing worship with our livesCHORUSOnly Jesus! Only Jesus!Give us Jesus, we cryOnly Jesus! Only Jesus!The Pearl of greatest priceVERSE 2Spirit of grace, You’ve shed Your lightUpon our darkened eyes, unveiling Jesus ChristCome change our hearts, conform our waysTo honor Jesus’ Name, His glory our refrainLet His love compel our ownAs we worship at His throneBRIDGEJesus, our great Savior,Lord of heaven, Son of GodCHORUSOnly Jesus! Only Jesus!Give us Jesus, we cryOnly Jesus! Only Jesus!The Pearl of greatest price Life of ChristLesson 10The Parables explained to the Disciples Read Matthew 13.36-52In ten words or less, sum up the continued teachings of Christ’s about the kingdom of heaven and impending judgement spoken to the disciples.Matthew 13.44-50 illustrates different ways by which people may enter the kingdom. What are the three ways? Why is there a mixture of good and bad? What is the condition of true enjoyment?Healings and MiraclesRead Matthew 13.53, 8.18, 23-27, Mark 4.35-41, Luke 8.22-25?What did Jesus say to the wind & waves? What was the miraculous outcome? What did this further prove to the disciples?According to Mark 4.40-41, the disciples were ‘filled with great fear’ after the imminent danger of the storm had ceased. What does this reveal about their hearts?The disciples seem irritated that Jesus could sleep through a storm. Did he not care? The disciples had to wake Him to save them. In your opinion, why might have Jesus been asleep so soundly? What part of Jesus’ character does this illustrate? What can we learn from this?Digging Deeper (Optional) Where were Jesus and his disciples headed as they went across the Sea? (See Mark 5.1)?What can you discover about this region?Read Matthew 8.28-34, Mark?5.1-20, Luke 8.26-39Unlike the disciples in the boat, who do the demoniacs clearly say Jesus is?What can we understand by the demon’s witness to Christ? Does this parallel in ministry today?What was the town’s response to the healing of the demoniac men in Luke 8.37? Why and what were they rejecting???What was Jesus’ response to the healed man who begged to accompany Him after the miracle? How is this different from Jesus’ earlier commands to those He had healed? Read Matthew 9.18-26, Mark 5.21-43, Luke 8.40-56?Upon arrival in Capernaum, what was Jarius’ posture and request of Jesus? What was the women’s demeanor who had been suffering from bleeding? Make note of the similarities and differences, if any?What was Jesus’ response to the bleeding woman who courageously touched His cloak?Read Matthew 9.27-34What was the cry of the blind men as Jesus passed by? What instructions were given to the men who now had sight? Did they obey?Jesus gave the same prohibition to the demon-possessed man healed in Matthew 9.33 with the same outcome of the multitudes marveling at Jesus’ power. In light of Matthew 9.34 and Matthew 12.39, why would Jesus no longer perform miracles of healing before those who would ultimately reject Him?Considering the miracles as signs, define the lessons we can learn from the incidents of Matthew 9.18-34 about the ability of Jesus to deal with the spiritual problems of weaknesses, deadness, blindness, dumbness. Have you any of these problems that should be dealt with? Read Matthew 13.54-58, Mark?6.1-6aCompare Jesus’ final visit to Nazareth with his first teaching in the synagogue from one year prior. How where the response the same? Different? (look at your prior HW for help)What can we learn from the closing verses of Matthew 13 about the nature of prejudice? Of what can it deprive us of?It is important to understand verse Mark 6.5-6 in this passage. The Lord’s sovereign power is not rendered impotent by human unbelief. Refusal to trust in Him deprives people of the blessings of His presence and His favor. Jesus marveled at their unbelief because of missed blessings. In your own faith, where might Jesus marvel at your unbelief of Himself or some aspect of the gospel? How might you be led to repentance or prayer for growth in your faith this week?Missionary DisciplesRead Matthew 9.35-38, Mark 6.6b, Matthew 10.1-42, Mark 6.7-13, Luke 9.1-6, Matthew 11.1??What specific authority and instructions did Jesus give to his twelve disciples? Who were they to visit and what were they to preach?What was the warning given to those cities and homes who did not receive the words of the apostles? What warnings did he give the apostles?What encouragement did Jesus give his apostles?Some of the instructions given to the twelve are clearly temporary and would not apply to every situation. But what principles of Christian service can you find which are always applicable?Christ encourages his disciples not to fear. Consider and write down the reasons given in Matthew 10.26-33 to encourage confidence.Read Matthew 14.1-2, Mark 6.14-16, Luke 9.7-9When?King?Herod [Antipas], the tetrarch heard rumors about who Jesus was, what conclusion did he come to? What action did he take?Read Matthew 14.3-12, Mark 6.17-29?Who imprisoned John the Baptist and why? What was the ironic twist to his imprisonment leading to his death?Why do you think the story of John the Baptist death?is?told here, when King Herod hears rumors of Jesus?I AmThere's no space that His love can't reachThere's no place that we can't find peaceThere's no end to Amazing GraceTake me in with your arms spread wideTake me in like an orphan childNever let go, never leave my sideI amHolding on to YouI amHolding on to YouIn the middle of the stormI am holding onI am!Love like this, oh my God to find!I am overwhelmed what a joy divine!Love like this sets our hearts on fire!I amHolding on to YouI amHolding on to YouIn the middle of the stormI am holding onI am!I amHolding on to YouI amHolding on to YouIn the middle of the stormI am holding onI am!This is my resurrection songThis is my Hallelujah comeThis is why to You I runThis is my resurrection songThis is my Hallelujah comeThis is why to You I run ................

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