LESSON 3DECEMBER 19, 2021SUBJECT: Justice and RighteousnessDEVOTIONAL READING: Micah 6:1-8BACKGROUND: Isaiah 9:1-7LESSON: Isaiah 9:2-7MEMORY VERSE: Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Isaiah 9:7 NIVLESSON AIM: To show how Isaiah foretold the coming of the righteous Messiah.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEI. A TIME OF LIGHT, JOY AND VICTORY: ISAIAH 9:1-3What was the cause of the distress or vexation referred to in Isaiah 9:1? Isaiah 8:5-8, 19-22; 9:1What parts of Israel had already fallen to the Assyrians? Isaiah 9:1What promises does God give to His people even in the midst of gloom and distress? Isaiah 9:1v. 1av. 1cHow were the lives of God’s people to be brightened? Isaiah 9:2v. 2av. 2bWhy do some people love darkness?Isaiah 8:20John 3:19-20Who is the Light of the world? John 8:12What is the responsibility of those who accept the Light of the world? Matthew 5:16; Ephesians 5:8-9Define the word “Messiah” (“Christ”)?What does Isaiah prophesy that the Messiah will do for the nation of Israel when He returns? Isaiah 9:3aWhat does Isaiah compare Israel’s joy to? Isaiah 9:3bWhat does “the day of Midian” refer to in Isaiah 9:4? Judges 7:19-25What did Isaiah remind the people of Israel God had done for them in the past and will do again? Isaiah 9:4How did God deliver Israel in the time of Isaiah as He did against Midian? Isaiah 37:8-13, 33-38What three metaphors are used in Isaiah 9:4 to illustrate oppression?v. 4bv. 4cv. 4dWhat does Isaiah say will become obsolete in the time of the Messiah? Isaiah 9:5II. THE PORTRAIT OF THE MESSIAH: ISAIAH 9:6-7How does Isaiah describe the first coming of the Messiah? Isaiah 9:6abWho does “a child” and “a son” refer to in Isaiah 9:6ab? Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:26-35; 2:11What would be the responsibility of this child to born? Isaiah 9:6cWhat names (titles) are given to the Messiah (Christ)? How do these Names describe the Person and Work of Christ? Isaiah 9:6defg or 9:6defgh (King James, New King James Versions lists five names, most other Modern Versions list only four.)Most Modern VersionsKJV, NKJVHow do the titles of Christ give believers assurance, joy, and peace?How long will the new government of the Messiah last? What will accompany this government? Isaiah 9:7aWhose kingdom will the Messiah continue? Isaiah 9:7bHow will the Messiah rule? Isaiah 9:7cHow will the new government of the Messiah be accomplished? Isaiah 9:7dSUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONHow does the New Testament affirm that Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy? Matthew 1:1, 18-25; Luke 1:26-33What reason do you have to rejoice because of Christ’s birth into the world?According to this lesson what gives you hope for tomorrow?What can you do to share the joy of the coming of Christ? ................

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