
Thursday 1/15Lesson 10.1The Percent EquationHW #10.1Weekly Review #13 due tomorrowFriday 1/16Lesson10.2The Percent Equation- Part IIHW #10.2Tuesday 1/20 & Wednesday 1/21Quarterly Review & Midterm ExamThursday 1/22Lesson 10.3Using the Percent EquationTax and CommissionHW #10.3 Weekly Review #14 due tomorrowFriday 1/23Lesson 10.4Tax, Tips, and Simple InterestHW #10.4Monday 1/26Lesson 10.5Percent Increase & DecreaseHW # 10.5Tuesday 1/27Lesson 10.6Mark Ups & Mark DownsHW #10.6Wednesday 1/28Lesson 10.7ReviewHW: # 10.7Thursday 1/29Lesson 10.8ReviewHW # 10.8Weekly Review #15 due tomorrowFriday 1/30Test Unit 10 PercentsReview section on Equations & InequalitiesDo Now PagePercent Use the chart to change numbers from a fraction to a decimal to a percent. FractionDecimalPercent0.1535100Write whether each equation/question is looking for the part, percent or whole.4 is what percent of 6?What is 79% of 126?65= 30100 ?xSales tax is something we must use daily. Use your phones to look up the current tax rates for Nassau County.Nassau County Sales Tax:____________Be prepared to list items that sales tax is applied, and why most people complain about tax. Hourly Wage $8.15Work 40 hoursCommission only5% of total earningsEarned $5,000Interest Determine which will earn the most money for you. Percent of Change At a restaurant you want to leave a 20% tip. If your bill came to $41.25, how much of a tip should you leave?Markup & Markdown A student earned 85 on his first test and a 71 on his second test. What was the percent of decrease? 122555136525How much will I have to pay?Using the information from #7, if there was a markdown or discount of 20% on the selling price, how much would it cost?Per-Cent meansout of 100 A decimal and fraction are not percents, but can be turned into a percent.0.7 = _______ % 35= ________%Percent438150-30480075% means195135559055441325254635Interest can work in your favor or against you.Banks will _______ you interestYou will ________ interest if you buy something with credit.InterestAnother formula: I = PRTI= P = R = T= Interest must be ADDED onto your balance to find the total amount. Formula:Percent of change= _______________ Example 2:Last week the price of a smartphone was $200, now it’s $100. What is the percent of change?PercentOf Change438150-304800Originally a T-shirt cost $15It’s on sale for $10. What is the percent of change?Markdown = selling price – cost price Markup can also be expressed as a percentPercent markup = markuporiginalMarkup438150-304800A store purchased pencils for $0.50, but they sell them at the store for $1.25.What is the markup?Markdown = original – sale price Markdown can also be expressed as a percent. Percent markdown = markdownoriginal438150-304800MarkdownOn sale, new boots cost $55. They were originally $75. What is the markdown?Roll 2 diceWrite the number you roll as a percent. Ex:= 53%Then convert it to a fraction, decimal, and picture.PercentFractionDecimalPictureComplete the chart.PercentFractionDecimalPicture0.435150%Lesson 10.1 The Percent EquationThe Percent Equation: Finding the PartExample Problem 1 : What is 60% of 25? what = _______ OF _______Example 2: What is 8% of 7000?Finding the Percent Example Problem 1 : Use decimals to solve the problem: 20 is what percent of 50?_____ = what percent OF _____Example 2: 6 is what percent of 40?Finding the WholeExample 1: 28 is 70% of what number? _____ = _______ of what numberExample 2: 45 is 9% of what number?Mixed Practice ProblemsWhat are you finding:PartWholePercentWhat is 75% of 44? 34 is what percent of 40?What are you finding:PartWhole PercentWhat are you finding:PartWhole Percent36 is 8% of what number?What is 18% of 250? What are you finding:PartWholePercentWhat are you finding:PartWholePercent7 is what percent of 20? 54 is 90% of what number? What are you finding:PartWholePercentAt the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver, the top 8 countries got a total of 60 gold medals. Of the 60, South Korea got 6. Write and solve an equation to find what percent of the total gold medals for the top countries South Korea got. The population of Missouri is about 6 million people. This is about 2% of the population of the United States. What is the population of the United States?About 38% of the 250 million registered highway vehicles in the U.S. are motorcycles. Write and solve the percent equation to find about how many are motorcycles. Exit Ticket: 28 is 70% of what number?Are you finding the part, percent or whole?Solve I Have, Who Has ACTIVITYLesson 10.2 The Percent Equation- Part IIMixed Review:2917526345404A beginning drummer is looking for a new kit to improve his playing. Based on buyers’ reviews, which kit should he get? Show how you decided? Reflect: Do you like the method of showing buyers’ reviews (e.g., 9 of 13)? Explain.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Entrance Ticket:Is the question “190 is 10% of what number?” looking for the part, the percent or the whole? Solve. Warm Up:Write whether each question nor equation is looking for the part, the percent or the whole. Circle the portion of each statement that led you to the answer. 11=m ?50y=0.48 ?214% of what number is 12? More Practice:Solve each percent problem:11 is what percent of 50?25 is 4% of what number?What is 40% of 60? Which of the following is/are true?7 is 50% of 1428 is 14% of 2006 is 40% of 1440% of 35 is 14I onlyII onlyIII and IVI, II, and IVA hairdresser is paid $7.50 per hour. After a year, he is to receive an 8% raise. Is the information in the letter correct? Explain.Suppose your friend has given you a gift certificate for a haircut. After the haircut, you want to leave an appropriate tip for the hairdresser. The receptionist says you should leave exactly $3 if you want to tip 20% of the price of the haircut. What was the price of the haircut? Quarterly 2 ReviewYou MAY use a calculator on this section:Mrs. Ross needs to buy dish soap. There are four differently sized containers. BrandPriceLots of Suds$0.90 for 8 ozBright Wash$1.30 for 12 ozSpotless Soap$3.10 for 20 ozLemon Bright$3.40 for 40 oz Which brand costs the least per ounce?A) Lots of SudsB) Bright WashC) Spotless SoapD) Lemon BrightSolve and check: -5(x – 10) = -35Write the following as a unit rate: meters in seconds. A car travels 24 miles in 7 hours. What is the car’s average rate, to the nearest tenth, in miles per hour?Simplify: 10x – (4 + 2x)You want to spend at most $12 on a carriage ride. The driver tells you there is an initial charge of $5 plus $0.50 per mile. Write and solve an inequality to find out how many miles you can ride. Interpret the solution.The number of pages Tony reads varies directly. If he reads 22 pages during a 30-minute study hall, how many pages would he read in 45 minutes? What is 45 as a decimal? Is it terminating or repeating?Mark spent 1/3 of an hour practicing piano. He then spent 1? hours practicing the flute. How much longer did he spend practicing the flute than the piano? (A) (B) (C) (D) Matilda needs at least $112 to buy a new dress. She has already saved $40. She earns $9 an hour babysitting. Write and solve an inequality to find how many hours she will need to babysit to buy the dress. Interpret the solution.A dress requires of a yard of fabric to make. How many dresses can be made from 50 yards?3072765278130Based on the graph, is the number of cakes proportional to the number of hours?What is the constant rate of change based on the following table?Pictures, x345CakesProfit, y242832Simplify the expression: 3a 2 + 5a 7 Solve: 38n+620=-14Simplify the expression –3(4x – 7)Simplify the expression: (–x + 12) + (–4x + 2)What is the result when the expression (2x – 8) is subtracted from (–x + 4)?Kelly made six batches of cookies. Her friends asked her to make an extra batch. She used 1714 cups of sugar and needs another 78 cups for the extra batch. How many cups of sugar will Kelly use altogether?Solve and graph: –2w + 5 ≤ –5It costs $12 to go to the movies and $3 for every refreshment. Write and solve an inequality to determine how many refreshments can you buy at the movie theater if you have $30 to spend.Lesson 10.3 Using the Percent Equation- Sales Tax, TipsA movie studio sets two offers in front of a movie star to act in a blockbuster upcoming action flick. The star can choose only one offer.Make a case for accepting each offer. Then explain which offer you would choose.190501390654098925139065Reflect: Which offer has a constant of proportionality? Try it out: If the ticket sales were $200 million dollars, which would be the better deal?Key Ideas:CommissionSales Tax-64579512446030727651244603684905158750Sales Tax Example: A soccer team is having dinner at a restaurant to celebrating their winning season. The frazzled waiter gives them an incomplete bill. Help the team fill in the missing amounts.Tips are calculated similarly to taxes. Supposed the team brought a total of $175 to pay for dinner. Do they have enough money to tip the waiter 18% of the subtotal? Explain. 3) Commission Example: At a car dealership, a car salesman is trying to sell a car to his client. His commission rate is 6%How much would the salesman earn on each car?How much would the car dealership make on each car? -933451301754) At a real estate agency, a real estate agent sold a house for $345,000. Her commission rate is 3%a. How much did the real estate agent earn on the house?b. How much did the seller make on the house? Practice Problem:Taylor has a new sales job at a clothing store. She is given two options for how to be paid.363351834937Let’s discuss: What information would you need to know?Which option would give Taylor more earnings per week?Explain. OMIT!Lesson 10.4 Sales Tax, Tips and Simple InterestModel Problem: How do I find the cost with tax?A down jacket costs $60 on sale. Sales tax is 5%. You can find the total cost including sales tax using two methods:Use the percent equation_______your tax onto the______________________________Use the percent equation You try: What is the total cost, with 6% sales tax, of a $150 pair of boots? Show your work.How much would you owe at the store if you bought a jacket for $27.50 and a hat for $10 with 5% sales tax? 3814445-629920Model Problem: Finding the total bill with tip You eat a restaurant and the bill, including tax is $20. You leave a tip that is 15% of the $20. Find the total cost,, including the tip.You try: Complete the blanks to solve the problem:You spend $15 on a meal including tax and want to leave a tip that is 20% of the $15. What is the total cost, with the tip?How much is a 20% tip on a family’s meal that costs $80. What is the total cost, with tip?Formula: I = PRTModel Problem: Simple Interest I = P = R = T = A computer costs $350, including tax. To have a year to pay for it, the total cost would include 12% simple interest. What is the total cost including interest?-7620092075-4133850187325You try: A television for your bedroom costs $400, including tax. What is the total cost of the television with 15% simple interest for one year? Lesson 10.5 Percent Increase & Percent Decrease1054100350520Two friends argue about which of their little town’s populations grew the most between 2000 and 2009.Which do you think tells more about the growth of a town- percent increase in population or increase in number of people?Key Idea: You can use a percent to describe how much something has increased or decreased.Model Problem: Percent Increase1278255177800You try: 984885571500A pet frog measures 51 mm in body length while sitting. Its body length extends to 89mm while jumping. Find the approximate percent increase in body length of the frog from sitting to jumping. What does it mean for a quantity to increase by 100%? Explain. Model Problem: Percent DecreaseThe forcer of gravity on the Moon is different from the force of gravity on Earth. This means that an object has a different weight on the Moon than it does on Earth. By what percent does an astronaut’s weight decrease on the Moon? 379730055245361569067945You Try: Every 10 years, the U.S. government takes a census, or survey, of the population. One possible result of changes in population is that the number of U.S. representatives for a state may change. Find the approximate percent of decrease in the number of representatives for Michigan.93.3%6.7%1%0.07%-706120148590202755524765Lesson 10.6 Markups & MarkdownsA sporting goods store holds a storewide clearance sale. The boxing ads show the following items. Order the ads from best deal to worse deal. Explain.23031454445MarkupMarkdown581640509233822752681percent markup= markupcost4119833097111005852681percent markdown= markdownselling priceMarkups:What is the percent markup for each item? Round to the nearest percent.99377560325Airlines usually increase the price of their plane tickets as the day of the flight gets closer. What is the percent markup for the plane ticket below?Base cost: $310Selling price $550Concert halls change the price for concert tickets depending on the performer. What is the selling price for the concert ticket below?Base cost: $20Percent markup 90%428879025400Markdowns:Five years ago, a furniture store bought sofas for $835 each. What is the greatest whole percent that the manager can decrease the price of the sofa without losing money? Each month at an electronics store, new televisions come in. The store manager puts older televisions on sale. What is the percent markdown on the television below?Selling price: $250Sale price: $200Mixed Review:2365375429260Relax Yoga Store buys yoga mats for $15 each. The store has a sale the following week. Does the store still make a profit on each mat during the sale? If so, how much of a profit? Lesson 10.7 Review for TestVocabulary ReviewCommissionThe percent that a quantity increases from its original amount.TaxCalculated using percents on the amount in a bank account. Percent of IncreaseThe difference between the original price of an item and the sale price. MarkupCalculated by taking the percent of the price of that item.Simple InterestThe difference between the selling price of an item and the original cost.MarkdownAn amount paid to a sale agent, computed as a percent of total sales. 30% of what number is 81?Which choice represents the correct equation for:What number is 60% of 240?x = 60(24) 60= 240xx = (.60)240 .60 = 240xUse your choice to find the answer. Jordan bought a jacket for $75. It was on sale for 25% off. How much did Jordan pay for his jacket on sale? Complete the tableFractionDecimalPercent.52Kenny ate breakfast with his friend, Jason, and wanted to leave the waitress a 20% tip. The meal costs $28.50. How much money should Kenny leave for the tip? Explain how Kenny could figure out how much tip to leave without using his calculator. Show any work needed to help you explain. How much should he tip? Explanation:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tip: $_____________Zach bought a pair of jeans for $54. The next week he noticed that the price for the same pair of jeans was now $74. Find the percent of change to the nearest whole percent. Jake bought a new pair of soccer cleats for $59.99. The sales tax is 6.5%. What is the total cost that Jake will pay?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mini QuizSolve 6x-3 = -33Find the amount of sales tax.Selling PriceSales Tax RateSales Tax$1208.6%Find the amount of interest given the following information. The money will be kept in the bank for 2 years. The rate is 5% and the principal amount is $2000. 15 is what percent of 40? Round to the nearest percent. Lesson 10.8 Review for TestUnit 9 Study GuideQuestionCorrect AnswerRound 1Round 2Explain the parts of the percent equation. 1) 2 1 02 1 02. Solve. Show work45% of 602) 2 1 02 1 0True or False:Tax is ADDED to your total amount. 3) 2 1 0 1 04. Write this sentence as an equation:is 50% of 244) 2 1 02 1 05. What is the formula for interest? 5) 2 1 0 1 06. What is markup? How much markup is a $15 shirt, now on sale for $5.6) 2 1 0 2 1 07. What is commission and who would earn it?7) 2 1 0 2 1 0What is 85% of 15?Aiden says that 90% of the birds he was looking at were robins. If 15 were robins, how many birds was he looking at?Is he looking for the part, whole or percent?Find his answer.If you buy a T-shirt for $10.50 and a candy bar for $0.99, how much will you owe if there is an 8% sales tax?Write the percent equation with all parts listed. Using the interest formula, if Tom has $500 in the bank and plans to keep it there for 2 years, and his bank earns him 2% interest, how much interest will he earn after 2 years?What is the percent markup for the example problem above in #6. If Sal earns a commission of 4% on his sales, and he sold $5000, how much commission did he earn? ................

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