The following Grade 10, 11 and 12 Lesson Plans were developed by Subject Advisors during May 2009. Teachers are requested to look at them, modify them where necessary to suit their contexts and resources. It must be remembered that Lesson Plans are working documents, and any comments to improve the lesson plans in this document will be appreciated. Teachers are urged to use this document with the following departmental policy documents: Subject Statement; LPG 2008; SAG 2008; Examination Guidelines 2009 and Provincial CASS Policy / Guidelines.

Lesson planning is the duty of each and every individual teacher but it helps when teachers sometimes plan together as a group. This interaction not only helps teachers to understand how to apply the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) but also builds up the confidence of the teachers in handling the content using new Teacher strategies.

It must please be noted that in order to help teachers who teach across grades and subjects, an attempt has been made to standardise lesson plan templates and thus the new template might not resemble the templates used in each subject during the NCS training. However, all the essential elements of a lesson plan have been retained. This change has been made to assist teachers and lighten their administrative load.

Please note that these lesson plans are to be used only as a guide to complete the requirements of the Curriculum Statements and the work schedules and teachers are encouraged to develop their own learner activities to supplement and /or substitute some of the activities given here (depending on the school environment, number and type of Learner in your class, the resources available to your Learner, etc).

Do not forget to build in the tasks for the Programme of Assessment into your Lesson Plans.

Strengthen your efforts by supporting each other in clusters and share ideas. Good Luck with your endeavours to improve Teacher, Learning and Assessment.

| |


|TOPIC : Factors of Production |


|Natural resources, e.g. land and the environment, labour, capital, the entrepreneur (characteristics, importance and remuneration). |

|Community participation in local economic planning and activities, access of economically marginalised groups (e.g. empowerment and procurement |

|INTEGRATION: 11.2.2., 11.1.4. & 11.2.1. |

|Learning Outcome 1: Macro-economics. |Learning Outcome 2: Micro-economics |Learning outcome 3: Economic Pursuits: |Learning Outcome 4: Contemporary Economic Issues: |

|The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, critical |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |

|understanding and application of the principles, |understanding and the appropriate skills in |understanding and critical awareness of the policies |understanding and critical awareness, and apply a range of|

|processes and practices of the economy. |analysing the dynamics of markets. |and practices underpinning the improvement of the |skills in dealing with contemporary economic issues. |

| | |standard of living. | |

|11.1.1. Analyse the factors of production and their |X |11.2.1. Analyse the relationships between markets and| |11.3.1. Discuss the |

|remunerations, and investigate community participation | |illuminate them with the aid of graphs. | |wealth creation |

|initiatives and access of economically marginalised | | | |process and patterns |

|groups. | | | |of distribution, and |

| | | | |relate them to |

| | | | |economic growth and |

| | | | |the standard of |

| | | | |living. |

|(Prior knowledge assessment) |- discuss amongst themselves where to put stickers| | | |

|- Puts an unlabeled circular flow diagram on the |on business cycle | |-Oral responses | |

|chalkboard and issue out different labeled stickers to |- explain their choices in putting stickers. | |-Baseline | |

|learner groups | |Chart, Blackboard & stickers (labeled) |-Group/ peer assessment | |

|- Explaining & summarizing the FoP & their |-listen attentively, taking notes & asking | |-Oral responses | |

|remunerations |questions |-Chalkboard & textbook |-Group/ peer assessment | |

|-Explain natural resources : |listening actively & note taking | |c/work | |

|Characteristics | | |h/work | |

|Remunerations | |chalkboard/ OHP |individual | |

|Economic rent |- Answering & marking c/works |Textbook | | |

|Supply price | | | | |

|Commercial rent | | | | |

|give class- & homework | | | | |

|Review yesterday’s lesson through questions & answers |oral answering of questions |chalkboard |- Individuals, oral answering of | |

|(clarify) | | |questions | |

|provide charts which show importance of natural |-brainstorming in groups & responding by giving |-charts & chalkboard | | |

|resources (sustenance of economic activity & enrichment|answers and explain. | |-Groups/peers | |

|of lives) |Identify which NR were used to produce those | | | |

|-Explain the importance of NR & give summary |products |- chalkboard & Textbook |- groups/ peers | |

| |-listening actively & taking notes | | | |

|-Guide learners in marking h/work |- marking h/work | | | |

|-Explain labour : |listening actively & note taking | |c/work | |

|Characteristics | | |h/work | |

|Remunerations |-Answering & marking c/works |chalkboard/ OHP |individual | |

|- | |Textbook | | |

|give class- & homework | | | | |

|Review yesterday’s lesson through questions & answers |oral answering of questions |chalkboard |- Individuals, oral answering of | |

|(clarify) | | |questions | |

| |-Brainstorming in groups & responding by giving |charts & chalkboard |Groups/peers | |

|-Provide charts which show importance of labour: |answers and explain. | | | |

| |Identify & explain kinds of labour | | | |

|quality |-listening actively & taking notes | | | |

| | | | | |

|-quantity |15marking h/work |- chalkboard & Textbook |-groups/ peers | |

| | | | | |

|-Explain the importance of NR & give summary | | | | |

| | | | | |

|-Guide learners in marking h/work | | | | |

|-Explain capital : |listening actively & note taking |chalkboard/ OHP |c/work | |

|Characteristics | |-Textbook |h/work | |

|Remunerations |- Answering & marking c/works | |individual | |

| | | | | |

|give class- & homework | | | | |

|Review yesterday’s lesson through questions & answers |Oral answering of questions |chalkboard |- Individuals, oral answering of | |

|(clarify) |- brainstorming in groups and giving answers |-chalkboard & chart |questions | |

|-Provide charts with importance of entrepreneur |-listening actively & taking notes |chalkboard |Groups/peers | |

|Explain importance of capital & give summary |- marking h/work |- chalkboard & Textbook |Groups/peers | |

|-Guide learners in marking h/work | | |- groups/ peers | |

|-Explain capital : |listening actively & note taking |-chalkboard/ OHP |c/work | |

|Characteristics |- Answering & marking c/work |Textbook |h/work | |

|Entrepreneur | | |individual | |

|give class- & homework (with guidance) | | | | |

|Review yesterday’s lesson through questions & answers |Oral answering of questions |-chalkboard |- Individuals, oral answering of | |

|(clarify) |- brainstorming in groups & responding by giving | |questions | |

|Provide chart showing economic importance of |answers in presentation |-chalkboard |Groups/peers | |

|entrepreneur (job- & wealth creation, etc) |-listening actively & taking notes |-charts | | |

|Explain importance of entrepreneur & give summary |- marking h/work | |-groups/ peers | |

|Guide learners in marking h/work | |chalkboard & Textbook | | |

|Constitution : | # brainstorming ideas as groups & giving oral |= Act 108/96 |- baseline | |

|*What is it? |presentations |(particular reference to Chapter 2 thereof on right |* groups, | |

|* why do we have it? | |to vote) |*oral presentation | |

|(Explain this in RSA context, highlighting 1994 era | |= chalkboard | | |

|* Explain RSA community participation in the economy | |= newspaper articles |individual question & answer method| |

|through e.g. voting, public hearings, CBO’s ward comms,|# active listening, interaction through questions | |homework on status quo with regards| |

|e |& responses | |to participation of community in | |

| | | |the economy. | |

|Explain the current status quo with reference to |# marking of h/work 7 discussing |Textbook |homework | |

|economic participation |# active listening |Textbook | | |

|List econ marginalized groups (categories) |Actively listening & interaction through responses|BBEEA | | |

|Why are they marginalized? |& questions |EEA (Equity Act) |Project (submitted end term) | |

|RSA government’s endeavors to eliminate inaccessibility| | | | |

|to economy | | | | |

| |

|Homework: |

| |

|Enrichment/Expanded Opportunities: |

| |

|Teacher Reflections: |


______________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________


| |


|TOPIC : Economic goods and services |


|Final consumption expenditure (C) (Definition, Composition and Importance) |

|Consumption expenditure by general government (G) (Definition, Classification and Importance) |

|Gross fixed capital formation (I) (Definition, Classification and Importance) |

|Import and Export (M and X) (Definition, Composition and Importance), |

|The main aggregates (GDP (P), GDP (E), GDP (I)). |

|The main aggregates (GDP (P), GDP (E), GDP (I)). |

|INTEGRATION: 11.2.2., 11.1.4. & 11.2.1. |

|Learning Outcome 1: Macro-economics. |Learning Outcome 2: Micro-economics |Learning outcome 3: Economic Pursuits: |Learning Outcome 4: Contemporary Economic Issues: |

|The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, critical |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |

|understanding and application of the principles, |understanding and the appropriate skills in |understanding and critical awareness of the policies |understanding and critical awareness, and apply a range of|

|processes and practices of the economy. |analysing the dynamics of markets. |and practices underpinning the improvement of the |skills in dealing with contemporary economic issues. |

| | |standard of living. | |

|11.1.1. Analyse the factors of production and their | |11.2.1. Analyse the relationships between markets and| |11.3.1. Discuss the |

|remunerations, and investigate community participation | |illuminate them with the aid of graphs. | |wealth creation |

|initiatives and access of economically marginalised | | | |process and patterns |

|groups. | | | |of distribution, and |

| | | | |relate them to |

| | | | |economic growth and |

| | | | |the standard of |

| | | | |living. |

|(Prior knowledge assessment) |- branstorm in groups the differences between |Chart, Blackboard & stickers newspaper articles |Baseline | |

|Free goods and economic goods. |economic and free goods and goods and services. | | | |

| |Examples of the above are given as well. | | | |

|A brief overview of the uses of economic goods and |-listen attentively, taking notes & asking |-Chalkboard & textbook |-Oral responses | |

|services is given under the following headings: |questions |Mind maps |-Group/ peer assessment | |

|Final consumption expenditure (C) |Listening and taking notes. |Textbooks |Tables | |

|Consumption expenditure by general government (G) |Asking and answering questions |Newspaper articles |Graphs | |

|Gross fixed capital formation (I) |Drawing GDP(E) equation i.e. |Journal articles |Calculations | |

|Import and exports (M and X) |GDP(E) = C + G+ I + (X – M) |Internet | | |

|Discusses final consumption expenditure (C) under the | | | | |

|following headings: |In groups learners read and discuss final | | | |

|Definition |consumption expenditure. Read newspaper and | | | |

|Composition |journal articles related to consumption. | | | |

|Importance | | | | |

| |

|Homework: |

| |

|Enrichment/Expanded Opportunities: |

| |

|Teacher Reflections: |


______________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________


| |


|TOPIC : South Africa’s mixed economy |


|The market economy (characteristics, advantages and disadvantages) |

|The centrally planned economy (characteristics, advantages and disadvantages) |

|South Africa’s mixed economy (characteristics, advantages and disadvantages) |

|Efficiency in delivering socioeconomic services, e.g. social services, economic services and international competitiveness. |

|INTEGRATION: 11.2.1, 11.1.4, 11.2.2. |

|Learning Outcome 1: Macro-economics. |Learning Outcome 2: Micro-economics |Learning outcome 3: Economic Pursuits: |Learning Outcome 4: Contemporary Economic Issues: |

|The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, critical |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |

|understanding and application of the principles, |understanding and the appropriate skills in |understanding and critical awareness of the policies |understanding and critical awareness, and apply a range of|

|processes and practices of the economy. |analysing the dynamics of markets. |and practices underpinning the improvement of the |skills in dealing with contemporary economic issues. |

| | |standard of living. | |

|11.1.1. Analyse the factors of production and their | |11.2.1. Analyse the relationships between markets and| |11.3.1. Discuss the |

|remunerations, and investigate community participation | |illuminate them with the aid of graphs. | |wealth creation |

|initiatives and access of economically marginalised | | | |process and patterns |

|groups. | | | |of distribution, and |

| | | | |relate them to |

| | | | |economic growth and |

| | | | |the standard of |

| | | | |living. |

|Baseline questions around systems. |Learners brainstorm and answer questions. |Duster, chalk -board, chalk, charts, etc. |Baseline, Practicals | |

| | | |C/W, H/W | |

| |Listening and taking notes | | | |

|Explaining different systems e.g. by referring to | | | | |

|digestive system, brake system, etc, then link this | | | | |

|with economic system | | | | |

| | |learners’ books, charts chalkboard , pens, Koki pens,| | |

| |Listening and taking notes and each group to be | | | |

|Tabulate, classify and explain features of economic |allocated the system to identify its features. | | | |

|systems. |Relating each characteristic in the South African | | | |

| |context by giving services rendered in their | | | |

|Explaining characteristics of each economic system. |locality. | | | |

| |Debate among themselves the advantages and |Case studies Textbooks, Govt reports, Business | | |

| |disadvantages of economic systems and suggest what|journals, TV, News papers, internet | | |

| |role individual and government can play in | | | |

|Provide a case study for discussions, and then |improving the economy | | | |

|consolidate learner’s debates on advantages and | | | | |

|disadvantages of each economic system. |Taking notes and doing assessment as groups by | | | |

| |brainstorming socio-economic services in relation | | | |

| |with what is happening to their communities. | | | |

| | | |Assignment | |

| | | | | |

|Highlighting by giving practical examples of efficiency| | | | |

|in delivering socio-economic services (RDP, GEAR | | | | |

|,Monetary and Fiscal policies) | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |

|Homework: |

| |

|Enrichment/Expanded Opportunities: |

| |

|Teacher Reflections: |


______________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________


| |


|TOPIC : Economic structure of South Africa |


|􀂃 Primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector, energy, transport and communication as important components of the South African infrastructure (infuse in the analyses: exclusion, discrimination in service, |

|economic provisioning, and access to economic opportunity). |

|INTEGRATION: 11.2.1 ,11.1.3 , 11.2.2 |

|Learning Outcome 1: Macro-economics. |Learning Outcome 2: Micro-economics |Learning outcome 3: Economic Pursuits: |Learning Outcome 4: Contemporary Economic Issues: |

|The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, critical |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |

|understanding and application of the principles, |understanding and the appropriate skills in |understanding and critical awareness of the policies |understanding and critical awareness, and apply a range of|

|processes and practices of the economy. |analysing the dynamics of markets. |and practices underpinning the improvement of the |skills in dealing with contemporary economic issues. |

| | |standard of living. | |

|11.1.1. Analyse the factors of production and their | |11.2.1. Analyse the relationships between markets and| |11.3.1. Discuss the |

|remunerations, and investigate community participation | |illuminate them with the aid of graphs. | |wealth creation |

|initiatives and access of economically marginalised | | | |process and patterns |

|groups. | | | |of distribution, and |

| | | | |relate them to |

| | | | |economic growth and |

| | | | |the standard of |

| | | | |living. |

|Request learners to bring different pictures of |Learners bring pictures to the class. |Duster, chalk board, chalk, wall chart, learners’ |Practical | |

|products in the classroom. | |books, pens, Koki pens, |Exercise | |

|Ask learners to group and paste picture according to |Grouping and pasting pictures according to | |Group | |

|sectors. |different sectors. | |Peer | |

| | | | | |

|Elaborating and analyzing primary, secondary and |Listening attentively, asking questions and taking| |Role play/ | |

|tertiary industries in the South African context. |notes. | |Simulation | |

|Explaining contribution of the various sectors into the| |Data based questions | | |

|GDP, using data response questions. | | | | |

|Analyzing energy, transport and communications in |Learners answer questions using data questions |Pictures(Products) | | |

|relation to production and provision in the primary, |provided. | | | |

|secondary and tertiary sectors. | | | | |

| |Listening and taking notes, using pictures to | | | |

|Highlighting and elaborating the exclusion and |identify locality of manufacturers, identifying |Note Books, News papers, excursion, | | |

|discrimination, infusion of economic provision and |means by which products reach the final consumer. | | | |

|access to economic opportunities. | | | | |

| |Listening, taking notes and identifying | | | |

| |opportunities relevant to their communities | | | |

| |compared to those available to the South African | | | |

| |economy. | | | |

| | | | |

|Homework: | | | |

| | | | |

|Enrichment/Expanded Opportunities: | | | |

| | | | |

|Teacher Reflections: | | | |


______________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________


| |



|CONTENT; Relationship of markets with the aid of graphs. Prices, Demand and Supply, Product and factor market, Perfect and imperfect markets. |

|INTEGRATION: 11.2.2 , 11.1.4,11.1.3 |

|Learning Outcome 1: Macro-economics. |Learning Outcome 2: Micro-economics |Learning outcome 3: Economic Pursuits: |Learning Outcome 4: Contemporary Economic Issues: |

|The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, critical |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |The learner is able to demonstrate knowledge, |

|understanding and application of the principles, |understanding and the appropriate skills in |understanding and critical awareness of the policies |understanding and critical awareness, and apply a range of|

|processes and practices of the economy. |analysing the dynamics of markets. |and practices underpinning the improvement of the |skills in dealing with contemporary economic issues. |

| | |standard of living. | |

|11.1.1. Analyse the factors of production and their | |11.2.1. Analyse the relationships between markets and|X |11.3.1. Discuss the |

|remunerations, and investigate community participation | |illuminate them with the aid of graphs. | |wealth creation |

|initiatives and access of economically marginalised | | | |process and patterns |

|groups. | | | |of distribution, and |

| | | | |relate them to |

| | | | |economic growth and |

| | | | |the standard of |

| | | | |living. |

|Baseline assessment by giving learners demand and |Plotting demand and supply curves on the graphs |Duster, chalk |Baseline | |

|supply schedules to plot curves on the graphs. |using schedules given. |board, | | |

| | |chalk, chart |Class work/Homework | |

|Consolidation of work given to learners to explain | |learners’ books, pens, Graph books, schedules ,etc |Class work/Homework | |

|further showing the relationship between markets with |Participating actively by asking questions and | |Classwork | |

|an aid of graphs. |doing corrections. | | | |

| | | |Short test | |

|Showing and explaining the relationship between demand| | | | |

|and supply by use of graphs |Listening attentively and taking notes. |Papers, Name tags, charts, etc |CONTROLLED TEST (LO1) | |

| | | | | |

|Analyzing and providing materials and rules for | | | | |

|simulation to show how demand and supply are affected |Using material provided to do simulation | | | |

|by Prices, substitutes, complements etc. (shifting of |activities (regarding themselves as buyers and | | | |

|demand and supply curves). |sellers i.e. market oriented activities) | | | |

| | | | | |

|Giving feedback regarding to observation from the | | | | |

|activities done. |Taking notes, others reporting about what they | | | |

| |have observed and learned. | | | |

|Explaining perfect and imperfect markets by presenting | | | | |

|characteristics and reasons of each . | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Listening ,participating by asking questions and | | | |

| |taking notes | | | |

| | | | | |

| |

|Homework: |

| |

|Enrichment/Expanded Opportunities: |

| |

|Teacher Reflections: |


______________________________ ________________ _____________________________ ____________



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