
Business Report CBA – 2nd Yr.Business DetailsBrand Name:Mission Statement:Product or ServiceDescription of Product or Service:USP:Market Research (desk & field) questionnaire (Microsoft Forms, interview, internet, focus group/ask at home (have something different!!)Marketing Mix: type the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) what you think they will be before research….. share the word document in MS Teams so all can add/change doc.YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH!!!Research Methods: (purpose of research? Why did you choose these methods?Sources of Information: (Is it reliable, why? Is it Biased, why?What information did YOU find out?How will this CHANGE the 4 Ps /what ACTION to take next?GROUP RESEARCH??Research Findings: results, %, charts- LABEL CHARTS….EXPLAIN RESULTS!!Explain results/answers to questions asked:Based on results what has to change? (product features, price, place, promotion)ACTION PLAN (based on results)/steps to achieve change in Marketing Mix/4 Ps?: DATES?Target Market:Main Competitors:Promotion(advertising/social media, posters/sales promotions):Price (include costings, competitors, customer surveys, % mark-up, breakeven point, profit):Place (channel of distribution/direct?)Where will the product be sold?:Logo(description & image):Packaging/ingredients: Give images!!Fixed AssetsPremises: school, homeEquipment: printer, telephone, internet, PCOther: Total Cost:FinanceExisting Loans: Amount of Funding Required: All reports should include the following: ? Introduction to the report outlining the option chosen by the student ? Evidence of student research with references/sources of information ? Student reflection on the reliability of their research ? An analysis and evaluation of the research findings with tabular and/or graphic representations ? Conclusions and/or recommendations made on the basis of the analysis and evaluation The report should include support materials such as graphic representations and/or tables. The report could include financial accounts, surveys, interview questions, images, photographs and/or infographics where possible. The student may also choose to include prototypes or artefacts depending on their choice of CBA. Conclusions: Based on aims (did you achieve them?)1.2.3.Recommendations: did it go well/not/why?/what to change for future? (Research)Appendices e.g. photographs, prototypes, financial accounts, images, research – questionnaire, interview questions etc. ................

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