NRECA Market Research sample survey

RENEWABLE ENERGY PERSPECTIVES SURVEYFINALINTRODUCTION:Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling on behalf of [Co-op Name], your electric service provider. They have asked us to conduct a confidential survey with co-op members about renewable energy, specifically solar energy. As a cooperative member, you have a say in how your co-op is run. Let me assure you, we are not selling anything. Our survey will take about 10 minutes. May I continue now? [If hesitant, please offer the following option.] If you would like to first verify the legitimacy of this survey with [Co-op Name] (Phone # 555-555-5555), I would be happy to schedule a convenient time to call you back.[ ] Yes … Continue[ ] No … When would be a more convenient time for me to call back?Date to call: ___________ Time to call: ____________ (Eastern time)How long have you received your electric service from [Co-op Name]?[ ]1 Less than 1 year[ ]3 3 to 5 years[ ]5 11 to 14 years[ ]7 20 years or more[ ]2 1 to 2 years[ ]4 6 to 10 years[ ]6 15 to 19 years[ ]8 Don’t Know/RefusedUsing a 10-point scale where 1 is “very dissatisfied” and 10 is “very satisfied,” how satisfied overall would you say you are with [Co-op Name]? Very Dissatisfied12345678910Very Satisfied The following statements describe how some consumers feel about various aspects of energy. For each statement, please use a 10-point scale again, where 1 means you “strongly disagree” and 10 means you “strongly agree”. (Randomize After Q4) ? Strongly Strongly Disagree……..…….……………………….AgreeRenewable energy sources like wind or solar are important for utilities to enhance their power supply.12345678910Integrating more renewable energy will create new jobs.12345678910Climate change is real, but is a cyclical process that the planet goes through and is out of our control.12345678910The threat of climate change is overstated. 12345678910I am concerned about protecting the environment, even if it costs me more. 12345678910Combating global warming and climate change motivates me to use less electricity.12345678910I deal with way too many gadgets; I would prefer things simpler.12345678910I like doing business on the Internet because I am not limited to regular business hours and don’t have to leave home.12345678910Which one of the following four opinions comes closest to your own personal view, even if none are exactly correct? [ ] Climate change is a serious problem caused by mankind[ ] Climate change is a natural occurring phenomenon[ ] Climate change is due to a combination of natural and manmade causes[ ] Climate change is not a major problemAre you willing to pay higher energy bills in order to reduce CO2 emissions?[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t KnowShould electric utilities obtain electricity from renewable sources even if they cost more than current generation sources?[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t KnowIf electricity from renewable energy sources was not available at the same rates you are paying now, how much would you be willing to pay to get more of your electricity from renewable resources such as wind, solar, landfill, biomass, etc.?? (Start with highest amount and continue until one is chosen.) □$20 more per month □$15 more per month □$10 more per month □$5 more per month □$3 more □Nothing more per monthHow actively do you feel [Co-op Name] is addressing the use of renewable energy sources? Please use a 1 to 5 scale where 1 means “the co-op is not doing much at all” and 5 means they are “very actively addressing renewable energy.”Not doing much at all 12345 Very actively addressingHave you ever considered installing solar panels on your home? [ ] Yes[ ] No(If Q16=yes) Do you currently have solar panels installed at your home? [ ] Yes (Skip to Q19)[ ] No(If Q17=no) How likely are you to purchase a solar panel system for your home? Would you say you definitely/probably will, you may or may not, or you probably or definitely will not?[ ]5 Definitely Would [ ]4 Probably Would [ ]3 Might or Might Not [ ]2 Probably Would Not [ ]1 Definitely Would Not[Co-op Name] is researching the possibility of investing in a community solar project, sometimes referred to as a “solar farm”, where they would build and maintain a large solar site at a central location. Members who want to participate would pay one upfront cost to purchase the electric output from one or more panels. Have you heard of community solar projects before? [ ] Yes[ ] No Would you like to see [Co-op Name] install a community solar project? [ ] Yes[ ] No [ ] Don’t KnowHow likely would you be to purchase a solar panel that is a part of a community solar project? Let’s assume your upfront cost could be from $1,200 to $1,600 and you would receive a monthly energy credit. The approximate output of a panel is about 500 kWh a year. At today’s rates, that would be about $50 a year in energy credits. Would you definitely/probably purchase a panel, may or may not, or probably or definitely not?[ ]5 Definitely Would [ ]4 Probably Would [ ]3 May or May Not [ ]2 Probably Not [ ]1 Definitely Not[ ]6 Don’t KnowHow likely would you be to purchase a solar panel if you could finance the $1200 to $1600 over a three year period with a reasonable market interest rate?[ ]5 Definitely Would [ ]4 Probably Would [ ]3 Might or might not [ ]2 Probably Would Not [ ]1 Definitely Would Not [ ]6 Don’t KnowPeople who have installed solar panels on their property or participate in community solar projects typically give a couple different reasons for doing it. Some say that financial rewards were the most important factor, while others say that helping the environment was the most important factor. If you could only pick ONE, which of those two would be the most important factor in your case? [ ] Finances, the most important factor [ ] Environment, the most important factor [ ] Neither/wouldn’t participate[ ] DK/NA/Refused Where do you get information on solar energy? Where have you read or heard about it? (Record verbatim – do not read choices) _______________________________________[ ] Newspapers [ ] Television [ ] Online[ ] Nowhere/not interested[ ] DK/NA/Refused How much does your monthly electric bill affect your household budget? Is it…□An extremely serious issue □Somewhat serious issue □Not much of an issue □Not an issue at all Over the past 12 months, have you run into any trouble paying your electric bill on time?□Yes □NoDEMOGRAPHICSThank you for your responses. Your opinions are very important to [Co-op Name]. There are just a few final questions that are used only for classification purposes. This information is completely confidential.What is the primary energy source used in heating your home? ?1 Electricity?3 Propane Gas?5 Wood?2 Natural gas ?4 Fuel Oil?6 Other ______________________ What is your average monthly electric bill? ?1 $50 or less?3 $101 - $150?5 $201 to $250 (bill3)?2 $51 - $100 ?4 $151 - $200 ?6 $251 to $300?7 Over $300Into which category does your age fall??1 Under 30?3 40 to 49?5 60 to 69?2 30 to 39 ?4 50 to 59?6 70 or olderWhat is your current employment status? [Read list][ ]1 Work Full-time[ ]2 Work part-time[ ]3 At home full-time family care giver[ ]4 Retired[ ]5 Not employed, student[ ]6 Not employed, not looking[ ]7 Not employed but looking[ ]8 No answer/refusedDo you have any comments for [Co-op Name]? _________________________Pre-coded geographic areas from co-op database/member files: _________________ [DO NOT ASK][DO NOT ASK] Gender: ?1 Male. ?2 Female.Thank you for your time and cooperation. It is very much appreciated. ................

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