NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________________________The Four P’s of International MarketingProductPlacePricePromotion1. PRODUCTVery rarely will a product produced in Canada, be sold outside of Canada without being modified. Modifications are made to meet another country’s culture, language or laws. From the textbook, what are three common modifications made to products when they are sold in a foreign country. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In regards to PACKAGING, what are the FIVE (5) ways a product may be altered to suit a foreign market? Use the textbook to identify and describe the five ways packaging may be altered to suit a foreign market. 1._______________________________2. _______________________________3. ________________________________4. ___________________________________5. ___________________________________Briefly explain why INGREDIENTS may be changed to suit an international market. Be sure to provide examplesFinally, how will a company change its STYLE to meet the demands of a foreign market? Explain and be sure to include examples. ................

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