Principles of Hospitality and Tourism

Principles of Hospitality and Tourism

Final Exam Review

PHT - Cluster Intro (Skills for Success), Restaurant Pathway

1. There are 16 different career clusters, representing more than 79 different career pathways to help students navigate their way to greater success in college and career.

2. Hospitality and Tourism is a CLUSTER

3. What are the 4 pathways included in Hospitality and Tourism? Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services, Lodging, Travel & Tourism, Recreation, Amusements & Attractions

4. Hospitality and Tourism encompasses the MANAGEMENT, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services.

5. A unique symbol that represents a company or organization. LOGO

6. Which of the following is true of the Hospitality and Tourism industry?

← All of these choices are true

← Meeting the needs of guests with kindness and goodwill

← Important to the US economy

← Provides services to people away from home

7. How much money is generated each year in the US just by our own nation in the Hospitality and Tourism industry? $1 Trillion

8. Businesses in the Restaurants and Food/Berverage Services can be located inside other businesses, like AMS' school cafeteria. True or False

9. Which of the following is NOT one of the types mentioned in the Recreation, Amusement, & Attractions pathway?

← Movies

← Entertainment

← Attractions

← Spectator Sports

← Participatory Sports

10. A trip that includes several segments of the hospitality industry, such as transportation, lodging, meals, and entertainment. TRAVEL PACKAGE

11. Communication is the TRANSMISSION of information and feelings from one person to another.

12. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS is the ability to interact smoothly and productively with other people.

13. There are 3 kinds of interpersonal skills. What are they?

Verbal communication

Nonverbal communication

Electronic communication

14. Those things that capture your attention and you are willing to spend time on. INTERESTS

15. Which of the following is NOT part of "The Heart of Hospitality?"

← Customer Promotions

← Customer

← Customer Needs

← Satisfying Customer Needs

16. An activity that is done for another person. SERVICE

17. Customer service includes which of the following experiences:

← Performance of the staff

← Courtesy of the staff

← Cleanliness of the property

← The way customers are treated

← All of these choices are part of the total customer experience

18. POOR SERVICE is the number 1 reason that customers do not return to a business.

Restaurant Pathway

19. Types of Menus

Fixed – same foods offered every day.

Cycle – foods change daily for a set period of time; at the end of time, menu repeats itself.

Market – change with the availability of good products (seasonal).

Hybrid – combination of two types of menus (fixed with a cycle menu).

20. Type of menu in which foods change daily for a set period of time and at the end of that time, the menu repeats itself. CYCLE

21. Refers to the area in a hospitality business that guests usually see. FRONT OF THE HOUSE

22. Back-of-the-house staff? What is it and list the jobs that are there.


23. Front-of-the-house staff? What is it and list the jobs that are there.


24. Who is second-in-command in the kitchen? SOUS CHEF

25. The Hospitality and Tourism industry provides 1 in EIGHT jobs in the USA.

26. Which Pathway is this: Businesses that prepare food for customers. Can be Casual, Fancy, Large, or Small.

Restaurant and Food/Beverage

27. Which Pathway is this: Businesses that provide overnight accommodations? LODGING

28. Which Pathway is this:Business that physically moves people from 1 place to another. TRAVEL & TOURISM

29. Your personal evaluation of what is important to you. VALUES

30. If there were no customers there would be NO BUSINESS!

31. POOR SERVICE is the number 1 reason that customers do not return to a business.

Lodging Pathway

32. What are the 4 categories of lodging businesses?

Full-Service Hotels

Limited-Service Properties

Specialty Accommodations

Institutional Housing

33. Full service hotels provide a(n) FULL RANGE of services.

34. A hotel staff member who helps guests make arrangements for entertainment and shows and dinner reservations: Concierge

35. There are FIVE types of Full Service Hotels.

36. Which type of Full Service Hotel provides the highest level of amenities, service, room furnishing, public spaces and technology? Luxury Hotel

37. Which type of Full Service Hotel caters to the vacationer or leisure traveler? Resort Hotel

38. Has more than 1 room and the decor is more like a home with a kitchen, living area and bedroom. SUITE

39. How many Limited Service Properties are there? Two

40. Limited Service Hotels may offer CONTINENTAL breakfasts.

41. Budget Hotels are also called economy hotels, budget motels, OR economy motels

42. The type of Special Accommodation for guests that are looking for personal service and charming locations. Bed and Breakfast Operation

43. An inexpensive place to stay where sleeping rooms, bathrooms and kitchen facilities are share. Sometimes you have to perform chores as part of your payment. HOSTEL

44. Campgrounds are NOT part of Special Accommodations. True or False

45. Institutional Housing includes Dormitories and Senior housing. True or False

46. Large sleeping area filled with beds for many guests, bathroom facilities are shared. Dormitory

47. What are the 4 areas in the Housekeeping Division Chart: GUEST ROOMS, PUBLIC AREAS, LAUNDRY, CONTRACT SERVICES.

Travel and Tourism Pathway

48. Events, tours, and activities one can do while on vacation. Excursions

49. In class, we talked about 3 types of businesses that serve travelers. What are they?

Travel Agents, Electronic Travel Agents, Tour Operators

50. Professionals within an agency that act to match the travel desires of leisure and business travelers with the most appropriate suppliers of tourist services. Travel Agents

51. Have developed from the Internet and communicate via websites and email. Electronic Travel Agency

52. Professionals that organize complete travel programs for groups or individuals to every continent and by all modes of transportation. Tour Operator

53. What does a Tour Operator do?

Organize complete travel programs

Service groups and individuals

Offer competitive rates through volume buying

Earn their profit through mark up of services

54. According to your notes, which of the following would NOT be an employement opportunity with tour operators:

a. Tour escort/guide

b. Operations manager

c. Tour planner

d. Sales and marketing manager

e. Organize complete travel programs

55. Businesses that purchase large blocks of airline seats or cruise berths at a substantial discout, and resell them to travel agents or the general public for a lower than normal fare. Consolidator

56. Tax and tip are included in the price quote of the meal, room, tour, etc. All inclusive

57. A natural or man-made facility, location or activity which offers items of specific interest. Attraction

58. Which Extreme Sports Careers did we discuss in class? Mountain guide, River rafting guide, Tour guides

Recreation, Amusements & Attractions Pathway

59. An activity that people do for rest, relaxation, and enjoyment.

60. 4 types:

← Entertainment - Major Sports Complexes, Events, Theater, Special Restaurants, Museums

← Attractions – Amusement Parks, Motor Sports

← Spectator Sports – Professional Sports Teams

← Participatory Sports – Fishing, golf, swimming, bowling, softball = all for fun!


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