

Marshfield Youth Hockey Association February 2003


MYHA Board of Directors - 2002

Officers: Members:

President: Dave Wunrow Mark Haferman

Vice-President: Brenda Baur Kris Hawley

Secretary: Allyson Mayeux Cathy Marx

Treasurer: Mike Schumitsch Steve Smith

Debra Johannson

Lori Remeika

MYHA Mission Statement

To promote the enjoyment of youth ice hockey and skating

To emphasize sportsmanship, teamwork and fun

To develop ice hockey and skating skills through organized coaching in a positive learning environment

To nurture self-esteem and mutual respect

From the President…

- Dave Wunrow

What is a successful season? If each of our 200+ MYHA families were to answer this question, I’m confident that we would see familiar answers like “the season was successful if our kids had fun”, or “it was successful if there were no injuries” or it was successful if my child scored a goal or learned new skills”, while some might even say “it was successful if they met new people”. What many of us are reluctant to admit though is that we “subconsciously at least” measure to some degree the seasons success in the wins and losses column. I don’t believe that this is a “confessable offense” that we should feel guilty about or schedule an additional therapy session for, but I don’t think we should be silent about winning either.

As president, one of the hats I wear is to make sure the board administratively supports our organizations goals, but MYHA has no stated goal with regard to where we want to go. The question is should we? Now I’m not suggesting that we set a goal like an NHL team might set where if they don’t win Lord Stanley’s Cup, the season wasn’t deemed successful. I think we need to plan for longer than one year. I believe the important point is that we set a goal for MYHA to attain so we can measure our progress and determine if we are on the right path to our goal. But what is that goal? Is it to hang one more banner in our rink each year? Is it to have 50% of our teams above .500 every year? Is it to have the Tiger Varsity win a WIAA State championship? All of these are attainable goals, but we need to come to consensus regarding where we are and if we are heading in the direction we want to be.

We continue to plan for an additional sheet of ice for more practice time, which will also mean scheduling fewer away games. We are seeking methods for dry land training and conditioning to be available for our skaters. There are a number of questions though. Do we have the support system in place to help our coaches best develop our player’s talent? Is the Initiation Program doing what we intended it to? What is our long-range plan?

For all of this, we need a goal. Maybe we all know our goal, but are just afraid to state it. The board has just begun this deep philosophical discussion. Give them some feedback. We need to plan our future, not just let it happen.

Best of luck to our Squirt B, Peewee C and U15 teams at their respective State tournaments! We hope you bring home some wins!

Call For Nominees To The MYHA Board!

Previous board discussions have noted that not everyone is comfortable with giving a speech in front of a large group of people, plus speaking ability isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for being a good board member. Recognizing this, candidates for available MYHA board positions will be asked to submit a statement about their qualifications, beliefs and desire to serve you on our board. These statements will be posted on an election board at the rink and also at the banquet, along with a picture of the individual (if desired). Your intent to run for a board position, plus your statement may be given to any current board member by Friday, March 15th. Your statement will appear in the next issue of Ice Times at the end of March.

Blades Seniors Bid MYHA Farewell

On February 8th, seven seniors will play their last home game for the Marshfield High School Blades. The Blades team returned five years ago, and this group is composed of skaters from Columbus Catholic, Neillsville, Colby, Auburndale, and Marshfield High Schools. After four consecutive trips to the WAHA State Tournament, the Blades have had a difficult season in terms of wins and losses. However, the challenges of playing in the tough Fox Valley High School League this year were still met with enthusiasm by the senior class.

Dan Sullivan has skated with MYHA since he was six. As a student at Columbus, he is grateful to those MYHA members that have supported high school hockey for students recruited to skate from school systems other than Marshfield. He loves the game and will always have great memories of playing for Coach John Scheibe.

Cody Benson, Drew Barrette, and Ben Brey make up the “Neillsville Gang” as they are affectionately called. This group will truly be missed as Cody’s and Ben’s brothers played an important role in getting the High School Blades restarted. Cody and Drew started out playing in Onalaska and continued in the Neillsville program through 7th grade. Ben began skating in the Neillsville program at age eight and followed his brother, John, to the MYHA Bantam and High School programs. MYHA offered them a chance to continue playing. Cody and Drew remember a fight that broke out against their former teammates from Onalaska. Cody’s brother, Bret, realizing Cody was in trouble, skated over to help out. In the end, Cody AND Bret wound up in the penalty box, which was staffed by their uncle, Drew’s dad. Whether they won or lost, Ben, Cody and Drew will remember the fun they had traveling with friends and family and getting to know skaters from other schools. Ben and Drew say hockey has taught them the importance of teamwork and cooperation with coaches and officials. Cody’s mom, Carol, will really miss hockey after six years as a “Blades Mom”.

Eric Lau returned to hockey this year to play with his brother, Todd. In eleven years, Eric has made many friends through hockey. He has great memories of playing with Dan Sullivan and Gary Mayeux over the years and of the trips to Houghton and Marquette for summer camps at Michigan Tech and Northern Michigan. Eric feels being a member of a hockey team really helped his self-esteem while growing up.

Ed Pawelko began skating as a Squirt at age eight. He loved ice skating and liked the idea of hockey being a contact sport on ice as opposed to basketball with no ice and not contact. His fondest memory is scoring the game-winner as a Squirt with about a minute left as he split the defense and scored. He followed the goal with a “Deion Sanders” dance in the corner. Hey, Ed, lets see those moves!

Mike Kluball started skating at age five in Mason City, Iowa. He has been involved with MYHA for the past six seasons as a player and as an official. Mike feels he has had the chance to play for some great coaches and excellent teammates. His best hockey memory is the year he played for the Bantam C’s when they took second at the State Tournament, going into double overtime in the championship game. He has learned to play for the love of the game and for his teammates, not the win/loss record.

Lee Cummings returned to hockey after spending a few years helping his dad, Coach Dave Cummings, coach the women’s team. Lee rejoined past teammates that always seemed to be the team having the most fun under Coach Dave.

These seniors as well as all the members of the High School Blades thank Coach John Scheibe for his never-ending commitment to the team. Most of the seniors have skated for Coach Scheibe for three years and have learned a lot about the game in that time. The Blades are also thankful for the support of MYHA in providing an opportunity for them to continue skating through high school. Go Blades!!!

Marshfield Tigers Graduate Two

There are two seniors playing for the Marshfield High School Varsity Tiger Team:  Joel Freisinger and Jake Haferman. They had both of their beginnings on the "outdoor rink" and remember fondly the wind and cold. They were both avid players of the Marshfield Youth Hockey Association.

Joel started his Hockey career in 1990. He is in his third year playing defense for the Tiger Varsity Hockey Team. It is his fifth year playing under Coach Doug Steines. Coming up through MYHA's program, Joel played both forward and defense. He attended many summer hockey camps playing for both Wisconsin Selects AAA and Central Wisconsin AAA hockey teams. He has enjoyed his time in Hockey. Joel plans to attend Fox Valley Technical School to pursue a degree in Auto Body and Collision Repair.

Jake started MYHA in 1989 and played for two years on the outdoor rink. He then moved to Onalaska where he also played hockey. When he returned to Marshfield, the indoor rink was completed. One of Jake's favorite memories was winning the gold medal at the Badger State Games when he was a Squirt in MYHA. Jake has played mostly defense but injuries this year has kept him out of some games. He has been allowed to play forward and has enjoyed the new challenge. Jake has been proud to be under the coaching direction of Doug Steines and Tom Seyfert for the last three years as a Tiger Varsity player. He is planning to attend UMD for Computer and Electrical Engineering.

Memories of U-19 Girls’ Hockey

Dana Hoehn

I'm 18 years old -an adult. After countless "Do you want to play hockey?” questions from Percy (which, believe me, is a question he’s even asked strangers) I signed up for Girls U-15 hockey. Now 3 years later and playing for the U- 19 Girls, I can't imagine leaving the sport behind. Thankfully, I'm heading to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, where hockey is God. I'm thinking I'll fit right in.

Melanie Haldeman

I'm a senior at Marshfield High School. I've been playing hockey for three years. Next year I'm going to school at UW Eau Claire to build a foundation for my life of bliss.

Eveliina Kaki

I'm an exchange student from Finland, Kotka. I started playing hockey this year. Hockey is one of my new experiences here in United States. I find it very good sport for making new friends and it keeps me busy. I'm 17 years old and when arriving back to Finland I will continue my three-year challenge in upper secondary school. I have experienced two wonderful host families by now and thanks for my host dad being the coach I got to be part of the girls’ hockey team.

Caroline Spellman

I'm a senior at Marshfield High School. I've been playing hockey for two years and love it. I also play the violin. I'm not certain where I'll be going to school next year, but I hope to study to become an architect.

Becky Stephenson

I play hockey for the U-19 girls team. I'm 17 years old, and moved to Marshfield from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada four years ago. I have been playing hockey for three years. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music and scuba diving.

Nicole Rotar

I am a senior at Marshfield Sr. High School. I started playing hockey the first year thee was a girls’ team. For four years I have enjoyed playing and I've learned a lot from this experience.

Ali Brucher

I'm a senior at Marshfield High School and I've been playing hockey for three years. I play defense with Bess Gorski, who is sooo funny. Hockey is fun because my friends play and we have a really good time, no matter what. In addition to hockey, I love to play soccer and learning how to knit. Next year, I plan on going to University of Wisconsin- Madison, where I will learn how to be an astronaut.

Nadine Bisig

I am a foreign exchange student from Switzerland, and it's my first year playing hockey. I'm 16 years old and play wing for Marshfield. I play stickball in Switzerland, so my stick handling is helping me out with ice hockey.

I don't really like school and I'm kind of goofy. Next year, I am practicing a travel apprenticeship for a couple of years in Switzerland.

Sullivan Named to All Star Team

Dan Sullivan, a senior member of the Marshfield High School Blades team, was named to the Fox Valley North All Star Team. The North and South All Stars met at 2 PM February 23rd in Aschwaubenon. Dan led the Blades in goals this season. He is a senior at Columbus Catholic High School and has been a member of MYHA for 12 years. He is the son of Patrick and Lynda Sullivan. He led the Blades in scoring with 17 goals this season and 12 assists.

The High School Blades team is a member of the Fox Valley High School League and is coached by John Scheibe. The Fox Valley League, formed in 1979, consists of 29 high school teams from across the state.

Team Projects

- Brenda Baur

Selection for team projects is completed. Each team is responsible for doing a project during the off-season, March 20 - September 15, at the rink. Everyone from your team from this year is expected to help. Team representatives will set up the date and time for working on your project. Work hours may count toward this year's required hours or you may apply them to next year's hours. There will be a form to sign of how you want your hours designated after you complete your team project. Please contact your team representative for more information. It takes everyone to help keep our rink going-during the season and off-season!


Open skates

Wed., Mar. 5

Fri., Mar.7

SCRIP Update

SCRIP use continues to grow! Now 54 families have discovered how easy it is to help pay for their hockey costs plus earn some money for MYHA too! With the 60:40 member/MYHA split on the earnings, since September 1st slightly over $3100 has been generated through the use of SCRIP ($1870 to members and $1230 to MYHA). All this was accomplished through planned purchases by our membership. SCRIP will be available throughout summer. The details of how this will be done will be available by next Ice Times.

Playmaker Party

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 5 for the Playmaker party, the end of the year party for parents. It will be at the K.C. Hall this year. We will have a slide show again so keep taking those pictures of your team and their adventures. We'd like to have pictures from every team this year. Details about the party and where to hand in pictures will come soon through your team rep.

We look forward to seeing you at the party!

Web Page

- Web Site Committee

- Mike Schumitsch

- Todd Zieglmeier

Hopefully by now all have had the opportunity to visit the new web page. If not please take a look at the new site it can be found at WWW..

I believe the best features that the web page has to offer are the game and practice schedules. A nice compliment to the scheduling is the ability for the site to deliver an E-mail message to you whenever any schedule information is changed. (NOTE: MYHA needs to have this Email address in order for this function to work.)

Team members are also able to get a complete listing your team by going to the team section. This is protected by a password so that the general public does not have access. See your team rep for the password. A prompt will also give you a hint when you go to log in.

In the team section you are also able to view:

• Game results and statistics. This information is to be entered by team reps or coaches.

• Rosters of your team with Phone numbers and addresses

• Special team bulletins

• Your team schedule for the year. New entries are highlighted in red.

Schedules can be printed out for an individual team or you can use the multi-Schedule to get a complete print out for all the teams you wish to track. Please be sure to check this schedule at a regular basis as items do change.

Going to the hockey tab allows you several more functions:

• You have a link to all skating facilities that MYHA has scheduled games with. Clicking on the name of the team brings up detailed information on the facility. The map function for the rinks is a good way to find these rinks if you are unfamiliar with them.

• The tournament tab is a small list of outside tournaments that are available for teams to participate in. These are also placed on the individual team page as a bulletin when they arrive to the tournament director.

• The links tab will take you to many familiar hockey sites. Feel free to send a request if you would like to see other links. Contact Mike at 687-4463

• The last option on this tab is the pictures selection. You have the ability to upload any digital formatted image to the web page. These will have to be in good taste or they will be removed.

The association tab is the default tab for the web site and this allows you the ability to view any new items that are pertinent to MYHA. You also have the ability to view the Ice Times and the meeting minutes from this page.

A list of committee members and all of the board members may be found by clicking the appropriate tab.

There is a spot called exchange. This allows anyone to post items for sale, such as sticks old skates any other hockey related item.

For the upcoming year a portion of your registration may be done from the site. This will help to streamline the process so we can concentrate are efforts to the new members.

A feedback tab is the member’s way to contact all the board members at once. Click here if you wish to voice a concern. We ask that you fill in a contact name so we can respond in the appropriate manner. Anonymous feedback does very little to settle an issue.

We are in the process of adding items to the web site. So check back often. Some of these include:

• Script ordering ability

• Concessions schedule

• Work hours updates

Feel free to suggest items for this site, as it is the entire memberships site. Look for future topics in the Ice Times on the web site. If an item comes up that needs to be explained please select the feedback tab and select WEB page. I will try to get back promptly.

A computer has been placed in the rink in the upper level that will give you access to this site. Please use for MYHA purposes only.

Fantasy Hockey Winners for January

Goalie Save %

• $50-Dave Scheunemann

Goalie wins

• $50- Tony Urban

Forward's Goals

• $50-Jerry Smith

Forward's assists

• $17-Jeff Graves

• $17-Tricia Lietz

• $17-Mattinek

Forward's +/-

• $50-Matt Hawley

Defense's goals

• $50-Sharon Copet

Defense's Assists

• $25-Kurt Miller

• $25-Nancy Jo Haferman

Defense's +/-

• $50-Matthew Elliefson

All Star Break Results ------Winners

• 1- $300-Tony Urban

• 2- $200-Salah Qutaishat

• 3- $100-Paul Tremelling

Italy on Ice

Hamlin Sport Tours is currently recruiting boys and girls interested in playing summer Ice Hockey in Italy June 27-July 5, 2003. It is open to individual players as well as teams ranging in age from 7-18. The tour will be 9 days and includes a great program for parents to see the sights in Italy. It will be headed by coach Doug Ross of the University of Alabama, Huntsville. He is also a former US Olympic Ice Hockey player. Along with daily instruction on the ice there will be daily scrimmages followed by a final day tournament with a local Italian team. If you feel this would be of interest to your team please contact Amanda Manjone-Hamlin at Hamlinsporttours@ and a more detailed program of the tour will be sent.

Ice Times

Ice Times is published several times during the year. It is one of the ways that MYHA members are kept informed about events and issues in the association. Internet resources are also available; the web addresses are in the heading of this edition.

Please let us know if you have questions regarding Ice Times or are not receiving it at your home address.

Sonya Ewert (the player)

Brian Ewert (the dad)



12062 Robin Rd

Marshfield WI 54449


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