
Block (Non-LGBTIQ) - ReasonsIt will be extremely harmful mentally, and it may be rigged against us. Because it's waste of money & bigoted.Needs to be blocked because the harm done to gender diverse children is too severe. I believe we should block it because nobody should have a say on whether or not two people can get married. I don't agree that I should have to vote on another persons right to marry at all.I think we should block the plebiscite, because a majority of Australians are in support of marriage equality already. Juast another political delay !!The LNP have stated that they will not legally follow through with equal rights: dames marriage despite the result. It should be voted on in the senate, saving the millions of dollars implementing same sec marriage, safe schools program as well as helping welfare of all people. My son was gay and I have hundreds of friends who are LGBTQI I think Australia is a joke that we are so far behind on this issue. I'm disgusted at the Turnbull government for holding this over the heads of people who are people I think we should block the plebiscite because it is a waste of money that would be better spent elsewhere and there is no guarantee it will make a difference anyway Block it, why waste so much money on something that just needs to be an equal human right to be able get married?Waste of money. Parliament should decide.it will divide the community and it's expensive and pointless I think we should block the plebiscite because It gives people a campaign to spew hate. The liberal government cannot control what their own party have previously said Let alone control the terrible things my children and friend will have to endure and witness if it goes ahead. I think the plebiscite should be blocked because it's a divisive tool to drive us further from equality.the plebiscite is a non-binding and expensive stalling tactic. Push for a conscious voteBlock the plebiscite because the community has suffered enough hate over the years, and it is causing stress to LBGTQ people to do this. I accept having to wait 3 years is also not acceptable, but it seems the best of a few options.We should block because it is a waste of taxpayers money. The estimated $160million would be better spent on funding mental health care. After all it is the mental health of some lgbt folk which will be damaged by a hateful campaign staged by those who oppose. The marriage act was changed in Parliament without consultation, and now the government should have more than enough evidence for the support of marriage equality without the need of a plebiscite. While waiting another three years will inevitably cause direct harm to LGBTIQ people, I believe that the outpouring of violence and hate that will be stirred up in the wake of the plebiscite will cause longer term damage to more people.I think it should be blocked as I don't see it reaching a successful conclusion. I.e. If overwhelmingly supports equality the government is not compelled to alter the laws. I also don't understand why a plebiscite is necessary to alter a law altered to exclude LGBTI without a plebiscite.It should be blocked because they changed the marriage act in 2014 with consultation so why do we need to it to change it this time. If it goes a head it will cause untold pain, fear and even death. I think we should block the plebiscite because it is fundamentally undemocratic. The separation of powers came about to ensure that no one group or individual would be able to rule society again. The goal of a modern democratic government is to ensure and strive for equality in our society - to ensure that every single person is treated as having equal worth, has equal access, and equal rights. A plebiscite to decide whether some of our most marginalised members of society should be allowed the same rights as everyone else completely undermines one of the founding principals of modern democracy.I think we should block the plebiscite because.. How outdated and small minded is Australia. It's 2016. Remember when people were scare to give women an equal right to vote? Remember when people were scare to allow blacks equality?? Come on Australia. Get your head out of the Stone Age and just allow equality for everyone. Segregation is so outdated. Lets remember love is love regardless of gender. It's disgusting that this is still being argued about. This is not a political matter it's a human rights matter. And human rights matter! It will force a motion and with the new numbers it should pass. Also, the potential scare campaign makes me feel sick not only for my family but teenage students.Block it because of the vitriol, hate and lies that will ensue, and the harmful impact it will have on LGBTIQ people. And personally, I just don't see the fairness of people voting on my daughter's right to marry her partner. I am concerned about how hate campaigns will affect LGBTQ+ people negativelyLet the Australian public have their say by actually voting on the issue!I think we should block a plebiscite because it is a waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere, it could have a harmful impact on individuals in our community and marriage equality should just be a thing! It makes no sense that we don't have marriage equality already.I think we should block the plebiscite because it's wasteful and unnecessary I think we should block the plebiscite because it is an unnecessary wasteful process that will create bad feelings and hate amongst Australians. The government is elected to represent the majority of voters feelings, and in this case, the majority of voters feel that marriage equality is long overdue. It's time for the government to step up and start truly representing its constituents.I oppose the plebiscite because I believe that the human rights of any part of our society should not be subject to a popular vote. SSM should be a right, just as marriage is for the rest of the populationI think we should block the plebiscite because it will open the door for groups such as the ACL to spread their uneducated hate speech and will add to the negitivity within society to the LGBTIQ COMMUNITY and as a parent of a trans child I will not take this risk with the safety of my child or other trans and queer youth I think we should block the plebiscite - it is unnecessary - just accept that same sex marriage is a basic right - just as different sex marriage is a basic right I think we should block the plebiscite because it will be a big waste of time and money. The lnp are not bound to abide by the plebiscite. It will cause heartache and pain for all gay and lesbian alike. As a foot note if marriage equality was the goal then we should have voted labor. The lnp will drag this out for at least 3 yrs.Why waste millions of dollars on something that is a human right! Put that money into health, aged, homeless & schools!I think we should block the plebiscite because parliament already has the ability to change the laws on marriage equality and the plebiscite will just delay this unnecessarily. Block plebiscite because we are a community with too many other issues that divide us. I think we should work towards marriage equality through the legislature/ conscience vote in parliament. This is the lesser of all the bad options for something that should be a self evident truth.Waste of time. Just legalise it. i think we should drop the plebiscite because i believe in equalityI don't want to see vitriolic hate. I want to see the democratically elected government do its job by providing people equal rights and access. A plebescite ensures almost the opposite of this, and is also just a way of the LNP being able to push homophobic agendas without stating they don't want marriage equality. they are lazy. I think it should be blocked because it will unleash a wave of vilification and hatred that will be masked by the term 'debate'. Politicians are elected to make decisions. So get on and make the decision to have a conscience vote in parliament and be done with it.I will always fight to allow my sister the right to marry in this country, however the plebiscite is wasteful. Just amend the Marriage Act.It should be blocked to show a clear message that it is a potentially harmful process that wastes a ridiculous amount of money and is nonbinding on the parliament anyway. A plebicite is extremely expensive, takes time and will take too long to happen. A parliamentary vote is cheaper and more efficient, as well as being enacted more quickly. Pass marriage equality without a plebiscite!It will be harmful to the community and will allow for religious nuts to spew their dogmatic hatred.I think we should block the plebiscite because we already have more than enough polling evidence of the majority support by the Australian public for marriage equality. There is absolutely no reason to hold another poll on this that will cost an enormous amount to the Australian public and will only serve to give voice to the hatred and bigotry of the minority. We will only look back on the period where we discriminated against our gay community with the same shame that we do for once not treating people of colour or women as equals. The time has come for Australia to join the rest of the progressive, secular world and end discrimination against our gay community. We don't need a plebiscite. We need leadership from our government to do what is right. \ I think we should block the plebiscite because it is a waste of time and money because marriage equality should just be passed and we don't need to give oxygen to the damage and immoral opinions of the "religious Right" minority groups. As selfish as it sounds I believe we should block it because of the waste and hate it may generate. Progress is inevitable and marriage equality will arrive eventually. I understand as a straight man I have the luxury of saying this without any true impact on my own rights but the risks attached to a plebiscite and the non binding nature of its outcome mean it is truly a waste of resources. I fully support and applaud the ongoing campaign for marriage equality and truly hope it arrives soon, under saner circumstances.We should fight it because it is a massive waste of money and legislation can be changed without itI think we should block the plebiscite. The liberals should stop denying Australians of equality. Make it legal, make marriage equal. Don't make us pay (unwillingly) for a vote on whether or not my friend, or a stranger should be allowed to marry each other simply based on the fact that they are of the same sex. Marriage is a beautiful lifetime commitment to one other person, and that shouldn't be taken away from anyone - especially based on who they love. It's wasteful. Marriage equality should be granted. It's a basic human right. Marriage changes mean nothing to straight couples but for those who are LGBTQ it means a lot. They should be recognized as a couple in marriageWaste of money, it is seen that a lot of people support it. Everyone deserves to be able to love who they choose and be able to have the same rights as everyone else.We should block as its a waste of money and could cause more nastiness. They should just legalise same sex marriage. Every human being derserves to be treated as equals!!It will be harmful and dangerous to the LGTBIQ community I think the plebiscite is a total waste of money. At this stage we are not aware of how it is to be framed, however millions of dollars will go into promoting it (which the Govt could spend on pressing matters) and apparently it still will not be binding on MPs. And in the process there will be space for public vitriol against LGBTI citizens.Discriminatory waste of money. I do not want "Joe Public " voting on my sons rightsi think debating something like this in the public forum, and having the public vote, turns it into a circus or a funded debate with sucess on media payments. i think there just needs to be groundswell and support. when referendums have happened previously, i believe they haven't been passed due to sneakily constructed wording and fear. We can't let an issue like this turn into a one sentence y/n affair.I think we should block it because I fear that the plebiscite will only serve to create a platform for those ultra-conservatives who will cause suffering and division in the community .We do not need to spend $160 million dollars on a non binding divisive opinion poll Because it is not required - a previous LNP government say fit ti 'redefine' the marriage act with no input form the people.I think that we should block the plebiscite because it is highlighting leadership weakness in the Liberal party and it is a HUGE waste of tax payers money! that is unnecessary in today's intention to attempt to block the vote in ParliamI think the plediscite should be blocked because of its Potential for causing lasting hurt to the LGBTIQ community, and even greater division in the wider population .The propaganda campaign that will be mounted by those opposing will be cruel, deeply divisive, and heavily reliant on religious bigotry and historical prejudice for its effect, which can only be damaging to all concerned .Already, the ACL has demanded the government abrogate the anti-vilification laws for the duration of the campaign, and anti-Gay MPs have signaled their ent. The Plebiscite be conducted according to current electoral boundaries, will not demand a compulsory vote from the people, and will not be binding upon those MPs who claim they should vote according to their electorate results, rather than the overall will of the people. I see no benefit, and great harm arising from a vote that has the potential to marginalise LGBTIQ people yet further, while putting the cause of same sex marriage back possibly for decades.I think the plebiscite should be blocked because it is a waste of money for a result that will not be binding, and because it will give the anti LGBQIT lobby an unnecessary avenue for public expressions of hate and bigotry.A plebisite is not necessary and is simply pandering to the hysterical religious right!I think we should block because it will give a platform for hate speech against marriage equality under the disguise of free speech.I think there is community support for "no plebiscite" and I think a parliamentary vote would support marriage equality.,I think we should block the plebiscite because it is unnecessary and will give media space to bigots homophobes causing pain and suffering to people who have been through enough. Marriage equality is a no brainer, Australia will not be able to hold out forever. We can only hope that they catch up sooner rather than later to save themselves the international embarrassment of being the last to the table.Dangerous and unnecessary. My son should not be subjected to such a harmful negative thing at such a young age.All that having this plebiscite will do is lend a soapbox to the homophobic nutjobs in our society, we know it will be 70%+ in favour, but then the politicians can decide to vote against it anyway. Either make it binding or spend the money on something that could make a difference, like health, education or the NBN.I think we should block because the cause of harm to the LGBTI community is too great to risk. I am also not convinced that the vote would be binding. Too costly and we just need a free vote in the house, it will pass without all the ratbags ranting.Block it because coalition MPs have said they would vote against marriage equality regardless of a plebiscite result. I think we should block it because it's both a waste of money and a threat to the LGBTQIA community. What's the point of having a plebiscite if several MPs have come out and actively said they will choose to ignore the outcome (even though their duty is to do what is right by their constituents)? Not to mention the (already occurring) mental, and potentially physical, harm a slur campaign will have on the lives of those this issue affects.it is the individuals right to choose, it does NOT effect anyone else.It will cause harm I think we should block it because the consequences of a well resourced 6 month hate campaign with no gaurentee it will give marriage equality, are far worse then waiting for three yearsA complete waste of time and money. All adults should be free to marry who they choose.It is a waste of money, just get on with it and pass the law.I think we should block the plebiscite because it will more harm to an already vulnerable LGBTQI community. I would wait and see, if it is blocked it gives the Govt the opportunity to walk away and have a free vote. At the moment their hands are tied because of previous promises. I don't believe it is necessary to wait 3 years. They have the numbers now. Just do it. I think we should block the plebiscite as it is a total waste of money. It is not binding on the government, they can still refuse to give equality. The government should simply legislate for equality instead of playing games. The people have spoken, they want marriage equality.I am very concerned at the potential harm to the community with people campaigning against LGBTIQ A law needs to be passed to truely bring about change, a plebiscite will not achieve this. It is a waste of money and will legitimise bigot hate speak which will be called freedom of speech and debatingI am fearful of a public rise in homophobia, both in action and language. I think we should block the plebiscite because it isnt binding....because the government already knows the outcome....turnball has said already the majority of Australia will vote for marriage equality. The haters will come out in full force and cause harm and hurt and i dont want that for my family or for anyone else, the cost of a plebiscite is totally ridiculous and that money could be used elsewhere.I think we should block the plebiscite because in principal it is a waste of tax payers money and will only cause more stress and isolation for the glbt community. Its was a ploy by libs just to get votes and pretend they care. because of the potential harm to lbgtqi from the homophobes mobilising the antis. Howard didn't need one to change the law in the first place.I have no right to decide who loves who. I have no right to decide who marries who. I should just 'be'. The suggestion of a plebiscite on who marries who is an insult to all of us or at least it should be. I think we can find something worthy to spend 160 million dollars on and then just grow up and say it is o.k. for loving couples to marry.Because this will open the LGBTQI community to tremendous hate speech I think we should block the plebiscite because I believe it will be damaging to children from any non-traditional families (not just same-sex families) as we know the ACL will use the "all kids need a mum and a dad" argument as one of their major public reasons for banning same sex marriage. This message can impact on any child not raised with a mother and a father because the message they may hear is that there is something wrong with them personally since they don't have a mum and a dad. My daughter got very angry when Howard originally changed the marriage act as she heard him on the radio when we were on the way to school stating that one of the reasons he was defending "traditional" marriage was because every child needs a mum and dad. My daughter was 7 at the time and shouted at the radio and called Howard an idiot and said "I don't have a dad and there's nothing wrong with me". However my youngest daughter is only 4 years old and I don't know that she is confident enough to let the claims that every child needs a mum and a dad not impact on her. I am equally concerned for her friends with solo mums, 2 mums and those living in kinship care (with relatives and not mum and dad). Of course this may also emotionally / mentally scar kids with 2 dads, single dads, those in foster care etc. It has the potential to seriously impact on a large portion of this generation and could be just as damaging as the stolen generation (not through taking kids from their parents or caring guardians, but through making those kids think that there is something wrong with them, that they are somehow less than, not equal to, the kids who do live with a mum and a dad). The ACL tried to link gay marriage and kids being raised without a parent of both genders to the stolen generation but it is actually their verbal and written poison that I see as potentially causing the real damage and allowing a plebiscite to go ahead means the children will be exposed to more of their rhetoric.I think the plebiscite is a waste of time. Marriage equality should be part of our human rightsBlock the plebiscite. Human rights should not be up for a 'democratic vote'. If you're human, you have rights. That's it.Potentially damaging esp to younger LGBI people or children of same. Decision makers not bound by it . Cost is outrageous when we so many better ways to spend that sort of money . And it is decisive . There is no legal reason for a plebiscite - like there way in Ireland . For all the reasons stated in the option. Plus it's unethical.Such an unnecessary expense, especially considering the Coalition have stated they won't necessarily pay attention to the result Waste of moneyand for no clear result. Better to have a referendum A plebiscite will serve to divide the country rather than unite them on an issue that should be a non-issue. Let everyone have the right to marry who they want and be done with it. For [Expletive].No matter what happens history tells us that these fail time and againI think the plebiscite is a waste of time and resources and will just allow bigots and people apposed to same sex marriage to skew the debate.The government's role in managing social policy is to ensure equality and fairness. There is no logical real world argument to be made against marriage equality, other than it upsets you on a personal level and this is not a valid argument. Therefore, it is my belief that the government should simply allow marriage equality.The No campaign will be too hurtful. A plebiscite might help publicise the Yes campaign, and hopefully turn some opinions, just creating an us vs them situation can't end well.It is an unecessary waste of time and money, all marriages should be equal regardless of genderWe don't need a plebiscite which will be a massive waste of money. The politicians should do their job and get the legislation through. Stop a waste of money on something that is a foregone conclusion: equality and acceptance for ALL.Block it because we already know the majority of Australians support marriage equality so it would be a waste of time and resources.I think we should block the plebiscite because it is a huge waste of money, and marriage equality can be achieved without it.Opens up australia to hate speak, is not at all binding, and has no meaningful result I think a conscience vote should be allowed becuase this is a topic where individual opinions matter more than party standpoints. My family deserves to be heard!Block the plebiscite, the LNP lose the next election I think we should block the plebiscite as it is a waste of money and the right to marriage equality should not be a popularity contestI think block it, it is unnecessary and a waste of money. We elect politicians who in turn should represent the views and opinions of their electorate. Equality laws should be passed to ensure there is no unfair discrimination or bias. The harm that will almost certainly be done by the "debate" will cause division for years, and will only add to the entrenchment of US-style binary oppositionalismI don't believe it is necessary , we must learn to accept that love is love and as should, marriage must be an available option for consenting adults. Also, I think it is a hugely unnecessary waste of money!I think we should block the plebiscite because it's an unnecessary waste of resources . Adults should have the right to marry any gender they choose to love.You will be wasting vast sums of money to marginalize minirities. It's harmful. It's hurtful. I think we should block the plebiscite as the money can be better spent on the homelessI believe a plebiscite should be blocked for two reasons. Firstly, if it goes ahead, we open the door to legitimise homophobic views in the public domain through various panel discussions, editorials and opinions pieces, social media posts and even advertising to garner support for one side or the other. The negative aspects of these public conversations will be so damaging to the health and well being of homosexual people and their family and friends. Secondly, the money used to fund a plebiscite could be spent on so many pressing social needs instead, including; mental health services and support, the environment, reduction of national debt, development of infrastructure, jobs and growth, or any of a myriad of things we could do to improve the country as a whole. Because there are too many vulnerable kids that will be vilified by it. Waste of money. Most of the country has been clear that they want marriage equality...no need to ask them again. And its time me kept step with time and caught up with other more progressive countries who already allow marriage equality - For heavens sakes - even some US states allow it - thats how behind we are :( Bblock it because marriage is a human right for everyone and the money spent on it could be spent on other things such as disadvantaged people and education or health care.It should be blocked because we know that majority of Australians are for it and it is a waste of money. Love is love and by not allowing same sex couples to marry we are saying there is something wrong with them and we need to stop this now. I don't think it is appropriate vehicle to decide on equality. The legal recognition of commitment through marriage should be available to all people - that is what equality is. Marriage does not need to be a religious issue. Why are legal and religious concerns tied in Australia? Legal recognition of commitment and partnership is much more expansive than whether a man marries a woman, a man marries a man or a woman marries a woman.The plebiscite is a waste of money, polls show that 75% of Australians want marriage equality I think the plebiscite is an unnecessary waste of money that will only serve to legitimise dangerous anti-LGTBQI rhetoric and action.A plebiscite will open the doors for a horrible storm of public homophobia, and in the destructive and divisive political environment in which we currently find ourselves, that risks very severe harm to queer people. There is also no guarantee that the government will effectively honor the plebiscite decision if it is pro-equal marriage - the parliament will still vote on the issue, and that vote will most likely simply reflect the conscience of those who vote. It then comes down to numbersI think we should block the plebiscite because it is a waste of money, we just need equal rights.I think it should be blocked: a) as it a massive waste of money when we already know that the majority of Australians support marriage equality. b) It is likely that some angry, homophobic voices will be allowed to be heard that may cause unnecessary damage to vulnerable families, particularly kids of LGBTIQ parents. c) Even if majority of Australians choose to support marriage equality, the government can still legally choose not to be influenced by the outcome of the plebiscite!It's a ridiculous waste of money and who's to say the gov't would honor the outcome anyways. Our leaders should be leading by example and making change to encourage acceptance and respect to all people. Avoid the wasteful spend and just change the two words required to change the law.I think we should block the plebiscite because it will cause more harm and pain to the LGBTIQ community. It will give those with hateful views a platform to express them publicly, and I think this has the potential to cause so much harm - particularly for young people and children with LGBTIQ parents. I am a teacher and I see the battle being fought every day. We are starting to make progress, let's not go backwards. I fear for the harm caused to LGBTQI people by such a divisive process. Marriage is a right, and should be available to all. Parliament should do its job, and allow a conscience vote (which is essentially what will happen after the plebiscite anyway!). To spend 160 million on a non- binding plebiscite is totally ridiculous. If you don't like gay marriage, easy don't marry a gay person. Love is love.Have a consious vote in both houses. Why do we need to waste the money on something that is so natural. No plebiscite, waste of money & hurtful to those in the LGBTIQ community I thin we should block the plebiscite because it's a waste of time and resources. The community has spoken it's very clear that Australians want equality in marriage. ITS A WASTE OF MONEY. I don't think we should be able to chose whom any two grown adults should marry. let them love and be happyThe plebiscite is a waste of money and allows opens up for more discrimination against LGBTI people. It opens the door for anti lobbying groups to create a hateful and dangerous agenda and potential abuse of this minority group. Australians have already shown that at least 72% agree with marriage equality and the high court has already confirmed parliament can change the marriage laws now. Listen to the people and do what the majority have already wanted for a long time. Block it because it is a waste of money for a common sense decisionBlock- treat people as equals, prevent psychological/social harm.It will only divide the nation on an issue that should unite us. Either all Australians have the same rights or we dont.The definition of "marriage" was changed by parliament before. Why should millions be wasted on a plebiscite now? How stupid and wasteful! The plebiscite should be blocked!!!!It is clear from all surveys that 75% of the Australian population is in favour of same sex marriage being made law. Politicians are elected to represent the majority view of the people. Failure to do so is to NOT do the job they are elected to do. Politicians need to stop promoting their own - often religious - views and do what is required of them. We are ruled by secular law and not religion or other personal view points.Block as it needs to be a simple change of law. Don't waste millions on a plebiscite which will divide the community unnecessarily. It may take longer but it will happen eventually. General public will see the plebiscite as a waste of tax payer money and time. This view will only harm the community and hurt LGBTIQ families. The government should govern not sit on the fence. There is no need for a costly and divisive plebiscite. Produce a bipartisan Bill to amend the Marriage Act within the next 100 days. Marriage equality for all.Because it will cost more to the tax payers to have the plebiscite instead of wasting time just put the legislation to a parliamentary vote it's time for chance and accept people for what ever their sexually is and let's get with the times and stop discriminate Not enough numbers in the senate to pass itBlock it because it's better to review the marriage act and undo some of the changes than spending millions of dollars and asking the general public to be judgementalI think we should block the plebiscite because it is not legally binding, even if the Australian public do vote in support of marriage equality, and members of the LNP have openly stated that they will not vote in parliament in a way that reflects the views of their electorate. The hate speech that it will encourage in the lead up to the plebiscite will be extremely taxing on all LBGTIA people but I especially worry about the most vulnerable in that community- in particular young people who are struggling with their identity, social acceptance, and any mental health issues.Its allabout adults being able to choose without politicians telling them who they can love & marryI believe marriage equality should be enacted by the parliament to reverse John Howard's change to the marriage act in 2004Human rights shouldn't be voted on, just accepted The government is not committed to implementing the popular view. Also, we don't need to open a dialog of vilification. We just need a government that can respond to public opinion. This doesn't require a plebiscite.Risk of harm to LGBTI youth & families i think we should block the plebiscite because it will bring out the best,but also the worst in this nations population,and the worst is DAMM DANGEROUS for our children.Pass the Law in Parliament and stop using the LGBTI community as a diversion, very cruelyThe plebiscite should be blocked, not only is it needlessly expensive but it would also legitimize political discourse from religious groups against every day people in an attempt to demonize them.We don't need to waste money on a plebiscite and it is divisive and makes more problems than it settles. I believe that it is fundamentally wrong to have a plebiscite on this matter - we elect politicans to vote on issues that are relevant to our community, they should do that job without wasting time and money on a plebiscite. There have been no plebiscites about other 'difficult' community issues, like abortion, and I see no reason why there should be one on this matter. It should be treated like any other. Further, it is merely a political stunt pulled by conservative politicians to try to delay or end the movement towards marriage equality. In addition, there is not even any certainty that if the plebiscite went in favour of marriage equality the conservative politicians would vote for it in Parliament. Finally, it will be divisive and encourage anti-LBGTIQ abuse during the lead-up to the vote. It is an all-round appalling idea.Homophobia is already rampant within parts of our community and it will be dragged kicking and SCREAMING when the plebiscite is unleashed! Considering it is TOTALLY unnecessary the pain it will creat will be unacceptable! For my son's sake NO PLEPESCITE!It really is unnecessary & a waste of time & money The plebiscite should be blocked because, ultimately, it is an over priced survey which will largely be ignored unless it results in a negative.I think we should block the plebiscite because it is a waste of money as the result is not enforceable anyway & it legitimizes that marriage equality is a choice not a right. I think we should block the plebiscite because. Almost 70% of Australians support marriage equality, a plebiscite is a waste of time and money. Besides, marriage equality doesn't affect anyone except those being denied equal right's eg "gay people" Why should we or anyone get to decide whether someone else deserves equal rights??It will bring more harm than good - a plebiscite is not needed - equal rights to marriage should just be a given We should block the plebiscite because it is a waste of tax payers money, put's power into the hands of those who actively oppose something by which they have the privilege of experiencing, marriage. I am concerned of the precedent it sets over human rights issues, the cost in $ and mental health when the oppose team come out and vilify. I also don't think people who are not affected by it should have a say. It has nothing to do with them.I think the plebiscite should be blocked. It will not be legally binding and could cause more hate and discrimination Block because other people don't get to vote on the human rights of a groupBlock the plebiscite because any debate will allow and encourage bigotry, ignorance and hatred from those who oppose same sex marriage. It is also a gross waste of money when politicians will vote according to their conscience anyway!Just accept marriage equality ................

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