
ADVANCE \d4What’s Eating Gilbert Grape ActivitiesGilbert Grape lives in a town called Endora in Iowa, USA. He is in his early 20s and has many more responsibilities than most men his age. His father committed suicide, leaving Gilbert to be the man around the house. Gilbert's momma, once thin and beautiful, is now anything but due to her husband's actions. Ellen and Amy are Gilbert's sisters. Arnie, his intellectually disabled brother is about to turn 18 and have a big party. Gilbert feels trapped. He is trapped in the small town, trapped in his responsibilities and trapped in his own inabilities to change what happens around him. He is a passive character. Gilbert is having an affair with a married woman, Mrs. Carver, not out of love for her but due to the emotional void in his life. All this changed when lovely, lively Becky arrives in town with her Grandma. They are driving through in their mobile home which breaks down. Becky is a breath of fresh air for Gilbert and she seems to represent the world that seems beyond his reach. What will happen when she shows his the possibilities in the world? ADVANCE \d4What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? Film Analysis Questions Pick one question from Part A to answer and then two questions from Part B to answer. Please write out the questions on your answer sheet. 10 marks eachPart A Questions:ADVANCE \d41. In detail, describe all the family relationships in the Grape Household. (e.g. Gilbert and his mother, Gilbert and his sisters, Arnie and Gilbert, Arnie and his sisters, etc) What role do each of them play in the household? How do they treat one another? Why do they behave the way they do?2. Why do you think Gilbert has the affair with Mrs. Carver? Why do you think she has the affair with him?3. ENDORA – What do you think is the significance of the name of the town given what happens in the film and what the film is about? (For this question you may have to do some research)4. Why does Arnie keep climbing the water tower? Do you think the police were justified in the end when they arrested him? Explain.5. Did you find the discussions which Gilbert, Tucker and Bob had in the café were important? Explain.6. Lamson’s Grocery is where Gilbert works. ‘Foodland is where everyone shops’. Do you think the Grocery store symbolically represents Gilbert? If this is the case, what or who does Foodland symbolize?7. In what ways does the memory of Albert Grape (Gilbert’s father) still rule the lives of the Grape family?8. What is the symbolic significance of the burning of the Grape house at the end of the film? Why did they burn it down? How do you think the children felt when it happened?Part B Questions:1. ‘Did you ever see a beached whale on television? That’s her. That’s my mum’ – Gilbert. How did you feel when you heard Gilbert describe his mother in this way? Explain why.2. ‘got to do better’ – This is a phrase that Gilbert hears from several people. Do you think Gilbert could ‘do better’ or was he already doing the best he could? Was it fair that he was being told to ‘do better’? Discuss.3. ‘Do you ever think about your family?’ – Mr Carver (when discussing life insurance with Gilbert). How do you think Gilbert felt hearing this question?4. When Becky asks Gilbert what he wants he replies ‘a new house for momma, for momma to take aerobics classes. I want Ellen to grow up. I want a new brain for Arnie I want to be a good person’. Do you think Gilbert is a ‘good person’ throughout the film? Why do you think he wants all those other things for the people in his family?5. Was Gilbert’s actions towards Arnie justified when he hit him? Can we blame him for his actions? Why do you think he did hit his brother?6. ‘I know what a burden I am. I know that you’re ashamed of me. I never meant to be like this. I never wanted to be a joke Please don’t disappear – Momma. Why is she such an emotional woman? Why is she afraid Gilbert will disappear?7. ‘I’m not gonna let you be a joke’ – Gilbert. How does this comment indicate that Gilbert’s attitude towards his mother has changed compared to earlier in the film?8. ‘We can go anywhere’ – Did you find this an appropriate ending to the film? Discuss.9. If you had to decide what the climax of the film was, when would it have been? How did you reach your decision?10. In what ways was Gilbert’s life blessed during the film? In what ways was it cursed?11. What is ‘eating Gilbert Grape’? Explain in detail with reference to the film. Learning Goals: I will learn. . .Success Criteria: I can. . .- to identify symbols and the significance of characters, themes, and events in a film- to interpret important quotes- to identify significant quotes and events- to explore characterization in a film- explain the relevance of symbols, characters, events and themes in a film- articulate the significance of dialogue (quotes) in a film- analyse a film – express an opinion on a filmADVANCE \d4Discussion Questions: 20 marks Instructions: In a group of between three to five people pick one of the following topics to discuss and present to the class. Make sure that you use direct evidence from the film to support your discussion. This is not a formal presentation, but rather a discussion run by your group. While leading the discussion you should be able to both ask questions of the class, and answer any questions they may have. Come up with a minimum of two questions to ask your classmates.ADVANCE \d41. Arnie is the character around whom all the action in the film revolves. Discuss. ADVANCE \d42. The family relationships in the Grape household are the key to the film. Discuss. ADVANCE \d43. The Grape household is where the main events of the film unfold. Discuss. ADVANCE \d44. Gilbert is the main character in the film and the film focuses on his dreams and desires. Discuss. 5. Discuss and analyse the role and purpose of music in the film.6. Explore and discuss the ending of the film. Success Criteria: I can. . .- work collaboratively in a group- demonstrate proper listening and talking skills- formulate evaluative, and interpretative questions on a film- analyse a specific aspect of a film (e.g. character, theme, setting, music, plot) and explain the affect this aspect has on a film, and what it contributes to the overall meaning of the film ................

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