MTH 099: Mathematics Skills II- Summer II 2011501 - CRN: 5120 MTWRF 10:00 am - 11:45 am Harris Hall 136(TENTATIVE)Instructor: Channon MdzinisoOffice:Smith Music Hall 115Phone:(304) 696-3986Office Hours:By appointmentEmail:MUOnline/Blackboardmdziniso@marshall.eduALEKS Student Code:ALEKS Course ID: Q4WTN-3EEJVPrerequisites: ACT 17 – 18 OR SAT equivalent OR successful completion of WMTH 001 or MTH 098.Course Description: The purpose of this course is to adequately prepare students with low placement test scores to take college level mathematics courses required in their program of study. This is a 3 hour course and will count toward full time status. A grade of Credit or No Credit will be assigned. Course Objectives: Students shall be able to:further an understanding of the properties and structures of the number system.correctly use algebraic language and symbols.further an understanding of signed numbers and their operations.illustrate mastery of formulas and equations. show development of logical reasoning. Course Materials and Policies: TEXTBOOK: Miller, O’Neil, Hyde. Introductory Algebra. 2nd Edition. 2009. ISBN#: 978-0-07-795936-4. (It’s the black one with the purple dolphins.)WORKBOOK: Students will purchase a loose-leaf workbook that they will be required to work from during the semester. A three ring binder should be used to keep the workbook secure and easily accessible during class. ALEKS LICENSE: Our textbook comes enhanced with an online assessment program called ALEKS. This requires the student to have access to a computer for working and a printer for printing worksheets. The ALEKS letters stand for Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces. It uses non-multiple choice questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a course. Then, the program instructs the student on the topics he/she is most ready to learn. Each student will be periodically reassessed to ensure that topics learned are also retained. Each student must purchase the ALEKS license in order to receive credit for the ALEKS portion of the course. With the purchase of a book bundle, you will receive an ALEKS Student Access Code to the online website . Using this code along with the ALEKS Course ID provided at the beginning of this syllabus, you will need to register. Instructions for registering and accessing ALEKS can be found on MUOnline/Blackboard and a quick tutorial will be discussed in class. Please take note of the following important suggestions for successful use of ALEKS:Learning Mode You should learn to use the special features of the Learning Mode, especially the explanations and the mathematical dictionary. A button marked "Ask a Friend" may also appear from time to time. Clicking on this button will prompt the system to suggest the name of a classmate who has mastered the concept. Assessments To ensure success, you should not ask for, nor receive any help during assessments. Not even explanations or rephrasing of problems are permitted. If you receive help, the system will get a wrong idea of what you are most ready to learn, and this will hold up your progress. If you think you don't know the answer, you should click "I don't know." (Don't guess!) Nothing is more important to your progress in the course than regular use of the ALEKS system. THREE HOURS PER WEEK is a recommended minimum. Put ALEKS into your weekly schedule and stick to it!COMPOSITION BOOK: A student should have composition notebook ready for use on all ALEKS assessments and for use in the Learning Mode. There should also be a separate place for students to take class lecture notes, do homework from the book, and keep the workbook.CALCULATOR: A calculator should be used only when you are instructed to do so, and may or may not be utilized on exams. The TI-83/TI-83 plus or similar graphing calculator is recommended for students continuing into MTH 127/MTH 130 and other higher level courses. A scientific calculator is recommended for students continuing into MTH 121. ATTENDANCE: Attendance is necessary for the successful completion of this course. It is expected that each student shows up on time and is prepared for class. If a student misses class, he/she will not be able to make up the missed attendance or activity points. If the absence results in the missing of an exam, only an excused absence will warrant a make-up exam. A student can obtain an officially excused absence at The Office of Student Affairs, Memorial Student Center MSC 2W38.? Any missed exam will be made up during an appointed time by the Instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to check the schedule and know exam dates. Exams missed with no official excuse cannot be made up and will result in a score of zero. IN THE CLASSROOM: This course offers many different class experiences from lecturing and exams to class discussions, worksheets, and pop quizzes. It is the student’s responsibility to reference the schedule and be aware of what topics to master each week. During class, cell phones must be turned off and out of sight, and may not be used as a calculator during tests. Please make the instructor aware ahead of time if you need access to these devices. OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM: As a general rule for college courses, you will need to work at least 2-4 hours outside of class for every 1 hour you spend in class to ensure success in any course. Examples of out of class work could include ALEKS assessments, homework from the book, tutoring sessions, and peer study groups. TUTORING FACILITIES: Marshall University provides multiple options for on-campus tutoring. The Mathematics Department tutoring lab is located in Smith Hall 523. The University College has an all subject tutoring lab on the first floor of Laidley Hall. It is the student’s responsibility to utilize these facilities.PLAGIARISM/ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: It is the policy of Marshall University to expect academic honesty.? Students who commit breaches of academic honesty will be subject to the various sanctions outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.? ?To see the policy in the online catalog: WITH DISABILITIES: It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Office of Disability Services. For policies and procedures, visit CALCULATION: Since there are multiple ways in which students learn, knowledge will be assessed with multiple tools. A student’s grade is assessed by the number of points earned in each of the following categories:CATEGORYDescription% of GradeALEKS PIEEach section of the ALEKS pie covers a topic from the course. The course objective is to answer questions correctly in ALEKS, and get awarded pieces of your pie, until you fill the entire pie. A student should master all topics in the ALEKS pie. To help students stay on track, there are four goals set throughout the semester.10%ALEKS TOTAL20%ALEKS GOALSStudents will have the flexibility to use ALEKS at their own pace, going through troublesome topics more thoroughly, but must also meet certain objectives to be successful in the course. Worth the same as one test, the four goals set in ALEKS cannot be made up if missed. Check the Weekly Schedule for goal due dates. A bonus will be given to the student for completing 100% of the pie.10%IN-CLASS TESTSThe in-class tests, given approximately every 10 sections or so, contain the only multiple choice questions included the course grade. Each of the four exams will contain approximately 25 questions worth 4 points each. See the Weekly Schedule for test dates and section coverage. 40%TEST TOTAL60%FINAL EXAMA comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester. A student must take the final exam and score 65% or better to pass the course. See the Final Exam Schedule for the test date. 20%MISCELLAN-EOUSMiscellaneous points will be given for any or all of the following: review worksheets, activities, attendance, ALEKS Lab Time, pop quizzes, other assessment/activity given by the instructor.You will get 4 points for each class attendance, which, in total, will add up to 100 points at the end of the session.10%10%MISC TOTAL20%OVERALL GRADING SCALE: To be successful, students should earn as much credit as they can from each and all categories. Students must meet the following criteria to pass the class:PASS:75% or higher overall andFAIL:Less than 75% overall or65% or higher on Final Exam less than 65% on Final ExamSome Important University DatesJune 3, Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Regular Registration June 6, Monday First Day of Classes June 6, Monday Late Registration/Schedule Adjustment Closes June 7, Tuesday "W" Withdrawal Period Begins June 10, Friday Application for July Graduation Due in Academic Dean's Office June 10, Friday Final Draft of Thesis/Dissertation Due in Advisor's Office June 24, Friday Last Day to Drop an Invididual Course June 27, Monday -- July 7, Thursday Complete Withdrawals Only July 4, Monday Independence Day Holiday Observed - University Closed July 7, Thursday Approved Thesis/Dissertation Due in Graduate College Office July 7, Thursday Last Class Day - Last Day to Completely Withdraw from Summer II July 8, Friday Final Examination Day - Official July Graduation Date MTH 099 Weekly Schedule (subject to change) -MTWRF Classes SummerII 2011Week 1MONDAYTUESDAYJun. 6 – Jan. 10Syllabus ReviewReview Worksheets5.1, 5.25.3, 5.4WEDNESDAYTHURSDAYActivity 1 – Exponents5.5, 5.6, 5.7Activity 2 - Polynomials6.1, 6.2, 6.3FRIDAYTEST 1ALEKS Lab Time 1ALEKS Goal 1Week 2MONDAYTUESDAYJun. 13 – Jun.176.4, 6.5Activity 3 – Factoring7.1 7.2, 7.3, 7.4WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY7.3, 7.4Activity 4 – Rational Expressions8.18.2, 8.7, 8.3FRIDAYTEST 2ALEKS Lab Time 2ALEKS Goal 2Week 3MONDAYTUESDAYJun.20-Jun.248.4Activity 5 – Radical Expressions2.1, 2.2 2.32.4, 2.6Activity 6 – Equations vs. ExpressionsWEDNESDAYTHURSDAY 2.8 , 3.13.4,3.5Activity 7 – Solving Linear Eqns 3.2, 3.3FRIDAYTEST 3ALEKS Lab Time 3ALEKS Goal 3Week 4MONDAYTUESDAYJun.27-Jul.13.4, 3.53.6Activity 8 – Linear Modeling4.1, 4.2, 4.3Activity 9 – Systems of Equations WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY4.4, 4.5, 6.79.1, 9.3FRIDAYTEST 4ALEKS Lab Time 4ALEKS Goal 4Week 5MONDAYTUESDAYJul. 4- Jul. 8Independence Day Holiday7.6,8.6 WEDNESDAYTHURSDAYActivity 10 – Quadratic, Rational, and Radical EquationsReviewReviewALEKS Bonus GoalFRIDAYFINAL EXAM ................

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