
Maryland Classic

Questions by Chicago New Order

1. His technique of staining nerve cells with silver nitrate allowed the first accurate pictures of them to be drawn. Based on this work, he won the 1906 Nobel Prize in Medicine, but is more widely known for a cellular organelle he first observed. FTP, name this man who in 1883 first observed this "apparatus".

Answer: Camillo Golgi

2. Stating that "Her quiet dignity ignited the most significant social movement in the history of the United States," on April 19 a bill unanimously passed the Senate to award this woman a Congressional Gold Medal. FTP, who is the recipient, who in 1955 was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus.

Answer: Rosa Parks

3. Noted scholar Maynard Solomon recently found the identity of this mystery woman. Inaccurately portrayed in a movie as Johanna, the sister-in-law of the central musician, this romantic interest has been believed to be Bettina Brentano, Countess Erdödy, and many other women central to Ludwig's life. She is known only by a series of love letters written to her by the composer and is, as one might believe from her title, the only woman Beethoven ever seemed to love. For ten points, what is the name of this everlasting love interest of Beethoven's, also the title of a 1996 movie with Gary Oldman?

Answer: the Immortal Beloved

4. Major cities that lie on it include Maahajanga, Toliary, Beria. It entrance is roughly defined by the Comoros islands on the north. Every major river in Madagascar flows into it, as does the Zambezi. FTP name this body of water which shares its name with the country whose capital, Maputo, is also a port on it.

Answer: Mozambique Channel

5. This painting was the subject of an exhaustive series of studies by Pablo Picasso, which is odd as the work itself was painted about 300 years earlier. The central figure has a dog at her feet, and seems to be looking out at the subjects of the painting, Phillip IV and Queen Mariana. The artist himself has a prominent position behind a great canvas, which lies next to the central young princess Margarita. For ten points, what is the name of this Diego Velazquez work, called, in English, "the maids of honor"?

Answer: Las Meninas (accept Maids of Honor on early response)

6. Because the Church had trouble extending its power beyond Germany, the Hohenstaufen family became the ruling family behind the papacy. This man, the family's most famous member, sought to once again unite a Holy Roman Empire by gaining control of Italy. In 1178 he was defeated in the Diet of Roncaglia by the Lombard League, which dissipated his ambitions. Before he died, he secured the hand of a Heiress in Sicily to his son Henry, later Henry VI. FTP, name this man who ruled as Holy Roman Emperor from 1152-1190 AD.

Answer: Frederic Barbarossa

7. He metamorphosed into his first incarnation in response to night's lower light levels. In his second incarnation, an inability to deal with severe emotions caused the transformation. His third incarnation, the same color as the first incarnation, was permanent. Finally, after being psychoanalyzed by Doc Samson, he returned to the color of his second incarnation, green, while maintaining full control over his emotions and faculties. For ten points, name this large Marvel Comics superhero who has been both gray and green.

Answer: The Incredible Hulk

8. After his rescue, he is returned to Earth, where he advocates free love and watersharing. Heir to the greatest fortune ever known, he had only two real parents. He would make an incredible witness, thanks to his perfect memory. For ten points, who is this Martian who groks people in Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land?"

Answer: _Valentine Michael Smith_

9. It can be described as a projective plane with a disk deleted, but more commonly as a rectangle with edges reversed and glued. It is significant in that it can be painted with one stroke of a paintbrush. In four dimensions, it is represented as a Klein bottle. FTP, what is this common topological example, a one-sided "loop with a half twist"?

Answer: Mobius strip

10. He and two companions were the first Europeans to settle the Chicago area, even though he died in Luddington, Michigan almost one year later. Arriving at Quebec in 1666, he formed missionaries in Sault Ste. Marie and St. Ignace before being assigned a new task and partner by Louis comte de Frontenac, the governor of New France. FTP, name this explorer of the Mississippi whose partner was Joliet.

Answer: Jacques Marquette

11. As a wavefront is incident with a boundary between materials, the wave generated in one medium may move away from the boundary slower than in the other. As a result, the wavefront will bend based on the speed associated to the two media. This is a rough explanation of, FTP, what fundamental law

of optics?

Answer: Snell's Law

12. Born in Charles County VA in 1790 he was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives in 1862. As a U.S. Congressman he advocated the abolition of slave trade in the District of Columbia, despite being a slave holder, and fought against both the tariff of abominations and South

Carolina's attempt to nullify it. FTP, name this 10th president of the United States who became president after William Henry Harrison's death.

Answer: John Tyler

13. The first was begun by Constantine the Great in 325 A.D., and in 1452 it was expanded by Nicholas V. In 1506 Julius II demolished the original building, leaving only the namesake tomb. It was given an impressive setting by its architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini, including a piazza with two fountains, two colonnades, and an eighty-five foot obelisk; and a mile-long avenue leading from the Tiber River. For ten points, Michelangelo designed the dome for what landmark Cathedral in Rome?

Answer: _St. Peter's Basilica_

14. Malik, Jennifer and Rachel Greene, Jerry Markovic, Elizabeth Corday, Donald Anspaugh, Kerry Weaver, Jeanie Boulet, Mark Greene, Peter Benton, Carol Hathaway, Doug Ross, and John Carter are all characters, for 10 points, on what hit NBC medical drama?

Answer: ER

15. The Kikuyu make up about 20% of the population of this republic, which was ruled by Britain between 1895 and 1963. Lying on the Equator, the Great Rift Valley runs through the country, famous for parks such as Tsavo National Park and Masai Mara Game Reserve. It borders Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Ethiopia. For ten points, what is this African nation, home to Mombasa and Nairobi?

Answer: _Kenya_

16. He is buried in Zurich where he died during WWII and he was born on Groundhog's day. When asked what he was thinking about while C.P. Curran took his portrait, he replied "I was wondering would he lend me five shillings." Two years before his death, he finished his 19 year obsession that he lovingly called "Work in Progress" which, like this question, begins with the end. FTP, name this man, whose "Work in Progress" is also known as Finegann's Wake.

Answer: James Joyce

17. In Celtic Mythology, she is the goddess of healing, smiths, poetry, and fertility. Her name means "high one" and her feast day, February 1, was one of the four most important in the Celtic world. When Christianity was brought to Ireland, her feast day was kept the same and she is now the second most popular saint in Ireland next to Patrick. FTP, name this woman who shares her name with the actress who played Red Sonja in the movie of the same name.

Answer: Brigid OR Brigit

18. France recognized Victor Amadeus II as king of Sicily. England got Minorca and Gibralter from Spain and received Newfoundland and Nova Scotia from France. Philip V of France became king of Spain. FTP, these are all provisions of what peace agreement which ended the War of the Spanish Succession?

Answer: Treaties of Utrecht (accept Treaty of Utrecht or Peace of Utrecht )

19. Former Asst. Secretary of State Herman Cohen recently visited this country, although unofficially. The United States still maintains unilateral oil and trade embargoes, although the UN recently lifted theirs. FTP, what is this country that recently released two suspects for a 1988 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland?

Answer: Libya

20. You sit across the table from your opponent looking at your hand. It has seven cards; the game has just begun. And yet, the score is already 20 to 20. After a few turns it is 20 to 17, and your hand is markedly smaller. Perhaps the lower score is because of the lightning bolt you cast on your opponent, causing them to lose three life. For ten points, what is this Wizards of the Coast card game in which players use manna to cast spells and creatures like Lightning Bolt and Giant Growth?

Answer: Magic the Gathering

21. A student of Martin Heidegger, this philosopher's ideas were strongly influenced by WWII. He became one of the leading exponents of a new philosophical movement that placed its primary emphasis on individual man and his actions. His long time lover wrote The Second Sex. For ten points, name this French Existentialist.

Answer: Jean-Paul Sartre

23. Using this material, Lene Hau and a group of physicists recently reduced the speed of light to under 40 mph. It is a state in which a large number of atoms at a low energy are all in the same quantum state, and act uniformly. FTP, name this sort of 'condensate'.

Answer: Bose-Einstein condensate

24. Annabella has the choice of three suitors: Soranzo, Grimaldi, and Bergetto. Unfortunately she would rather have her brother, Giovanni, and does have him, since the only reason for the wedding is that she is pregnant with Giovanni's child. For ten points, name this play by John Ford.

Answer: 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

Maryland Classic

Questions by Chicago New Order

1. 30-20-10, name the dance style.

1. It developed from the 14th century onward as Gypsies, Arabs, Jews, and socially outcast Christians mingled on the fringes of society.

2. A Spanish dance, the men wear chalecos while the women are known for flowing skirts.

3. The men's steps are intricate, with toe and heel clicking; women's dancing traditionally depends on the grace of the hands and body, rather than on footwork.

Answer: Flamenco

2. Given the colonial name as of 1914 give the current name of the country for ten points each.

1. German East Africa Answer: Tanzania

2. North Rhodesia Answer: Zambia

3. Nyasaland Answer: Mozambique

3. Identify the following stringed musical instruments from a description, for ten points each.

1. A medieval stringed instrument with 2 to 4 unfingered bass strings which, when sounded, produced a drone harmony. The strings were not operated by bowing or plucking, but rather by an entirely different, more mechanical method..

Answer: Hurdy-Gurdy

2. Ancestors of the modern bowed string family, these instruments resembled their descendants, yet generally differed by having no bulge in the back, shoulders that sloped away from the neck, a fretted fingerboard, and six strings instead of four.

Answer: Viol (or Viols )

3. This is the general name given for various bowed string instruments found in Islamic countries. They occur in a number of shapes, the most common being a trapezoid, halved pear, or rectangle, and usually have three strings.

Answer: Rabab or Rebab (also accept Rebec or Rabec)

4. For ten points each, given the empirical chemical formulae name each of the following compounds.

a. C H2 O Answer: _Glucose_

b. CHO Answer: _Formaldehyde_

c. C10 H4 Answer: _Naphthalene_

5. Answer the following questions about the book "The Lord of the Rings" for the stated number of points.

1. 5 pts: What is the name of the hobbit, nephew of Bilbo Baggins, who is the protagonist of the books?

Answer: Frodo Baggins

2. 10 pts: Give the name of the two wizards, one gray who helps Frodo and his company as he helped Bilbo, and one white, who opposes him and is known for his tower, Isengard. You must name both to receive ten points.

Answer: Gandalf the gray and Saruman the white

3. 15 pts: what is the name of the third sorcerer, known for his brown cloak and his fondness for animals?

Answer: Radagast the brown

6. Answer the following questions about Swedish influence in the NHL for ten points each.

1. This center, traded for Eric Lindros, helped the Colorado Avalanche to win the Stanley Cup. His father, Kent, coached him on the Swedish Olympic team in 1998.

Answer: Peter Forsberg

2. He was the first European player selected number one overall in the entry draft, taken by the Quebec Nordiques in 1990.

Answer: Mats Sundin

3. This Detroit defenseman was runner up for the Norris Trophy last year, and is currently threatening to move his family back to Sweden at the end of this season.

Answer: Niklas Lidstrom

7. Given a description of a term from art, name the term for the stated number of points.

1. 5 pts: The application of paint to wet plaster, usually on a wall but sometimes on a ceiling, with the paint drying in and with the plaster.

Answer: fresco

2. 10 pts: The use in painting of deep variations in, and subtle gradations of light and shadow, usually to give a general dramatic effect.

Answer: chiaroscuro

3. 15 pts: The process in which a design or text is engraved into the surface of a plate so that when ink is applied, and the excess removed, ink remains in the grooves and is transferred to paper, often leaving a raised design or raised text.

Answer: intaglio

8. Name these figures from Antarctic exploration for the stated number of points.

1. 5 pts: This Norwegian was the first man to reach the South pole, doing so December 14, 1911.

Answer: Roald Amundsen

2. 10 pts: This Englishman discovered Victoria Land, as well as the sea and ice shelf which bear his name in the 1840s.

Answer: James Clark Ross

3. 15 pts: Name any one of the three men, one Russian, one English, one American, who claim to be the first to sight the mainland Antarctica. The American, the first to indisputably sight the continent has the main peninsula named for him.

Answer: Fabian Gottleib von Bellinghausen , Edward Bransfield , Nathanial Palmer

9. Three American soldiers supposedly patrolling in Macedonia were captured by Serbian forces in early April, 1999. For ten points each, name these three soldiers, who have not been seen since first put on TV after capture.

Answer: Staff Sgt. Andrew Ramirez, Staff Sgt. Christopher Stone, Spec. Steven Gonzales

10. Name the person, 30-20-10.

30. The son of Olorus, he was a man of influence in Thasos and is probably related to the great general Miltaides.

20. Elected stratagos in his 30s, he lost Amphipolis to the Spartan general Brasidas in 424 B.C.

10. He wrote his History of the Peoloponnesian War during his exile from Athens.

Answer: Thucydides

11. Name the river, 30-20-10.

30. For the first 190 miles it flows northwesterly, turning south only after it exits Kinbasket Lake.

20. Some of its major tributaries include the Kootenay, Pend Orielle, Yakima, Okanogan, and Spokane rivers, all of which run into it as it flows south.

10. It finally turns west shortly after the Snake River flows into it, then heads west into the Pacific Ocean as it traverses the Cascade Range.

Answer: Columbia River

12. 30-20-10, name the author from works:

30: “The Unvanquished,” “Knight’s Gambit”

20: “A Fable,” “Requiem for a Nun”

10: “As I Lay Dying,” “Absalom, Absalom”

Answer: William _Faulkner_

13. You are driving through Europe and suddenly decide to drive around Romania (don't ask me why, this is you, remember?) You decide to start at Romania's southernmost Black Sea coast and begin driving westward around the country's border. Now, for five points apiece name each foreign country you would see along your trip until you reach the Black Sea again in the order you would see them, naming any countries twice if you pass them again after a break.

Answer: Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, Ukraine

14. Answer the following questions about the board game Monopoly for ten points each.

1. According to the standard rules, what happens when you land on Free Parking?

Answer: nothing (accept equivalents)

2. In what U.S. city would you find Marvin Gardens, St. Charles Place, Park Place, and Baltic Avenue?

Answer: Atlantic City

3. In what new edition of Monopoly would you find The Four Seasons, Deloitte and Touche LLP, FAO Schwartz, and the MTA?

Answer: New York edition

15. A lethal virus recently killed over 100 people in Southeast Asia, leading to a mass extermination of livestock. For ten points each,

1. In what country did this outbreak take place?

Answer: Malaysia

2. Nearly one million of what type of animals were killed in this purge?

Answer: pigs

3. For five points each, what two viruses are involved in this outbreak, one a well-known disease, and one named for the local village where it first appeared?

Answer: Japanese encephylitis and Nipah

16. Vanity Fair called Lolita "the only convincing love story of our century." While that statement might be a bit frightening, you get to name three important men in Lolita's life for the stated number of points.

1. 5 pts: Name the deranged narrator, whose first love, Annabelle, dies young, undoubtedly causing a clear case of arrested development in the narrator.

Answer: Humbert Humbert

2. 10 pts: Name the playwright for whom Dolores leaves the narrator.

Answer: Claire Quilty (accept either first or last names)

3. 15 pts: Name the man she eventually marries.

Answer: Richard F. Shiller(accept either first or last names)

17. Answer these religious hodgepodge questions about sects and cults for

ten points each.

1. Name the cult that was accepted by Commodus as an imperial cult in the 2nd century. Its rituals included baptism with honey and a sacred meal that consisted of bread, wine and water.

Answer: Mithraism

2. From the Arab for 'sect' these people engage in self-flagellation while commemorating their martyrs Hasan and Husein.

Answer: Shiites

3. Name the new Mexicao religious order that performs an annual Passion Play during which they whip themselves. The Roman Catholic Church does not approve.

Answer: _The Penitentes_

18. Poema del Cid was written about 1140 by an unknown Spanish bard. It bears many similarities to the Chansons de Geste that were popular in France at the time. Answer these questions about El Cid for the stated number of points.

1. 5 pts: Name the real name of El Cid

Answer: Don Rodrigo or Ruy Diaz de Bizar

2. 5 pts: Name his wife and lover in the poem

Answer: Jimena or Ximena

3. 10 pts: Name either of his daughters, whose husbands he duels with in the second part of the poem, after the husbands have done his girls wrong.

Answer: Dona Elvira or Dona Sol

4. 10 pts: Name the territory he conquers in the second part of the poem

Answer: Valencia

19. For ten points each, in general formulation, are the following mathematical operations necessarily associative, commutative, both, or neither?

1. the group operation in an abstract group

Answer: associative

2. subtraction of real numbers

Answer: neither

3. composition of real functions

Answer: associative

20. The fame of the Latin American genre of 'Magical Realism' has spread across the world. Answer these questions about Isabella Allende for ten points each.

1. Name her novel which begins with a letter from a granddaughter to her grandfather assuring him that the memory of the family will not be lost.

Answer: House of Spirits

2. Name the titular character of two of her novels.

Answer: Eva Luna

3. Name the book she dedicated to her daughter that she wrote during her daughter's illness.

Answer: Paula


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