
Mary Oliver OPUS “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his workand his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; hiseducation and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simplypursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leavesothers to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”L. P. JacksOVERARCHING VISIONI have a dream that as I wake up in the morning I am pain free with enthusiasm and energy because of the amazing healing process I have personally gone through and the faithfulness of Jesus who said “I came to give life abundantly.” I have been given many opportunities to live that abundant life and continue seeking opportunities that produce transformation in peoples’ lives. I head into my large kitchen that opens to a great room to make a cup of coffee. The great room is where I entertain friends and family with cozy and welcoming centers around. My house is custom built by one of the best builders I know in the area. I take my coffee, grab my bible and journal as I step out into the covered, well lit and heated patio. (You need those here in Washington). My patio overlooks gorgeous gardens and a beautiful heated infinity pool that looks like it is pouring right into the lake that my property borders. I have amazing panoramic views of the lake and the city from my home. My house has separate quarters that are large and house my daughter and her girls—my grandchildren. I also have rooms for my son and his family so that have their own private space when they come to visit. I love watching the grandchildren grow and am happy that they will never need to worry about their financial future because of the provision that I have provided for the generations to follow. After I have had my meditation time in the Word of God and prepared my day for the activities at my office I drive to the Open Heart Life Center where I do the work I love to do. I have a dream about The Campus of Open Heart Life Center which is a campus of transformation, healing and restoration in Jesus reconciling love. It is a Life Center that everyone who comes to it experiences the tangible presence of God.-6350208279 I have a dream as I enter the Open Heart Life Center campus that the land is a good land. A sustainable land. Driving on the campus I pass water features and park like settings that promote healing, prayer and meditation. The land is dedicated to the Lord and a blessing to many souls who come to stay at our short term residences. It is a Christian holistic center for equipping people in biblical health, God-given wisdom, community outreach, teaching and sustainable living. The buildings are built green meaning environmentally safe, toxic and chemical free.Part of the center includes holistic clinical offices for treating more complex health issues. These practitioners will be available for the residences at the Campus and for the general public. As I walk in the campus I stop at the Sanctuary which is our unusual conference center, because of the water wall with ponds and streams running through it and the living shrubs and trees. Each pond has a specific purpose, one for baptisms, some for small breakaways and some on the outlying areas with comfortable seating spaces while others engage seated at the round tables in a conversational fashion. Each person at the sanctuary is actively engaged with the applications and activations that come from the speakers. You could call it a place we meet for “church not as usual” because participation and activations are for all who come. I love the energy of this room and get fired up when I am teaching and encouraging others to pursue their dreams. We offer so many opportunities of education to bring holistic health to multitudes as well as helping people transform their life to live their dreams that God deposited in them. This sanctuary is also rented out to other like-minded groups who need a space to meet.As I walk out of the sanctuary to one side, I enter another larger area that is conducive to prayer for people who need healing and deliverance. This has pockets of private areas so the confidentiality and safe well-being of those who are receiving prayer is maintained. Walking on through the large room I come to offices that are tucked away with private patios and gardens that enhance a peaceful working environment. Nearby is the commercial kitchen that serves the employees and short term residents. This kitchen offers 80% of living and organic foods that are designed to heal our clients who may have come because of life defining illnesses. I especially appreciate that the caregivers of our clients are learning the healthier ways of maintaining a holistic approach so they can take it home with them. The center also offers short term housing for missionaries and leaders that may need time to unwind from their busy schedules. 3809123180339As I exit the main center area onto a beautiful path surrounded by water features, garden seating, plants and trees, I enter the worship and arts center. You would appreciate the way an old barn with it’s character is transformed into an amazing soundproof recording and worship studio on the entry level. This is where I hang out to do my online classes and webinars as well as create product that impacts peoples’ lives. The upper level is used for our creative arts studio with the exceptional lighting that is needed for the artists to do amazing fine art pieces. I like letting the expressive art come through me and an always thrilled to see what other artists are creating. Our short term-6349205740 residents take art therapy classes up there to release the creative expression that is in them as well. It is an amazing way for them to let their feelings out and process in a safe place, the emotions that may have been locked up within them for a long time. After leaving the Worship Arts Center I walk past one of the many greenhouses on our 80 acre property. This provides the “living food” our employees and guests enjoy especially during the winter months when the weather is too chilly for spring and summer harvests. I am on my way to the residence center lobby. The lobby is a comfy, but large enough size that our guests can hang out in to read or visit with other members. There is also a juice bar there for the in-between meal snacking they might want since their diet is somewhat restricted for health reasons. And the Open Heart Life Center library that has all kinds of books with prayers, health, and life giving messages including various translations of the Bible. I love greeting the people who have invested in the process for their healing. Usually by the third day of no longer medicating on the foods and other sources that numbed their pain, emotions run pretty freely. That’s when the prayer ministers really have their work cut out for them. It is so rewarding to minister healing as they face the pain and break through it to lasting transformation in their life. Near the residence center are the treatment rooms that include hot far-infrared heat that is large enough for a group to do the heated stretch exercises. The heat is welcoming in the winter months, but better yet, has amazing healing properties. It goes deep into the muscle tissue to release built up toxins and allows a workout with out the residual pain. It is exceptional for our clients that suffer life defining illness who especially have trouble with an exercise program. The therapeutic pool for swimming in is salt water based and creates a wave affect for those who want the benefits of exercise that swimming gives. Other treatment rooms incorporate the sound and frequency biofeedback machines that work at a cellular level to activate the body’s innate ability to heal. And some of these machines include the New German Medicine that have a profound effect of healing on our clients at the center. Next visit is to the clinical offices where the professionals work. These offices are open to the public and to the clients at Open Heart Life Center who may be in need of extra care. At this time we have chiropractors, massage therapists, a physical therapist, naturopathic doctors and a medical doctor, professional counselors, a master herbalist and nutritionist and an acupuncturist. We also have our compounding & whole food “Farmacy" located in the professional building as well as the bookstore and gift shop. As I walk the grounds and look at all the healing activity and feel the positive energy of this campus OF TRANSFORMED LIVES, I am eternally grateful and humble that the Lord gave me this vision and to see it bring transformation to multitudes is a blessing for sure.933450165100 MY TRIBEMy tribe is people that are willing to invest in themselves for healthy transformation. They are ignited to be change agents in other peoples lives and share a like mindedness in healing people, communities, the land and transforming the Christian culture to a Kingdom culture. My tribe are leaders that are trail blazers to transform the disease culture that is called healthcare, to a true biblical health model. My tribe are people who want to create a healthy culture for others that add value to the existence of all of God’s creation.CAUSERestoration and transformation of those who are stuck or trapped in spiritual, financial, health, and relationship issues by connecting them to God’s wellness model for the whole person, spirit, soul and body and helping them become change agents for building better communities that add value to the existence of all of God’s creation.SPACEA place where people can rest, put their guard down, know they are in a safe environment so they can reveal their true selves without judgement. A space that holds an open heart for their healing, recovery and transformation. PURPOSE I am transforming lives.“I am an author, speaker, and life coach, that equips people with a process that transforms their lives and connects them with their true identity, purpose and passion. I help people monetize their passion because everyone has a story and their story impacts and influences others.”UNIFYING STRATEGIESTHOUGHT MUST BE LINKED TO PURPOSE TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING.1. Personal Growth: Reading and consuming content and continuing educational workshops that line up with my dream but also challenges me to stretch into a bigger and broader perspective. Scorecard for Significance:Putting discipline as a priority in exercise and healthy pain relief measures that I can model the health of the dream I have for transforming lives in my body as well as soul and spirit. Prayer and meditation, deeper word study in the Bible, reading inspirational material, listening to music that ignites my soul. 2. Compelling Resources Writing content that invites others to heal and to transform their lives. Content that will be through books, blogs, vlogs, seminars, webinars and conferences. Scoreboard for Significance: Speaking to audiences that provokes them to explore uncharted areas that may be uncomfortable to them, challenges their paradigms and delivers truth from a biblical perspective that will engage them. Organizing conferences, workshops for personal interaction with people and building client relationships. 3. Transformational ExperiencesProviding streams of learning in different venues such as conferences, seminars, and workshops including online courses that encourage application and immediate activation in a place where there is emotional connection and a sense of safety where people can process emotions evoked during transformation. Coaching people who are interested in investing in themselves to transform where they are at now to where they want to be. Engaging them in the Deeper Path along with DISC profiling and spiritual gifts as well as Strengths profiles. WRITING THEIR OPUS.Scorecard for SignificancePrayerCare Therapy Online course weekly with campus location 1 time a month for body ministry. Every 3rd month webinars that invites the audience to join a coaching group.Cohort 3 times a year.Restore Retreat one time a year at a resort setting covering content that invites others to participate in the campus vision.Transformed Lives Conference one time a year with content that ignites peoples’ passion.Igniting Souls conference one time a year to stay connected and ignited. Fundraising auction for the bigger vision one time a year. My SixPack (Core) World View—What I BelieveI believe in the reconciliation of Jesus Christ to the Father. He is my Savior, Healer and Redeemer, Life Transformer and Friend.I believe that Jesus came to reconcile the world to the Father through Him, not to condemn people.I believe that Jesus came to give us the abundant life. I believe Jesus has given us access to the Kingdom of God where we are seated above all powers and principalities of the world. That access is available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By faith we enter in. I believe in a positive declaration, a positive mindset and an open heart to look at things including hardship with a heavenly mindset. Our passion, potential and vision exists to get us on the other side of hardship and pain.I believe that we are the manifestation of sons and daughters of the Lord most High here on earth now as it is in heaven and we are to be influencers of our culture. I believe in the ministry of reconciliation through Christ and that we are to love the lost into truth because the Father so loved the world He gave us Jesus to reconcile us to Himself.I believe that God gave a part of Himself to all living souls with His breath and we are to see all people in His Image despite their beliefs. I believe that a word of comfort and the love of Jesus to people will draw them to truth, instead of criticism and judgement. I believe that relationships wound us and healthy relationships heal us when we humble ourself. I believe that when God says DREAM BIGGER, He means it!Identity—Who I AMI am a woman—daughter of the Lord Most High.I am a widow so have had to take the lead in areas of my life that have been challenging.I am a mother to two and grandmother to six at this time. I have a passion to break the cycle of generational trauma in my life so that the hurts of my life and the generations of the past no longer have a power to influence my descendants.I am an exhorter and revealer of God’s heart.I am a visionary—I see the big picture quickly and want to get started with a team to get there.I am a leader that leads from the heart.I am grateful despite any of my circumstances because I know God has the bigger positive picture. Therefore I am at peace.I am creative and love painting, designing environments and creating atmospheres of comfort and peace for myself and others.I am teachable even in the things I am already gifted at. I keep going deeper and higher. I am light because His light dwells in me.I am love because of His Love that saved me.I am healthy because by His stripes I am healed.I am wealthy because Jesus gives me the abundant life.I am a catalyst because I see the potential in others that they may not see in themselves.Principles—What I ValueTruth despite the consequencesIntegrity “Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord but one who has clean Hands (integrity) and a clean heart.” Responsibility for self—no blameHealthy Relationships All People as created in the image of GodTeamwork that creates a synergy to transform a causeLearningListening to the heart of othersGenerosityPassion—What I LoveYahweh, Jesus, and Holy SpiritFamily and friendship—gathering together and enjoying each otherThe process of growth Helping others succeed Studying the deeper mysteries of the Kingdom of God and sharing the revelation with othersCreating new things whether in art or design or developing transforming contentThe beach, especially Cannon Beach in Oregon, Laguna Hills in California and the beaches in Maui.Purpose—Why I live and WorkTo build people with a strong foundation and transform their lives with the natural and supernatural expression of the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven. Process—How I Will Do It (Playbook of Productive Action (POP)I am Mary Oliver. I am an author, life coach and speaker that helps people to know their identity, gain clarity on why they are here, and where their life's potential can lead them so they become a transformed life that's passionate about adding value to others. 1. Personal Growth:Stretch Exercises 3 x’s a week for 40 minutees each. Walk 2 miles 2 x’s a week increasing amount of walks to more per week as my spine recovery allows.Read Bible daily and draw on highlighted scriptures and write in Mary’s Musings.Continue with growth content from resources like Igniting Souls, and inspirational authors that provoke me to my personal growth.2. Compelling Resources A. Writing content 1. PrayerCare Prayers for organ and muscle specific2. Write and Email Media kit and other content to Lisa at XP by Jan 25th3. Write OHM blog for Mary’s MusingsB. Videos, Powerpoints 1. Do 5 Minute video for PrayerCare2. Complete book trailer b4 Month’s end - find the male voiceover3. Migrate PrayerCare website to WPHostingC. Online Courses1. Begin PowerPoints for 1st module PrayerCare2. Plan next Deeper Path Cohort - AM Group3. Outline online courses for Mirror, Mirror 3. Transformational ExperiencesA. Workshops and Seminars1. Make calls to different venues for monthly availability for PrayerCare hands on classes.2. Meet with Stephen and Michele to create outline for Restore Retreat.3. Seek locations for the Retreat. B. Podcasts1. Begin outlining weekly podcasts teachings. Add call to action for seminar or workshop in relationship to the podcast.2. Calendar several days next month to record - see if Derricks sound studio up and running yet.


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