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Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church

Minutes of the February 16, 2016, Vestry Meeting

Vestry members present: The Rev. Carri Patterson Grindon, Senior Warden: Bruce Linsenmayer ’17, Junior Warden: Traci Cecconello ’18, Diane Carey-Schmitz ’17, John Green ’18, Paul McKinney ’18, Marti Farley ’17, Kara Ramirez ’18, Bill Owen ’19. Debra DeCaro ‘19, and Valerie Barth ‘19. Clerk: Jannette Allen

School Board Representative: Jane Sobota.

Treasurer: Joanna Scott.

Head of School: Jennifer Foley Tolbert

Guest: Marianne Wright

Chancellor: Reynolds Cafferata (absent)

Vestry members absent: Robert Ross ’17 and Nathan Schroeder ’19,

6:30 p.m. Dinner hosted by Jannette Allen.

7:04 p.m. Opening Prayer and Reflection - Pastor Carri reflected on the vestry retreat’s exercise that had us examine who we are and who Jesus is. Each person was asked to name on a piece of paper one quality that identifies who you are and place it in a bowl. Then each person withdrew one of the slips and read out loud that quality. Each person then introduced themselves and shared the best thing that happened to them that day.

Head of School Report – Jennifer Foley Tolbert

Getting ready for the Talent Show – Pride Group will sell pizza and water. Lent – chapel program reflect the season exhibiting origami hearts inspired by Mother Betsy. Admissions season- March 11 letters will go out. The Financial Assistance Program is part of the process. Fundraising – doing well including the annual fund. Planning is underway for the Spring Auction. The theme is ‘Set Sail’. Save the Date notices will go out soon. It will be on-campus. Looking for items for the live and the silent auction. Sensational Senior Day coming up to honor grandparents. Looking ahead – will consider Technology program and Advancement Program.

Review of Minutes from January 20, 2016, Vestry Meeting – Jannette Allen

Corrections: Wardens’ report: The VPOD recommended having David Key provide meditative music during the 7:45 service. Jane made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Diane. Motion passed with four abstaining.

Review of Minutes from February 6, 2016, Vestry Retreat Meeting – Jannette Allen

Corrections: Marti Farley attended the meeting. Jane made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Bill. Motion passed with one abstaining.

Joint Operations Committee Report – Marianne Wright

Three documents were distributed: Joint Operations Committee, Joint Operations Agreement, and Commercial Lease Agreement. The first document provides an overview of the committee’s background, operations, and direction. The last two documents are up for renewal after five years. The vestry is being asked to look at the relationship between the school and the church when considering these documents. Look at financial implications. Asked if we still need the school house lease as currently written. This document ha been re-affirmed two times already.

Exhibit A - difficult to breakout costs for water and electrical, so resulted in these calculations. Has looked at separate metering at least twice – not possible. Some money has been saved by combining insurance plans. If some kind of reciprocation could be obtained, how would that be shared? Meeting house is currently not functional. Discussion about school house future. Diane will bring some of these questions to the Joint Masterplan Committee. Pastor Carri asked for subcommittee volunteers to review documents and bring back recommendations. Agreements expire September. Bill, Diane, John, and Pastor Carri with Marianne will meet to also recommend how the church and school can work together. Pastor Carri asked everyone to review the three documents and email thoughts and questions. Jenn left with Marianne.

Treasurer’s Report – Joanna Scott

Joanna referred to the January 31, 2016, executive summary. Noted: We are pretty much on budget at $12,954 in the red. In answer to Marti’s question about what happens when pledges are not filled, Joanna explained that reminder letters are sent periodically. If funds do arrive after the budget year closes, those funds are applied to the benefit of the current year. There is a budget line to allow for defaulting pledges. Jane made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Diane. The motion passed unanimously.

VPOD note – Joanna reported that as VPOD she received a request for regular reporting on the Haiti budget. (Joanna left the meeting.)

Diocesan Report – Bruce Linsenmayer

Bishop Search Process has closed with 38 nominations. The committee expects to complete their review by the end of March. By late summer a town hall meeting is planned. In December, at convention, the committee will present slate to vote on. Timing is late because the process was extended to allow more to participate (tied up with Christmas events). Tonight the commission on Ministry meets with the standing committee to receive training material for ordination. Nothing happening to replace Bishop Glasspool. May wait for new bishop or could appoint from bishops.

Parent Association Report – Traci Cecconello

Traci provided a written report. The annual fund is at the same point as last year. Bruce asked if the Haiti hikers plan to have pancakes after the hike. Traci will check. Bruce’s second question was how do we get a report on money collected in jar. Pastor Carri answered that this is the same as Joanna’s question – the Haiti committee already looking at this, will publish. Marti asked about lunch costs – they equal about $0.25 per child, but add unexpected costs. They received other subsidies. This trip’s focus will be to help teach how to better manage funds. Meeting with ERD (micro credit), Kara Morgan (translating French), and the priest. Someone in La Tournelle will be paid to micro manage the loan and funds of $12,000 commitment from us (funding lunches and teachers’ salaries). Our partner school is a boarding school with restrictions on where they can donate funds.

Jane reported that there is a request going to the schoolboard and vestry for one live auction item. Jane explained about a BUY-IN event. Someone hosts a party for 50. Charge $100 to the first 50 people who reply. A subcommittee headed by Marti Farley and Valerie Barth will come up with some party ideas. Paul volunteered a police helicopter ride for the live auction.

Wardens’ Reports: Bruce Linsenmayer, Traci Cecconello

• VPOD or Council reports as needed.

• ERD – Bruce will email information. The Individual and Disaster Preparedness Program helps individual churches and family members know what to do leading up to the Season of Resiliency. Plan to introduce the 21-week Red Cross plan of buying supplies redesigned as a five-week program for a family of six. Bruce will introduce everyone to this program as VPOD for all services one Sunday and then provide weekly updates.

• Bruce asked Paul to check on lighting for the lower parking level to assure that those attending Lenten programs don’t fall in the dark.

• Diane noted that as VPOD she received requests for financial reporting like quarterly updates in The Week.

• Bruce asked about taking a look at how we do Stewardship – show how their money fits in the scheme of things. Pastor Carri announced that Marti is already working on a presentation for a deeper discussion in March. Also look at deficit and how to address.


Service (Pastoral Care, Outreach): John Green, Debbie DeCaro

John asked if we are keeping our eye on our strategic plan – rarely do reports refer to key points Pastor Carri asked each person to check the Strategic plan “Call to be More’ available on the website. We may need to review yearly especially when assigned to a new council. Decided to focus on Welcome and Fellowship at our next meeting. Each council should also consider their own responsibility.

Welcome and Fellowship: Traci Cecconello, Marti Farley

Provided handout noting Men’s Fellowship and Youth working together on Shrove Tuesday. Pastor Carri encouraged all to attend the Lenten program starting tomorrow: 6:30 dinner followed by 8:00 Eucharist each proceeded by Lectio Divina each proceeded by Lectio Divina.. Planned leaders and topics are Andrew Thompson – This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home; Terri Jones – Mary Oliver’s poetry; Eric Forrester – Creative Impulse And The Gift Of Music. Sundays – Sabbath explorations. Saturday walks hosted at a different house each week starting with Rose West at 10:00 a.m. all will be advertised on email. George Rothwell and Bruce Linsenmayer thanked both current and former Boy Scout leaders for the troop’s help with setup and clean up on ShroveTuesday.

Formation: Kara Ramirez, William Owen

Nothing to report

Worship: Bob Ross (absent), Valerie Barth

Nothing to report

Administration and Finance: Nathan Schroeder, Paul McKinney

Tom announced that the Leadership meeting has been cancelled for February. April 9 is the Annual Calendar Meeting.

School Board of Trustees: Bruce Linsenmayer, Diane Carey-Schmitz

Nothing to report

New Business: Lisa Sylvester announced with ecstatic joyfulness that Mark Robson has agreed to stay on as our organist. Grace Chung, chapel organist, will fill in during his absences due to prior commitments. Robson will continue on the same agreement as Sae Won with the exception of a few items.

Rector’s Report: The Reverend Carri Patterson Grindon

A. Pastoral concerns were shared and prayers said for those in need.

End of meeting at 9:04.

Respectfully submitted by Jannette Allen


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