Partner Poetry Presentations — Mary OliverIB Junior English SL — Smith50 pointsFor this assignment, I want you and a partner to select a poem written by Mary Oliver that we did not study as a part of our class work. This poem can be any length and it can come from any of her works. It can be similar to what we looked at in class or it can be strikingly different. I want each pair to select a poem that resonates with them. She has written plenty of them, so it should not be too hard for each pair to have a unique poem for the class period. I will want a physical copy of the poem submitted before the presentation along with a thesis statement and main supporting points. You can either type out the poem, print it from the internet, or photocopy it from a book of her poetry. However, I want you to make sure to include proper source material.Your assignment is to present a clear explication of one of Mary Oliver’s poems. That is, I want you and your partner to develop a clear interpretation that identifies the central theme of the poem and discusses how Oliver uses specific techniques to develop that theme. Here are some additional thoughts to help you develop your presentation:Themes — Discuss how the themes in the poem you selected relate to the other themes that we have looked at in our study of Oliver’s other poems. You should first discuss the themes that you see developed in the poem that you selected. Then, you should discuss them in the broader context of Oliver’s work. I do not care if the poems are very similar to ones we’ve looked at or if they are completely new and different. I just want to see a solid discussion of the ones present in your poem and how they relate to what we’ve studied this unit.Techniques — Similarly, discuss how the literary techniques used in the poem you selected fit with the other techniques we’ve seen Oliver use in her other poems we’ve studied. First, discuss the dominant techniques used in the poem you selected and identify the effect(s) created by those techniques or devices. Try to go even further and connect that effect to the themes and ideas in the poem. Then, discuss those techniques as they relate to her other poems. Again, I do not care if these techniques are similar to, or different from, the others that we’ve studied. I am more interested in your discussion of the connection between your poem and the others.Effect — Be sure to discussion the effect of the poem and how it fits with its larger significance. Ideally, this should be a natural progression of talking about the ideas and the techniques in the poem. Furthermore, it should be the result of how those other aspects of the poem work together to create something larger than either does on its own.Details:Your presentation must be between 8-10 minutes. Focus on providing a thoughtful, thorough, and insightful interpretation as effectively and efficiently as possible.Please submit a copy of your poem and a print copy of your thesis statement and main supporting points before your presentation.We will have presentations during the last regular class period and during the final exam period. You will sign up for your slot in the next class or two.I will be assessing these presentations in terms of the quality of the discussion of your poem, your ability to put it into context with the other poems of hers we’ve studied, and the quality of your oral presentation. ................

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