▪ University/College Instructor and Professor, Academic and Career Advisor, and Researcher.

▪ Practicing member of the Cooperating Attorney Program for the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington.

▪ Volunteer Attorney, Northwest Justice Project, Coordinated Legal Education Advice and Referral service (CLEAR).

▪ Legal experience in the fields of Immigration Law; Public Policy; Media and Communication Law; Corporate Law; Intellectual Property Law; and Entertainment Law; as well as litigation and trial experience in Criminal, Civil, and Administrative Law.

▪ Member of the Washington State Bar Association: Admitted 2004.

▪ Certified Mediator, Thurston and Snohomish Counties, Washington.

▪ Advanced academic degrees in Law and Journalism & Communication.


UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, School of Law, Eugene, OR

Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) 2004

■ Degree Focus, Statements of Completion, and Certifications:

▪ Business Law Statement of Completion

▪ Criminal Law Statement of Completion

▪ Intellectual Property Law Statement of Completion

▪ Public Policy Law Statement of Completion

▪ Alternative Dispute Resolution Certificate

▪ Mediation Certificate

■ Honors:

▪ Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity and National Honor Society

▪ Carolyn Chambers Communications Scholarship & Grant Award Winner

■ Involvement and Volunteer Experience:

▪ President of the Sports and Entertainment Law Forum

• 2003 CLE Creator and Director—Music in the Digital Era: 21st Century Rock.

▪ Moot Court Intra-School Negotiation Competition 2003—IP Licensing

▪ Language Links Program: Polish and Spanish Language Facilitator

▪ American Civil Liberties Union—Intern and Volunteer

▪ Hollywood Entertainment Corp. (Hollywood Video) Legal Dept.—Legal Extern

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, School of Journalism & Communication, Eugene, OR

Master of Arts (M.A.) 2004

■ Degree Focus:

▪ Communication Law

■ Courses:

▪ Public Relations; Mass Media Law; Communication Law; First Amendment; Constitutional Law; Communication Policy and Information Access; Political Economy of Communication; US Film Industry; Media Literacy; Mass Communication and Society; Mass Communication Theories; Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods; Writing and Publishing the Non-Fiction Book.

■ Honors:

• Graduate Teaching Fellowship and Research Scholarship

■ Involvement:

• Vice-President of Journalism Graduate Student Association

• Faculty and Graduate Student Liaison

• Brown Bag Luncheon Series Planning Committee

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Urbana-Champaign, IL

Baccalaureate of Arts (B.A.) 1999

■ Degree Focus:

▪ Pre-Law: Political Science & Spanish

■ Honors:

▪ Cum Laude; Highest Honors Graduate; James Scholar; Dean’s List; Departmental Distinction in Political Science; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Lamda Delta; Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science National Honor Society; Sigma Delta Pi Spanish National Honor Society; Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law National Honor Society, Golden Key National Honor Society

■ University Service and Involvement:

▪ Student Government—Executive Board Member

▪ Diversity Council—Executive Board Member

▪ University Housing—Resident Advisor

▪ Research Assistant—Institute of Government and Public Affairs; Department of Sociology—Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency.

▪ Polish Student Organization—Secretary and Planning Committee.

▪ Various campus and community political organizations—Congressional Fundraising and Voter Registration

■ Volunteer and Community Service:

▪ Champaign Police Department—Intern & Volunteer

▪ Victim Offender Reconciliation Program—Mediator & Facilitator

▪ Rape Crisis Prevention and Counseling Center—Advocate and Volunteer

▪ St. Jude’s Catholic Worker Community—Volunteer

▪ St. Vincent DePaul—Food and Clothing Drive Planning Committee

▪ International Relief Fund—Clothing and Supply Drive Planning Committee




Assistant Professor and Program Director, Department of Law and Justice

Lynnwood Center, Lynnwood, Washington

■ Courses Taught Since September 2006:

▪ Evidence and Arrest (LAJ 302)

▪ Legal Research (LAJ 303)

▪ Family Law (LAJ 311)

▪ Introduction to Criminal Law (LAJ 313)

▪ Criminal Justice and the Media (LAJ 350)

▪ Ethics, Diversity, and Conflict in Criminal Justice (LAJ 401)

▪ Legal Writing (LAJ 410)

▪ Basic Mediation (LAJ 440)

▪ Report Writing (LAJ 450)

■ Additional Duties:

▪ Academic and Career Advisor for 50 to 60 Law and Justice Majors at Lynnwood Center.

▪ Contact person for prospective Law and Justice students at Lynnwood Center.

▪ Conduct quarterly Law and Justice New Student Orientation at Lynnwood Center.

▪ Supervise co-ops, internships, and organize field experiences for Law and Justice students at Lynnwood Center.

▪ Devise advising sheets and develop prospective class schedules for Lynnwood Center.

▪ Faculty advisor for Law and Justice Club at Lynnwood Center

▪ Faculty advisor and liaison for Alpha Phi Sigma—National Criminal Justice Society.

▪ Facilitate communication between Lynnwood Center, other satellite centers, and Law and Justice Department at main campus in Ellensburg, Washington.

■ University and Department Service:

▪ 2008—Organizer, Voter Registration Drive, LAJ Club, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2008—Member, Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2008—Promoted Central Washington University-Lynnwood and recruited new students at the, “2008 College Fair,” hosted by Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2008—Organized Lynnwood community and student attendance of the “Execution” Film Event, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2008—Organized, “End-of-Year Banquet,” for Lynnwood Law and Justice Students, held in Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2008—Organized, “The 2007 Criminal Justice Career Fair,” CWU—Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2008—Served on Law and Justice Castner Scholarship Committee, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2007—Member, Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2007—Keynote Speaker, CWU-Lynnwood, “End-of-Year Celebration,” Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2007—Organized Lynnwood student attendance and travel to “Finale of First Amendment Festival,” Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2007—Organized, “End-of-Year Banquet,” for west-side Law and Justice Students, held in Edmonds, WA.

▪ 2007—Film Presenter, “10th Annual Videmus Lecture & Film Series”—in conjunction with the First Amendment Festival—The U.S. v. John Lennon, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2007—Member of Planning Committee and Moderator for forum on, “Immigration and Naturalization Rights,” sponsored by the Diversity Commission of the City of Lynnwood, hosted by Edmonds Community College.

▪ 2007—“First Amendment Festival,” workshop organizer and presenter—“First Amendment on Campus—College and University Issues,” and “First Amendment on Campus—High School Issues,” Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2007—Served on Law and Justice Castner Scholarship Committee, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2007—Organized student attendance at, “The 2007 Internship Fair,” hosted by Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2007—Organizer of, “The 2007 Criminal Justice Career Fair,” CWU—Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA.

▪ 2007—Served on Committee on Department Policy for Faculty Performance Evaluation, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2006-Pressent—Faculty Advisor to Law and Justice Club, CWU-Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA

▪ 2006—Organized student attendance at University of Washington’s School of Law, “Public Service Law Fair,” featuring retired United States Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Seattle, WA.

▪ 2006—Organized student attendance and travel to Oral Arguments held by the Washington Supreme Court hosted by Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2006—Served on Hiring Committee to replace LAJ Department Secretary.

▪ 2006—Organized CWU-Lynnwood student attendance / networking, and conducted recruitment of prospective students and quest-speakers, at “Criminal Justice Job Fair” hosted by the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission in Burien, WA.

▪ 2006—Student Advocate for Safe Space Program, Diversity Education Center, Ellensburg, WA.

▪ 2006—Faculty Sponsor, and CWU-Department of Law and Justice representative, at “Student to Business Networking Dinner,” hosted by Edmonds Community College and Central Washington University, Edmonds, WA.



Adjunct, Guest Lecturer, Department of Criminal Justice

■ Duties and Responsibilities:

▪ Member of quarterly lecture series taught by local attorneys.

■ Subject Areas:

▪ First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Substantive and Procedural Due Process, Civil Remedies, and the Revised Code of Washington.



Graduate Teaching Fellow & Research Assistant, School of Journalism and Communication

■ Duties and Responsibilities:

▪ Developed and taught courses to university undergraduate students; established and fostered research programs through federal and state grants; and conducted and assisted with major research projects and investigations.

■ Courses Taught:

▪ Constitutional Law, Communication Law, Information Gathering & Investigation, Public Policy, and Writing for the Media.


■ 2009 Krystal E. Noga-Styron, “The Top-Two Primary in Washington State,”

scheduled for publication in fall 2009, National Civic Review (2009).

■ 2009 Contributing Author: “Encyclopedia of Race and Crime,” A Sage Reference

Publication, (2009).

■ 2008 Krystal E. Noga, “Reconstructing the Fourth Amendment: A History of Search

& Seizure, 1789—1868,” September 2008 Edition, Vol. 33, No. 3 Criminal Justice Review (2008). Book Review

■ 2007 Krystal E. Noga, “Securitizing Copyrights: An Answer to the Sonny Bono

Copyright Term Extension Act,” Spring 2007 Edition, Vol. IX, Issue 1 Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (2007). Lead Article.

■ 2006 Intellectual Contribution: Kyu Ho Youm, “International and Comparative Law

On the Journalist’s Privilege: The Randal Case As a Lesson for the American Press,” Summer 2006 Edition, Vol. 1, No. 1 International Journal of Media and Entertainment Law (2006) (A publication of the American Bar Association Forum on Communications Law and The Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute of Southwestern Law School). Lead Article.

■ 1999 Intellectual Contribution: Paul J. Quirk & Joseph Hinchliffe, “The Rising

Hegemony of Mass Opinion—How public opinion came to rule the American political system,” Vol. 12, No. 4 Policy Forum (1999) (A publication of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois).


■ Summer 2007—Faculty Advisor of the Quarter, Central Washington University, Office of Career Services.


■ March 2009—Roundtable Discussant, “Teaching and Learning Effectiveness in On-line Courses,” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts.

■ March 2009—Research Presenter, “Shots on Campus,” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, Massachusetts.

■ March 2008—Research Presenter, “Dead Wait: The Media’s Influence on the Criminal Investigation on High-Profile Deaths,” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio.

■ May 2007—Film Presenter, “10th Annual Videmus Lecture & Film Series”—in conjunction with the First Amendment Festival—The U.S. v. John Lennon, Ellensburg, WA.

■ April 2007—Organizer and Moderator for forum on, “Immigration and Naturalization Rights,” sponsored by the Diversity Commission of the City of Lynnwood, hosted by Edmonds Community College and Central Washington University, Lynnwood, WA.

■ March 2007—Workshop Presenter for Central Washington University’s First Amendment Festival—“First Amendment on Campus—College and University Issues,” and “First Amendment on Campus—High School Issues,” Ellensburg, WA.

■ February 2003— Creator and Director of Symposium and Continuing Legal Education Program, “Music in the Digital Era: 21st Century Rock,” sponsored by the Sports & Entertainment Law Forum at the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, OR.


■ October 2008—“High Profile Cases: Experience the Cases with the Lawyers Who Tried Them,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington State Bar Association.

■ September 2008—“Alternative Dispute Resolution 2.0: Science, Technology, and New Developments,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington State Bar Association.

■ March, 2008—Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, “45th Annual Meeting,” Cincinnati, Ohio

■ September 2007—“Department of Homeland Security Conference on Immigration,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA.

■ March 2007—“Civil Rights and the Islamic Community,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA.

■ March 2007—“How Video Games Intersect with IP: Intellectual Property in ‘Gamer’ Technology,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, WA.

■ October 2006—“40-Hour Basic Mediation Training,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County, Washington.

■ September 2006—“Safe Space Program,” Diversity Education Center, CWU-Ellensburg

■ June 2006—“Stronger Bridges / Deeper Roots,” sponsored by the Northwest Restorative Justice Forum, Vancouver Washington.

■ October 2005—“Planning and Preparing the Cross-Examination,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, Washington.

■ June 2005—“District Court Training Program,” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Renton, Washington.

■ April 2004—“9th Annual Intellectual Property Institute.” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington State Bar Assoc., Seattle, Washington.

■ March 2003—“8th Annual Intellectual Property Institute—Intellectual Property: Intermediate to Advanced.” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington State Bar Assoc., Seattle, Washington.

■ February 2003— “Music in the Digital Era: 21st Century Rock,” sponsored by the Sports & Entertainment Law Forum at the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon.

■ September 2002—“Sports, Art and Entertainment Law: Keeping Pace with Industry Developments and Negation Strategies.” Continuing Legal Education Program, sponsored by the Washington State Bar Assoc., Seattle, Washington.

■ December 2001—“Death Penalty Conference,” sponsored by the Wayne Morse Center at the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon.

■ November 2001—“Outside the Lines: Community, Creativity, and the Law,” Art and the Law Symposium, sponsored by Art and Law Forum at the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon.

■ January 2001—“Alternative Dispute Resolution Training,” sponsored by the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon.

■ December 2000—“Mediation Training,” sponsored by the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon.


■ 2007—present: Snohomish Family Center, Volunteer.

■ 2006—present: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, Cooperating Attorney Program.

■ 2006—present: Northwest Justice Project, Coordinated Legal Education Advice and Referral service (CLEAR).

■ 2006—present: Thurston and Snohomish Counties, Certified Mediator, Washington.

■ 2004—present: Washington Lawyers for the Arts, Board Member and Public Relations Director.


■ Admitted to Washington State Bar Association, 2004

■ Member of Snohomish County Bar Association, 2007

■ Intellectual Property Section Member, Washington State Bar Association, 2007

■ Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Member, Washington State Bar Association, 2008


■ Lewis County District Court , Chehalis, Washington Judge Pro Tempore (2009 to Present)

■ Lewis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Chehalis, Washington

Deputy Prosecuting Attorney (2004 to 2006)

■ Law Office of Robert M. Krinsky, Tacoma, Washington

Associate Counsel (2004 to 2005)

■ Law Office of Lalit H. Gadhia, Baltimore, Maryland

Associate Counsel (2004 to present)

■ Hollywood Entertainment Corporation, Wilsonville, Oregon

Legal Extern (2003 to 2004)

■ Lewis, Davidson, & Hetherington, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois

Paralegal, Legal Assistant (1999 to 2000)

■ Lounge Act Management and Promotion, Chicago, Illinois

Talent Manager (1999 to present)

■ O’Connell & Ryan, Attorneys at Law, Chicago, Illinois

Paralegal, Legal Assistant (Summer 1998)

■ Barry A. Gomberg & Associates, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois

Paralegal, Legal Assistant (Summer 1998)

■ Rodney F. Reeves, Attorney at Law, Chicago, Illinois

Paralegal, Legal Assistant (Summer 1998)

■ Kimberley A. Duda, Attorney at Law, Chicago, Illinois

Paralegal, Legal Assistant (Summer 1998)


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