March 22, 2021 - HomeTeamsONLINE

[Pages:4]March 22, 2021

The guidelines for the Plainville Athletic League (PAL) for Phase 4, Step 1 of "Reopening Massachusetts" are listed below. These guidelines are based on recent reopening standards issues by the state of Massachusetts effective March 22, 2021 which can be found here, as well as other youth sports governing bodies and consultation with the Plainville Board of Health. Additionally, this reflects the Massachusetts Travel Order. Phase 4, Step 1 allows for baseball and softball games to be played, but no tournaments. These sports are considered a "moderate risk." We are requiring all players, parents, coaches, and guardians to adhere to the following to the best of our abilities.

On-Field Social Distancing & Participant Behavior:

? Dugouts may only be used by coaches. Each player should bring a folding chair to the games with them. o Parents/chaperones will be asked to remain in designated areas outside of the fence, socially distant from people who do not live in the same house. Certain areas outside of the fence will be designated for players in order for them to maintain social distance during the games.

? No participants may engage in PAL activities if they have within 14 days: o Had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19 o Knowingly come in direct contact with any person who has had COVID-19 or who has had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19

? For any travel outside of Massachusetts, please refer to the MA Travel Order for the latest guidelines. All participants will need to remain 6 feet apart to the best of their ability. For some moderate risk sports, including baseball and softball, intermittent contact may occur for players, but should be avoided wherever possible.

? Facemasks are required by everyone at all times. Masks are mandatory for all players during active play. Masks must also be worn on the bench. Participants should take frequent face covering breaks when they are out of proximity from others. The mask requirement also applied to all spectators and chaperones, coaches, staff, referees, umpires, and other officials.

? Coaches, staff, referees, umpires and other officials are required to wear facial coverings and maintain social distancing of 6 feet from players, coaches, spectators, and other persons to the best of their abilities. Exceptions include umpires who may be behind the plate calling balls and strikes.


? Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all activities, either through handwashing with soap and water or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

? Spectators must maintain at least six feet social distancing from people outside of their household.

? Phase 4, Step 1, allows for any of the following for baseball and softball: o Individual or socially distanced group activities (no-contact workouts, aerobic conditioning, individual skill work, and drills) o Competitive Practices (Intra-team/group games, contact drills and scrimmages) o Competitions (Inter-team games, meets, matches, races, etc.)

? Participants must practice appropriate behaviors like social distancing, use of mask when required, handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes.

? Participants must have individual hand sanitizer and individual water bottles that are clearly labeled with their name (reusable water bottles recommended).

? No shared equipment (gloves, bats, helmet, batting gloves, catcher's gear, water bottles, etc.) ? If a player does not have his own bat or helmet, the PAL will provide one but the

parent/guardian shall advise the Coach in advance. ? No handshakes/celebrations (high fives, fist/elbow bumps, etc.) ? No spitting

Face covering:

? Facemasks are required by everyone at all times. Masks are mandatory for all players during active play. Masks must also be worn on the bench. Participants should take frequent face covering breaks when they are out of proximity from others. The mask requirement also applied to all spectators and chaperones, coaches, staff, referees, umpires, and other officials.


? Baseballs and softballs will be disinfected during scheduled breaks throughout practices/games or other reasonable times. o Each team will have their own set of baseballs and softballs

? Hand sanitizer available to all players ? Port-a-Potties will be available The clubhouse bathrooms will not be available. ? Trash barrels will be out in a limited capacity. We ask that you carry in and carry out your own

trash as best you can. ? Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all

activities, either through hand washing with soap and water or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.



? Spectators must maintain at least six feet social distancing from people outside of their household.

? All participants and parents/guardians will be required to sign a waiver and acceptance of risk agreement ? if this was done for the workouts already, you do not need to fill out one again.

? No spectators, participants, coaches and parents/guardians shall enter upon PAL grounds, including the parking areas if they have within 14 days: o Had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19 o Knowingly come in direct contact with any person who has had COVID-19 or who has had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19. o For any travel outside of Massachusetts, please refer to the MA Travel Order for the latest guidelines.

? All spectators, participants and parents/guardians are required to the follow these guidelines and any additional guidelines from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

? Spectators are required to wear a mask at all times, regardless if they can social distance or not. ? There will be designated sitting areas for parents, the benches and bleachers at the PAL will not

be open. Parents are encouraged to bring their own chairs. ? Spectators allowed at a game will be 2 per child, plus siblings. ? Parents/guardians shall send participants with hand sanitizer and individual water bottles. ? Parents/guardians shall advise the Coach in advance if a player does not have his own bat or

helmet. ? Parents/guardians shall ensure children are practicing appropriate behaviors like social

distancing, use of mask when required, handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes. ? Parents/guardians shall pre-screen any participant for a fever at home and shall not bring any

participant to the field if the participant has within 14 days had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19 or knowingly come in direct contact with any person who has had COVID-19 or who has had a fever or lower respiratory tract infection (cough or shortness of breath) or other symptoms associated with COVID-19. ? Parents/guardians shall not bring any participant to the field if the participant has any immediate family members that are displaying any type of symptoms or if they have recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19. ? Everyone must be flexible as we may need to make adjustments based on specific circumstances as well as state and local requirements. ? Parents/guardians shall be prepared by ? having back-up water, sanitizer, masks, etc. in the event that the participant runs out. ? No gathering/congregating before or after practices /games


? Parents/guardians shall not send their participant to the field until the set practice/game time. Please keep them in the car until a few minutes before their scheduled time and only after any prior participants have exited.

For coaches:

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Only coaches allowed in dugouts. Coaches required to wear masks at all times and social distance In addition to coaching, you will be expected to adhere to and enforce the guidelines to the best of your ability. Coaches must be responsible for maintaining social distance among players, coaches, staff, and spectators. Meetings with players (on the bases, at the mound, etc.) must be conducted with social distance wherever possible and always with masks No post-practice/game meetings or large team gatherings away from the PAL . When practices or games end, players should put their masks on and head to their cars. Coaches are able to pick up bats by the barrel to move them after at bats. Coaches, staff, referees, umpires and other officials are required to wear facial coverings and maintain social distancing of 6 feet from players, coaches, spectators, and other persons to the best of their abilities. Exceptions include umpires who may be behind the plate calling balls and strikes. Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all activities, either through handwashing with soap and water or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

? No food, candy, gum, sunflower seeds allowed during practices/games. Medical exceptions allowed (doctor's note required)

? As of this update, the snack shack will be closed pending Board of Health sign-off.


? Participants, organizers, spectators, volunteers and facility employees in high risk categories should not participate or attend organized sport activities. List of high-risk categories available here.

o If people fall into any of these categories and choose to participate, they are doing so at their own risk.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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