Stamford/Clarksburg Interstate Committee Meeting

held at the

Clarksburg Elementary School

777 W Cross Road

Clarksburg, MA 01247

September 20, 2018

7:00 pm

Members Present:

Clarksburg – John Franzoni, Superintendent; Tara Barnes, Principal and Patricia Prenguber.

Stamford – Cynthia Lamore; Katelyn Millard; Kimberly Roberts-Morandi; Kelly Holland; Barbara Malinowski.

Visitors: Tammy Daniels

Pat Prenguber called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

The committee discussed the RFP with the new format from the newly obtained Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District. It was agreed that it was cleaner, easier to use. Kim Roberts-Morandi said that anything you need to know, you should spell out. Tara Barnes stated that their timeline follows what we were thinking. The committee went page by page to make changes and add information to our RFP draft. Tara questioned the wording that compares the schools as they are to what is possible and ask them to develop “pros & cons”. Katelyn Millard said especially within the teacher contracts and licensure. The committee compiled a bulleted list for proposal one.

Proposal 1 -

-Enhanced services defined: Stamford has a counselor that is not available all the time.

Re-align staffing for full time assignment.

-Teacher contracts: Could be unions that would need to discuss such things as rollover of

sick days accumulated, Vermont retirement system and negotiated agreements currently


- The impact on current school choice agreement and high school tuition. What is financially

impact for the budgets and number of students that could participate.

- Transportation: Potential for consolidation. (move up to shared services)

- The impact of the merger on municipal agents including short term and potential long term

responsibilities and debts related to facilities.

- Impact of the proposed district on the current NBSU arrangement and distribution of


- Any other pertinent issues that arise as a result of information gathered in support of this


Proposal 2 –

A proposal to show each school operating in their current grade configuration with the focus on a shared governance structure, addressing the bullet points above.

Both proposals should clearly identify the strengths and challenges of the new configuration compared to the current operations.

The committee added submittal requirements from the Southwick-Tolland-Granville proposal so as to expand the bidding firms qualifications and added the ability to attend joint meetings in support of this study.

Project overview should reflect the project is on track.

Steve Hemman, representative from MARS (Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools) will visit Clarksburg School on Friday September 21 around 10:00 am and perhaps also visit Stamford School around 11:00 am.

Kelly Holland will check with the VSBA (Vermont School Board Association) to see if they would want to take part in this feasibility study or if they know a firm that would.

Tammy Daniels asked about the Massachusetts grant. John Franzoni explained that it is on track and Sen. Hinds and Rep. Barrett sent letters of support to release the $20,900.00 balance.

Kim Robert-Morandi suggested letting Bill Ballan, former superintendent, look over the RFP and get his feedback.

Next meeting will be Kim, John and Cindy meeting at the NBSU office to finalize and sign the RFP.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cindy Lamore, Chairman

Stamford School Board of Directors


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