
San Diego Superior Court Family Court Counselor

Supplemental Application Form Page 2


On separate paper, you are to prepare written responses describing your related experience, education and training, and how you meet the seven qualification factors listed in following Family Law Code (Section 1815 (a)).

A person employed as a counselor of conciliation shall have the following minimum qualifications:

(1) A master’s degree in psychology, social work, marriage, family and child counseling, or other behavioral science substantially related to marriage and family interpersonal relationships.

(2) At least two years of experience in counseling or psychotherapy, or both, preferably in a setting related to the areas of responsibility of the family conciliation court and with the ethnic population to be served.

(3) Knowledge of the court system of California and the procedures used in family law cases.

(4) Knowledge of other resources in the community that clients can be referred for assistance.

(5) Knowledge of adult psychopathology and the psychology of families.

(6) Knowledge of child development, child abuse, clinical issues relating to children, the effects of divorce on children, the effects of domestic violence on children, and child custody research sufficient to enable a counselor to assess the mental health needs of children.

(7) Training in domestic violence issues, including child abuse, as described in Family Law Code Section 1816.

SECTION II - Bilingual Skills

Are you bilingual (able to speak fluently) in English and another language?

[ ] No [ ] Yes If yes, list other language: _______________________________

I certify that all of the information provided in my written responses in connection with this supplemental application form is true and accurate. I understand that falsified information may form the basis for my disqualification or dismissal.

__________________________________________ _______________________

Applicant’s Signature Date Completed

NOTE: You MUST attach your written responses to Section I or your application will be considered incomplete and disqualify you from receiving further consideration during the exam process. Your placement on the eligibility list is determined, in part, by the information provided in your written responses to Section 1.






Examination No. 13-002

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|LAST NAME: ___________________________________________ |

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|FIRST NAME: ___________________________________________ |

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|SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: _____________________________ |

Your written responses to the seven qualification statements contained in the family code section, which has been included as Section I of this supplemental application form, will be: (1) used to determine your eligibility to compete, (2) evaluated in the examination process, and (3) reviewed in the selection process.

Incomplete or illegible forms may be the basis for disqualification, so please provide complete and legible information. Those sections, which are not applicable to your particular qualifications, should be marked "N/A" to indicate that they have not been overlooked. On each additional sheet that you attach to your supplemental application form, be sure to print or type your name, and examination title and number, numbering each page accordingly.


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