Sabanci Univ



1. In what capacity do you hope to be employed after completing your degree (Check one please):

( ) No idea ( ) Analytics Consultant

( ) Data Analyst ( ) Data Scientist

( ) Business Consultant ( ) Data Solutions Architect

( ) Business Analyst ( ) Chief Data Officer

( ) Big Data Entrepreneur ( ) Big Data Analytics Manager

( ) Other (Please specify) ____________________________________________________________________

2. Please describe how much of your previous degree(s) or your professional career was devoted to the study

of computing and other quantitative areas (e.g. statistics) or anything that you think is relevant to the contents

of the current program you are applying for?

3. What do you consider to be your most important achievement in a computer-related activity?

4. If you are currently employed, what would be your employer’s attitude to your proposal to enroll in the

program you are applying?

5. How much time do you think you will have available to you for studying for the Graduate Program in DA?


Please rate your experience by grading each field based on a scale between 0 and 4.

(0 – None, 1 – Elementary, 2 – Fair, 3 – Good, 4 – Excellent)

1. Programming Languages

Java Python SQL R Other (specify and rank)

2. Databases

Oracle MS SQL MySQL Access NoSQL Other Relational Databases

3. Previous course work

Statistics Data mining Machine learning Operations Research Data Security


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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