Art Masterpiece: People and Dog in Sun, 1949 by

Art Masterpiece: People and Dog in Sun, 1949 by

Joan Miro

Pronounced: Hwan Mee-RO

Keywords: Color, Line, Contrast, Imagination

Grade: 1st Grade

Month: March

Activity: Crayon Abstract

Meet the Artist:

• He was born in Spain in 1893.

• His father was a goldsmith who wanted his son to be a bookkeeper.

• Joan hated having a job in a business office so his father finally sent him to art school in Barcelona.

• He finished art school in 1919. Afterwards, he met famous artists like Pablo Picasso. His works started out being surrealistic, but became more abstract over time.

• Abstract art focuses on color, line, shape, imagination, and form.

• Miro literally means “he looked”.

• He lived a rather normal and long life. He died at the old age of 90 in 1983.


Surrealism- Artwork that is very dreamlike in appearance. These paintings are often filled with recognizable objects done in strange and mystery fashion.

Abstract- This kind of artwork has objects that are mostly unrecognizable. Abstract paintings rely on color and shapes.

Possible Questions:

o What colors do you see? Are they mainly primary colors (red, yellow, blue) or secondary colors (purple, orange, green).

o Where is the contrast? (the background has light colors, not bold like the foreground).

o Describe what you see. Turn the painting upside down and sideways. See which way the kids like it best.

o Do you see people? Do they look like kids or adults?

o Where is the dog? Where is the sun?

o One dot is half red and half black, who can find it?

o Did Miro have a good imagination?

o What would you title this painting?

Art Masterpiece Activity : Joan Miro : People and Dog in Sun

First Grade Lesson

Supplies: 12" x 18" white paper, one for each child

Red, yellow, blue and green crayons or markers, a set for every 4-5 children

An additional black marker, one for each child

Key vocabulary: Line, Imagination, Color and Contrast

Activity: Creating a picture in the style of People and Dog in Sun. We do this by taking a line for a walk….


1. Have students draw a wide scribble or doodle on their paper with a black marker.

2. Have them use their imaginations to find people or animals in the shapes and lines. Find a point where two lines come together and draw a face. (See Sample)

3. Turn paper upside down and add another doodle or scribble. Add another face to create a second person or animal in the drawing.

4. Add color with crayons or markers.

5. Does their work look like Miro’s? If time permits, have them each talk about what they found and show the class. What did they title their artwork?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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