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The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS

Professor: Dennis D. Frey, Th.D.

Three (3) Credits


1 Welcome to this elective course! The completion of this elective ONLINE

seminar course will prove to be a significant blessing to you both academically

and spiritually. We recommend that you thoroughly read the entire study guide

before you actually begin working on the Course Projects. If you are uncertain or

unclear on any matter, contact the Divinity School for clarification (1-800-9331445 ~ 1-812-471-0611 ~ Above all other things, we

encourage you to pray for God¡¯s guidance before you begin this course, and each

time you work on it.

2 We encourage you to become familiar with the Master's Online Digital Library,

and make ample use of its resources throughout this course. The address is:

. You will need your student ID# and password (for the

password use: lk2432aw).

3 FYI, your Master's Student Portal is also a convenient place to get information

on most subjects related to your student status. The address is:


4 The total length of time required to complete this course is considerably

different from the standard distance education course. The seminar format helps

to accelerate course completion, but in no way diminishes the learning outcome,

which should be roughly equivalent to that of the standard distance education


5 Be absolutely certain that you keep the Divinity School immediately

informed if you change your email, postal mailing address or telephone


The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS


Americans with Disabilities & Non-Discrimination Statement

Master¡¯s is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Students with documented

disabilities who may need special instructional accommodations should notify the Divinity

School (see email and telephone information above).

Instructional Methods

Methods: All of the distance education courses at Master¡¯s are taught using a variety of

instructional methods including reading (lectures in some cases), research (both online and

off-line in some cases), self-directed study, demonstration of comprehension through project

creation and assessment, a self-directed mid-course personal assessment, and in most

cases, a proctored summative examination.

May God bless you in your studies, and as you follow the timeless encouragement

given by the Apostle Paul as recorded in II Timothy 2:15, ¡°Study to shew thyself

approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be to be ashamed, rightly dividing

the word of truth.¡±; as well as Galatians 6:9, ¡°And let us not be weary in well doing:

for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.¡±

The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS


Course Information:


More information about your professor may be found on the faculty page

located online at: .

Contact Information for your professor: Dennis D. Frey, Th.D.

Email address:

Phone number: 1-812-471-0611

Course Description: This seminar format course on The Book of Revelation is

designed to introduce the student to the basic structure, general content, and

sweeping themes of the Book of Revelation.

Course Outcome: As a result of the successful completion of this course, the

student will be prepared to trace the important sequence of events in the Book of

Revelation, identify the two major divisions of the Book of Revelation, gain knowledge

about each of the major characters in the Revelation record, and outline the major

movements of the Book of Revelation from the Opening of the first Seal to the

beginning of the New Heaven and New Earth.


Revelation, by John Walvoord, Edited By: Mark Hitchcock, Moody Publishers, ISBN-13:

9780802473127, 2011. Purchase this book at:

An English Bible in any one of the following translations: King James Version, New King

James Version, New American Standard Version, English Standard Version or the New

International Version.

THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST: Explained Simply, by R. G. Witty. This book is not

available in print, but is a component of this course, and is provided without additional cost

to the student. It must be downloaded at the following location:

Let¡¯s Study the Revelation: A Sermonic Approach, by Ray L. Parker, Ph.D., Trinity Press

Publishing, ISBN 978-1-937064-10-5, 2011. Purchase this book at:


Halley's Bible Handbook, by Henry Halley, Published by Zondervan, I ISBN:

0310257204, ISBN-13: 9780310257202, 1961. While not a deep as the book by

Walvoord, the chapter devoted to the Book of Revelation is of immense practical

value for the Bible teacher. If teaching a course on this subject to laymen, this

practical guide will prove itself of infinitely more value than its small purchase price.

In addition, Halley's Bible Handbook is also used in many other courses at MISD.

The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS



(Also see Note below).

Part One-A:

Read from an English Bible in any one of the following translations: King James Version,

New King James Version, New American Standard Version, English Standard Version or

the New International Version, the entire Book of Revelation. Create a very simple reading

log of the time spent reading this Book of the Bible.

Read The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Explained Simply, by R. G. Witty. This book is not

available in print, but is a component of this course, and is provided without additional cost

to the student. It must be downloaded at the following location:

. Create a very simple

reading log of the time spent reading this online textbook. There are no other assignments

for this book.

Part One-B: Read The Revelation of Jesus Christ, by John Walvoord, Moody

Publishers, ISBN: 0802473091, ISBN-13: 9780802473097, 1966. Create a very

simple reading log of the time spent reading this textbook. There is a further

assignment for this book in Part Three (below).

Part One-C: Read Let¡¯s Study the Revelation: A Sermonic Approach, by Ray L. Parker,

Ph.D., Trinity Press Publishing, ISBN 978-1-937064-10-5, 2011. Create a very simple

reading log of the time spent reading this textbook. There are no other assignments for this


Part Two: For the Book of Revelation, write a very concise paper on theses three

ways of interpreting the prophetic content of Revelation. These are: 1) Symbolic

Historical [already happened in the past], 2) Allegorical [teaches grand themes

without being literal], 3) Literal Futuristic [actual events that will happen sometime in

the future]. Do not use less than 500 words (about 2 to 3 pages), and not more than

750 words (about three to five pages). If you use other sources (recommended), be

sure to identify those sources.

Part Three: For the textbook The Revelation of Jesus Christ, by John Walvoord,

write a review as both a synopsis and a critique. You should do this in not less than

500 words (about two to three pages), and not more than 750 words (about three to

four pages). Think of this as if you were writing a review for a Christian print

magazine or online blog.

Submission Instructions: Refer first to the General Instructions lower in this study

guide. Send all of the pre-seminar projects at one time, all in a single file transfer as

noted in the General Instructions,

The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS


Note: Prior to attending the online seminar event, it is mandatory that

complete Part One-A. It is strongly recommended that you also complete Part

One-B, Part Two and Part Three of the pre-seminar requirements. However,

under special circumstance, the Executive Director for Group Learning may

authorize you to complete Part One-B, Part Two and Part Three of the preseminar requirements within not more than four weeks after you have

completed the online seminar event. In such case, if you do not complete the

remaining pre-seminar requirements within four weeks following the online

seminar, you will be required to complete the course using the standard

distance education course process.

**All online seminar pre-work is to be submitted to

The Book of Revelation Online Seminar RVL-1500-OLS



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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