
AT U.S. History Harrison In Class EssayTuesday - October 27, 2015Directions: On Tuesday, October 27, 2015, you will be assigned THREE of the following questions. You will be asked to write a thoughtful analytical response to THREE questions. You will NOT be allowed to use notes or outline. You may use laptop computers, however you must NOT use any prepared material that may be stored on your computer. THE QUESTIONS1. The Post World War II (1945-1960) era was period of major transitions for many groups in America. Select TWO the following groups and describe the changes they faced and how their position in American society was altered.a. African-Americansb. Young People -- teenagersc. white working class Americans2. The Cold War dramatically changed the nature of U.S. domestic policy? In what ways did the Cold War change America domestically?3. Landslide political victories do not always ensure political or legislative success. Use the administrations of Franklin Roosevelt (1936) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (1956) to evaluate this claim?4. Analyze the successes and failures of the Cold War policy of containment in East Asia and Europe from 1945-1960.5. Examine the two political cartoons. What the message and tone of the cartoon and how accurately does it match the historical record of the Roosevelt Administration from 1933 to 1945Cartoon ACartoon B6. One of the defining aspects of American culture in the 1950's was mass consumerism. Identify the key elements of 1950's mass consumerism and explain what mass consumerism reveals about the nature of America in the 1950's?. ................

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