


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning |

| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, |centers)] |

| | | |Library) | |

|Monday |Last week we learned about BABY |Watch: |MATH- |Dramatic Play: |

|Date: |animals we find at the farm. |I want to be a ZOOKEEPER |Counting cubes game: |Pretend you are a zookeeper. How will you take care |

|May 18, 2020 | | | your animals? What can you do to make sure your |

| |This week we will continue to | |-up-to-10 |animal grow big and strong? |

| |learn about BABY animals. |Then draw your favorite animal that | | |

| | |you saw in the video. |LITERACY- |Science: |

| |We will focus on BABY animals we | |Letter Z |Let’s make play-doh |

| |find at the ZOO. |Then at the bottom write the word: ZOO|Make a letter Z book or pick two things |You will need: |

| | | |that start with letter Z and draw them |- 1 cup of Flour |

| |Today we will first being by |(Don’t forget to also write your |then make sure to write out the name of |- ½ cup of Salt |

| |learning about a special person |name.) |the items you picked. |-1/2 cup of Water |

| |who takes care of the ZOO animals.| |Please look at pg. 103 |-Food Coloring (optional) |

| |They are called: ZOOKEEPERS | | |

| | | |03/literacy.pdf |What do you think is going to happen when you mix the|

| |ZOOKEEPERS work at the ZOO making | |HANDWRITING- |ingredients together? |

| |sure that animals have plenty of | |Practice writing your name. You can use a | |

| |food. They also make sure the ZOO | |visual if you need. |Let’s find out! |

| |animals are happy and healthy. | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |Mix ingredients together. When you are done you can |

| | | |Animal Babies in Grasslands |store your play-doh in the fridge. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |You may also use the recipe found here: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Music and Movement: |

| | | | |At the ZOO song: |

| | | | | |

|Tuesday |Yesterday we learned about the |Today you will make a LION (big) and a| |Computer/Games: |

|Date: |ZOOKEEPER. |CUB (small): |MATH- |Spot the Animals Game |

|May 19, 2020 |They make sure the ZOO animals are| |Counting: We will review numbers 1 to 5. | |

| |healthy and happy. |First you will cut out a big circle |On paper write numbers between 1- 5 and | |

| | |for the LION and a small circle for |have student draw the corresponding amount|Blocks: |

| |Today we will learn about the |the CUB. |of hearts, dots, etc. to match the number |Using boxes pillows and other items around the house |

| |LION. | |written. |build a zoo. Make a space for all the different |

| | |Next you will need to cut orange and | |animals you want to have in your ZOO. |

| |The baby LION is called a CUB. |yellow paper strips to go around the |LITERACY- | |

| | |circles you’ve made. |Have students go over the Z letter sound. | |

| |The LION eats meat. The CUB drinks| |Have student find letter Z in a magazine |Music and Movement: |

| |milk from it’s mother. |Finally you will draw in the eyes, |or newspaper. They can cut out the letter |The LION song |

| | |nose, and mouth. |and make a collage. They can also point to| |

| |The LION makes a special sound: | |the letter and make the letter sound while| |

| |ROAR |[pic] |looking at a book, magazine, or newspaper.| |

| | | | | |

| | |On the BIG one write the word LION. |HANDWRITING- Students will practice | |

| |[pic] |On the SMALL one write the word CUB. |tracing letter Y. They will also trace | |

| | | |along the picture of a snake and color the| |

| | | |picture when done. | |

| | | |Pg. 14 and 25 | |

| | | | |

| | | |03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Baby bear, baby bear what do you see? | |

| | | | | |

|Wednesday |This week we’re learning about |Today you will make a paper bag |MATH- | |

|Date: |BABY zoo animals. |KANGAROO and JOEY. |At home have students find things that are|Sensory: |

|May 20, 2020 | | |big and things that are small. Then find |Using the play-doh you made on Monday make an animal |

| |Yesterday we learned about the |You will need a paper bag, paper, |an item that fits in between. That is |by rolling up your play-doh. You can also use the |

| |LION and the CUB. |scissors, tape or glue, markers. |called medium. |play-doh to make the letters in your name. |

| | | |Have student line up all three items from | |

| |Today we will learn about the |On the paper bag you will write the |smallest to biggest. | |

| |KANGAROO. |word: KANGAROO | |Music and Movement: |

| | |On the pouch you will write the word: | |Looby Loo Kangaroo Song: |

| |A baby kangaroo is called a JOEY |JOEY | | |

| | | | | |

| |The KANGAROO eats fruits, plants, |[pic] |Small | Medium | Big |Dramatic Play: |

| |and flowers. | | |Pretend you are a kangaroo. How would you get from |

| | | |LITERACY- |one place to another? Hop hop hop to where you want |

| |A baby JOEY is very small. It | |Letter Y |to go. |

| |stays inside a special pouch | |Make a letter Y book or pick two things | |

| |inside it’s mother. There the baby| |that start with letter Y and draw them | |

| |JOEY will drink milk and grow. | |then make sure to write out the name of | |

| |When the baby JOEY its big enough | |the items you picked. | |

| |it will come out of it’s mother’s | |Please look at pg. 99 | |

| |pouch. | | |

| | | |03/literacy.pdf | |

| |[pic] | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | |Practice writing letters Z and Y and words| |

| | | |starting with letters Z and Y using | |

| | | |markers, pencils, or crayons. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Beastly Babies: | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday |This week we’re learning about |Today you will make a GIRAFFE and CALF|MATH- |Music and Movement: |

|Date: |BABY zoo animals. |craft using your hand and arm. |Let’s play a size matching game. Find the |Animals in Action |

|May 21, 2020 | | |item that is the right size for the | |

| |Yesterday we learned about the |You will need paper, scissors, and |animal. | |

| |KANGAROO and JOEY. |crayons/markers. | |Art: |

| | | | |Think about all the animals we’ve learned about. |

| |Today we will learn about the |First you will trace your |LITERACY- |Which one was your favorite? Draw a picture of that |

| |GIRAFFE. |hand and arm. Then you will color your|Find letter Y |animal. You can use any medium you’d like. |

| | |GIRAFFE and CALF yellow and give it |Circle the letter or point to it and say | |

| |A baby GIRAFFE is called a CALF |brown spots. |the letter sound. |Computer/Games: |

| | | |Pg. 100 |Elmo’s World: Baby Animals |

| |A GIRAFFE is very tall because it |You will make one big one and write | |

| |has a long neck and the baby CALF |the word GIRAFFE and one small one and|03/literacy.pdf | |

| |is also a tall baby. |write the word CALF. | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| |GIRAFFES eat leaved from the tops |[pic] |Write using chalk: | |

| |of very tall trees. The baby CALF | |Write your name. Then practice writing | |

| |drink it’s mother’s milk until it | |letters Z and Y. | |

| |gets bigger. | | |

| | | |vas=sidewalk&toolkit=sidewalk&nid=3612?can| |

| |[pic] | |vas=sidewalk&toolkit=sidewalk&nid=3612 | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Baby Animals and their Mothers: | |

| | | | | |

|Friday |This week we’re learning about |Today you will make a MONKEY and |MATH- |Computer/Games: |

|Date: |BABY zoo animals. |INFANT handprint art using brown paint|Same or Different? |Take a virtual tour of the Oakland Zoo: |

|May 22, 2020 | |and makers. |Play the game and pick which shapes are | |

| |Yesterday we learned about the | |the same and which are different. |What animals did you visit. |

| |GIRAFFE and CALF. |You can ask mom or dad to make a big | |

| | |handprint and you can make a small |fferent | |

| |Today we will learn about the |one. After you will draw the face, | |Music and Movement: |

| |MONKEY. |eyes, mouth, nose and ears. |LITERACY- |Monkey-Banana Baby Monkey |

| | | |Go on a letter Z and Y hunt around the | |

| |A baby MONKEY is called an INFANT.|Under the big one you will write the |house. What can you find? | |

| | |word: MONKEY |(zipper, yam, yoyo, etc) |Dramatic Play: |

| |Monkeys like to swing on trees and| | |Using all the animal we made this week make a |

| |eat fruits and nuts from trees. |Under the small one you will write the|HANDWRITING- |enclosure for each animal in your zoo. Go around each|

| |They also like to eat bugs. |word: INFANT |Trace the square. |section and care for each animal. What will you feed |

| | | |Pg. 3 |them? Do the mommy animals and the baby animals eat |

| |INFANTS drink their mother’s milk.|[pic] | same thing? |

| |[pic] | |04/shape-and-tracing.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Baby Animals: Touch and Feel Series | |

| | | | | |

PK.AL.1 Actively engages in play as a means of exploration and learning.

PK.AC.1. c. Listens attentively for a variety of purposes (e.g., enjoyment, to gain information, to perform a task, to learn what happened, to follow directions)

PK.ELAL.24. [PKSL.6] Expresses thoughts, feelings, and ideas (e.g., role-playing, music, drawing, art work, building, writing

PK.SCI.4. [P-LS1-1.] Observes familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive

Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Social/Emotional – Please review week 4




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