Two-Digit Addition

|Lesson |Objective |CCSS |VOCABULARY/ | | |

| | | |• Recommendation |Parallel Tasks |Notes |

|Day 1 |Regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when adding|2.OA.1 |Add | Investigating the Concept p.175A |*Start Vocabulary Chart |

|5-1 Adding With and Without Regrouping| |2.NBT.6 |Regroup |Adding with Models | |

| | |2.NBT.7 |Sum |175B: Adding up to 50 |Materials: Place Value Mat |

| | |2.NBT.9 | |Showing regrouping |Connecting Cubes |

| | | | | |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Adding Up to 50 p.175B |

| | | | | |Showing Regouping p.175B |

|DAY 2 |Add a one-digit number to a |2.OA.1 | |Investigate the Concept p.177A |Materials: Place Value Mat A, Connecting Cubes |

|5-2 Recording Addition |two-digit number, regroup and record|2.NBT.6 | |Recording the Addition Problem |Center Ideas: |

| |the process in the vertical format. |2.NBT.7 | |Reteach: |The Sequence of Addition p.177B |

| | |2.NBT.9 | |Overhead Addition p.175B |Students must explain why addition strategies |

| | | | | |work to meet 2.NBT.9 |

| | | | |Leveled Practice: R5-2, P5-2, E5-2 | |

|Day 3 |Use the standard algorithm to add |2.OA.1 |Two digit number | Investigating the Concept p.179A |Materials: Place Value Mat |

|5-3 Add Two-Digit Numbers With and |2-digit numbers with and without |2.NBT.6 | |Regroup 10 Ones for 1 Ten |Connecting Cubes |

|Without Regrouping |regrouping. |2.NBT.7 | | |Center Ideas: |

| | |2.NBT.9 | |Leveled Practice: R5-3, P5-3, E5-3 |Addition Spin Game |

| | | | | |Close to 100 (BETHR) |

|Day 4 |Use the standard algorithm to add |2.OA.1 | |Investigating the Concept p.181A |Materials: Place Value Mat |

|5-4 Practice With 2 Digit Addition |2-digit numbers with and without |2.NBT.6 | |Adding Two-Digit Numbers on Paper |Connecting Cubes |

| |regrouping |2.NBT.7 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.9 | |Every Kernel Counts Worksheet (BETHR) |Center Ideas: Quick Addition p181B |

| | | | | |Addition Stories p181B |


Two-Digit Addition

|Lesson |Objective |CCSS |VOCABULARY/ | | |

| | | |• Recommendation |Parallel Tasks |Notes |

|Day 5 |Add two money amounts less than |2.OA.1 | |Investigating the Concept p.185A |Materials: Price tags |

|5-5 Adding Money |$1.00 using paper and pencil |2.NBT.5 | |Money Counts | |

| | |2.NBT.6 | |Reteaching: Adding Up Classroom Items p.185B |Center Ideas: Shopping Game |

| | |2.MD.8 | |Problem Solving 5-5 p.60 | |

|Day 6 |Add 3 two-digit numbers with paper |2.NBT.6 |Organize |Investigating the Concept p187A |Materials: |

|5-6 Adding Three Numbers |and pencil |2.NBT.7 | |Three Addends |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Adding in Any Order p187B |

| | | | |Practice in the Park Worksheet (BETHR) |Adding Three Numbers p.187B |

| | | | | |Three Addends Game (C) |

| | | | | |Addition Card Draw Game (C) |

| | | | | |Be A Maker of Tens (BER) p.83 &84 |

| | | | | |Take 10 (BER)p.88 |

| | | | | |Tens Go Fish (BER) p.89 |

| | | | | |Turn Over 10 (BER) p.90 |

|Day 7 |Solve problems involving addition by|2.OA.1 |Table |Investigating the Concept p.189A | |

|5-7 Use Data from a Table |using data from a table |2.MD.10 |Data |Using Data from a Table | |

| | | | |Leveled Worksheets: | |

| | | | |R5-7, P5-7, E5-7, PS5-7 | |

|Day 8 |Estimate a sum as a multiple of 10 |2.NBT.1 |Estimate |Investigate the Concept p.191A |Materials: Number line with 20 tick marks, and |

|5-8 Estimating Sums |and compare | | |Finding the Estimate |with numbers 20, 30, 40 noted (Teaching Tool 10)|

| |the estimate to the exact sum. | | | | |

| | | | |Problem Solving 5-8 p.63 |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Estimating Sums of Three Numbers p.191B |

| | | | | |(Advanced Learners) |

| | | | | |Compare to Twenty 191B |

| | | | | |*Must go to hundreds |


Two-Digit Addition

|Lesson |Objective |CCSS |VOCABULARY/ | | |

| | | |•Recommendation |Parallel Tasks |Notes |

|Day 9 |Recognize and use different ways to |2.OA.1 | |Reteaching: Mental math or Pencil and Paper | |

|5-9 Ways to Add |add two-digit numbers |2.NBT.6 | |p.193B |Center Ideas: |

| | |2.NBT.7 | |Leveled Practice: R5-9, P5-9, E5-9 | |

| | | | | |Math Magic p.193B |

|Day 10 |Solve a problem by estimating, |2.OA.1 |Revise |Investigate the Concept p.197A |Materials: |

|5-10 Try, Check, and Revise |checking the estimate, and then |2.NBT.6 | |Shape Shopping for the Target Amount | |

| |revising the estimate until the |2.NBT.7 | |Problem Solving p.65 |Center Ideas: |

| |final answer is reached. | | | |Finding Sums 197B |

|Day 11 |Review and apply key concepts, |2.OA.1 | |Reading in Math p.199B |Materials: |

|5-11 The Wonderful World of Plants |skills, and strategies learned in | | | | |

| |this and previous chapters. | | | |Center Ideas: |

| | | | | |Addition Strategies with Dominoes p.199B |

|Day 12 |Assess key concepts, skills, and |2.OA.1 | | |2.NBT.1: Can Not be secured until you reach the |

|Unit 6 Assessment |strategies learned in this chapter. |2.NBT.12.NBT.5| | |100’s place |

| | |2.NBT.6 | | | |

| | |2.NBT.72.NBT.9| | |2.NBT.7:Can NOT be secured until, “ADD and |

| | |2.MD.10 | | |SUBTRACT within 1000” |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |2.NBT.8: Can NOT be secured until, “mentally add|

| | | | | |or subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100 – |

| | | | | |900” |


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