
''""'"* Southern Provincial Department of Education

Gradc 7

Prrt I

. Ansv!rrllrlGq!esionsinrirr,t,i.rt't"r-r*.tr*tr . Ercl'quetioninPxdA.rrri.s2mfks.(1x20=10) (0r) Fi"dLr.distuLroorollt16

(01) a= tr,i,5,7, Lr, 13l w'iL.doM rh! s{ in Len'solx.dtr,rod 0tutrnt.Insukirenc b} *hicr Lheelenrntr. bc

(01) srcdrndwfnedo\itr\u'rtrrblE\rrhrcdn siucbv6wiho r.snrindcl


(0r) wrtr .r'r.r.r mmr!^brr

(0t E\Pre$ r 5bsadcc rrLrLtrrbcr

06r Nrnc.rruf.f!tL LJiio,nr cr sr !! nih?rislR.

(07) Dinnhi'sdaEofbidbis2005-05-22.Whdkherageonz0l?-ll-20




(10) In i

l:500. rhedisrance represnted rhermdAB k locn. Find rheactr.ldnhrccolfie


( )

S ros lhallhcpyEmidlivcr solislles rheE!le/sEklioi.

(ll) E\pre$1500r i"lrRsa,dm'l'lires.

il:l' ( r) Fiil inrheblrnksi"rhcrowdiig mtivenbe o\r

-i-tr -*! tr


(15) Tliebox A conoiNirenNof0u$10kg350!\vhrlerhebox B conLiiriremsofmrs40l!?50s.Find

rherohl'nNol rheic'nsinborhboxes.


u*jir';-gr.aic-a*ie iu'a'ir"a..

(17) Aspeollensth20hl6coj!c inb3rog.l3.4udtpi!.wrdtk.hdtosdlofoi.Di.o. (13) Thevolumeolacubojdis I2oom'. Ifrhe l.ngrh s I fth, lind a sct oasuimble volus for bEad|n ed


mado to shE omund ir! senrF. WI.n rh. di& skrps shting th.

byrheoftNhc.disobs.d.d-Writ dlo*rofattour@meof tfiis


lvharkhdolr*ltition iss*n in rhe fi guF,

?rt IT

AEve.r'qntiotr snd.l otherqueriona

l' quBtion.r.ricl6mrrLsrrdorherqnctiotrscsrryIcs.h.

in rhe le$on Psnlld nEighr lines rhar you have dode underrhe suiden.e of

(i) Namc r*o inshrces ftnrypcqnse padlklnr.ighr line in,th.entircnned.

(ii) Name l*o inslrumenb rhdyou used to con$tucf$iiigh piiillellirs.


(iii) Using rhc insirunsnb menrioncd in (ii). condruct i pinofpmillclrdtght lincs 0nd

(N) Consrructs line ifdl@linr ll)cpceendioularheiEhtbclwctr rhe p,n ofpsmllel rhEliia-s AB. p$poidicul&heisht DC similorloABaidobl.ntheBhnEleABCD

(vi) toinAC in rhc rcctlngleABCD ind con$rucr No $ribhL lines lhrolgh B ond D, t,i,lleltoAC

G nrk)

(02) (D Prol l)e poinls given bdo{ os ii ordcrcd piirs, on iclncsiln ploie.

A(r, r) , B(2,4), C(6,4). D(7,r)

(a 'na s)

(iD w|Bt is rhe suibble nane rhdcsn be g,v.n io iheclosed plaiengnE obbined byjoining rhe


(2 marks)

re. (iii) connrucr rhe sym etica I axh or rhe fisu


(iv) Wrirerhecoodinalesofrhepoi4roliire6ecrionofx'axisandlhesym'neticalaxh (2'narkt

Ifthepoint B ischrngedioobbinapaGlleloCFnrren*harshouldberhe


(2m s)

(03) ABCDEFisslr3ic@und

(i) whrrislheletrAlhollheboundiryAB ( | mark)

(ii) Findrheperi'nererof rhe land i',dicrcd byABCDEF.


(iii) Findrhe adfrhelatrd.


(iv) sho* rhorrhevolumeof $iltreeded roddere.ly

on 0El.ndABCDEFlo nke rhe noorhlgh trp ro lrcmrhc!tuundle!el,sBa,f OrBrrt

(04) (i) Conirucr theequibLeEl tirrgleABc olside lerr8rh 5cm.

Conslruclonolhereq!ilalcmll mtleni cdACDonrlEsidcAC.

(ii0 Wha( isthe mGrsuirablenane forrhe fi guoblainedABCD. (iv) Joi', BD Nan,erhepointolirrer$crion of AC drd BDasO.U5i',9 ihe inlomation

ninDhroobl$c.n3l.driin8lss.0d rwo iloscelcsriingles.

connrudacndemkingoBas rherdius rnio asrhecenrrc.

whatis rhe teng$onhe radiNotLteci,!ledmw^

lm (05) (a) (i) writ 24 {d 16 as . prdrct of prino ficroc snd qriF rh. irswr in i^d*

Using rhe

swr blov lnwqot ,ined i. (i) orusins tny orherm.lhod

lo th.queslion

(3 n&Lr)

(ii) Th.re aF 24 pns and 36 p.noils in a box lt tr n eded !o p,ok them inlo p@k sNh thlt thtF

!N$6ean.qualtumberof pcns.ndon.qulnum&rof p.noilsineschpacl Tn'Fisno&v

p.n orady poncilEm.i.in&,fie. packidg rhsn in pach Find lhc lwimum numb'ror

rhro p0Fk

be pEprEd undedhe@ndhion mdtioned 8bov.


(iir)Two blls ring al inlclols of24 minuks ,id 36 nrinutes EsP.tiv.lv- I frhev both @g bgplh'r

rr3.o0am,lrwhstrime*illrhcynnsbsether0grm (3 m.,ks)

(b) ,^-

(i) If the perim.cr oldc rri.nsle deno6 bv P' nstrucr !

foimuro for'P


(ri) FindP,lrkiigx=6 andy'7



is .bout lhe numbr olstud.nb who piricipted for th. mdhs _ olvnp.id



(i) whlt k rhe nnmber olboys porticiptted ror lheexm


(it Findrh?nun,brof Bi'kpani.ipatd lbrdE.{nr6sp.Nenragc

(i,i) ReprcsnrrhcinfomslDn btastrilablemulriPleklumn gBPh



(iv) If60 stuircnts in si.halim.drum,20sM.nts in 6ilm.dlum od r 0 sdrnrs in Englkh medium

mslecLd inlhecomp.relivecPD,

FiDd rhenmbsof sludencwho.renotsleoEdin theesm

t- ,j.

!r A, B and CaE I piecas cui fom a wie. Thc lengthsoflhem s@ shown abov. (d. pi.N notddm to

C) Arugclhe lmslhs in sendinsordsr


(ii) Findltcrohlt.nsrhorth.p'ec6AsndBlenslh (iii) Find th.difieFn@ bctu*n thc muimum l.nsth ond the minimum


p N*t

(b) acementnktoE is Dade tirh Fn.ntord$ndlorhe Etio l:6 TheG @ 5 pans in oie ptck'lol

(i) Findth.tmounrorsdnededtonokrdcnlhshrEvnhonepackerorffcnL Qmuks)

(ii) Adncrcrc hi$urc js madc vith cemenl, sidhd meEli !o rhe Brio I :2: l. Hd mlnv plckeLt ol

camcntFnededbmak |50prnsof rhcconcftlerisNre'


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