
Helpful App’s for College Students:Any. Do This app is used to help organize tasks, create to-do lists, and to keep you on track with all the assignments and tasks that are needed to be completed. Price: FREE Scrib’dThis app has over millions of books and documents that can be searched and used for any research projects and papers. You can also create your own library that saves those books for you to refer back to. Price: FREEMathwayStruggle with math? This app helps guide you step-by-step through problems that you cannot figure out. A great way for you to learn and work through the toughest of problems. Price: FREE EasyBibWriting a paper and need help with citations?? This app is just like the website except better! You can take a picture of the book being used and it creates a citation for you. Great app for students with lots of papers. Price: FREE Self-Control Struggle with blocking out social media? Use this app to help organize your tasks and to block out social media notifications. Now you can complete homework or study time without the distractions of social media. Price: FREE MintBudget Budget Budget!! Being financially smart in college is important. Use this Mint app to help keep you on track of how much you can spend and what you owe. This app will sync up to your bank accounts. Price: FREE Fitness PalStay healthy while in school! Use this app to help keep track of what you eat, your calorie intake, and water intake. It also keeps track of your daily exercise. You can also connect with others so you can do it with friends. Price: FREEPomodoroA great timer that you can use while you are studying. Use this app to help keep you on track of how long you have to study and when to take a break. It will ding when it is time for a break. Price: $1.99 ................

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