C Programming Illuminated

Sudbury, MA, April 2009: Jones and Bartlett Publishers announces the eighth edition of the wildly popular programming text, Let Us C. Considered to be one of the best-selling programming books ever written, the eighth edition has now been edited, revised, and updated. A CD-ROM with demos, code, compiler, executables, and MATLAB examples has been added to the book. Simplicity and an easy narration style are the hallmarks of the book, which have made its previous seven editions immensely successful. Today’s C programmer (still the language of choice in science, engineering, game programming and for handheld devices) has to master the complexities of the language and contend with its usage in environments like Windows, Linux, and the Internet. This book covers these three aspects of C programming and doesn’t assume any programming background. It begins with the basics and steadily builds the pace, so the reader finds it easy to handle more complicated topics later. This popular author has crafted hundreds of excellent programming examples and exercises for every aspect of C programming.


• Self-study format provides hundreds of step-by-step examples and exercises

• Assumes no programming knowledge; starts with the basics and progresses to more difficult topics

• Includes a CD-ROM with demos, code, compiler, executables, and MATLAB examples

• Covers the latest programming techniques for Windows, Linux, and the Internet


Yashavant P. Kanetkar is a popular author and world-renowned instructor who has written several books and software programs in C and C++.

Book Information

ISBN: 978-1934015254

MSRP: U.S. $60.95

PUB DATE: March 2008

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Jones and Bartlett Publishers, an independent publisher headquartered in Sudbury, Massachusetts, is the seventh largest college publisher in the United States, publishing text, professional, and reference books and a variety of multimedia and online products. Their titles can be ordered direct or found through distributors and bookstores worldwide. To see a sample chapter of this book, please visit:

Media Inquiries: Contact Andrea DeFronzo at 978-443-8170 or email adefronzo@.

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