M.Sc. Programmes 2011-12Schedule for Object Oriented Programming Week 1Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October 2011Lecturers: Dr Mike Spann (MS), Mr David Pycock (DP), Mr Luis Hernandez Munoz (LHM)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday09:0010:00Course Introduction N123(MS) N123Interfaces, Callbacks, Delegates and Events(MS) N123Self Study PeriodGraphical User Interfaces (MS) N123Self Study Period11:00Introduction to .NET (MS) N123Generic Collections and LINQ (MS) N123Self Study PeriodTutorial (MS) N123MATLAB Introduction NG2212:00Introduction to C# (MS) N123Self Study PeriodSelf Study PeriodSelf Study PeriodMATLAB Introduction NG22LUNCH2:00Classes and Objects(MS) N123Supervised Programming Lab N419No lecturesGraphics and Multimedia(MS) N123Self Study Period3:00Inheritance and Polymorphism(MS) N123Supervised Programming Lab N419No lecturesWeek 1 review and feedback(MS) N123Self Study Period4:00Self Study PeriodUnsupervised Programming Lab N419No lecturesSelf Study PeriodSelf Study PeriodM.Sc. Programmes 2011-12Schedule for Object Oriented Programming Week 2Monday 10th to Friday 14th October 2011MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday09:0010:00Week 2 Introduction(MS) N123Windows CE(LHM) N123Self Study PeriodWindows CE Unsupervised Programming Lab N419Self Study Period11:00Multi-threading(MS) N123Windows CE(LHM) N123Self Study PeriodWindows CE Unsupervised Programming Lab N419Self Study Period12:00Files and Streams(MS) N123Windows CE(LHM) N123Self Study PeriodWindows CE Unsupervised Programming Lab N419Self Study PeriodLUNCH2:00Web Forms and (MS) N123Windows CE Supervised Programming Lab (LHM) N419No lecturesWindows CE. Review and feedback. (LHM) N123Self Study Period3:00Self Study Period Windows CE Supervised Programming Lab (LHM) N419No lecturesWeek 2 Review. Issue assignment (MS) N123Self Study Period4:00Self Study PeriodWindows CE Supervised Programming Lab (LHM) N419No lecturesSelf Study PeriodSelf Study Period ................

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