Stage 2 .id

Stage 2

MATLAB Self-do-tutorial (Part 2)


2.1 Control statements

2.2 M-files

Attainment targets

The goals of the Self-do-tutorial are to be able:

- to generate and manipulate discrete random variables.

Organization of this chapter

Section 2.1 describes the use of MATLAB’s “for” and “if” constructions, as well as relational and logical operators. Section 2.2. discusses working with m-files. These files are used for writing MATLAB script files or for defining new MATLAB functions. Section 2.3. deals with generating samples of discrete random variables and pmf’s.

2.1 Control statements

In this section we study how to use the “for”, “if” and relational operators in MATLAB. These

principally work in the same way as control statements do in most computer languages, particularly

as in C. The for-loop has the folowing general form:

for variable = vector



where the loop is iterated once for every value in vector. The general form of the if-statement is

if relation



MATLAB’s rational operators are

< less than

> greater than

= greater than or equal to

== equal to

~= not equal to

Here are some examples:


The following commands generate a row vector with elements 1, 2 en 3 using a for-loop:

>> v = [];

>> for n=1:3

v = [v n]


v =


v =

1 2

v =

1 2 3

Note that the use of an empty matrix is allowed (v = []). We can also write these commands in

one line. To do this, we separate commands by a semicolon if the display of their result should be

suppressed or a comma if we want to display the intermediate result. So, if we are not interested

in intermediate results, we type:

>> v = []; for n=1:3, v = [v n]; end

However, don’t use this way in practice! Because of MATLAB’s interpreting nature, each line is

interpreted independently resulting in the allocation of new memory for vector _ at each iteration.

This significantly lowers performance speed. Compare the three following commands, all giving

the same results: To measure the elapssed time, use the commands tic and toc.

>> vec1 = [1:10e3];

>> for n=1:10e3, vec2(n) = n; end

>> vec3 = []; for n=1:10e3, vec3 = [vec3 n]; end

It is clear that, whenever possible, one should avoid the use of loops. Always try to vectorize your


The same methods can, of course, be used for matrix generation. For example:

>> for m=1:2

for n=1:2

B(m,n) = (m+n)ˆ2;



>> B

B =

4 9

9 16


The next example, demonstrating the use of if-statements, determines if a random number is negative

((sign = -1), positive ((sign = 1), or equal to zero ((sign = 0):

>> number = randn;

>> if (number < 0),

sign = -1;

elseif (number > 0),

sign = 1;


sign = 0;


>> sign

The brackets around the relations in the if-statements are not compulsory. In many cases, however,

it does enhance code readability.

Relations can be combined with the Boolean array-operators __ _ en _ (logical and, or and

not, respectively). For example, if we wish to determine whether a random number lies within the

interval (0,½], we type:

>> number = randn;

>> if ((number > 0) & (number > status

Again, the brackets are optional. We could also have written:

>> status = ((number > 0) & (number > help script.m

script file for plotting a function and its absolute value in two

subplots. The input data is stored in the variable func.

Function files

Function files enable the definition of new functions in MATLAB. Function files have the same

status in MATLAB as MATLAB’s internal function. Variables inside a function file are local by

default. However, one can define global variables with the command global. We demonstrate

the use of a function file with a simple example, which generates a matrix of random integers.

function y = rand_int(m,n,range);

% rand_int Randomly generated integer matrix.

% rand_int(m,n) returns an m-by-n such matrix whos

% entries are between 0 and 9.

% rand_int(m,n,range) returns an m-by-n such matrix whos

% entries are between 0 and range.

% check usage


if (nargin < 3),

range = 9;


% generate random integer matrix

y = floor((range+1)*rand(m,n));

The first line declares the function name (rand_int), together with input and output arguments

(m,n,range) and (y). Without this line, the file would be an ordinary script file.

It is advisable, as is done in the above example, to make use of the built-in MATLAB functions

error, nargchk (check number of arguments) and nargin (number of input arguments). Using

these functions, MATLAB will generate an error message if the function is being called with the

wrong number of arguments. This is very helpfull when nested function calls are used (when a

function is called from within the body of another function). Try to follow these rules and comment

your code for the use of the help function. This applies also to comments between statements.

Tell the reader in simple words what exactly takes place in the code.

We end this section with an example of a function file with two output arguments. This function

sorts out the elements of a vector in decreasing order. We use MATLAB’s built-in function

for sorting out data in ascending order (see lookfor sort).

function [res,index] = sort_desc(data);

% sort_desc Sort in descending order.

% res = sort_desc(data) sorts the elements of the vector

% data in descending order. [res,index] = sort(data) also

% returns an index vector index, i.e., res = data(index).

% When data is complex, the elements are sorted by

% abs(data).

% check usage


% sort data in ascending order using the MATLAB built-in

% function sort

[res,index] = sort(data);

% reorder the data

[m,n] = size(data);

if (m ................

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