
Create Simple Deep Leaning Network for Classificationand Generate Code to Run Algorithms on Raspberry PiThis example shows how to create and train a simple convolutional neural network for defect detection, and how to generate code to implement pre/post image processing algorithms and convolutional neural network into Raspberry Pi.This example demonstrates how to: #1. Load and explore image data. #2. Define the network architecture #3. Train the network #4. Confirm if trained network works well for new data#5. Walk through whole algorithm that consist of pre-processing, CNN and post-processing. #6. Generate C++ code for whole algorithm to test it on host machine #7. Generate C++ code for ARM target(Raspberry Pi) #8. Build and run the exe on the Raspberry Piclear; close all; imtool close all; clc;rng('default')Load the sample data as an image datastorecateg = {'ok', 'ng'};imds = imageDatastore(fullfile(pwd, 'images', categ), 'IncludeSubfolders',1,'LabelSource', 'foldernames')countEachLabel(imds)imds = ImageDatastore with properties: Files: { '/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/images/ok/frame1.png'; '/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/images/ok/frame10.png'; '/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/images/ok/frame100.png' ... and 779 more } Labels: [ok; ok; ok ... and 779 more categorical] AlternateFileSystemRoots: {} ReadSize: 1 ReadFcn: @readDatastoreImageans = 2×2 table Label Count _____ _____ ng 509 ok 273 Display some of the images of defect product(hexagon nut) in the datastoreThese nuts has scratch or scoring on a surfacefigure;idx = find(imds.Labels == 'ng');perm = randperm(size(idx,1),20);for i = 1:20 subplot(4,5,i); imshow(readimage(imds, idx(perm(i))));endSpecify Training and Validation SetsSeparate the sets into training and validation data. Pick 90% of images from each set for the training data and the remainder, 10%, for the validation data[trainingSet, validationSet] = splitEachLabel(imds, 0.9, 'randomize');Define Network Architecturelayers = [imageInputLayer([128 128 1]) convolution2dLayer(5,20)reluLayer()maxPooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2) crossChannelNormalizationLayer(5,'K',1); convolution2dLayer(5,20)reluLayer()maxPooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2) fullyConnectedLayer(512) fullyConnectedLayer(2)softmaxLayer()classificationLayer()];Data Augmentationaugmenter = imageDataAugmenter('RandXReflection',true,'RandYReflection',true,... 'RandRotation', [-180 180]);datasource = augmentedImageSource([128 128 1],trainingSet,'DataAugmentation',augmenter);Specify Training Optionsoptions = trainingOptions('sgdm', ... 'MaxEpochs',1000, ... 'InitialLearnRate',0.001, ... 'ValidationData',validationSet, ... 'ValidationFrequency',30, ... 'ValidationPatience',Inf, ... 'Verbose',false, ... 'Plots','training-progress');Train Network Using Training Datatrainnet = true;if trainnet convnet = trainNetwork(datasource,layers,options);else % Load pre-trained network load('NDNet3.mat')endPredict the labels of the validation data using trained networkpredictedLabels = classify(convnet, validationSet);valLabels = validationSet.Labels;accuracy = sum(predictedLabels == valLabels)/numel(valLabels)accuracy = 0.9744Walk through whole algorithm that consist of pre-processing,CNN and post-processing.Read new image captured by webCam The images used to train network were pre-processed image to fit it in input image size of network. Original image captured by webCam is like this;img = imread('testImg.png');figure, imshow(img)% So, we need to extract where the nuts are as an ROI before passing image% to the network.Pre-processing for captured image from webCammyNDNet_Preprocess is to extract ROI by using traditional image processing. Since generated C code from this m code will be integrated into main.cpp that uses OpenCV format, some format conversion need to be considerd.wi = uint32(320);he = uint32(240);ch = uint32(3);img = mat2ocv(img);[Iori, imgPacked, num, bbox] = myNDNet_Preprocess(img);Display pre-processed image(extracted nuts)Row-major to Column-major conversion to show the image on MATLABimgPacked2 = zeros([128,128,4],'uint8');for c = 1:4 for i = 1:128 for j = 1:128 imgPacked2(i,j,c) = imgPacked((i-1)*128 + (j-1) + (c-1)*128*128 + 1); end endend% Display output imagesfigure,for i = 1:num subplot(1,num,i) imshow(imgPacked2(:,:,i))endClassify detected nuts by using pretrained networkscores = zeros(2,4);for i = 1:num scores(:,i) = predict(convnet, imgPacked2(:,:,i));endscoresscores = 0.0000 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 0.0000 0 0Insert the labels in an image as an post-processingIori = reshape(Iori, [1, he*wi*ch]);bbox = reshape(bbox, [1,16]);scores = reshape(scores, [1, 8]);out = myNDNet_Postprocess(Iori, num, bbox, scores, wi, he, ch);Display post-processed imagesz = [he wi ch];out = ocv2mat(out,sz);figure, imshow(out)% The hexagon nut on the right is defective. We can see that whole% algorithm works well on this result.Codegen for pre-processing, CNN and post-processingNow we are ready to generate C code. Before targetting Raspberry Pi, generate CUDA C to confirm if generated code works well on the host machine.armtarget = false;codegenAll(convnet, wi, he, ch, armtarget)Build and Run on Host machinerunning at 25FPS on GPU enabled laptop(GeForce 930M)system(['make ','cudnn']);system(['./nutsDet_exe ','3 ','testImg.png']);nvcc -o nutsDet_exe main_nutsDet.cpp \ -Icodegen codegen/cnnbuild.a \ -Icodegen codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess/myNDNet_Preprocess.a \ -Icodegen codegen/lib/myNDNet_Postprocess/myNDNet_Postprocess.a \ -lcublas \ -I./codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess \ -I./codegen/lib/myNDNet_Postprocess \ -I"/usr/local/cudnn7/include" -L"/usr/local/cudnn7/lib64" -lcudnn \ -I"/extern/include" \ -I"/usr/local/include" -L"/usr/local/lib" -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_video -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_imgcodecs \ -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targetsinit done opengl support available Desplay output imageoutImg = imread('outImg.png');figure, imshow(outImg)Generate Code for ARM TargetsCode generation for ARM processors using ARM Compute Library is done on host machine, but the build and execution is performed on the target platform by copying all the generated files to the platformarmtarget = true;codegenAll(convnet, wi, he, ch, armtarget)### Codegen Successfully Generated for arm deviceCode generation successful: To view the report, open('codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess/html/report.mldatx').Code generation successful: To view the report, open('codegen/lib/myNDNet_Postprocess/html/report.mldatx').Build the lib on Raspberry Pi3Move the codegen folder and all the desired files from the host machine to the target platform. system('sshpass -p [password] scp (sourcefile) [username]@[hostname]:~/');cpfiles = falseif cpfileshostinfo = 'kotsuka@';password = 'password';basedir = '/home/kotsuka/demos/nutsDet';copyfiles(hostinfo, password, basedir)end% You may needo set the ARM_COMPUTELIB environment variable on the target platform% pointing to the armcompute library install path correctly.cpfiles = logical 0Build and run the exe on Raspberry Pi3% make -C [basedir] arm_neon% Run the executable with an input image file.% ./nutsDet_exe, 3 testImg.png% Or if you have webCam connected to Raspberry Pi, you can use captured% image from webCam by using follwing command.% ./nutsDet_exe 1 1Supporting Functionsfunction codegenAll(convnet, wi, he, ch, armtarget) if armtarget cnncodegen(convnet,'targetlib','arm-compute'); else cnncodegen(convnet,'targetlib','cudnn'); end cfg = coder.config('lib','ecoder',true); cfg.GenerateCodeMetricsReport = true; cfg.GenerateReport = true; cfg.ReportPotentialDifferences = false; cfg.TargetLang = 'C++'; cfg.EnableOpenMP = false; if armtarget cfg.GenCodeOnly = true; end cfg.TargetLangStandard = 'C++03 (ISO)'; cfg.HardwareImplementation.ProdHWDeviceType = 'ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex'; cfg.HardwareImplementation.TargetHWDeviceType = 'ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex'; ARGS = cell(1,1); ARGS{1} = cell(1,1); ARGS{1}{1} = coder.typeof(uint8(0),[240, 320, 3]); %ARGS{1}{1} = coder.Constant(img); % Invoke MATLAB Coder. codegen -config cfg myNDNet_Preprocess -args ARGS{1} -nargout 4 ARGS{2} = cell(7,1); ARGS{2}{1} = coder.typeof(uint8(0),[1 230400]); ARGS{2}{2} = coder.typeof(0); ARGS{2}{3} = coder.typeof(0,[1 16]); ARGS{2}{4} = coder.typeof(0,[1 8]); ARGS{2}{5} = coder.Constant(wi); ARGS{2}{6} = coder.Constant(he); ARGS{2}{7} = coder.Constant(ch); % Invoke MATLAB Coder. codegen -config cfg myNDNet_Postprocess -args ARGS{2} -nargout 1endfunction copyfiles(hostinfo, password, basedir) % Move the codegen folder and all the desired files from the host development computer % to the target platform using scp command of the format system(['sshpass -p ' password ' scp main_nutsDet_arm.cpp ' hostinfo ':' basedir]); system(['sshpass -p ' password ' scp testImg.png ' hostinfo ':' basedir]); system(['sshpass -p ' password ' scp Makefile ' hostinfo ':' basedir]); system(['sshpass -p ' password ' scp -r codegen ' hostinfo ':' basedir]); % Build the lib on target platform using ssh command system(['sshpass -p ' password ' ssh ' hostinfo ' "make -C ' basedir '/codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess -f myNDNet_Preprocess_rtw.mk"']); system(['sshpass -p ' password ' ssh ' hostinfo ' "make -C ' basedir '/codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess -f myNDNet_Postprocess_rtw.mk"']); system(['sshpass -p ' password ' ssh ' hostinfo ' "make -C ' basedir '/codegen -f cnnbuild_rtw.mk"']);endnvcc -c -rdc=true -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero" -O0 -g -G -arch sm_35 -I"/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/codegen" -I"/usr/local/cudnn7/include" -o "cnn_api.o" "cnn_api.cpp"nvcc -c -rdc=true -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero" -O0 -g -G -arch sm_35 -I"/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/codegen" -I"/usr/local/cudnn7/include" -o "MWCNNLayerImpl.o" "MWCNNLayerImpl.cu"nvcc -c -rdc=true -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero" -O0 -g -G -arch sm_35 -I"/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/codegen" -I"/usr/local/cudnn7/include" -o "MWTargetNetworkImpl.o" "MWTargetNetworkImpl.cu"nvcc -c -rdc=true -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcudafe "--diag_suppress=unsigned_compare_with_zero" -O0 -g -G -arch sm_35 -I"/home/keitaro/work/nutsDet/FileExchange/Submit/codegen" -I"/usr/local/cudnn7/include" -o "cnn_exec.o" "cnn_exec.cpp"nvcc -lib -Xlinker -rpath,"/bin/glnxa64",-L"/bin/glnxa64" -lc -Xnvlink -w -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets -g -G -arch sm_35 -o cnnbuild.a cnn_api.o MWCNNLayerImpl.o MWTargetNetworkImpl.o cnn_exec.o -L".." "/usr/local/cudnn7/lib64/libcudnn.so" -lcublas -lcudart -lcusolver ### Created: cnnbuild.a### Successfully generated all binary outputs.Code generation successful: To view the report, open('codegen/lib/myNDNet_Preprocess/html/report.mldatx').Code generation successful: To view the report, open('codegen/lib/myNDNet_Postprocess/html/report.mldatx'). ................

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