TGIS GUI Application Installation Manual

TGIStool Installation Manual (Ver. 0.7)

(Last Updated: 2007/09/17)

Step 0: Download Installation Module

Download installation modules (“”) from the following website.


Unzip the installation module. “TGISmodules” folder which contains Python, GTK, and MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR) modules will be created.

Step 1: Install Python Development Modules

To install several software packages, you need to log on your computer as an administrator. From the “TGISmodules” folder, install MCR, GTK, FreeType, Python, and Python libraries following the order listed below.

| |Module |File |

|1 |MATLAB Component Runtime |MCRInstaller.exe |

|2 |GTK 2.10.11 |gtk-dev-2.10.11-win32-1.exe |

|3 |FreeType |freetype-2.1.10.exe |

|4 |Python 2.4.4 |python-2.4.4.msi |

|5 |Python extensions for MS Windows |pywin32-210.win32-py2.4.exe |

|6 |PyCairo |pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.4.exe |

|7 |PyGObject |pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.4.exe |

|8 |PyGTK |pygtk-2.10.4-1.win32-py2.4.exe |

|9 |NumPy |numpy-1.0.3.win32-py2.4.exe |

|10 |SciPy |scipy-0.5.2.win32-py2.4.exe |

|11 |Matplotlib |matplotlib-0.90.0.win32-py2.4.exe |

Detailed installation process for each module is described below.

Step 1-1: MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR)

1. Double-click MCR installer utility (MCRInstaller.exe). The MCRInstaller opens a command window and begins preparation for the installation.


2. MATLAB Component Runtime startup screen appears. Click “Next” to begin the installation.


3. Click “Next” to continue.


4. Choose installation folder and select “Everyone” option. Then click “Next”.


5. Click “Next”, then the installation begins.


6. When the installation completes, click “Close” to exit.


Step 1-2: GTK module

1. Doubl-click GTK installer gtk-dev-2.10.11-win32-1.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Click “Next” to continue.


2. Click “I Agree” to continue.


3. Choose “Anyone who uses this computer” and click “Next”.


4. Use default setting, and click “Next”.


5. Use default setting, and click “Next”.


6. Use default installation folder (C:\GTK), and click “Next”.


7. Use default Start Menu folder (Gtk+), and click “Install”, then the installation begins.


8. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.


Step 1-3: FreeType module

1. Double-click FreeType installer (freetype-2.1.10.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next” to continue.


2. Select “I accept the agreement” option, and click “Next”.


3. Select default installation folder, and click “Next”.


4. Select “Full Installation”, and check all options, and click “Next”


5. Use default Start Menu folder (GnuWin32\FreeType), and click “Next”.


6. Use default setting and click “Next”.


7. Click “Install”, then the installation begins.


8. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.


Step 1-4: Python 2.4.4 module

1. Double-click Python installer (python-2.4.4.msi), then “Python 2.4.4 Setup” screen appears. Select default setting (Install for all users) and click “Next”.


2. Use default folder (C:\Python24) and click “Next”


3. Use default setting, and click “Next”.


4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.


Step 1-5: Python extensions for MS Windows module

1. Double-click Python extensions for MS Windows installer (pywin32-210.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.


2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.


3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.


4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.


Step 1-6: PyCario module

1. Double-click PyCario installer (pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 1-7: PyGObject module

1. Double-click PyGObject installer (pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 1-8: PyGTK module

1. Double-click PyGTK installer (pygtk-2.10.4-1.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 1-9: NumPy module

1. Double-click NumPy installer (numpy-1.0.3.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 1-10: SciPy module

1. Double-click SciPy installer (scipy-0.5.2.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 1-11: matplotlib module

1. Double-click matplotlib installer (matplotlib-0.90.0.win32-py2.4.exe), then “Setup” screen appears. Select “Next”.

2. Use default setting (Python Version 2.4), and click “Next”.

3. Click “Next.”, then the installation begins.

4. When the installation completes, click “Finish” to exit.

Step 2: Install ArcGIS 9.1 Service Pack 2

If ArcGIS 9.1 Service Pack 2 is not installed on your computer, install the service pack. Installation module and procedure are available on ESRI website. ()

Step 3: Download Installation Module

Download TGIS tool module (“”) from the following website.


Unzip the module. “TGIStoolV10” folder will be created.

Step 4: Copy application folder

Move application folder “TGISToolV10” into your hard drive. (ex. C:\TGIStoolV10).

Step 5: Setup ArcGIS toolbox

Add “TGIS Tools” toolbox.

1. Launch ArcGIS.

2. Right click on the “toolbox” window and select “Add Toolbox…”.


3. “Add Toolbox” dialog appears. Select “TGIS Tool” toolbox from the application folder (ex. C:\TGIStoolV10).


4. Right click on the “toolbox” window and from “Save Settings” select “To Default”


5. Double-click “TGISGUI” under the “TGIS Tools” toolbox. Make sure that the following dialog would appear on the screen. Click “Cancel” to quit from the application.



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