
INTERTEXTUALITY IN THE MATRIXIntertextuality is the relationship between texts that people use to extend their meanings to the audience, for example in movies. The Matrix is one of many movies that use several intertextual references from other films to enhance the meanings of the ideas that occur in the movie or to relate to other films because of the similarity between both of the films. By borrowing texts, movements or objects from other movie, films are able to send out messages that the audience will understand better from the dialogue. In the film, Thomas Anderson, as known as Neo (the main character), discovers that the world everyone is living in is controlled by an artificial intelligence to hide the truth about the real world. References are made from films like Alice and Wonderland, Wizard of Oz and Terminator because their films are about some ideas that occur in The Matrix like imaginary worlds and machinery taking over society.Wizard of Oz is a film that has an intertextual relationship with The Matrix. The scriptwriter used the concept of when Dorothy goes Oz relating to when Neo goes out of the matrix and into the real world with the others. The part where the dialogue talks about Wizard of Oz is after Neo takes the red pill and he is now attached to a machine and Morpheus is explaining to him what is going to happen. “The pill you took is part of a trace program. It’s design to disrupt your input output carrier signals so we can pinpoint your location.” Morpheus tells Neo.“What does that mean?” Neo asks.“It means buckle your seat belt, Dorothy…because Kansas…is going bye-bye.” Cypher explains to Neo. In this part of the dialogue of the film, Neo is getting attached to a machine that is getting ready to send him into the real world after taking the red pill, and Morpheus is explaining to him what is happening to him, but in a complicated way with words. This is when Cypher simplifies Morpheus’s explanation using the idea of Wizard of Oz as an example. Relating Neo to Dorothy, Cypher is explaining to Neo that hold on tight because he is going to being transport from the matrix, into the real world just as the dialogue said, “It means buckle your seat belt, Dorothy…because Kansas…is going bye-bye.” Dorothy referring to Neo, Kansas referring to the matrix and going bye-bye meaning Cypher is telling him to say goodbye to the matrix and hello to the real world. At first they both seem confused and have strange feeling towards the new place that they’re in, but soon they adjust to their surroundings.Some of the SWAT codes used also helped send out the meaning to the audience. The music during the scene is quite repetitive sound, but has a mystery behind it because of a high-pitched noise played, which gradually gets louder into a thunder crack as the dialogue goes on. The camera angles in this scene are shown mostly mid shots, meaning nothing bad isn’t going to happen. In the scene they connect a telephone to the machine that Neo is attached to. These telephones are symbolic throughout the movie because it’s what transports them back into the real world, which is why they are using it to send Neo into the real world. Intertextual links are what makes the film be more understandable, especially The Matrix because of the amount of references it has to other movies. The SWAT codes help understand what’s going on during the scene of the film.The American film ‘The Matrix ‘ depicts a simulated real world distinguished from a real world created by artificial intelligence / machines to control the humans. On learning this, computer programmer ‘Neo ‘ will be drawn into a group involving other people who have been freed from the ‘ dream world ‘ to fight the machines. I think this film relates to the movie ‘ The Terminator ‘ which was released in the year 1984 . The overview of the movie is that, artificially intelligent machines take over the world and exterminate what is left of the human race , but a rebellion forms against the perceived machines in the future . So, a machine / robot which is designed to look like a human comes back in time to kill the mother of the person ( so that the person responsible for the rebellion will be destroyed ) who ‘ would be responsible for the rebellion against the machines in the future . I think the movies ‘The Matrix ‘ and ‘The Terminator ‘ have the following intertextual links , Plot :I think the movies ‘ The Matrix ‘ and ‘The Terminator ‘ have a similar plot which is , machines taking over the world and humans rebel and fight against the machines and save the world . This plot is shown through the movie ‘ The Matrix ‘ through the quote , ‘ The matrix is a system , Neo . That system is our enemy . But when you’re inside , you look around ,what do you see ? Businessmen , teachers , lawyers , carpenters , the very minds of the people we are trying to save .’ - Morpheus .The above quote explains that artificial intelligence ( system in the quote ) is the human’s enemy and the chosen one ( Neo ) and his group saves the human victims and fights against the machines . A similar plot is shown in the movie ‘ The Terminator ‘ through the quotes , ‘ Are you saying its from the future ?’ – Sarah Connor . ‘ one possible future . From your point of view ‘ – Kyle Reese . ‘I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com, DN38416. Assigned to protect you. You've been targeted for termination. ‘ – Kyle Reese In the above quote ‘ its ‘ refers to the cyborg (terminator ) , which explains that the machine is from the future . and the third quote explains that the chosen one ( Kyle Reese ) saves the victim/s . The movies also have love as their genre . In the terminator, the quote, ‘ I came across time for you , Sarah . I love you .’ – kyle Reese .Shows that the movie involves love between kyle Reese and Sarah Conner . And in the movie ‘ The Matrix ‘ , the quote , ‘ The oracle told that I will fall in love with the one , Neo . You can’t be dead ‘ ( Evidence - And then kisses Neo ) – Trinity The above quote depicts Trinity’s love for Neo and the above quote is an evidence to prove that the movie has love as its genre as well . Therefore the movies ‘The Matrix ’ and ‘The terminator ‘ have a similar plot and they interlink with eachother . Characters : Cyborg/ Terminator : shows the attitudes cruelity , hostility , rebellious , vindictive etc.., The plot of the story tells that the cyborg was vindictive , this attitude is shown when the cyborg comes back in time to take revenge and to destroy Sarah Connor , whose son ‘would be ‘ responsible for the rebellion against them in the future . And this also shows the attitude rebellious .And also the quote , ‘ Get Out ‘ Offensive and insulting words are used in this sentence . This quote explains that the cyborg has the attitude – Abusive towards humans . and it also explains that it is cruel and arrogant . The Agents : ex : Agent Smith : he has attitudes similar to the cyborg in ‘ The Terminator ‘ . some of his attitudes are sarcasm , hostility , cruelty . These attitudes are shown through the following quotes , ‘ Humans are a disease, a cancer of this planet . You’re the plague and we are the cure ‘ - Agent Smith .sarcastic words eg: disease, plague etc.., used in the above quote tell that Agent Smith was a cruel machine . And also the quote , ‘ That is the sound of inevitability ..... It is the sound of your death ‘ -Agent SmithThis is another quote told by the Agent to Neo in the movie . the above quote explains that Agent Smith was terrorising Neo of his death by using the above quote . this quote shows Agent smith’s hostility . Both the characters , Terminator and Agent Smith have similar bad values - cruelty , hostility , vindictiveness , rebellious and social status – class which is shown throught their dressing ( black outfit ) , which can be told through their gestures , language, above quotes etc.., Therefore the links between the terminator and Agent Smith are , they are antagonists which can also be called as villains and also both are machines / artificial intelligence and are desingned to kill humans . These links are explained through the descriptions given about them above . And also both the movies have a ‘ saviour concept ‘ . I think the characters Neo and Kyle are similar . They are the chosen heros to save the world . I can tell that Neo is the chosen one , by the quote , ‘ Because I believe I can do it ‘ – Neo the above quote explains that Neo realises that he is the chosen one to save the world . And therefore this helps us to understand that neo was the hero and the ‘ saviour’.Both the characters share the values and attitudes which are love , survival , bravery , conservative – protective etc.., Neo and kyle show the values survival , conservative and bravery in the plot of the story , when they protect themselves and others , in Neo’s case the world and in kyle’s case Sarah Connor . And they also show the value bravery , when Neo fights the agent in the subway and when he goes to save Morpheus with Trinity , and when Kyle fights the terminator and protects Sarah Connor . This is how the characters Neo and kyle share the same intertextual links . SWAT Codes : The movies have some interesting SWAT codes . They play a vital role in the movies and they also made the movies revolutionary. And the codes that interlink with the movies , ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator ‘ are :Symbolic codes :The movies used a lot of symbolic codes to express the emotion or intention .For example : The black outfits and sunglasses worn by the Agents in The Matrix and the cyborg in the Terminator symbolises professionalism . And the usage of weapons in both the movies symbolises action , death , destruction etc.., And the black background in both the movies symbolises something bad and negative .Written codes : The written codes helped me to understand the movies well eg: descriptive language , quotes , metaphors etc .., In the Matrix quotes like , ‘ Welcome to the desert of the real ‘ – Morpheus ‘ tumbling down the rabbit hole ‘ – Morpheus and in the Terminator quotes like , ‘ Show me a piece of future technology. ‘ – Dr.Silberman ‘ Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant! ‘ -Dr.SilbermanThese quotes also build the veiwer’s interest and anxiety due to the usage of phrases – ‘..desert of the real ‘ , rabbit hole and paranoid delusions etc.., and these also gave me a better understanding of the movies and helped me to have a point of view . Audio codes : Audio played a vital part in both the movies . They play with the veiwer’s emotions by building tension , anxiety , suspense , surprise etc.., the audio used when Neo was fighting the agents on the terrace with Trinity was the best one because it renewed hope of Morpheus being saved and also made the audience excited because Neo finally believed that he was the one . And the audio used in the terminator when Sarah saves a photograph of her’s to give to her son builds an emotion . This is how the audio of both the movies interlink with eachother by playing with the audiences emotions . Technical codes : I would say both the movies ran on the technical codes , because the editing and special effects used made the movies a hit and interesting . Some technical codes used in both films are close up ,zoom shots and camera angles to show the characters vulnerability or strength , for example in the Matrix Neo’s closeup shot was taken to show his vulnerability in the beginning of the film and a close up shot of Sarah was taken when she was attacked by the terminator to show her fear . and special effects were used in both the movies to build excitement , interest etc.., This is how the technical codes interlink in The Matrix and in The Terminator .In conclusion , all my above examples explain and prove how the movies ‘ The Terminator ‘ and ‘ The Matrix ‘ interlink with eachother in their SWAT codes , plot and characters . By Veronica Mark Intertextuality; Alice in Wonderland.In the movie ‘The Matrix’, Alice in Wonderland is one of the many intertextual links that are shown throughout the film. Alice in Wonderland is a story about a girl named Alice who follows a white rabbit, and falls down the hole to wonderland. Wonderland is a strange and magical place where things are never as they seem. It is a simulated, dreamlike world where everything is left up to the imagination. This links with the Matrix because the Matrix itself is a simulated and artificial world, where you are basically told what you should believe. There are many different things that link ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ together such as the white rabbit, the rabbit hole, double personalities, special potions, mirrors and regret. In the matrix, there are also references made to Alice in Wonderland. In both the movies all of the intertextual links come up and link these movies together. The white rabbit is one of the main intertextual links as it is a main part in both of the movies. In ‘The Matrix’ Morpheus tells Neo to follow the white rabbit. ‘Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you. Follow the white rabbit’A few minutes later a lady appears with a white rabbit tattooed on her shoulder appears for Neo to follow. If Neo hadn’t of followed the lady with the rabbit tattoo he wouldn’t have made it to the matrix. In ‘Alice in Wonderland’ Alice encounters the white rabbit and follows it all the way down the rabbit hole. Again, if Alice hadn’t of followed the rabbit she wouldn’t have made it to wonderland. This is how the white rabbit is a main intertextual link between the two movies. As Neo is discovering more about the matrix, he begins to feel helpless as he feels that there is nothing he can do to save the humans. Morpheus realises that Neo is feeling this way and says to him;‘I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole?’This is an intertextual link to Alice in Wonderland as it is a direct reference to the film. In Alice in Wonderland Alice feels helpless, the same as Neo, when Alice is falling down the rabbit hole, there is nothing she can do about it. She tries to grab onto something to stop her from falling but nothing can stop her until she hits the floor. This is how both Neo and Alice are introduced into the simulated worlds through a similar way.When Neo is being introduced into the concept of the matrix he is faced with the decision to either take the blue pill or the red pill. The blue pill will allow Neo to forget what he had learnt so far about this simulated world and the red pill would let Neo into the simulated world to find out more about it.‘Stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes’. In this situation Neo decides to take the red pill, and see ‘how deep the rabbit hole goes’. It is later said by Cypher;“You know, um, I know what you're thinking, because right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here. Why, oh, why, didn't I take the blue pill?" These are both intertextual references linking to Alice in Wonderland. The first quote is an actual reference to the rabbit hole to Wonderland, while referring to the Matrix. The second quote is regret. It was regret from Cypher and Neo that they had taken the red pill instead of the blue pill. Alice is also faced with regret when she thinks back to the rabbit hole. "It was much more pleasant at home...I almost wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole--and yet--and yet--it's rather curious, you know, this sort of life." Regret and the reference to Alice in Wonderland are what link these quotes to both of the movies. In The Matrix, Neo is faced with the decision of taking the blue pill, or taking the red pill. This is him being offered to find out more about the matrix or to go back to living in his only known reality. The pills are a ‘food’ to change the ‘reality’. Also, when Neo visits the Oracle he is offered a cookie and she says to him; "By the time you're done eating you'll feel right as rain."This is another substance that will change the reality. In the film Alice in Wonderland, Alice is locked in a room with a table in the middle of it. Mysteriously, food items or bottles of liquid saying ‘eat me’ or ‘drink me’. After she has eaten or drunk them her body gets affected in different ways, such as making he grow or making her shrink. This is also affecting her reality. These ‘special potions’ link The matrix and Alice in Wonderland because both the main characters, Neo and Alice, and offered/take special potions that affect them or their reality in some way. At a stage in the matrix, Agent Smith tells Neo that he has been living ‘two lives’. He says to him; “It seems that you've been living two lives. One life, you're Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, pay your taxes, and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.”This quote is saying that Neo has been living two lives, informing us that there is more to Neo then meets the eye. That there could be a whole other hidden side to him that we don’t even know about. In Alice in Wonderland she is also claimed to have two personalities. She quotes;"But it's no use now to pretend to be two people! Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make ONE respectable person!"This quote links the two movies together as well because it is showing that Alice has seen or had experience with duel personalities and she knows that one is better then that. Both Alice and Neo have experienced seeing two personalities whether it’s in themselves or on other people. The Matrix has intertextual links and Alice in Wonderland is one of the main links. The main links between the movies are actual references in The Matrix to Alice in Wonderland, The white rabbit, the rabbit hole, special potions and duel personalities. The links within this movie are good references and for those who have seen Alice in Wonderland it helps to get a greater understanding for the quotes and references that are made during The Matrix. I think that these movies are well linked together and there has been good use of quotes and references at suitable times during the movie as well.By Emily BauerIntertextuality is an english term that basically means relationships between texts. In numerous films and literature, there are references made from one film/text to another. Intertextuality can be information of an earlier text that the author borrowed.The movie The Matrix has a lot of intertextual links, one of these such intertextual links is the text Neuromancer by William Gibson’ they are both science fiction texts. The movie The Matrix was inspired by the text Neuromancer. The author of Neuromancer William Gibson popularized the concept of a world wide computer network with a virtual reality interface, which was named the matrix in his Sprawl Trilogy(a series of books). The title The Matrix itself is a direct intertextual link from Neuromancer. The matrix in Neuromancer is a virtual reality data-space, the film The Matrix used this as a base idea to make the film. Both texts share the basic genres of Cybernetics, Virtual Consumption and Biotechnology. The plot of The Matrix bears quite a resemblance to the basic story plot of the Neuromancer.The Neuromancer is about a computer hacker called Henry Dorsett Case who loses his job because of stealing and as punishment is infected with mycotoxin. After Case loses his job he becomes unemployable, a drug addict and suicidal. Case is later saved by Molly Millions who is a street mercenary who works for an ex-military officer named Armitage. Armitage offers to cure Case in exchange for his services as a hacker. Case accepts and Armitage repairs his central nervous system using new technology. But Armitage tells him that the sacs of poison that originally crippled him have also been placed in his blood vessels. Armitage promises Case that if he completes his work on time the sacs will be removed. Armitage also has Case’s pancreas replaced and new tissue grafted into his liver, which stops him from taking any more drugs. In the city of Instabul Case and Molly find a powerful artificial intelligence called Wintermute. Wintermute is an AI(Artificial Intelligence) designed to unite with it’s twin AI(Artificial Intelligence) called Neuromancer.In both the texts there is a computer hacker required to perform a particularly difficult task and also AI(Artificial Intelligence) is created by a human. The characters in The Matrix and Neuromancer are very similar. For example Neo from Matrix is parallel to Case from Neuromancer they are both experienced hackers. Both of these characters are hard-wired/jack-in to another world known as the matrix. Case is the protagonist of Neuromancer, he is talented computer hacker, but when he gets caught stealing from one of his employees, his central nervous system is injected with deadly toxic substance called mycotoxin which makes Case unable to access the virtual reality data space called the matrix. Case becomes a drug addict, unemployed and suicidal after this actions. The only differences between the two characters is the fact that Case doesn’t value his life, he’d rather prefer death than life where as Neo values his life, he prefers life to death. “It’s impossible i’m gonna die” said by Neo when Morpheus contacts him in his office and tells him to jump out of a very high building window.“I’m useless, the mycotoxins took away all my abilities, it doesn’t matter if i die” said by Case.Both characters were in desperate situations but Neo cared more about his life rather than Case who didn’t was ready to give it up. In Neuromancer and The Matrix the main character is sought out by strangers. In The Matrix it was Trinity and Morpheus and in Neuromancer it was Molly and Armitage. The Matrix based the character Trinity solely after Molly from Neuromancer they both have pale skin and both of them are dressed in black clothing. They both have a very high profession in combat, in both texts these characters fall in love with the protagonist. There are also links between Morpheus from The Matrix and Armitage from Neuromancer both have a muscularly built body and they are both leaders.Overall the film The Matrix seems to have been based of the text ‘Neuromancer’. It has basically the same plot and idea. The characters are also very similar to each other. By Nandan KarlapudiThere are many intertextual relations to the movie Matrix. One of which is the movie “Dark City” directed by Alex Proyas. This 1998 science fiction film is based around John Murdoch, a man suffering from amnesia who is allegedly accused of murder without him realising it. Murdoch then attempts to discover his true identity to clear his name while fleeing from police and an evil mysterious group called “Strangers”.John Murdoch is definitely a Neo type character. Both characters believe that the world that they live in is not “real”. John’s world is fabricated by the “Strangers”, a group of parasites who walk around the world without being noticed. Neo’s world is fabricated by the “Agents”.John Murdoch awakens in a hotel bathtub. Soon after he receives a phone call from a random man named Dr. Daniel Schreber, who urges him to flee from the hotel as a group of men are after him. These relates to the Matrix in the office scene, when Neo is trying to escape from the office as the men in black are after him. Murdoch suddenly realises that he has psychokinetic powers like them which he then uses against them and eventually escapes. Later in the film, Murdoch finally confronts Dr. Daniel Schreber. He explains to Murdoch that the Strangers are endangered extraterrestrial parasites, which uses corpses as hosts. It is then explained that the Strangers use humans as experiments to analyze their individuality hoping for an insight to be revealed that could help their race survive. This relates to the story of the Matrix as machines are taking over earth but needs bioelectrical energy to survive. The machines uses human babies as a source of energy, which relates to the plot of Dark City where the parasites use humans to find a source that would help their race, survive. John develops the ability to “Kyun”, where he can manipulate reality at will just like the strangers. The Strangers somehow use a machine when Kyuning, to help them re-arrange the city. Neo has the ability to change and control the Matrix almost just like the Agents, which is another intertextual link to the Matrix as both characters, John and Neo, have unconscious special powers to help them defeat the enemy race.The ”Strangers” need to use the humans to survive. They are a dying race and somehow dead humans make excellent vessels for them, which explains their pasty appearance. But for some reason, they need to figure out what the human soul is for them. They want to share the human soul, but this isn’t exactly explained in the movie. Maybe they think it will make them live forever? The Strangers keep the humans in Dark City to experiment on them. Dark City is a rusty labyrinth of old style almost metallic buildings set against a sunless sky. By Jeremy FooIntertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can include an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. Even the word ‘intertextuality’ has been borrowed and transformed many times since poststructuralist Julia Kristeva coined it in 1966. An example of intertextuality linking to The Matrix is Code Lyoko. Code Lyoko is a French animation series created by Thomas Romain and Tania Palumbo. The story centres on six school students who travel into a digital world known as Lyoko to try and stop a viral machine known as X.A.N.A from controlling both the digital and real world. In both Code Lyoko and The Matrix, the protagonists travel into a world created by machines to stop the antagonists, both evil machines that are trying to take over both worlds. Code Lyoko and The Matrix are both very alike in the fact that both groups of protagonists are trying to destroy machines that are almost completely in control of the digital worlds, and create peace for people of the real world. There are also similarities in the roles of some of the characters. In both The Matrix and Code Lyoko, there is a character that is incredibly smart with computers and technology. This character advises and gives directions to the characters of who are in the digital world, telling them what to do, where to go, and warning them of dangers. In The Matrix, this character is Tank, and in Code Lyoko is Jeremy Belpois. Neither of these characters ever goes in to the digital world, and instead stays in the real world to direct and help their fellow companions navigate through Lyoko and the Matrix. Another similarity in roles is a protagonist traitor- someone who was originally a protagonist but after some time swapped sides to fight alongside machines. In The Matrix this character is Cypher, and in Code Lyoko it was William Dunbar. Both characters are originally protagonists, but after working with and gaining the trust of the other protagonists, turn on and betray them, joining the antagonists, of which both cases, are the machines that control the digital worlds. The final characters that are similar are the machines. Both the machines in The Matrix, and the machines in Code Lyoko, were once under the control of humans, but after some time, became smart enough to think for themselves and take over, trying, and in the case of The Matrix, succeeding. Another similarity between these two characters is the way they rely on certain underlings to take care of resistances in the digital worlds. In The Matrix, the machines rely on the Smiths, agents who patrol and monitor the actions of people in the Matrix. They are also the main antagonists of the main characters of The Matrix. In Code Lyoko, an example of the more important underlings like the Smiths, is the Scyphozoa, an octopus looking creature that tries on lots of occasions to kill the protagonists, especially the character Aelita Stones, who has certain memories that X.A.N.A needs. There are however a few differences in the machines, though. X.A.N.A, the machine from Code Lyoko, is a single machine that controls its underlings on both the digital world and in the real world, while the machines in The Matrix are actually thousands of machines working together to keep the humans in the Matrix. In conclusion, despite being two very different things, The Matrix and Code Lyoko are actually very similar. At first glance, there is no way you could tell the two are alike; only through watching and analysing both could you see that they are similar. ................

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