Matthew - FREE KJV Bible Studies


Eight Lessons (Chapter-by-Chapter)

Bible Study Course

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,

rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15


1. Matthew 1:2 - Who was Isaac's father? 2. Matthew 1:6 - Who was David's father? 3. Matthew 1:17 - How many generations were there "from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ"? 4. Matthew 1:18-19 - Who "was found with child of the Holy Ghost"? 5. Matthew 1:20 - Who appeared to Joseph, telling him not to fear to take Mary to wife? 6. Matthew 1:21b - ". . . thou shalt ______________ his name JESUS: for he shall ________________ his people from their sins." 7. Matthew 1:23 - What does Emmanuel mean? (also Isaiah 7:14) 8. Matthew 2:1 - Who was the king when Jesus was born in Bethlehem? 9. Matthew 2:2-10 - What did the wise men see that caused them to greatly rejoice? 10. Matthew 2:11 - What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?

11. Matthew 2:12 - How were the wise men warned that they should not return to Herod? 12. Matthew 2:13 - Where did the angel instruct Joseph to flee with his family in order to save Jesus? 13. Matthew 2:16-18 - How old were the children in Bethlehem that Herod killed? 14. Matthew 2:19-23 - Where did Jesus live after Herod died? 15. Matthew 3:1 - Who preached repentance in the wilderness of Judea? 16. Matthew 3:2 - "And saying, __________________ ye: for the _______________________ of heaven is at _______________." 17. Matthew 3:7-8 - What kind of fruits did John the Baptist proclaim to bring forth? 18. Matthew 3:11b - How did John the Baptist describe the way Jesus would baptize?

19. Matthew 3:13-16 - Who descended upon Jesus after He was baptized? 20. Matthew 3:17 - "And lo a voice from ____________________, saying, This is my beloved _____________, in whom I am well ________________________." 21. Matthew 4:1-2 - How long did Jesus fast in the wilderness, being "tempted of the devil"? 22. Matthew 4:3-10 - How many times was Jesus tempted as He resisted the devil with the Word of God? 23. Matthew 4:17 - What did Jesus preach from the beginning? 24. Matthew 4:19 - What did Jesus say he would make of Peter and Andrew if they followed Him? 25. Matthew 4:23 - What did Jesus do along with teaching and preaching the gospel?

Memory Verse: Matthew 1:23 ~ "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

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? 2010 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: kjvhearthelps@ Web:

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1. Matthew 5:3 - "Blessed are the ______________ in _________________: for theirs is the kingdom of ____________________." 2. Matthew 5:4 - "______________________ are they that ____________________: for they shall be ______________________." 3. Matthew 5:5 - "Blessed are the _________________: for they shall _______________________ the _____________________." 4. Matthew 5:6 - "Blessed are they which do _______________ and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be _______________." 5. Matthew 5:7 - "Blessed are the _________________________: for they __________________ obtain ____________________." 6. Matthew 5:8 - "Blessed are the _________________ in _________________: for they shall see _________________." 7. Matthew 5:9 - "Blessed are the ____________________________: for they shall be __________________ the children of God." 8. Matthew 5:10 - "Blessed are they which are ___________________________ for ________________________________ sake: for _______________ is the ________________________ of heaven." 9. Matthew 5:16 - How can the Father in heaven be glorified?

10. Matthew 5:19 - Who shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven?

11. Matthew 5:41 - "And whosoever shall __________________ thee to go a ______________, go with him ________________." 12. Matthew 5:44 - What does Jesus instruct concerning enemies?

13. Matthew 6:14 - What is a benefit of forgiving men their trespasses? 14. Matthew 6:15 - What happens to those who "forgive not men their trespasses"? 15. Matthew 6:19-20 - Where should believers seek to lay up treasures? 16. Matthew 6:21 - "For __________________ your ________________________ is, there will your ________________ be also." 17. Matthew 6:24 - Who can no man serve? 18. Matthew 6:33 - What should be sought first?

19. Matthew 7:1-5 - What should we get out of our own eye instead of judging others? 20. Matthew 7:6 - What should not be cast before swine? 21. Matthew 7:7 - "_________, and it shall be given you; ___________, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" 22. Matthew 7:13-14 - What gate "leadeth unto life"? 23. Matthew 7:16-20 - What does every good tree bring forth? 24. Matthew 7:21-23 - Will everyone that says and does works in the name of the Lord enter into the kingdom of heaven? 25. Matthew 7:26 - Upon what does a foolish man build his house?

Memory Verse: Matthew 7:7 ~ "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"


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? 2010 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: kjvhearthelps@ Web:


1. Matthew 8:2-3 - What was Jesus' reply to the worshipping leper's request? 2. Matthew 8:5-7 - What disease did the servant of the centurion have? 3. Matthew 8:10 - Regarding the centurion, what caused Jesus to marvel? 4. Matthew 8:13 - What happened to this faithful centurion's servant in that same hour? 5. Matthew 8:14-15 - Who was "sick of a fever" before Jesus healed her? 6. Matthew 8:17b - ". . . Himself took our _________________________, and ______________ our _______________________." 7. Matthew 8:28-34 - In what country were the men from whom Jesus cast out devils? 8. Matthew 9:2-8 - What two things did Jesus do for this man with palsy?

9. Matthew 9:9 - Name the tax collector who followed Jesus immediately from "the receipt of custom." 10. Matthew 9:13b - Who does Jesus call to repentance? 11. Matthew 9:20-23 - How long did the woman Jesus healed have a blood disease? 12. Matthew 9:23-25 - Why were the people scornful toward Jesus in the ruler's home?

13. Matthew 9:37-38 - What did Jesus say to pray for concerning the harvest? 14. Matthew 10:1 - What did Jesus give to the twelve disciples?

15. Matthew 10:7 - What did Jesus instruct His disciples to preach?

16. Matthew 10:16 - "Behold, I send you forth as __________________ in the midst of _________________: be ye therefore wise as ______________________, and _________________________ as doves." 17. Matthew 10:20 - "For it is not ye that ________________, but the _________________ of your Father which speaketh in you." 18. Matthew 10:28 - Who did Jesus say to fear?

19. Matthew 10:39 - "He that _________________ his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my ___________ shall find it." 20. Matthew 10:40 - "He that receiveth you receiveth _________, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that _____________ me." 21. Matthew 11:2-5 - Who was in prison and sent two disciples to verify that Jesus was the Christ? 22. Matthew 11:6 - "And ______________________ is he, whosoever shall not be _______________________ in ___________." 23. Matthew 11:28 - Who did Jesus encourage to come to Him? 24. Matthew 11:29 - How does Jesus describe His heart here? 25. Matthew 11:30 - "For my ________________ is ______________, and my ______________________ is ________________."

Memory Verse: Matthew 11:28 ~ "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."


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? 2010 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: kjvhearthelps@ Web:


1. Matthew 12:1-7 - Who said it was not lawful to pluck and eat corn on the sabbath day? 2. Matthew 12:8 - "For the ________________ of man is ___________________ even of the ________________________ day." 3. Matthew 12:10-14 - What did the Pharisee council seek to do to Jesus when the man with the withered hand was healed?

4. Matthew 12:21 - "And in his ___________________ shall the ___________________________ trust." 5. Matthew 12:22-24 - For what did the Pharisees accuse Jesus when He cast out a devil from the blind and dumb man?

6. Matthew 12:36a - Of what will men give an account in the day of judgment? 7. Matthew 12:38-41 - Who did Jesus say would seek after a sign? 8. Matthew 12:50a - Who did Jesus say is His brother, sister or mother? 9. Matthew 13:3-4 - In this parable, what devoured the seeds that "fell by the way side"? 10. Matthew 13:5-6 - Where did the seed fall that had no depth or root? 11. Matthew 13:7 - "And some fell among __________________; and the thorns sprung up, and _____________________ them:" 12. Matthew 13:8 - What ground brought forth fruit? 13. Matthew 13:18-19 - Who comes and "catcheth away" the seed received by the way side? 14. Matthew 13:20-21b - What happens to one who receives "seed into stony places" when trials come? 15. Matthew 13:22b - What chokes one who receives the "seed among the thorns"?

16. Matthew 13:24-30 - In this parable, what did the enemy sow among the wheat? 17. Matthew 13:36-37 - In the parable of the tares of the field, who sows the good seed? 18. Matthew 13:38 - "The field is the ___________________; the good seed are the ________________________ of the kingdom; but the __________________ are the children of the _______________________ one;" 19. Matthew 13:39 - Who is the enemy that sowed the tares in this parable? 20. Matthew 14:1-4 - Who rebuked Herod for taking his brother Philip's wife? 21. Matthew 14:6-11 - Who conspired with her daughter to have John the Baptist beheaded? 22. Matthew 14:25 - "And in the _______________ watch of the night Jesus went unto them, ____________________ on the sea." 23. Matthew 14:28-29 - Who walked on the water to come to Jesus? 24. Matthew 14:30-31 - What happened to Peter when his focus and faith were not on Jesus? 25. Matthew 14:34-36 - Of those that touched Jesus' garment in Genesaret, how many were made whole?

Memory Verse: Matthew 12:34b ~ "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

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? 2010 Brian and Diana Starre. All rights reserved. E-mail: kjvhearthelps@ Web:

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