
[Cover]Overbrook School for the Blind 185 Years2016-2017 Annual Report[Multiple photos of students and staff from OSB are displayed in the shape of a 185.][Inside front cover: There is one large photo of the gate in the front of the Rotunda building. Purple wisteria flowers hang over the top of the gate on a sunny day.]Upholding Our History[Page 1: There is one old photograph of OSB founder Julius Friedlander from 1841. He is standing and holding a braille book in his left hand. His right hand is pointing to more braille paper on a bookstand.]In 1832, Overbrook School for the Blind was built on resolve, courage and innovation—three traits that continue to define this organization today. Our founder, Julius Friedlander, strongly believed that people who were blind or visually impaired had the same potential as people who were sighted. And whatever obstacles he encountered in educating young students with visual impairments in the early years, he overcame with wisdom, conviction, and assistance from dedicated cohorts who shared his ambition.185 years later, our vision hasn’t changed. We are a community dedicated to educating and inspiring students with visual impairments and other challenges to achieve their highest potential. We continually promote an environment where we push beyond boundaries to create innovative services and programs, paving the way to ensure that students with visual impairments and special needs continue to have access to the services they need. Last year, we enhanced the OSB campus and Farm to Table program, expanded the School Age Itinerant program, and elevated the options available in technology for each and every one of our students. By being mindful and committed to these ideals, we uphold our founder’s dedication to students who are blind or visually impaired and their well-being.It is this belief that brings us together and sets us apart.[Page 3: There is one large photo of OSB Executive Director Todd Reeves in a classroom surrounded by Middle School students and teachers. The students are standing on either side of him.]Dear Friends:As we complete the celebration of the 185th anniversary of Overbrook School for the Blind, I feel honored to have been newly entrusted with the leadership of an organization that is a magnet for excellence in vision. The passion to help children living with blindness, visual impairment, and other challenges, as demonstrated by the hundreds of people associated with OSB, inspires me every day. Overbrook School for the Blind has proven time and time again that we will meet every emerging challenge with a renewed determination to promote our mission: to nurture and advance the education and well-being of children with visual impairments. Just like the young students we serve, we draw our strength and resilience from our unfailingly supportive family: OSB’s Board of Trustees, staff, alumni, donors, and volunteers. Every success of our past, and every hope for our future, we owe to this exceptional community of dedicated people. Upon this strong foundation, we build toward our vision: to become the leading educational destination for children with blindness, visual impairment, deafblindness, and other challenges. I have every confidence that we will succeed through the same visionary spirit and commitment to excellence that has sustained us for the past 185 years. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees, thank you for a successful school year. We are proud to share this Annual Report with our Overbrook School for the Blind family and friends. Sincerely,Todd ReevesExecutive Director and CEO[Page 4: There is one photo of OSB Board President Rick Wheeler. He is a photo of him leaning slightly back in a chair and smiling broadly at the camera.]Dear Friends:Where did we come from? Where are we going?Since time began, these are two questions individuals and organizations have grappled with, on both a philosophical and practical level.At Overbrook School for the Blind, we have no doubt as to where the school and its students have been. The school’s celebrated history is well documented from its founder Julius Friedlander’s early vision to its most recent accomplishments as recorded in our Towers publication or on our website. Each student’s goals and achievements are also thoughtfully identified and meticulously updated in OSB’s Individual Education Plans (IEPs) that are considered the gold standard in tracking and stimulating student progress.Where are we going? That is a question that the Board continually addresses as we refine our strategic plan. Our search for a new Executive Director further sharpened our focus. We needed to articulate to candidates our thoughts on the school’s challenges and direction while absorbing their ideas as to where they might take the school. The end result was gratifying. We have a new Executive Director, Todd Reeves, who brings enormous experience, energy and compassion to implementing a shared vision for the school. Program excellence, adaptability to a rapidly changing environment, an enhanced local, national and international profile, and creative partnerships are hallmarks of the strategic plan.Where the school will be in five or ten years we can’t exactly say. However, we can unequivocally reaffirm the school’s commitment to its historic goal — namely, providing excellence in the education and care of each student associated with the Overbrook School for the Blind.These are challenging yet exciting times. We look forward to sharing our progress.Sincerely,Warwick S. WheelerPresident of the Board of Trustees[Page 5: There are five outdoor photos on this page. The first photo is of a female teacher standing with a male student. They are putting a stake in the ground so that the leaves of the tomato plant will grow up. The second photo is a close shot of fruit (blackberries and raspberries) picked from the OSB garden. The third photo is of pink magnolia trees on the west side of campus. Several students are walking on the grass near the trees. The fourth photo is of a red tandem bicycle. Two males are on the bike wearing bike helmets. The male in the front is the guide for the student in the back of the bike. The last photo is a rendering of the future OSB Greenhouse.][Page 6: There is one black and white archival photo from 1910 showing female students at OSB tending to the gardens outside of school.]A Healthy Green CampusIn 1832, when Julius Friedlander came to the United States to start a school for the blind, many Americans were skeptical. For years, people thought that the blind were unable to function in society. But with the help of several influential leaders from Philadelphia, Mr. Friedlander started the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, now known as Overbrook School for the Blind (OSB). Over the years, board members took steps to secure buildings to house the school, but it wasn’t until 1899 that the Rotunda building on Malvern Avenue — our present day home — was completed. The site was chosen for its proximity to the Overbrook train station, and formerly a farm, the location was surrounded by green open space, perfect for promoting good health.In recent years, OSB has taken great strides to enhance the quality of the campus by creating a healthy learning environment with horticulture and sustainable agriculture programs, all adapted to each student’s needs. The popular OSB Farm to Table program allows students to plant and cultivate their own plants, vegetables, and fruits around campus. The produce is used in the salad bar in the cafeteria and also sold at a weekly farm stand on campus. The OSB Edible Orchard project, largely planted by OSB and Philadelphia Orchard Project volunteers, blossomed last year with the assistance of business volunteers from KPMG who planted 30 additional fruit trees on campus.To accommodate the increasing needs of the Farm to Table program, ground was broken last year on the M. Christine Murphy Horticulture Education Center (named in memory of a former Trustee), a 1,780 square-foot, fully adaptive, accessible greenhouse that will provide a climate-controlled environment to grow crops, plants, and flowers year-round. Thanks to a generous grant from the Green Mountain Energy Sun Club, the M. Christine Murphy Horticulture Education Center will also be a LEED and NetZero Certified Building. The M. Christine Murphy Horticulture and Education Center will help students in OSB’s School to Work program gain real-life workforce skills that can result in future employment opportunities. We are equally excited for additional outcomes that will benefit the entire OSB community. With the year-round ability and space to grow crops, the goal is to produce enough yield to sustain the Student Salad Bar. We will also closely monitor the crop yield versus the fruits and vegetables that are purchased from outside vendors over a span of two years to determine if we can reduce our dependence, thanks to our home-grown produce.[Page 7: There is one black and white archival photo from 1910 of young students in a classroom at OSB. There are three rows of students sitting at desks and two teachers standing one in front of the class and one in the back.][Page 8: There are five photos on this page of students with various forms of technology. The first is of a female student in a wheelchair looking at a large screen that has the student’s artwork blown up to a larger size. The artwork is in front of the student. The second photo is of a young male student looking at an iPad. The third photo is of a young female student looking at a speech communication device while her female teacher stands next to her holding the device. They are both looking at the screen. The fourth photo is of a female teenage student standing in front of a large white board that displays a spreadsheet. The last photo is of a female student sitting at a desk with headphones on while she looks at a computer screen.]Wired for SuccessTechnology has impacted almost every aspect of life today, and education is no exception. In some ways, education seems much the same as it has been for many years. A photo of OSB students seen here from 1910 depicts a typical lecture classroom scene. The scene is easily recognizable because of its parallels to the modern day. The teacher lectures while the students sit in rows and listen. Some of the students have books open in front of them and appear to be following along. A few look bored. Classrooms today do not look much different, though you might find modern students looking at their laptops, tablets, or smart phones instead of books. Technology has profoundly changed education for students who are visually impaired, and OSB has always served as a catalyst for change and progress with technology. In the early 1990s, for instance, as technology was becoming a part of everyday life, OSB developed a strategic plan to put appropriate technology into the hands of every student. This plan, called Overbrook 2001, integrated technology into the classroom and provided students with the literacy of the 21st century.Within the last year alone, OSB upgraded refreshable braille displays and introduced touch screen tablets with embedded braille displays in our classrooms. We partnered with OSMO, an award-winning game system for iPads and iPhones that is designed with reflective artificial intelligence, a technology that allows the iPad to make sense of what it sees. We presented instruction on how to use eye-gaze technology to maximize functional vision at the Assistive Technology Industry Association’s annual conference. And we piloted a program with OrCam MyEye, a wearable artificial vision device that features a miniature camera that sees and recognizes what the user is viewing, whether text or a face, and then reads what it is seeing to the user via an earpiece. Two units of OrCam glasses are currently being utilized by School to Work students. Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transform education in many ways, from making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials to enabling new ways for our students to learn and work together.[Page 10: There are five photos on this page. The first is of a female teacher standing in front of her classroom teaching a lesson while three students sit at desks in front of her. The second photo is of a female teacher helping a young male student with an art project. The third photo is of five teenage students standing in a classroom in front of a white board that says “Spread Kindness.” The fourth photo is of Executive Director Todd Reeves sharing a lesson on foreign currency with a high school classroom, and the fifth photo is of an Elementary classroom of students who made a teepee out of newspaper. They are putting the pieces of the teepee together in the middle of the classroom.][Page 11: There is one black and white archival photo from 1923 of three students sitting with a female teacher. Two of the students are reading braille and one is working on a brailler.]What Happens on Campus Doesn’t Just Stay on CampusWhen Julius Friedlander came to Philadelphia to establish a school for the blind, he initially taught students in his own home, and by 1839, when the number of students had grown, he rented a building on what is currently known as 20th and Race Streets. It wasn’t until 1899 that the school moved again, this time to its present day location at 6333 Malvern Avenue. The name was changed to Overbrook School for the Blind in 1946, an homage to its new neighborhood, and the school continued to grow, offering quality education to the children of the area who were blind or visually impaired.Today, one of our fundamental goals at OSB is to provide vision services to students and families who need it regardless of where their primary placement may be. For the past three years, Overbrook School for the Blind has collaborated with our region’s school districts, charter and private schools to provide students with visual impairments the vital educational and supplemental services they need to become successful. In order to serve as a resource for families and educators however possible, the OSB School Age Itinerant program expanded to serve a total of 34 students in the region for vision services with eight of those same students being seen for orientation and mobility services as well. Two full time vision teachers, and a part time teacher, were added to keep up with the growing list of referrals to do independent evaluations in distant communities like Lehigh County to southern New Jersey. In addition to the School Age Itinerant program, the OSB Early Intervention Outreach program (EIO), which provides specialized services to children ages birth to five and their families, delivered services to 170 families in Philadelphia and surrounding counties. Birth to three services are typically provided in the home, and three to five community based services are provided in preschool or daycare settings.Wherever students in our region who are visually impaired are based, either on the OSB campus or in the community, they are seen by an OSB teacher, all of whom are Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, experts on how visual impairment affects a child’s learning and development.[Page 12: There are four photos on this page. One is of a Middle School female student working on a brailler. The second is of a young male student wearing headphones in front of a computer monitor, and the third is of a female high school student with her hands on a round piece of clay. An art teacher is standing next to her with her hands also on the clay piece. The fourth photo is of a high school classroom where six students are sitting in chairs in a semi-circle. They are all wearing hats that they made. A teacher is standing behind them.]At Overbrook School for the Blind, we understand that students’ minds are enormously varied, and we believe that effective teaching requires understanding and working with this natural diversity. Our experience confirms that all children benefit from an approach to education that takes into account their unique natures and strengths.This perspective has evolved naturally since OSB’s founding in 1832 when the goal was to create an academic environment that honored and educated the mind, body, and spirit of students who were blind and visually impaired. Today at Overbrook School for the Blind, we continue that tradition and aim to promote a continuum of educational provision that is inclusive and responsive, and provides an appropriate education for children with blindness and special educational needs.[Page 13: There are two photos on this page. The first photo is outside where two female high school students are standing with the Overbrook School for the Blind mascot, the Husky, and he is waving a red and white cheerleading pompom. The second photo is of a female teacher assisting a female student in a wheelchair. They are looking at a monitor.]2016 – 2017 Financial ReviewOperating Revenues 2016-17 State and local tuition 17,116,200 59% Government & Grants 7,000,300 24% Gifts and private support 3,625,900 12% Other Income 1,387,200 5% Total 29,129,600 100% Operating Expenses Early Intervention 1,248,300 4% Preschool 5,008,600 17% School Age 17,353,900 60% International Outreach 220,100 1% Overbrook Friedlander 5,298,700 18% Total 29,129,600 100%OSB SupportersVolunteersAnnual Report and Development MailingsAnn Marie BarfordShirley BrotmanLorraine BuschPeggy GarrettJohn LuttenbergerCatherine SchneckFran SineLyle SineNanci SumnerEarth DayCem AkinKim BirkmaierWendy ChenBob ClairPhil ForsythAnne GiomettiSteven GrilloNicole HovatterMark KitchenMaura KopkoDave LacerdaShawn LangeJessica LareDarren McGannJenna MaloneyKelly ManningRyan MarrenNeelesh MullBrendan O’HaraMary PrabhakerElizabeth RaineyAndrea RodriquezScott SchafferAlyssia SchimmelRema SerafiJaclyn Steger Jennifer Van DalenParker WebbAnthony Whittington Friends ReceptionRobert AshbridgeColleen AtwoodTrish BonnerJackie BrennanMaryann FlackLauri LeonardJoAnn McNameeDenise MihalikCatherine SchneckRobert SmithHelene Van BernumJoseph Van BernumFun DayDanielle BannanJudy BellJohn BottDarius CarrJulianne D’OrazioDebbie GontekRosie GormanLori HeckleShawn KentTrish KoenigKathy LawsonJeff McGinnisPatty McLaughlinDavid MortonKia NorrisKristina SchoederVaughan SchreiberAlexander SchuellerTamara StricklandPedro VieraCathe WidenerJack WolfHands on Gardeners of Associated Services for the Blind and Visually ImpairedPeggy GarrettLorraine BuschLavera DigginsKate HalusBruce LinskyArnold MackMarjory RussoThe Overbrook Experience Planning CommitteePooh Gephart, Co-ChairpersonRobert L. Pratter, Co-ChairpersonColleen AtwoodHoward and Carolyn BraithwaiteRobert D’AnjolellMaryann D’AnjolellMaryann FlackJohn and Lisa GoldschmidtBryant M. GreeneGerald KitzhofferLiddy LindsayAnne MarbleJill MillerSid RosenblattRobert SmithEmmeline & John Vander ZwaagWarwick S. WheelerCarol WyethThe Overbrook Experience VolunteersRobert AshbridgeTrish BonnerAnita BrophyBeth Anne DiFabioSusan DiFabioFrank IrzykJoAnn McNameeJohn MartinDenise MihalikCatherine SchneckJamie SchreiberVictoria StoughJohn ThomasPancake BreakfastBob AshbridgeColleen AtwoodDavid AmottTrish BonnerJackie BrennanChristina CollinsKayla CollinsMichael CrokeRhonda DavisWilson DavisLoreto de la TorreSantiago de la TorreJoseph FairweatherKeith Fenner IIMaryann FlackJenna GallantPaula GallantRobert GallantBernadette GiddensNaomi HarrisBrandon HeagyRyan HorvatMaria IovannicciChyna JacobsDeiondra JacobsElizabeth JacobsCorey LongBlake LouthakChristy LuLucy MangabatTony MangabatMichael MansorHelene MaranoCameron MayzckCabiesha MayzckShayana MorrisIxchele OrtizTina PilkauskasAlexandra SchaferCatherine SchneckAjay SeelamRobert SmithAninoln SrinisaranNanci SumnerJohn ThomasHelene Van BernumJoseph Van BernumElton VeseyEmme VogelmanMichael WallaceChyna YoungRotunda CircleThe donors listed below have supported Overbrook School for the Blind with ten or more separate gifts throughout the years. The consistent support of these donors has been vital to the school.Mr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneDr. & Mrs. Robert AbelDr. & Mrs. Denis M. AbelsonMr. & Mrs. Charles AdamsAdelphia Lions Club of PhiladelphiaAetna Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Khalida AhmadDr. & Mrs. Richard P. AlbertsonMr. George AlesioDr. & Mrs. Roger AllenAllen’s Iron WorksDr. & Mrs. Michael D. AllodoliMr. & Mrs. Steve V. AmelangMrs. Rita AnkenbrantAnonymousMs. Kathe ArchibaldArdmore Auto Body, LLCArdmore ToyotaArmstrong, Doyle & CarrollAston Township Lioness ClubMr. & Mrs. Michael AtwellMr. Stanley AvenderMs. Elizabeth BaglivoMr. & Mrs. Ray L. BalthaserMs. Donna M. BarrMrs. Beth Anne Barr-DiFabioMs. Kathleen BarronMs. Laurie BeachMr. Tim BeadleMr. Frank BeamDr. Sylvia R. BeckBensalem Lioness ClubBensalem Lions ClubDr. & Mrs. William BensonMs. Audrey N. BergerMs. Barbara BerkowitzMr. Joseph BichMr. & Mrs. Mark BillettaMr. James BillmanMr. & Mrs. Christopher I. BlackwallMr. Marshall J. BlalockMr. John A. BodalskiMr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Bongiovanni IIIMs. Trish BonnerMr. & Mrs. Richard C. BoothbyBowman & Company, LLPMr. F. Howard BraithwaiteMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BrennanMrs. Marilyn BrennanMr. & Mrs. Anthony D. BrindisiMr. & Mrs. Dennis BrookshireMs. Anita BrophyMrs. Shirley BrotmanMr. & Mrs. Francis BrownMs. Kathleen BrowneMr. & Mrs. Mark W. BrunkenMs. Victoria J. BrunswickMs. Linda J. BucherMr. Sidney BuckMs. Diane BuckwalterMr. John R. BulgerMrs. Maria J. BuonadonnaMs. Barbara BurchMr. & Mrs. Jeff BurtonMs. Lorraine BuschMrs. Nancy CallanMr. & Mrs. Eric S. Campbell, Sr.Mr. Lawrence F. CampbellMrs. Nicole CampbellMr. John C. CampbellMr. John C. CapekMr. James CaplanMr. & Mrs. James S. CarboMr. Allister CardozoMr. & Mrs. Robert CarfreyCarpet Fair, Inc.Mrs. Patrice CarrReverend & Mrs. Neal CarriganMs. Anita CarringtonLouis Cassett FoundationMr. & Mrs. Hiram CastroChalfont Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Praveen ChandMr. & Mrs. John J. ChioveroCIGNA FoundationMr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Cleaves, Jr.Clifton Heights Lions ClubMs. Katherine Ann ClydeCobbs Creek Post No. 5426 - VFWMs. Carol CoeMr. Russell CoeMs. Lisa A. CoffeyMs. Dael CohenMr. & Mrs. Norman CohenMr. & Mrs. Bruce CohenMrs. Joan CollMr. Ernie CollegeMr. & Mrs. Robert CollierMs. Louise S. ColwellMiss Dorothy ConnorCooke & Bieler, L.P.Mrs. Dolores CoombsDr. Edward CooperMr. & Mrs. Walter L. CosnerMr. & Mrs. Harry A. CrimiMr. & Mrs. Michael P. CriscuoloMs. Lucille CuginiDaley & Jalboot ArchitectsMr. & Mrs. Robert L. D’AnjolellMrs. Joanne Malatesta DavidoffDr. Lawrence R. DavisMr. & Mrs. Raymond A. DayMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisDr. Thomas DeBerardinis & Ms. Lisa GalanteMr. Ed DeckerMr. Albert DefillippisMr. Steven DeLairMs. Paulette DelaneyMr. & Mrs. James R. DeMaioribusMr. & Mrs. Sebastian DemanopMs. Catherine DeracoMs. Donna DeShazoMrs. Suzanne W. DiamondMr. & Mrs. C. Patrick DibbleMr. & Mrs. Mark G. DiCoccoMr. & Mrs. Josip DidovicMrs. Susan DiFabioMrs. Joan DiMarzio-Pizzi & Mr. Elmer PizziMs. Rita J. DiNataleMr. & Mrs. Louis DiSantisMs. Deborah DiTomoMs. Sandra DobrowskiDolfinger-McMahon FoundationMrs. Cathy DomizioMr. & Mrs. Daniel DonnellyDr. Larry A. DonosoMr. & Mrs. James T. DooneyMrs. Cathy D’OrazioMr. & Mrs. Jay DoudnaMs. Jeanne DoughertyMr. & Mrs. John DoughertyMs. Margaret DoughertyMr. Joseph T. Doyle, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert DubinMr. & Mrs. David A. DurkinMr. Peter N. DursoMrs. Maria P. DwyerMr. & Mrs. Huy Lewg EaEco PhonesMr. Harish R. EdamadakaMs. Kendall EdwardsEleanor J. Roth Charitable TrustEli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.Elizabeth Roe Dunning ClubMrs. Maria V. ErnesteScripMs. Lynette K. EvansExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Albert FalaMr. & Mrs. Robert D. Farabaugh, Sr.Mr. Jack E. FeinbergMrs. Anne L. FeltenMs. Patricia FerriMr. Richard FidlerMr. Louis S. Fine VMr. & Mrs. Sydney FirthDr. Joanna M. FisherMrs. Annabelle FishmanMrs. Mary J. FlackMs. Maryann B. FlackMrs. Mary Ann FlaniganMr. & Mrs. Allan H. FleisherMr. Marion ForrestMrs. Pat FoxMrs. Carolyn J. FriedmanMrs. Corinne FriendDr. William P. FurgiueleMr. Henry FurtakGalantino Supply Company, Inc.Mrs. Mary K. GallMr. & Mrs. Robert B. GallantMrs. Peggy F. GarrettMr. & Mrs. Joseph Gatta, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles GavinMs. Simone B. GavioliDr. Lars H. GenieserMr. & Mrs. Frank H. GenieserMr. & Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James B. GeppertMrs. Elizabeth GerhartGerman Society of Pennsylvania - Women’s AuxiliaryMs. Rosaria GilMrs. Mary Ann Gimbel & Ms. Jennifer GimbelMr. Henry A. GladstoneGlatfelter CompanyGlaxoSmithKline FoundationMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. GlennMr. & Mrs. David GoldbergMr. Charles A. GoldsteinMr. David GoldsteinMr. George R. GoldstoneMs. Channie GoodmanMr. & Mrs. Erik B. GranadeMr. & Mrs. Douglas F. GraneyGranite Farms Estate ResidentsMr. & Mrs. John R. GriffithMrs. Marion GrochowskiMr. Mark GroffMr. & Mrs. Joseph F. GrossbauerMr. Kevin HallMrs. Catalina HallowellMs. Carol HammarbergMr. & Mrs. Henry HarbageMs. Yvette HarrisMr. & Mrs. John HassonHatboro Lions ClubMr. Floyd HattenMrs. Carol Havens-DobbsMr. & Mrs. William HayesMrs. Sarah S. HeckscherMr. & Mrs. Jack HerzigMr. Harry E. HitchcockMr. & Mrs. Charles R. Hoff, Sr.Mr. Edward HoganMr. & Mrs. Martin HollandMs. Joanne HollingerMr. & Mrs. James Hooper, Sr.Mr. C. David Hoppman, Jr.Hoxie Harrison Smith FoundationMr. & Mrs. Miles HuffakerMr. J. Freedley Hunsicker, Jr.Mrs. Lucy HunterMs. Rebecca IlniskiIndependence FoundationMs. Maria IovannicciMr. & Mrs. Richard W. IrelandJD Construction, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. JohnsonMrs. Gay G. JohnsonJohnson & Johnson Family of CompaniesMs. Theresa Ann JohnsonMrs. Meredith S. JonesMr. William J. D. JordanMrs. Susan N. KamerlingDr. Bernadette M. KappenMr. & Mrs. Paul KasperMr. Thomas W. KeeganMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenMs. Jacqueline M. KeenanMr. & Mrs. George W. KehrMr. Robert KeithMr. & Mrs. James A. Kelly, Jr.Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. KerrMr. & Mrs. Donald R. KesterMs. Patricia KilgoreMr. & Mrs. Stephen J. KingMr. & Mrs. Gerald KitzhofferMrs. Josephine KleinMr. & Mrs. Harold KlenkMr. & Mrs. Thomas P. KoehneMiss Dana KoerberMr. George M. KoserMiss Eleanor KraczykMr. & Mrs. William KretzschmarMr. & Mrs. David KuchinosMr. & Mrs. Thomas KuczynskiLanghorne Lions ClubMrs. Deborah A. LaverellMr. & Mrs. Stephen LawMrs. Bonnalyn LeggMr. & Mrs. David LengelMr. Frank LennonMrs. Lauri LeonardMr. & Mrs. Frank LeveringMrs. Robert F. LevyDr. & Mrs. Robert J. LevyDr. L. Clifford LewisMr. & Mrs. Alan LilholtLindley-Olney Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Brian LisieckiMr. John S. LloydMr. & Mrs. Franklin LoebMr. Frank LombardoMr. Armando LouroMr. & Mrs. Robert A. LukensMr. John Luttenberger IIIMrs. Marilyn LutterMr. & Mrs. Robert F. LynchMr. Timothy MacaulayMrs. Joan W. MackieMr. & Mrs. Virgil MaconMr. & Mrs. James MaddenMain Line Italian American Civic AssociationDr. & Mrs. Morton MandellMr. & Mrs. Antonio M. MangabatMr. & Mrs. Joseph ManganoMrs. Mary Ann ManganoMrs. Geraldine ManiniMs. Helene MaranoMr. & Mrs. Louis R. MarcheseMrs. Phyllis MarinoMr. & Mrs. Michael MarshMs. Grace MartinezMr. Richard MascittiMr. Shaun R. MasonMr. & Mrs. Alfred F. MatarazzoMr. & Mrs. John K. MathewMr. & Mrs. George MatysikMr. & Mrs. Andrew MaunderMrs. Catherine McCauleyMr. & Mrs. Don McCormickMs. Megan McCreaMs. Loretta R. McDonaldMr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McDonaldMrs. Sarah B. McGeeMr. & Mrs. Francis M. McGoldrickMs. Jacqueline T. McGrathMr. & Mrs. James P. McHaleMr. & Mrs. Hugh McHughMs. Roseann McLaughlinMs. Tracy A. McLaughlinMrs. JoAnn McNameeMr. Vincent McVeighMedia Lions ClubMs. Clare MedoriMrs. Barbara MehlMerck Employee Giving ProgramMs. Kim MichenerMiddle Atlantic Blind Golf AssociationMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Migatz, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Fred MignognaMr. Robert G. MiksitMs. Michele MillerMr. & Mrs. Scott V. MiloMrs. Anne F. MitchellMs. Regina MontanaroMr. Leonard MooreMs. Daisy L. MorganMr. & Mrs. Philip T. MorganMrs. Antoinette MossDrs. Mark & Marlene MosterMr. Gavin MurdochMrs. M. Christine Murphy & Mr. Sidney D. RosenblattMr. & Mrs. James MurphyNational Soap DistributorsMr. Salvatore R. NazionaleMr. Edgar NeimanDr. Pathma NelsonNevilaires ChorusMr. William NewmanNewtown Lions ClubMr. Richard G. NolanDr. & Mrs. R. Barrett NooneNorthampton Township Lions ClubMr. Morris NovickDr. Susan I. NovosellerMr. Wesley S. O’BrienMs. Jean O’Brien VisserMr. Dennis O’Dea, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles OnestiOreland Lions ClubDr. & Mrs. Hayler H. OsbornMr. & Mrs. James OsborneDr. & Mrs. Theodore OslickMr. William Otto, Sr.Overbrook Friedlander ProgramsOverbrook School for the Blind – Alumni AssociationMrs. Elizabeth Passanante-Rodriguez & Mr. Robert RodriguezPaul Bros. Autobody RehabilitatorsMr. Robert L. PenrosePerkasie Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Richard PerryPhiladelphia Filipino-American Lions ClubPhiladelphia FoundationPhiladelphia Korean Lions ClubPhiladelphia Law Enforcement Lions ClubPica’s Italian Restaurant, Inc.Ms. Tina PilkauskasMs. Elizabeth A. PotemskiMr. & Mrs. William PowellPowers Craft Parker & Beard, Inc.Mrs. Nancy D. PriceMr. Louis QuayDr. & Mrs. Graham E. QuinnQuintiliani & DeSalvoMr. & Mrs. Joselito RabusaMr. & Mrs. George RichardsonRichlandtown Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Charles P. RioboliMrs. Joan C. RobertsMr. Ian W. RobinsonMr. & Mrs. John J. RoccoMrs. Patricia A. RogersMrs. Sharon RogersMrs. Dorothy G. RolphMr. & Mrs. James R. RomanoMr. & Mrs. Alfred RotelleMrs. Harry RozmiarekMrs. Aurora RussekRussell Roofing Company, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Fred SabatinoMrs. Jill B. SambergMr. & Mrs. Thomas J. SandlinDr. Lov K. SarinMs. Theresa SavinoMiss Rose Ann SchallerMr. & Mrs. Michael D. SchattmanMr. & Mrs. William SchneckMs. Agatha M. SchollMr. & Mrs. Richard SchultzMr. & Mrs. J. Sanford SchwartzMs. Ann E. SeiberlichMs. Karen S. SerfassMiss Carol SextonMs. Anna M. SfidaMr. Joseph Shevenock, Jr.Mrs. Damaris Shiavi-Schaeflein & Mr. Eric SchaefleinMr. John ShieldsMr. Joseph SickoraMr. & Mrs. Lyle T. SineMrs. Diane SiravoMr. & Mrs. Thomas SkariahMr. Victor E. SkloffMs. Angela SmithMr. Gary P. SmithMiss Mary J. SmithMr. & Mrs. R. S. Kerr SmithMr. & Mrs. Robert S. K. Smith, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Thomas SmithMr. Eugene SmugereskyDr. David B. SollSouth Philadelphia Lions ClubMr. Paul SovenMrs. Andrea L. SpencerMr. Gregory SpessardMr. & Mrs. Richard SpinogattiSpringfield Lioness ClubSpringfield Lions ClubMr. & Mrs. Cary F. StallerMr. & Mrs. Paul StangMs. Marjorie G. SteinMr. Richard J. StevenMr. & Mrs. Edward W. StokesMs. Victoria StoughMr. George Strawbridge, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Henderson Supplee IIISwarthmore Lions ClubMr. Walter B. SzamatowiczMrs. Harriette S. TabasTargetDr. & Mrs. William TasmanMr. & Mrs. Albert R. TedescoMrs. Marcella A. TheodosMr. John A. ThomasMr. John R. Thomas, Jr.Ms. Helen M. ThompsonMrs. Jocelyn J. ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Gerhard S. Thoresen IIIMr. & Mrs. Frank TracyTrenton Veterinary HospitalMr. & Mrs. Andrew TrolioMs. Elizabeth M. TroutMr. & Mrs. Paul Turner, Sr.Ms. Colleen TurrisiUnico Media ChapterMr. Theodore M. UtchenMr. & Mrs. Joseph Van BernumMr. & Mrs. Edward J. van NaerssenMiss Marcella M. VandenbordMr. & Mrs. John VanderZwaagMr. & Mrs. Matthew W. VaughanDr. Napoleon N. Vaughn & Ms. Valeria BerryVerizon FoundationDr. & Mrs. George VermeireMr. Peter VirgiliMr. Darren J VogelmanMrs. Patricia WagnerMr. Robert WakerMrs. Mary Beth WaldronMrs. Alice M. WareWarwick FoundationMs. Barbara WashingtonW. S. Cumby & Son, Inc.Ms. Margaret WatsonWAWA Inc.Mr. Arnold M. WeissMs. Lucille WestMr. Kingsley W. WestonMrs. Joan L. WhartnabyMr. Warwick S. WheelerMs. Shana Whitman-RobargeMs. Angelia WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Charles WilliamsMrs. Mary R. WilliamsMrs. Vivian WilliamsMrs. Edith WilloughbyDr. Martin C. WilsonMrs. Peggy WilsonMr. Mayer WolfDr. Melvyn A. WolfMr. & Mrs. Patrick R. WolodzkoMr. Anthony G. Wright IIW. S. Cumby & Son, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. John M. YatesMr. & Mrs. Kevin YoshiokaMrs. Angela ZagerMr. Stephen ZavatskyMr. & Mrs. George ZimmermanDr. & Mrs. Albert W. Zimmermann, Jr.BequestsMary Drzewiecka EstateBenjamin F. Foster EstateM. Kennedy EstateWilliam McDonald EstateEdmund Pozelewski EstateIndividual GiftsDr. & Mrs. Robert AbelMr. Barry AbelsonMr. Steven V. Abramson & Ms. Caren BarnetMr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneMr. John AffleckMr. George AlesioDr. & Mrs. Roger AllenDr. & Mrs. Michael D. AllodoliMr. & Mrs. Steve V. AmelangAnonymousMr. Joseph AranaMs. Carmelina Arias-TorresMrs. Colleen AtwoodMr. Stanley AvenderMs. Nyoka Bailey-GayleMr. & Mrs. Ray L. BalthaserMs. Laurie BeachMr. Frank BeamMrs. Lois BeamesderferMr. & Mrs. Stanley C. BellMs. Lenore M. BenhamMs. Audrey N. BergerMs. Barbara BerkowitzMs. Valeria Berry & Dr. Napoleon N. VaughnMr. Joseph BichMs. Sari BiddleMr. Curtis D. BiehnMr. & Mrs. Andrew J. BilottaThe Honorable Louise BishopMr. & Mrs. John W. Black, Jr.Mr. Randolph Blakeney, Jr.Mr. John A. BodalskiMs. Trish BonnerMr. & Mrs. Richard C. BoothbyMr. Charles J. Boris, Jr.Mr. Michael BoyleMr. F. Howard BraithwaiteMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BrennanMr. & Mrs. Joseph BrennanMs. Jocelyn BrodyMrs. Shirley BrotmanMs. Dolores E. BroughMs. Kathleen BrowneMr. & Mrs. Mark W. BrunkenMs. Victoria J. BrunswickMr. John Bryan & Ms. Nancy WinklerMr. Peter BuonadonnaMrs. Maria J. BuonadonnaMs. Barbara BurchMs. Lorraine BuschMrs. Nancy CallanMr. John C. CapekMr. James CaplanMr. & Mrs. Robert CarfreyReverend & Mrs. Neal CarriganMs. Anita CarringtonMr. & Mrs. Robert L. CarusoMr. Francis CaseyMr. & Mrs. Praveen ChandMr. & Mrs. Phillip ChenMrs. Kathleen M. CiorlettiMs. Donna ClayburneMr. Russell CoeMs. Carol CoeMr. Stewart CohenMr. & Mrs. Bruce CohenMrs. Joan CollMr. Ernie CollegeMs. Maureen CometaMr. & Mrs. Walter L. CosnerMr. & Mrs. Kevin J. CrennyMr. & Mrs. Harry A. CrimiMr. Zane CrowleyMs. Grace CulbertsonMrs. Donna CurtisMr. Robert L. D’AnjolellMs. Deborah DashiellMr. Santiago de la TorreDr. Thomas DeBerardinis & Ms. Lisa GalanteMr. James C. DeCampMr. Ed DeckerMr. & Mrs. Edward L. DeHaven, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Del CasaleMrs. Eileen Del ViscioMr. & Mrs. Sebastian DemanopMr. & Mrs. Tim DennyMr. Matthew DentMr. & Mrs. Robert M. DettoreMrs. Rita DiAntonioMr. & Mrs. C. Patrick DibbleMr. & Mrs. Mark G. DiCoccoMrs. Marie T. DiGiovanniMrs. Ineke M. DiklandMs. Rita J. DiNataleMr. & Mrs. Paul DiSandroMr. & Mrs. Louis DiSantisMr. Ryan DolanMrs. Cathy D’OrazioMs. Jeanne DoughertyMs. Margaret DoughertyMr. Joseph T. Doyle, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. James P. Driscoll, Sr.Ms. Pamela DurantMr. & Mrs. David A. DurkinMr. Wynne V. EdelmanMr. & Mrs. Dennis M. EganMr. & Mrs. Robert D. Farabaugh, Sr.Mr. Robert Farabaugh, Jr.Mr. Richard FidlerMs. Maryann B. FlackMrs. Luisa M. Foleno-LatoffMr. Marion ForrestMs. June M. FosterMr. Robert A. FoxMs. Laura Fox-DaviesMr. & Mrs. Marc FrancyMs. Carol K. FrankMs. Deborah M. FretzMrs. Carolyn J. FriedmanMr. & Mrs. Robert B. GallantMr. & Mrs. David GalliganMr. Stephen GambesciaMs. Rudi GarlandMrs. Peggy F. GarrettMr. & Mrs. Charles GavinMs. Simone B. GavioliMr. & Mrs. David GeibelMs. Elizabeth H. GemmillMr. Richard Gendelman & Ms. Christine McGinleyDr. Lars H. GenieserMr. & Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James B. GeppertMs. Bernadette GiddensMs. Rosaria GilMs. Phyllis Gillyard & Ms. Diane KingMiss Jennifer GimbelMrs. Mary Ann GimbelMrs. Consuelo N. GlynnMr. John W. Goldschmidt, Jr.Mr. David GoldsteinMr. George R. GoldstoneMr. Luigi GrassoMr. & Mrs. John GreggMr. & Mrs. John R. GriffithMs. Sharon GrishamMr. Nick GuacciMr. Ron HallMr. Kevin HallMs. Rosemarie HaltMr. Brian D. HamiltonMs. Norma HammMs. Carol HammarbergDr. & Ms. A. Philip HandelMr. & Mrs. William T. HangleyMr. Palmer HartlMr. Shabbir Hassanally & Ms. Elise LeetaruMs. Barbara D. HauptfuhrerMrs. Carol Havens-DobbsMr. & Mrs. Ron HealeyMr. & Mrs. Tony HearnMr. & Mrs. Jack HerzigMr. Edward HoganMr. Richard HoltMr. & Mrs. James Hooper, Sr.Mr. Al HowardMr. & Mrs. Miles HuffakerMr. J. Freedley Hunsicker, Jr.Mrs. Lucy HunterMs. Maria IovannicciMrs. Dorothy JamesMr. Curtis D. Jenkins, Jr.Mr. Kevin JohnsonMs. Cejuana JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Leonard C. JohnsonMr. Albert JohnsonMs. Tamica JonesMr. & Mrs. Douglas JosephDr. & Mrs. Richard KaplanDr. Bernadette M. KappenMr. & Mrs. Darrell KayMr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Keating, Jr.Mr. Thomas W. KeeganMs. Jacqueline M. KeenanMr. & Mrs. John C. KeeneMr. Robert KeithMr. James KelleyMr. & Mrs. James A. Kelly, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. KerrMr. & Mrs. Donald R. KesterMs. Patricia KilgoreMr. Stephen J. KingMr. & Mrs. Michael KirbyMr. & Mrs. Gerald KitzhofferMr. & Mrs. Jay E. KivitzMiss Dana KoerberDr. & Mrs. William KozinMr. & Mrs. David H. KrauterMr. & Mrs. William KretzschmarMr. & Mrs. David KuchinosMr. & Mrs. Kevin KuhnCharlotte & Gwendolyn KullmanMr. & Mrs. Henry O. Kullman Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. LaneMr. & Mrs. William P. LangeMr. & Mrs. Pat LatiniMrs. Deborah A. LaverellDr. & Mrs. Doug LeFrancoiusMr. & Mrs. David LengelMr. & Mrs. Kevin J. LennonMr. & Mrs. Joseph M. LeonardMr. & Mrs. Frank LeveringDr. & Mrs. Robert J. LevyMr. & Mrs. Robert F. LevyMs. Susan LichtmanMr. & Mrs. John LindsayMr. & Mrs. Edward LionMrs. Elaine M. LisleMrs. Sylvia LitvinMr. & Mrs. Franklin LoebMr. James LoftusMr. Frank LombardoMs. Alice LoperMs. Arlene LorchMr. & Mrs. William J. LuciniMr. John Luttenberger IIIMrs. Marilyn LutterMr. & Mrs. Robert F. LynchMr. Timothy MacaulayMrs. Joan W. MackieMr. & Mrs. Virgil MaconMr. & Mrs. James MaddenMr. Charles T. MageeMs. Dawn A. MaknysMrs. Joanne Malatesta DavidoffMr. & Mrs. Antonio M. MangabatMr. Michael C. MansorMs. Anne MarbleMr. Dennis MarcavageMr. & Mrs. Louis R. MarcheseMr. & Mrs. Francis MarinelliMr. & Mrs. Daniel MarinoMs. Paula MarinoMr. & Mrs. Michael MarshMr. Marco MartinelliMs. Hilda L. MartinezMr. & Mrs. Michael L. MartinoMs. Victoria MatysikMr. & Mrs. George MatysikMs. Carolyn F. MayerMrs. Catherine McCauleyMr. & Mrs. Robert McConnellMr. & Mrs. Don McCormickMr. Charles W. McCormickMs. Rebecca McCulloughMs. Loretta R. McDonaldMr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McDonaldMrs. Sarah B. McGeeMr. & Mrs. Edward J. McGinn, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Ed McGinnMr. & Mrs. Michael G. McGinnMr. & Mrs. John McGlynnMr. & Mrs. Francis M. McGoldrickMs. Jacqueline T. McGrathMr. Daniel M. McGrath & Dr. Rita M. HanlyMr. Erik McHughMr. & Mrs. Hugh McHughMs. Roseann McLaughlinMr. Howard McMorris IIMrs. JoAnn McNameeMr. Vincent McVeighMs. Clare MedoriMr. & Mrs. William MeechamMr. Bruce MelgaryMs. Michelle MerendinoMr. Robert MignognaMr. & Mrs. Daniel A. MillerMr. & Mrs. Johannes MonsterMs. Regina MontanaroMr. Nicholas MontoneMs. Daisy L. MorganDrs. Mark & Marlene MosterMr. Lars MudrakMr. & Mrs. Harry J. Mullany IIIMs. Janine MurphyMr. & Mrs. James MurphyMr. & Mrs. Tim MyersMr. Edgar NeimanMr. William NewmanMr. Wiraman NiyompholMr. Morris NovickDr. Susan I. NovosellerMr. Wesley S. O’BrienMs. Shirley O’ConnorMr. Dennis O’Dea, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. O’DonnellMr. W. Gresham O’Malley IIIMr. & Mrs. Charles OnestiMr. & Mrs. Minturn OsborneDr. & Mrs. Theodore OslickMr. William Otto, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. PalladinoMr. Srihari PamanjiMr. Robb ParlantiMrs. Elizabeth Passanante-Rodriguez & Mr. Robert RodriguezMs. Marie PasternakMr. Michael PattersonMs. Jane G. PepperMs. Joanne PerryMrs. Geralyn M. PerryMs. Mariane PetolicchioMs. Tina PilkauskasMr. & Mrs. Anthony V. PizzaMs. Yolanda J. PooleMr. Robert L. PratterMrs. Nancy D. PriceMr. Louis QuayDr. & Mrs. Graham E. QuinnMr. & Mrs. Joselito RabusaMs. Maureen R. ReillyMs. Rosalind Remer & Mr. Jim GreenMr. Jack ReubenMr. & Mrs. Brian ReynerMr. & Mrs. George RichardsonMr. & Mrs. Charles P. RioboliMr. & Mrs. John J. RoccoMr. & Mrs. Franklyn RodgersMr. Robert RoebuckMrs. Dorothy G. RolphMr. & Mrs. James R. RomanoMs. Terri Lynn RoseMr. and Mrs. Sidney D. RosenblattDr. David B. RossMr. & Mrs. Alfred RotelleMr. & Mrs. Harvey RubinMr. & Mrs. Dan RubinsMs. Deb RudbargMr. & Mrs. James RuddellMr. Frank Rzepski & Ms. Janice AndersonMrs. Sandra G. SaundersMiss Rose Ann SchallerMr. & Mrs. Michael D. SchattmanMs. Berle SchillerDr. Courtland M. Schmidt & Ms. Colleen ChristianMr. & Mrs. William SchneckMr. & Mrs. Richard SchultzMr. & Mrs. J. Sanford SchwartzMs. Roxanne ScottMr. Swanith SettipalliMs. Kimberly ShaheenMrs. Damaris Shiavi-Schaeflein & Mr. Eric SchaefleinMr. John ShieldsMs. Barbara SichermanMr. & Mrs. Lyle T. SineMrs. Diane SiravoMs. Kathleen SkrockiMs. Vera SlinkinaMrs. Elvia SmithMr. & Mrs. R. S. Kerr SmithMr. & Mrs. Robert S. K. Smith, Jr.Ms. Susan G. SmithMr. & Mrs. Thomas SmithMs. Wendy SmithMrs. Elizabeth SomersMrs. Andrea L. SpencerMr. & Mrs. Richard SpinogattiMs. Marie St. ClairMr. & Mrs. James StaudtMs. Marjorie G. SteinMr. Richard J. StevenMr. Alexander StewartMr. Caleb SticklesMr. James StrazzellaMr. & Mrs. Donald SullivanMs. Nanci SumnerMr. Henderson Supplee IIIMr. Anthony SwartzMr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sweeney, Jr.Ms. Helen D. TallmanMs. Jane TaylorMrs. Janet L. ThomasMr. John R. Thomas, Jr.Mr. John A. ThomasMrs. Jocelyn J. ThompsonMr. Paul ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Edward TobiaMr. & Mrs. Matthew TorellMs. Ella R. TorreyMs. Geraldine V. TowsonMr. & Mrs. Frank TracyMr. Stan TrzaskaMs. Colleen TurrisiMs. Elizabeth UjjMr. & Mrs. James L. Van Alen IIMr. & Mrs. Joseph Van BernumMr. & Mrs. Chris R. van de VeldeMr. & Mrs. John VanderZwaagDr. & Mrs. George VermeireMr. Peter VirgiliMrs. Mary Beth WaldronMr. Craig WanamakerMr. & Mrs. William G. Warden IVMrs. Raenita C. WashingtonMs. Barbara WashingtonMs. Susan WatsonMs. Lucille WestMr. Adam WetzelMrs. Joan L. WhartnabyMr. Warwick S. WheelerMs. Shana Whitman-RobargeMs. Angelia WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Charles WilliamsMs. Lynne J. WilliamsMrs. Vivian WilliamsMrs. Edith WilloughbyMs. Rosemary H. Wilson & Mr. William P. JohnsonMr. Robert W. WilsonMr. Howard WolcottMr. Mayer WolfDr. Melvyn A. WolfMr. & Mrs. Patrick R. WolodzkoMs. Amber WrightMs. Carolyn L. WyethMr. & Mrs. John M. YatesMr. & Mrs. Spiro ZafiratosMrs. Angela ZagerMr. Stephen ZavatskyDr. & Mrs. Albert W. Zimmermann, Jr.Lions/Lioness ClubsAdelphia Lions Club of PhiladelphiaAston Township Lioness ClubAudubon-Oaks Lions ClubBensalem Lions ClubChalfont Lions ClubDoylestown Lions ClubDublin Lions ClubHatboro Lions ClubHatfield Lions ClubHorsham Lions ClubLanghorne Lions ClubLansdale Lions ClubLions Clubs International District 14-AMain Line LionsMontco Lions ClubNewtown Lions ClubNorthampton Township Lions ClubOreland Lions ClubPerkasie Leo ClubPerkasie Lions ClubPhiladelphia Filipino-American Lions ClubPhiladelphia Korean Lions ClubPhiladelphia Law Enforcement Lions ClubPlumstead Lions ClubRichlandtown Lions ClubSouth Philadelphia Lions ClubSpringfield Lioness ClubSpringfield Lions ClubWestern Delaware Valley Lions ClubAssociations, Businesses, Corporations and Community GroupsAddison & HerreriasAllen’s Iron WorksAlways Best CareArden Theatre CompanyArdmore Auto Body, LLCArdmore PizzaArdmore ToyotaArmstrong, Doyle & CarrollArrest-A-PestBeneficial BankBux-Mont Transportation Services Co.Carpet Fair, Inc.Class of 1976 – Overbrook School for the BlindDaley & Jalboot ArchitectsDMI Home SupplyDrexel UniversityElizabeth Roe Dunning ClubEmployees of Newman & CompanyeScripFerguson & McCann4C’sGerman Society of Pennsylvania - Women’s AuxiliaryGIANT A+ School Rewards ProgramGreen Mountain Energy Sun ClubHangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & SchillerHarboc Electrical SupplyJD Construction Inc.Klenzoid, Inc.Merck Employee Giving CampaignMiddle Atlantic Blind Golf AssociationNevilaires ChorusOur Lady of Lourdes ChurchOverbrook School for the Blind - Alumni AssociationP.E.R.C.Paul Bros. Autobody RehabilitatorsThe Pennsylvania Trust CompanyThe Philadelphia PhilliesPica’s Italian Restaurant, Inc.Powers Craft Parker & Beard, Inc.Quintiliani & DeSalvoRussell Roofing Company, Inc.St. Francis of Assisi SchoolSara CampbellStretch Funeral Service, Inc.TruistUBS Employee Giving ProgramUDC, Inc.Universal Display Corporation, Inc.Unico Media ChapterUpper Merion Site Spirit Team - GlaxoSmithKlineGifts in KindMs. Donna BarrBucknell University – Delta GammaMs. Crystal CrookCVS – PhiladelphiaCVS – WayneD’Anjolell Memorial Homes – Mr. Robert D’AnjolellEstate of Edward KosserMr. Franklin LoebMr. & Mrs. Joseph McCauleyMorabito Baking Company Mr. & Mrs. Joseph PapaRenavatio Healthcare CommunicationsMrs. Tara SmithMs. Melissa TerleckiMr. David ThalheimerTru Brew Coffee – Mr. Craig WurstZitner Candy CorporationUnited Way Gifts to OverbrookMr. Donald L. AndrewsMrs. Elizabeth J. BacanskasMs. Josephine BaiocchiMs. Fredrica BancroftMr. Joseph BillieMr. Marshall J. BlalockMs. LaChelle BrooksMrs. Annemarie BurkeMr. Louis Burt IIMr. Andrew D. ColerMrs. Susan J. DiFabioMs. Deborah DiTomoMr. Michael D’Orazio, Jr.Ms. Jeanne DoughertyMs. Margaret DoughertyMs. Lynnette EvansMr. T. Kevin FitzpatrickMr. Henry A. GladstoneMrs. Carol Havens-DobbsMr. Errol W. IsaacsMs. Theresa Ann JohnsonMrs. Carlesha T. KyleMs. Kathryn E. LeachMrs. Maureen P. LerarioMr. Brian LisieckiMs. Susan McCarrieMr. Jim M. McCulloughMr. John J. McGlynnMr. Gary L. Mapp IIMr. Nicholas S. MartucciMr. Kevin MorrisonMr. Zachary L. NachsinMr. Dennis M. O’DeaMs. Alberta R. PadenMr. Michael J. ParzaneseMr. Richard J. PerryMr. Robert M. ProcknowMr. Luciano RussoMr. Thomas J. SandlinMrs. Sandra G. SaundersMs. Alberta ScottMr. Robert S.K. SmithMs. Marjorie G. SteinMr. Roy A. SteinMrs. Donna B. SutherlandMr. John ThomasMrs. Susan M. VaughanMs. Joyce A. WaltonMs. Donna G. WalzMs. Margaret K. WatsonMs. Angelia P. WilliamsMs. Mary WilliamsUnited Way OrganizationsHeart of West Michigan United WayUnited Way of Camden CountyUnited Way of Delaware (State)United Way of Gloucester CountyUnited Way of Greater AtlantaUnited Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New JerseyUnited Way of Greater PortlandFoundationsAmazon Smile FoundationGlaxoSmithKline FoundationThe McLean ContributionshipPhiladelphia FoundationHarriet G. Fredericks FoundationEli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc.The Nippon FoundationSubaru of America Foundation, Inc.The Vanguard Group FoundationWare Blue Grass Foundation, Inc.Wawa Foundation, Inc.TrustsCassandra Borden TrustElon Dunbar TrustJesse and James Edward TrustHaney Foundation TrustW. Percy Simpson TrustJesse G. Roman Charitable TrustEleanor J. Roth Charitable TrustJohn Snyder TrustHenry and Ada Walbert TrustJoseph Lapsley Wilson TrustKate Worley TrustMemorialsIn Memory of George AdamsMs. Roseann McLaughlinIn Memory of Rose AdduciTrish & Jackie Bonner & Patrick StrainIn Memory of Adele Adduci DiPietroTrish & Jackie Bonner & Patrick StrainIn Memory of William J. AllenMr. & Mrs. Fred MignognaIn Memory of Catherine AmblerMrs. Joan A. DiMarzio & FamilyIn Memory of Sandy BattagliniMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Raymond BeamesderferMr. & Mrs. Michael J. MurphyMr. & Mrs. Rudolf K. RieberIn Memory of Antoinette BelfiglioMs. Roseann McLaughlinIn Memory of Laura BollingMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenIn Memory of Carmela BorgesiMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenIn Memory of John BouillandMs. Jeanne A. BouillandIn Memory of Lucy BoyleMr. Peter VirgiliIn Memory of Marie BrennanMr. William S. BrennanIn Memory of Karen BrunoMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenIn Memory of Mark A. BrunoMr. & Mrs. Jim DiFabio & AlyssaIn Memory of Alicia BurtonMs. Trish BonnerMr. & Mrs. Louis DiSantisMs. Maryann B. FlackDr. Bernadette M. KappenMs. Helene MaranoMr. & Mrs. William SchneckIn Memory of Grace CarterMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Angie CasileMr. & Mrs. Albert FalaIn Memory of Guy CellucciMr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneIn Memory of Frank D’AndreaMr. & Mrs. Albert FalaIn Memory of Geraldine D’AnjolellMr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneIn Memory of Marie Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneMrs. Joan A. DiMarzioMr. & Mrs. Louis DiSantisMr. & Mrs. Albert FalaIn Memory of Delores Del SordoMs. Roseann McLaughlinIn Memory of Peter J. DeMayoMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Eileen M. DoringMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Denise Giorgio DoughertyTrish & Jackie Bonner & Patrick StrainIn Memory of Ellen DoughertyMr. & Mrs. John Dougherty & FamilyIn Memory of Joseph DutkoMr. James DuffyIn Memory of Thelma Sharp DutkoMr. James DuffyIn Memory of Louis FeltonMr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneIn Memory of Christopher FlackMs. Maryann Flack & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Paul StangIn Memory of Betsy FordMr. & Mrs. Birchard ClothierIn Memory of Elouise GallagherOverbrook School for the Blind – Alumni AssociationIn Memory of Robert GarrettMr. & Mrs. Douglas F. GraneyIn Memory of Tina GerstlauerMs. Helene MaranoMs. Diane SiravoTorresdale Manor Improvement Association, Inc.In Memory of Henry B. HarbageMr. & Mrs. Thomas EvansMr. & Mrs. Kevin HurstMr. & Mrs. Thomas F. PillarMs. Thelma M. WellingtonIn Memory of Francis Janoski, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Linda Jean-BaptisteMr. & Mrs. William BarryMs. Trish Bonner & Mr. Patrick StrainMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BrennanMr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Cvitanov, Sr.Ms. Helen M. GraciMr. & Mrs. Kevin W. KolmerMs. Maryanne LachmanMrs. JoAnn McNameeMs. Helene MaranoMr. & Mrs. James MurphyMr. Alexander NicholsonMr. Matthew NicholsonMs. Jean O’Brien VisserMrs. Mary Anne O’ConnellPottstown Police Officers AssociationMrs. Maureen RomanoMs. Christy SfidaMr. Robert S. K. Smith, Jr.TEVA PharmaceuticalsMs. Patti WatsonMr. Joshua WhiteIn Memory of Paul & Sophie KasperMs. Catherine V. RzepelaIn Memory of Michael J. KinkadeMr. & Mrs. Ben AcchioneIn Memory of Betty LeotsakouMs. Trish BonnerDr. Bernadette M. KappenIn Memory of Helen McHughMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Marie MageeMs. Maureen M. CalvoMr. & Mrs. Norman MacneishIn Memory of Maryann ManganoMr. & Mrs. Joseph AmorosoMr. & Mrs. Francis AmorosoMr. Charles J. Boris, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael CerratoMr. & Mrs. Anthony D. ConsoloMrs. Alma CoppingerMr. & Mrs. Thomas CostelloMr. Mark DavisMs. Jane R. DeacleMrs. Helen F. DeeryMs. Gennie DevlinMr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiArenzoMr. & Mrs. Frank DiLellaMs. Bernadette DoughertyMr. & Mrs. Aloysius Fitzpatrick IIIFriends of the 21st WardMs. Carol Ann GlodekMs. Geraldine M. GudnitzMr. & Mrs. Jeff HennessyMr. Frank C. Hicke & Ms. Pamela C. MundyMs. Caren S. JonesMr. & Mrs. Michael J. KappsMr. & Mrs. Charles E. LentzMs. Tina LimMs. Carol Ann LougheryMr. & Mrs. Basso LudovicoMr. & Mrs. Silvio P. Marucci, Jr.Mr. David Mayersky & Ms. Noel K. LytleMr. Charles W. McCormick & Ms. Suzie ButterlyMr. & Mrs. William McMullenMs. Daisy MercadoMorison Cogen, LLPMs. Sylvia L. MyersMr. & Mrs. Robert NiemeyerMrs. Paula NyzioMr. & Mrs. John F. O’ConnorMs. Kathleen O’HaraMr. & Mrs. Harry PastellaMs. Mary Ann RobertsMr. & Mrs. Frank J. RoscioliMr. Nicholas RussoMr. & Mrs. Grant SchwoebelMr. & Mrs. Donald E. SeserkoMr. & Mrs. Angelo C. SessaMs. Suzanne E. ShusterMrs. Lauri S. SiegelMs. Theresa M. SobonMs. Donna M. StarrettMr. & Mrs. Christopher StoffereMr. & Mrs. Michael F. SweeneyMrs. Linda ThompsonMr. & Ms. Richard P. Van FossenMr. Charles Van FossenMr. & Mrs. Anthony VernaMr. & Mrs. Rudolph WagenhofferMr. & Mrs. John T. WalkerMs. Shelley WilsonIn Memory of Florence MarkowichMr. & Mrs. Ted N. WassermanIn Memory of Lawrence MolloyMr. & Mrs. Albert FalaIn Memory of Marie Theresa MoganMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Thomas MorrisMs. Elizabeth M. TroutIn Memory of M. Christine MurphyMrs. Lois BeamesderferMr. & Mrs. Andrew CottoneMr. & Mrs. Jeff JosephIn Memory of Roy George Peters, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. ServinoIn Memory of Anthony QuerchettiMr. & Mrs. Albert FalaIn Memory of Robert ReidMr. Robert AbbonizioMr. & Mrs. Fred MignognaIn Memory of Elizabeth RoantreeMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Billie RobinsonMr. & Mrs. Vince LeonardIn Memory of Hilda RosenblattMr. & Mrs. Barry AbelsonMr. & Mrs. Jay AlbertsMr. & Mrs. Bill BaileyMr. & Mrs. Robert A. BongiornoMs. Trish BonnerBunco BabesMs. Janice K. DuFourMr. & Mrs. Marc FrancyMs. Jean FranczykMr. & Mrs. Joel W. GarrettMs. Judith A. GlassMs. Paulette A. HigginsMr. & Mrs. William R. HowerMr. & Mrs. William JohnsMr. & Mrs. Jay E. KivitzMs. Sandra KrevitzMr. & Mrs. Daniel LesneskiDr. & Mrs. Vernon W. MorganMr. & Mrs. Dennis J. PalladinoMs. Albina RajczykMs. Kristine Rajczyk Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf K. RieberMr. & Mrs. Kevin RyanMr. & Mrs. Samuel C. SchmeltzerMr. & Mrs. Michael SpitzerUniversal Display CorporationMs. Edith WeinsteinIn Memory of Thelma SackMs. Rebecca J. DashIn Memory of Josephine ShikitinoMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenIn Memory of Carmella SolariMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Jeanette SpearMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenIn Memory of Joseph StellabotteMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisMr. & Mrs. Elmer PizziIn Memory of Maryann TaylorMs. Trish Bonner & Mr. Patrick StrainMr. & Mrs. R. S. Kerr SmithIn Memory of Allan J. Thompson, Jr.Mrs. Beth Ann DiFabioIn Memory of Robert VetraMr. Steven DeLairIn Memory of Anna VirgiliMr. Peter VirgiliIn Memory of John WareWare Bluegrass FoundationIn Memory of Jean WargoMr. & Mrs. Frank DeAngelisIn Memory of Evelyn ZaccoMr. & Mrs. Ernest KeenHonorariumsIn Honor of Robert D’AnjolellMr. Fred BoccellaMrs. Marilyn BoccellaIn Honor of Aeryn EisnerMs. Deborah WeissIn Honor of Peggy GarrettMr. William J. D. JordanIn Honor of Pooh GephartMr. & Mrs. James M. Buck IIIIn Honor of Rebecca IlniskiMs. Cynthia S. PfleegorIn Honor of Gerald KitzhofferMs. Anita CarringtonMr. Joseph T. Doyle, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert GallantMr. Bryant GreeneMs. Jacqueline M. KeenanMs. Anne MarbleMr. & Mrs. Greg MullenMr. and Mrs. James J. MurphyMr. Sydney RosenblattMr. & Mrs. Christopher SoriaMr. Robert S. K. SmithMs. Virginia StangleinMr. & Mrs. Joseph Van BernumMr. & Mrs. John Vander ZwaagMr. and Mrs. Warwick WheelerIn Honor of Gerald and Carmella KitzhofferMs. Trish BonnerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey BrennanMs. Maryann FlackMr. and Mrs. Kevin YoshiokaIn Honor of Ed and Janice McGinnMr. & Mrs. Michael McGinnMr. Richard L. McMonigle & Ms. Kathleen ChanclerIn Honor of Sean MaddenMs. Sharlee MuellerIn Honor of Sid and Ruth RosenblattMr. & Mrs. Fred T. KrausMs. Jane G. PepperMs.Kimberly ShaheenMr. and Mrs. Robert S. K. SmithIn Honor of Nanci SumnerMs. Kathleen SkrockiIn Honor of Emmeline Vander ZwaagMrs. Ann M. HunterIn Honor of Colleen Atwood, Jackie Brennan, Trish Bonner, Pete Crippen, Cathy D’Orazio, Maryann Flack, Carol Havens-Dobbs, Maria Iovannicci, Frank Irzyk, Denise Mihalik, Roseann McLaughlin, Mike Mansor, Wen Ru Niu, Chris Sapienza, Damaris Shiavi-Schaeflein, Robert Smith, Joe Van Bernum, Renee Williams, Gloria YoshiokaGerald & Carmella KitzhofferGifts to the SchoolOverbrook School for the Blind is a private, non-profit educational organization that qualifies for tax-exempt contributions. There are many ways for individuals, organizations, and corporations to support the school and its programs, including:? A gift of cash made either directly or designated to the school through other agencies, such as the United Way or the Combined Federal Campaign. Overbrook’s number with the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania is 00816? A gift of cash, if made by an individual, may also qualify for a matching gift from the donor’s employer? A gift in memory of a relative or a friend? In-kind gifts of services, goods, equipment, or property? A gift of appreciated securities or real estate, outright or deferred? A gift of a life insurance policy, designating the school as beneficiary? A charitable gift annuity, which in addition to helping the school, provides the donor or a designee with a regular stream of income? A gift by will. Those who wish to make a personal bequest to the school may use the following language:“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Overbrook School for the Blind, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the sum of ___ dollars ($___). I direct that this sum be applied to the general uses and purposes of the corporation under the direction of its Board of Trustees.”For additional information about methods of giving and other ways of supporting the school, please visit the support section of or contact:Development OfficeOverbrook School for the Blind6333 Malvern AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19151Tel: 215.877.0313, ext. 264Fax: 215.689.0401E-mail: rsmith@[There is one large photo on this page of the front of the Rotunda Building.2017–2018 BOARD OF TRUSTEESPresidentWarwick S. WheelerVice PresidentsRobert B. Gallant J. Freedley Hunsicker, Jr., Esq. Elizabeth Passanante Rodriguez TreasurerJoseph T. Doyle, Jr.SecretaryMarjorie G. SteinMembersCrystal CasmirriBruce J. FensterBryant M. Greene Jacqueline KeenanAnne MarbleRobert MarcantuonoEdward J. McGinn, Jr., Esq.Vincent McVeighJames J. Murphy Susan Neumann, CPA, MBARobert L. Pratter, Esq. Sid Rosenblatt Emmeline VanderZwaagOSB Executive Director and CEOTodd ReevesPhotos: Denise Mihalik; Editorial: Gloria Pfeiffer, Maryann Flack, Robert Smith, Colleen Atwood; Braille Transcriptionist: Rebecca Ilniski Design: [Back Cover: there is one large photo of OSB staffers holding a sign that says, “Giving Tuesday, We Are Overbrook.”The Mission of Overbrook School for the Blind is to develop and deliver education that enhances the options available for persons with visual impairments, including those with additional challenges, so that they have the greatest opportunity to experience active and fulfilling lives.The Vision of Overbrook School for the Blind is to inspire individuals with visual impairment, including those with additional challenges, to achieve their highest potential; to share our culture that embraces their abilities; to be a dynamic and leading educational organization; and to use our expertise to positively influence our students, families, partners and peers, regionally, nationally and internationally.6333 Malvern AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19151215.877.0313 | ................

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