Gabriel Rivera Entry EssayG. ShankSBS 300LHow I became an SBS Major My interest in becoming an SBS major with a concentration in sociology started off when I was on my last year at Cabrillo College and I was majoring in Criminology. I have always wanted to become a police officer and in order to fulfill the requirements to major with an AS in criminology I had to take a sociology class. I was really nervous at the beginning because I didn’t know what to expect, I had no idea what sociology focused on or what it even was about. I took Soc1 with Jackie Logg and as she talked more about what sociology was I started to become more interested in it. She always made class fun and she was really good at teaching it, she was always really clear and made sure we knew what she was talking about. It all seemed like common sense but there was a lot more to it. Through the middle of the semester we started talking about why criminals would do the things they did and what some of the reasons for their behavior were and that’s when I realized sociology had a connection to criminology. Sociology ended up being one of my favorite classes at Cabrillo because it helped me understand religion, the social pyramid, and culture.I haven't really had a lot of life experience with SBS, beside that class that really got me interested in this major, but this is the reason why i'm here because I really want to learn more and take as much as I can from this. I know this is going to help me grow as scholar and prepare me to become a better person so I can achieve my future goals. What really attracts me in being an SBS major is that through this I will be able to understand people better and It will educate me in the society where i'm in. Some of the challenges I had were learning new words, theories, and about different people I had never heard of. For example some of the sociologists I learned about were DuBois, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Auguste Comte, Edwin Sutherland, Robert Merton, etc. Some of the theories we talked about were: the conflict theory, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, social structure, and theories of social interaction. What I expect to get out of SBS is a wider range in the workforce no matter if it its in sociology or to help me develop my skills and thinking in criminology. Although my main goal in the future is to become a police officer. I'd like to graduate in SBS with a concentration in Sociology and a minor in criminology. I know it's hard work, but I am determined to always try my hardest and achieve my goal. ? ................

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