Health and Wellness Keyword Outline

(Slide 1) “To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Buddha CITATION Bra12 \l 1033 (Brainy Quotes)(Slide 2)Misty HarkerI recently took a Nutrition class here at SLCC by Kate Maxwell-Stephens; the info meant so much to me that I want to share it with you. A person’s health is in their own hands. Though the prime time to form healthy habits is during childhood, it is never too late to make a change for a healthier standard of living. (Slide 3)The topics of Health and Wellness are vast so I’ll just briefly light on two of them, Diet and Exercise.Both play an important role in the body’s health.You can stay strong and healthy with a balance between your diet and lifestyle.(Slide 4)First I’ll talk about Diet which is simply the food and drink that fuels the body. “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” (Hippocrates) CITATION Phi08 \l 1033 (Phillip Day)Your body can only function as well as the fuel you give it.(Slide 5)By def: “A particular selection of food, especially designed or prescribed to improve a person’s physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease.” CITATION Diet \l 1033 (Diet)(Slide 6)Food is the body’s natural med. By eating the proper amount of nutrients your body can function at its prime and also combat most ailments naturally, without the aid of medicine.Although Nutrition is becoming common knowledge our medical society seems to revolve around “a pill for every ill.” CITATION Phi08 \l 1033 (Phillip Day)(Slide 7)Choose My Plate (dot) Gov has loads of helpful sites including:Meal TrackerInformationAnd even printable material(Slide 8)While a balanced diet is very important food alone won’t keep your body strong. Next I’ll talk about exercise.Newton’s First Law of Motion summed up: A body in motion stays in motion.Your body can only perform the same way it practices.(Slide 9)By definition, exercise is: “Bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake of training or improvement of health.” CITATION Exe12 \l 1033 (Exercise)(Slide 10)Regular exercise keeps your body strong and healthy, even just 20 min a day will:Keep your body functioning healthilyStrengthen your body against injury and illnessMake sure your body is ready for action(Slide 11)Web MD is my go to site if I’m ever feeling sickThere you can find numerous articles on Health, Fitness, and Nutrition, as well as an application called Symptom Checker that will give you possible ailment based on the symptoms you enter into it.(Slide 12)The human body can take a beating but it can’t stay healthy on its’ own, you have to show some level of self-control or self motivation to keep it going. The sources on Health and Wellness are abundant so I highly encourage all of you to pursue the topics further should you choose to.I would highly recommend the movie “Food Matters” as a starting point, it can be found online, on Netflix, and even in movie rental stores.Survival is the most basic of instincts and with even a little help your body can survive stronger and thrive longer.Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Brainy Quotes. 21 11 2012 < My Plate. 21 11 2012 <. 12 Nov 2012 <. 12 Nov 2012 < Matters. Dir. James Colquhoun Carlo Ledesma. Perf. Andrew W. Saul, Ian Brighthope, Dr. Dan Rogers, Jerome Burne, Victor Zeines Phillip Day. 2008.Mayo Clinic, Fitness. 21 11 2012 < MD. 21 11 2012 <;. ................

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