Essentials of Business Management - VSM | CityU


Hybrid Syllabus

MBA 500: Essentials of Business Management

3 Credit Hours

Effective: October, 2009

Course dates : October 9 – November 5, 2009

Workshop dates : October 16-18, 2009

Porter, M. E. (2004). Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. 1st ed. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.*

Capstone Business Simulation Student guide with PKG Capsim Business Simulation Software/ download

Whitaker, A. (2010). Academic writing guide. Bratislava, Slovakia: City University of Seattle. Available online at

* This text is also used in other MBA courses.

MBA 500: Essentials of Business Management


Faculty Name: Marvee L. Marr

Contact Information:

Course Description

Successful managers need to understand the fundamentals of business practices within a global context. This course will introduce students to the overall MBA program and the strategies required in preparing a comprehensive and viable business plan. Students will also practice business decision-making through the use of simulations, and practical, analytical, and conceptual foundations in team-based learning. Learning how to find relevant data through the use of credible sources will be a main focus of this course, as well as how to effectively communicate in writing.

Course Resources

Required and recommended resources to complete coursework and assignments are listed on the My.CityU portal at Library>Resources by Course.

CItyU Learning Goals

This course supports the following City University learning goals:

• Professional Competency

• Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills

• Critical Thinking

Program Context

This course begins the MBA program. It will lay the groundwork for subsequent MBA courses. Many of the assignments completed in this course will be revisited as the program progresses. This course contributes to the following end-of-program outcomes:

• Communicate effectively both orally and in writing with internal and external stakeholders;

• Leverage managerial effectiveness through recognition of individual strengths, values and business philosophy;

• Capitalize on business opportunities in a rapidly changing environment by thinking critically and applying quantitative procedures and tools;

• Build, lead and participate in productive and diverse teams.

Throughout the MBA program, you will be expected to maintain an electronic portfolio of all major assignments from each course, either in a folder or removable disk drive dedicated solely to this purpose. Be sure to keep back up copies of all your portfolio components.  The E-portfolio will enable you to reflect back on your previous work.  It will also become a valuable tool for you to use in presenting your work to potential employers to demonstrate how you applied your leadership skills and abilities to devise strategies, accomplish goals, and work in team environments.

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, you will be able to:

• Demonstrate effective team participation;

• Analyze personal business strengths and weaknesses, and team function;

• Given participation in a business simulation, articulate gaps in business knowledge, MBA program goals and professional goals;

• Implement business strategy;

• Document strategic decision-making;

• Using effective research strategies and research business ideas.

Core Concepts, Knowledge, and Skills

The course will cover the following concepts and topics:

• Information literacy;

• Team functioning;

• Jungian types;

• Self-analysis;

• Performance criteria;

• Company structure and functions;

• Documentation methods;

• Components of a business plan proposal.

Overview of Course Grading

The grade you receive for the course will be derived using City University of Seattle’s decimal grading system, based on the following:

|Overview of Required Assignments |% of Final Grade |

|Weekly Online Discussion Board Postings, assigned by instructor |20 % |

|Capsim Introductory Lessons and Quiz, Rehearsal Simulation Rounds (at least two |10 % |

|rounds), and Situation Analysis | |

|Porter’s Company Competitive Analysis |30 % |

|Capsim Team Situation Analysis & Strategy Report |20 % |

|Capsim Team Competition Rounds 1 & 2 |20 % |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

| | |

Specifics of Course Assignments

Your instructor will provide grading rubrics that will provide more detail as to how this assignment will be graded.

Weekly Online Discussion Board Postings, assigned by instructor

|Components |% of Grade |

|Appropriateness and quality of the response |50% |

|Quantity of the responses |50% |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

Capsim Introductory Lessons and Quiz, Rehearsal Simulation Rounds (at least four rounds), and Situation Analysis

Students will register at to complete this assignment. Once students register and receive their student identification from Capsim, and industry number from their instructor, students are to complete their introductory lessons and quiz in the Capsim Simulation established by their instructor. Completion of the introductory lessons and quiz will lead the students directly into the Rehearsal Simulations Rounds. Students must complete at least four rounds of simulation, but may due more (no more than eight). Completion of the Rehearsal Simulation Rounds will lead students in completing their Situational Analysis. The Situational Analysis is to be prepared and turned in to the instructor for grading. The instructor can go to to confirm whether students completed the lessons, quiz and rehearsal rounds.

|Components |% of Grade |

|Completion confirmation of lessons/quizzes from Capsim |30% |

|Completion confirmation of individual rehearsal rounds (at least 4) |40% |

|Logically support recommendations and conclusions of analysis |30% |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

Porter-Company Competitive Analysis

The fundamental assumption of this assignment is that the profit potential of any firm is a function of: (1) the industries it operates in; and (2) the competitors it opposes. Therefore to enhance profits, executive management must understand the industry structure and competition. The profits within an industry are affected by a wide range of influences, including the macroeconomic environment, cost and demand structures of the industry, technological change and government regulation. Competitive moves and responses of incumbents also affect firm profits. Actions taken by firms to improve competitive position engender responses by other firms, and the expected sequence of actions and responses must be understood to develop an effective strategy. Reactions of rivals will depend on their goals or intent, beliefs, relative resource positions and past actions. Thus, the approach to studying the dynamics of industry structure and competitors is to focus on the key characteristics of industry structure and the individual competitive moves and countermoves by the competitive players.

Using the components of a competitive analysis Figure 3-1 in the Porter’s text book (page 49), students select a primary company in an industry that they have interest and/or are familiar. Students analyze and contrast the competitive strategy of primary company and the other two competitors’ strategy. Students then develop a competitive profile for the primary company and the two other companies in the industry using the Porter competitor analysis criteria.

Next, analyze and contrast the competitive strategy of the primary company with the other 2 competitors’ strategy then answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary company’s current competitive strategy (be specific)?

2. What are the two competitors doing to improve their current competitive position?

3. What likely moves or strategy shifts will the two competitors make?

4. Where is the primary company most vulnerable?

5. Where are the two competitors most vulnerable?

6. What competitive moves by the two competitors will provoke the greatest and most effective retaliation by the primary company?

7. Would you recommend the continuation or modification of the primary company’s current strategy (support your rationale with specifics)?

Porter Competitor Analysis Criteria:

Estimated overall business strength:

• Market share (percent, rank)

• Market share trend (five years)

• Financial strengths

• Profitability

• Management

• Technology position

• Other key strengths/limitations (e.g., production cost advantages)

Marketing strategy (assessment of key strengths and limitations):

• Competitive strategy (Porter’s)

• Market strategy

• Distribution strategy

• Recent offensive or defensive competitive moves

|Components |% of Grade |

|Clarity of expression |15% |

|Integration of course concepts, where relevant |20% |

|Completeness of analysis |30% |

|Logically supported conclusions and recommendations |25% |

|Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax (including proper APA citation of throughout paper|10% |

|in for references) | |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

Capsim Team Situation Analysis & Strategy Report

Once students have selected teams, and have begun their Capsim Practice Rounds, teams are to submit a paper to their instructor, outlining their Situational Analysis and current strategy for the Capsim Practice Rounds. The paper should be no more than two pages in length, detailing clarity, integration of course concepts, a completeness of analysis and logically supported conclusions and recommendations.

|Components |% of Grade |

|Clarity of expression |15% |

|Integration of course concepts, as appropriate |20% |

|Completeness of analysis |30% |

|Logically supported conclusions and recommendations |25% |

|Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax (including proper APA) references support, if | |

|applicable |10% |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

Capsim Team Competition Rounds 1 & 2

Students are to complete Capsim Competition Rounds 1 & 2 on their assigned teams. Once students on their assigned teams have completed these Competition Rounds, the student teams are to report out to the class regarding their results for Capsim Competition Rounds 1 & 2. The synthesis of the reporting will be centered on their performance with regard to their Capsim team financial condition, internal business processes, customer focus, and learning and growth.

|Components |% of Grade |

|Financial: Analysis of profitability, leverage, stock price |25% |

|Internal Business Process: Analysis of ranks, among other measures, contribution margin, |25% |

|plant utilization and days of working capital | |

|Customer: Analysis of company’s product line, buying criteria satisfaction, awareness, and |25% |

|accessibility levels | |

|Learning and Growth: Employee productivity analysis |25% |

| | |

|TOTAL |100% |

| | |

|  |  |

| | |

Course Policies

This document provides an overview of the course foundation elements, assignments, schedules, and activities. For information about general, City University of Seattle policies, please see the City University of Seattle catalog. If you have additional questions about the course, please contact your instructor.

Late Assignments

Students are expected to meet submission requirements for assignments in a timely manner. Evaluation includes an assessment of timeliness. Late assignments jeopardize your learning, and may also penalize your classmates as most assignments will not be returned to students until all students have submitted their work. Late submission of assignments may be penalized up to 50% of the grade per week. Your instructor will provide additional details.

Quizzes, exams, and comprehensive assessments must be taken at the scheduled times. Any absences or late submissions must be approved by your instructor before the scheduled assessment date. Not completing a quiz, exam, or comprehensive assessment in a timely manner will result in a grade of zero unless a student has been preapproved by the instructor to complete the assessment at an alternative time.


Whether in class, online, or in a mixed mode setting, students will be graded on their participation in classroom discussions; their ability to present, explain, or defend alternative viewpoints; and the degree to which they have mastered the concepts and principles addressed in this course. Written work will be assessed not only on relevance to the subject presented, but also on adherence to good written form and professional presentation.

Students are expected to be actively engaged in all discussions as well as other activities.  Active engagement means contributing substantive, thoughtful and reflective responses. For online classes, students must post their initial responses during the first three days of the week, and their responses to other students’ postings during the last four days of the week.

Professional Writing

Assignments require error-free writing that uses standard English conventions and logical flow of organization to address topics clearly, completely, and concisely. CityU requires the use of APA style.

University Policies

You are responsible for understanding and adhering to all of City University of Seattle’s academic policies. The most current versions of these policies can be found in the University Catalog that is linked from the CityU Web site.

Scholastic Honesty

Scholastic honesty in students requires the pursuit of scholarly activity that is free from fraud, deception and unauthorized collaboration with other individuals. You are responsible for understanding CityU’s policy on scholastic honesty and adhering to its standards in meeting all course requirements. A complete copy of this policy can be found in the University Catalog in the section titled Scholastic Honesty under Student Rights & Responsibilities.


Students taking courses in any format at the University are expected to be diligent in their studies and to attend class regularly. A student must attend at least 70 % of the inclass seminar portion of the course to

be able to receive a passing grade.

Regular class attendance is important in achieving learning outcomes in the course and may be a valid consideration in determining the final grade. For classes where a physical presence is required, a student has attended if s/he is present at any time during the class session.  For online classes, a student has attended if s/he has posted or submitted an assignment. A complete copy of this policy can be found in the University Catalog in the section titled Attendance Policy for Mixed Mode, Online and Correspondence Courses.

Course Policies

-No late work will be given a grade

-minimum 70% attendance manadatory

-No make-up quizzes or exams

-Please respect the classroom, face to face and online, your peers and the instructor

Support Services

Disability Resources

If you are a student with a disability and you require an accommodation, please contact administration as soon as possible. For additional information, please see the section in the University Catalog titled Students with Special Needs under Student Rights & Responsibilities.

Library Services

In order to help you succeed in this course, you have access to library services and resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CityU librarians can help you formulate search strategies and locate materials that are relevant to your coursework. For help, contact a CityU librarian through the Ask a Librarian service. To find library resources, click on the Library link in the My.CityU portal.


As a CityU student, you have access to 10 free hours of online tutoring offered through Smarthinking, including writing support, from certified tutors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact CityU’s Student Support Center at to request your user name and password.

course Schedule : please note-no late work is accepted, so plan your time accordingly. Schedule subject to changes.

| | | |

|Course Session/Date |Module(s), Topics and Assignments |Readings |

| | | |

| |Introduction to the MBA Program, MBA500 Course, Assignments, Teams and|Register for Capsim at and become |

| |Teamwork, Linkage of Porter text to Capsim, and Capsim Business |familiar with materials located on the “Getting |

|1 |Simulation |Started” page. |

| |Teams will be formed and start working together. Coverage of team | |

|October 9-15 |assignments. |Read Capsim Student Guide and (Online) Manager’s |

| |Capsim and team and strategy topics linked to assigned readings. |Guide at |

| |Explanation of Capsim, include a step-by-step explanation of the | |

| |simulation and how it works. | |

| |DUE: Capsim Introductory Lessons and Quiz, Rehearsal Simulation Rounds| |

| |(at least four rounds), and Situation Analysis (as an individual) (Due| |

| |by midnight Oct 15) | |

| | | |

| |Coverage of BRS Business Planning Software | |

|2 |Capsim six strategies and Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies |Porter, Chapter 1 |

|Friday, Oct 16 |Capsim Practice Round 1 and company performance measures |The Manager Guide’s Six Strategies at |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Coverage of BRS Business Planning Software |Porter, Chapter 2 |

|3 |Capsim six strategies and Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies | |

| |Capsim Practice Round 1 and company performance measures |Porter, Chap 3 |

|Saturday, Oct 17 |Coverage of making strategic business decisions as a team and business| |

| |planning principles. | |

| |Importance of knowing own strengths, weaknesses and preferences | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Cover Porter’s Market Signals |Porter, Chapter 4 |

| |Basic decision-making principles in Capsim |Porter, Chapter 5 |

|5 |Capsim Practice Round 1 results. | |

|Sunday, Oct 18 |Administer C.A.T. – class evaluation | |

| | | |

| |Cover scope of Interview Section only of the BRS Business Planning | |

| |Software. | |

| |Business planning process and role of the business plan in the MBA | |

| |Program. | |

| |Discuss Porter’s competitive moves, team situation analysis and | |

| |strategy reports | |

| | | |

| | | |

|6 | |Capsim Simulation Rounds |

|Online week |DUE: Capsim Team Situation Analysis & Strategy Report (by midnight Oct| |

|Oct 19-25 |25.) | |

| |DUE: Online discussion | |

| | | |

|7 |DUE: Capism Team Competition Rounds 1 & 2 |Capism Simulation Rounds |

|Online week |DUE: Online discussion (by midnight Nov. 1 | |

|Oct 26- Nov 1 | | |

| | | |

|8 |Due: Porter’s Company Competitive Analysis (by midnight Nov. 5) |Capsim Business Simulations Rounds |

|Online Week |DUE: Online discussion | |

|Nov 2-5 |NO FINAL | |


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