Safety, Errors, or Weaknesses in Clinical Practice

59029608317230Revised 10/1700Revised 10/17 Clinical Transition Practicum Packet General Information Policies and Procedures Preceptor and Nursing Student Forms Clinical Transition Practicum Packet General Information Policies and Procedures Preceptor and Nursing Student Forms Description The aim of Clinical Transition Practicum (CTP) is for the graduating student nurse to synthesize and apply acquired professional nursing knowledge, skills, ethics, and nursing jurisprudence in a clinical setting. The student works one-on-one with a clinically expert professional nurse to plan, implement, and evaluate patient care while demonstrating professional RN practice, at the novice level. Role Responsibilities MCC Clinical coordinator role:Ensure preceptors are accurate and available for CTP dates, and willing to serve.Have acknowledgement forms and agreements completed prior to students beginning CTP.Orient the preceptors to the CTP process.Along with faculty advisors, assign students with CTP preceptors.Be responsible for preceptor scheduling issues such as a preceptor cannot fulfill the role for any reason.Be responsible for updating website information, including preceptor packet, forms, and tuition reimbursement.Award certificates.MCC Faculty Advisor role:Discuss student expectations, i.e. skills and procedures, and methods of clinical evaluation.Review and approve the CTP Student Profile (pg. 9-10) when submitted by assigned student municate and consult with the clinical preceptor and student in person and by telephone or email.Collaborate with the preceptor regarding facilitation of the clinical learning experience for the student.Receive ongoing preceptor feedback about student performance and suggestions for improving the clinical practicum experience.Assist the preceptor and student in completing the mid-practicum assessment of student’s performance midway through and the CTP experience (pg.16)Complete the assessment of student’s performance midway through the CTP experience using the criteria found in the Clinical Evaluation tool (CET) and review with student. Assist the preceptor in completing the final assessment (pg. 17) of student’s performance at the end of the CTP experience.Utilize and consider the preceptor’s final assessment (pg. 17) of the student’s performance at the end of the CTP experience in completing the final clinical evaluation using the CET. Meet within one week following the final CTP experience and:Receive and review all required student documents (pg. 11-18) and ID badges.Review the final clinical evaluation of the CET with student.Clinical preceptor role:Participate in a preceptor orientation via face to face meeting and/or the CTP packet of policies and procedures provided by way of email or online at the Texas Nursing Practice Act section 3.8.3.a. Education Guideline, Rule 215.10 (h) (3) for specific directives regarding nursing preceptorship. The preceptor rules and regulations and guidelines are found online at and Meet with student and review the completed Student Profile form (pg. 9-10) prior to the student beginning practicum. Collaborate with the student and faculty advisor to formulate a clinical schedule, plan student learning experiences, and assignments to help the student meet professional and clinical goals on a weekly basis. Serve as a role model, practitioner, teacher, and mentor: Provide patient care in accordance with established, evidence-based nursing practice standards. Fulfill nursing duties according to hospital and unit policies and procedures.o Maintain professional and effective relationships within the interdisciplinary healthcare team. o Use resources safely, effectively, and appropriately.Demonstrate leadership skills in problem solving, decision making, priority setting, delegation of responsibility, and in being accountable. Offer a shift reschedule date during that communication, if an alternate date is available.Orient the student to the clinical practice setting including identification of facility and unit specific policies and procedures. Facilitate the student's professional socialization into the new role. Take responsibility for the student during specified scheduled shifts and maintain responsibility for assigned patients at all times. Provide the student with ongoing constructive feedback that relates performance standards to student performance. Provide suggestions that will improve student performance to achieve course and clinical learning objectives. Communicate student progress to the faculty advisor consistently. Collaborate with the faculty advisor regarding student performance throughout the practicum experience.Immediately contact faculty advisor if assistance is needed or if any problem with student performance occurs. Collaborate with the faculty advisor in completing a mid-practicum and final assessment of the student’s performance. (pg. 16-17) Return the assessments to the faculty advisor by method of delivery as agreed upon. Preceptors serving fall 2016 and/or spring 2017, do not have to sign a new agreement form or data sheet.All other preceptors must complete and sign Preceptor Data sheet and Agreement form and give to clinical advisor.For questions contact Sue Graham, Clinical Coordinator at or call 254-717-0474.Nursing student role: Comply with health policy and other professional requirements of the nursing program and clinical facility as noted in the student handbook critical skills evaluations must be completed and copies of all previous critical skills evaluation forms submitted to faculty advisor prior to beginning CTP.Critical skills are:Medication AdministrationPOIV modality: IVPB and IVPIMSubq (non-insulin)Insulin VenipunctureFoley Catheter InsertionCopies of completed critical clinical skills check off sheet must be submitted to clinical advisor before CTP begins.If any critical clinical skill has not been checked off in clinical, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the designated instructor for completion of critical clinical skills (instructions will be posted to Bb).Complete the Student Profile form (pg. 9-10) and sign. Submit via Blackboard an electronic copy of the signed, completed Student Profile no later than 1700 on 10.13.2017, before meeting with preceptor. Contact preceptor via the contact information provided and within 24 hours of receiving preceptor information. If possible, schedule a face to face meeting. Provide a copy of the completed and signed Student Profile form to preceptor at the initial meeting or first face to face encounter with preceptor. If a meeting is scheduled wear appropriate business casual attire, with identification badge or badges. Plan CTP schedule with assigned clinical preceptor during the initial plete, as much as possible, an electronic copy of the CTP Schedule template (pg. 12) and submit per email attachment to faculty advisor, a minimum of 24 hours prior to the first clinical day. Provide preceptor with a copy (electronic or hard copy) of the completed CTP schedule before beginning CTP.In the event the original CTP schedule changes in anyway such as personal illness or preceptor’s illness, cancellation, float to another unit, exchange of shift, or on call status faculty advisor is to be notified immediately and an updated CTP schedule submitted within 24 hours even if a shift has not yet been re-scheduled. All changes made to the CTP Schedule are to be reflected on the same document.Dress in a professional manner consistent with program policy and be clearly identified by wearing MCC student badge and facility issued student or code badge. Become familiar with and adhere to agency and unit specific policies and procedures (posted to Bb, and the Texas Nursing Practice Act, at all times. Reschedule a shift only in the case of illness or personal/family emergency. Notify the preceptor and faculty advisor of the absence immediately. Reschedule the shift and submit an updated CTP Schedule within 24 hours to your CTP faculty advisor. A minimum 24 hour notice before beginning the “make-up” shift is required to receive credit for the shift.Prepare for each clinical experience as agreed upon with the preceptor to meet learning objectives. Demonstrate self-direction and accountability by actively seeking learning experiences and being prepared to accomplish the Student Learning Outcomes for the experience:The graduate will be able to: 1. Use clinical reasoning and knowledge based on the nursing program of study, evidence-based practice outcomes, and research-based policies and procedures as the basis for decision-making and comprehensive, safe patient-centered care. 2. Demonstrate skills in using patient care technologies and information systems that support safe nursing practice. 3. Promote safety and quality improvement as an advocate and manager of nursing care. 4. Coordinate, collaborate and communicate with diverse patients, families and the interdisciplinary health care team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care that promotes quality of life. 5. Adhere to standards of practice within legal, ethical, and regulatory frameworks of the professional nurse. 6. Demonstrate knowledge of delegation, management, and leadership skills. 7. Demonstrate behavior that reflects the values and ethics of the nursing profession, including a spirit of inquiry. In the event MCC students from a different level are scheduled to be on the same unit as the practicum student, the practicum student will assume the role just as the primary care nurse does. Level 4 students may and are encouraged to be responsible for agreed upon care to clients assigned to other nursing students. The level 4 student should assume the role of the primary care nurse while still being under the direction and supervision of their preceptor/primary care nurse. If an ID badge is lost or a legal name change occurs, it is the student’s responsibility to go to the appropriate institution’s issuing office to report, pay for (if required) and have another ID badge made.Contact faculty advisor by telephone or email if assistance is plete and submit the following required documentation to clinical advisor after completion of CTP:Final copy of the CTP schedule printed, with all changes noted and explained (pg. 11)CTP Shift Documentation (pg. 12)CTP Checklist (pg. 13)Quality Improvement Assignment (pg. 14)CTP Final Reflection (pg. 15)CTP Mid Practicum and Final Preceptor Assessments of student (pg. 16 &17)CTP Evaluation of Preceptor (pg. 18)Complete RNSG 2360 and CTP evaluations (on Blackboard)ID badges and cards issued: includes MCC, PHN picture ID and the BSW card must be surrendered to clinical advisor otherwise an Incomplete maybe given. Student and Preceptor Practice PoliciesStudent and preceptor will refer to and follow the CTP policies of the Associate Degree Nursing Program at McLennan Community College and the nursing student policies of the clinical institution in which they are assigned. The policies of the clinical institution for nursing students can be found on the institutional intranet and on MCC’s Blackboard/RNSG 2360. Please refer to the Level IV calendar for CTP start and completion dates and times. The required number of CTP hours (60 hrs) must be completed during this timeframe. Examples of shift times are: 0645-1915, 1045-2215, 1445-0315, 1845-0715, etc.). This includes a thirty minute meal break. Getting StartedWhen preceptor/student matches are announced and the student has submitted a satisfactory copy of the completed Student Profile, the student will make contact with the preceptor and if possible, schedule a face to face meeting. The student will inform the clinical advisor of the above date and time before the actual meeting occurs. At this meeting the student will give a copy of the completed Student Profile Form to the preceptor and establish a clinical schedule to the extent possible.Student will provide clinical advisor and preceptor a copy of the CTP Schedule.SchedulingThe student is required to complete 60 hours of the Clinical Transition Practicum experience. The student’s CTP schedule should mirror the preceptor’s work schedule. The student is to schedule and complete 3 CTP shifts a week if possible according to the preceptor’s schedule.A student may not exceed 36 hours of clinical per week (the clinical week is the same timeframe as the clinical facility the student is assigned to. Student will submit an electronic or hard copy of the CTP Schedule (pg. 10) to the clinical advisor at least 24 hours before working any clinical shift. Students will work the entire shift the preceptor works. Changes in CTP ScheduleIf the preceptor calls in absent, leaves early for any reason or is placed on call, the student is to contact the clinical advisor immediately for possible reassignment with another MCC preceptor.If the preceptor, on call, is called in, the student is to go to clinical at that time. Student will submit within 24 hours, the above change in the CTP schedule and reflect the reason for this change along with the rescheduled hours (if possible) to the clinical advisor within 24 hours following the shift that was worked or is to be worked. If hours missed are rescheduled at a later time, the changes made on the CTP Schedule must be submitted to clinical advisor at least 24 hours prior to working the rescheduled clinical shift in order to receive credit.Students will reschedule missed clinical hours in four, eight, or twelve hour increments only. Students will submit the rescheduled hours per updated template. Rescheduled hours must be submitted to faculty 24 hours prior to working the clinical shift to receive credit. Students will accompany the preceptor to alternate units to work the scheduled clinical shift, as the preceptor is assigned by the agency. The preceptor should provide a brief orientation to the unit and specialty area of patient care, if needed. The student will notify CTP faculty immediately when floated to an alternate unit.The student will include the change of units on the CTP Schedule. Once the student has completed and documented all care for assigned patients, hand-off report is completed, and the preceptor has been notified, the student may leave clinical.Students are not expected to stay beyond their scheduled shift. Client CareStudents are responsible for knowing where to find and following clinical facility policy as well as the nursing student policy for the facility they are in, for all client care and interactions. Students are expected to demonstrate autonomy in prioritizing care, make sound clinical judgments, and accurate decisions about patient care.Students will be prepared to answer the “why” questions posed by the preceptor.The preceptor will consistently stimulate critical thinking and strengthen the student’s ability to “think” like a nurse.Students will participate in all areas of client care delivery including documentation, rounds, order verification, and all routes of medication delivery.Students are expected to actively participate in all unit responsibilities such as answering lights, assisting other staff, and distributing trays.Students will skillfully manage a group of clients by the end of CTP. The number of clients will depend upon the clinical unit and as decided upon by the preceptor, student and clinical advisor.Documentation and General InformationStudents will have their CTP checklist (pg. 12) signed by the preceptor at the end each clinical shift, and keep a record of all skills completed. Students will have a CTP shift documentation sheet (pg. 11) signed by the preceptor at the end of each clinical shift. Students will update CTP schedule as changes occur and provide updated copies to their clinical advisor and preceptor as directed throughout this packet Medication AdministrationStudent medication policies for the facilities are found on facility intranets and must be observed and followed by the student and preceptor.The preceptor will determine student knowledge of the medications prior to administration. Deficiencies will be reported to the CTP faculty advisor within 24 hours.Students must observe the 6 rights of medication administration: right patient, medication, dose, route, time, and documentation. Students must correctly identify the patient using at least two forms of identification, prior to administration of any medications. Skill PerformanceStudents have acquired a skill set through campus lab and clinical performance evaluation. Students will demonstrate competence in these skill performances and are expected to take advantage of the opportunity to complete all skills in the clinical setting. Preceptors should notify the clinical advisor as soon as possible, to recommend the student for further lab skills practice when the student does not demonstrate competency and/or preparedness in performing skills. The student will notify the clinical advisor within 24 hours when preceptor has identified either of the above. Students have accomplished demonstrated competency in:Universal Criteria Medical Asepsis: Hand washing Head to Toe AssessmentIntake/Output Bathing, Bed Making Insertion of Nasogastric Tube, Removal of Nasogastric tube, Tube Feeding Oral Medication, Hanging IV fluids, Mixing Medications, Reconstitution of Powders, Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Injections, Insulin Injection, IV Piggyback, IV Push, Surgical Asepsis: Sterile Field, Sterile Gloves Nasopharyngeal Suctioning Venipuncture Saline lock/Intermittent Infusion Device/PRN Adapters Catheterization Removal of Sutures/Staples Central Line Dressing Change, Caring for patients with Total Parenteral Nutrition (the facility student policy must be followed regarding central venous catheter devices).Care of Patients with Chest Tubes, Tracheostomy Suctioning, Double Cannula Tracheostomy Cleaning Caring for Patients receiving Blood Transfusions Simple dressing change Safety, Errors, or Weaknesses in Clinical Practice The preceptor will: Contact the clinical advisor immediately if unsafe practice issues are identified. Notify the clinical advisor if the student demonstrates unprofessional behaviors or breaches established program or agency policies or the Texas Nursing Practice Act.Notify immediately the clinical advisor if an error or incident occurs that results in an untoward patient reaction or injury. Notify the clinical advisor on the next business day if a medication error or incident occurs and there is no untoward reaction or injury Assure all necessary documentation of medication error or incident is completedNotate the medication error or incident on the student assessment form Faculty will assist the preceptor in documenting the incident(s). Examples include: Student disregard of facility or departmental policy Violation of policy from any accrediting agency Violations of the Texas Nursing Practice Act (NPA) Student performing functions outside the scope of practice Violations of HIPPA regulations or patient confidentiality (this includes a student giving out any medical advice by phone) Students who are unprepared to provide nursing care according to the NPA Refusal or denial of the opportunity to complete nursing care and skills ( to be noted as unwillingness and/or unpreparedness) CTP Student ProfileThis form must be completed as an electronic word or pdf document and reviewed by your assigned practicum faculty prior to the initial meeting with your preceptor. Once approved by your assigned faculty liaison, a hard copy of the form must be delivered to your preceptor during your first scheduled meeting. This information will enable your preceptor to be familiar with your baseline knowledge, learning style, and to personalize your learning activities. Demographic Information: Student:Name - MCC email address - Phone Number - Faculty Advisor:Name -MCC email address - Phone Number - Date of Initial Meeting with Preceptor: CTP Start Date: Learning Style Assessment: Understanding that learning occurs in cognitive, affective, and kinesthetic domains, rank the following learning strategies for your preceptor (1-4 with 1 being the best strategy for your learning style): I observe someone else I read the information first I listen to the explanation first I try it myself; ask for help as needed My strengths are: My weaknesses are: I like feedback on my performance: Daily Weekly _Other (Explain) Verbally In Writing The most important thing for the preceptor to know about me is: Student Learning Outcomes By the end of CTP, the student will be able to function as an entry-level practitioner in multiple settings. The graduate student using knowledge, skills and the holistic science of nursing and art of caring will be a: Provider of Patient-Centered Care Use critical thinking within the context of the nursing process in order to provide competent care to multiple and diverse clients and their families across the lifespan.B. Communicate therapeutically with clients, families and the interdisciplinary health care team.C. Implement the teaching-learning process in order to promote, maintain and restore client’s health.D. Deliver care within the legal and ethical scope of professional nursing practice.E. Use evidence-based outcomes as the basis for decision making. II. Member of the Health Care Team Collaborate with clients, families and the interdisciplinary health care team for the planning and delivery of care.B. Communicate therapeutically with clients, families and the interdisciplinary health care team.C. Coordinate human and material resources when providing care to clients and their families.D. Communicate effectively with various health care agencies to facilitate continuity of care through the use of referrals and advocacy.III. Member of a Profession A. Assume accountability and responsibility for their practice as a professional nurseB. Participate in activities that promote the development and practice of professional nursing.IV. Patient Safety Advocate A. Demonstrate knowledge of all governmental and accreditation organization standards and rules pertaining to safe practice.B. Implement measures to reduce patient risks.C. Promote safe environments for patients, self and others.Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Date: ______________________CTP ScheduleStudent NameAdvisor NameStudent PhoneStudent EmailPreceptor NameClinical FacilityUnitDateShiftReason for Schedule Change1234567891011121314151617181920CTP SHIFT DOCUMENTATION Preceptor: Student: Clinical Location: DATE CLINICAL HOURS PRECEPTOR INITIALS STUDENT INITIALS Total Hours I verify that _________________________________________________has completed the above clinical transition experience hours, under my supervision. NURSE PRECEPTOR SIGNATURE: _________________________________DATE: _______________CTP Checklist If the experience opportunity is not available on assigned unit or shift, discuss alternative plans to achieve this experience with faculty advisor. Preceptor: Student: Clinical Location: Clinical Experiences Date Accomplished Preceptor/Student Initial Patient/client admission process Patient/client discharge process (from agency, specialty care unit, urgent care, etc.) Initiate Plan of Care with preceptor Update Plan of Care with preceptor Observe and participate in implementing provider of care orders Participate in and document patient/client education Prepare a patient/client for surgery or other procedure Participate in the process of informed consent for surgery or other procedures Care for post-operative or post-procedure patient/client Shift One: Student orientation to unit, facility and unit specific policies and procedures Preceptor’s initial evaluation of student nursing knowledge, skills, and clinical abilities Shadow PreceptorEnsure all access codes work Assist preceptor with patient/client care, as needed for evaluation Shift Two: Manage nursing care for 1-2 patients/clients on a general medical-surgical unit or 1 patient/client on a specialty unit Shift Four: Manage nursing care for a group of 3-4 patients/clients on a general medical-surgical unit or 1-2 patients/clients on a specialty unit Remaining Shifts: Manage nursing care progressing to a group of 4-5 patients/clients on a medical-surgical unit or 2 patients/clients on a specialty unit Participate in Quality Improvement Activities (located in packet). Call Provider of Care using “I-SBAR-R” method Give Hand-off (Shift) Report using the “I-SBAR-R” method Observation: Blood Administration Titrate medications, note outcomes Any unusual event List all skills performed: Quality Improvement Assignment Please address the following and submit as a word document. What core measures are monitored on this unit? Who collects the data? Where is the data analyzed? How are results shared with all providers of patient care (RN, LVN, CNA, and physician)? What are the consequences if the core measures are not at acceptable level? Monitor a chart using hospital criteria for a patient/client that has diagnosis that Joint Commission and Medicare have identified as a core measure. Submit results with no identifying patient information. Attend nursing Huddle on unit and if possible the Hospital Administration Huddle or QI meeting. Describe this experience.CTP Final Reflection The reflection must be completed in a word type document and submitted in hard copy for the exit advising session with your advisor. Based on the Student Learning Outcomes and the Differentiated Essential Competencies for Associate Degree Nursing Student (DECs) for this clinical course, please answer the following questions. Assimilate your weekly logs to assist in composing your final reflection. Use as many pages as necessary to complete the final reflectionThe reflection should demonstrate your progression toward and readiness for professional nursing practice. What did you gain from the CTP experience?How did the practicum facilitate your transition into a professional role?List examples of how you excelled in clinical competence (please be very specific).Identify ways you can improve in clinical competence as a graduate nurse (please be very specific). CTP Preceptor Assessment of StudentMid-Practicum (24-36 hours)Preceptor: _________________________________________ Student: _____________________________________ Clinical Location: ___________________________________ Semester/Date: _______________________________ Rate the student on the following items. 4 SA = strongly agree 3 A = agree 2 = D disagree 1 = strongly disagree In the event of a score of 1 or 2, please give a brief example of the problem, behavior, or attitude in the comment section. The student: 4 (SA) 3 (A) 2 (D) 1 (SD) Is punctual and demonstrates a professional appearance. States goals and objectives prior to beginning each shift. Utilizes a systematic process to provide patient-centered care to complex patients across the life span. i.e. The Nursing Process Recognizes priority care problems and prioritizes care accurately. Promotes safety and quality improvement as an advocate and manager of nursing care. Manages a group of patients or single patient if in specialty area, proficiently, utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence based knowledge, and research based policies and procedures as the basis for decision making and safe patient-centered care. Demonstrates skill and knowledge when administering medications: parenteral and non-parenteral. Accurately interprets the meaning of lab values Coordinates, collaborates, and communicates with diverse patients, families and the interdisciplinary team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care. Demonstrates skill in using patient care technologies and information systems that support safe nursing practice. Adheres to standards of practice within legal, ethical, and regulatory frameworks of the professional nurse. i.e. Texas Nursing Practice Act Demonstrates knowledge of delegation, management, and leadership skills.Demonstrates behavior that reflects the values and ethics of the nursing profession. Accepts and profits from constructive criticism Comments: Please use back of sheet for comments. Thank you! What do you see as the student’s greatest opportunities for growth? Was there anything that would have made this experience more meaningful for you or the student?Preceptor’s Signature____________________________Student’s Signature ____________________________Clinical Advisor’s Signature ____________________________Date:_________________________________CTP Preceptor Assessment of StudentFinal (60 hours)Preceptor: _________________________________________ Student: _____________________________________ Clinical Location: ___________________________________ Semester/Date: _______________________________ Rate the student on the following items. 4 SA = strongly agree 3 A = agree 2 = D disagree 1 = strongly disagree In the event of a score of 1 or 2, please give a brief example of the problem, behavior, or attitude in the comment section. The student: 4 (SA) 3 (A) 2 (D) 1 (SD) Is punctual and demonstrates a professional appearance. States goals and objectives prior to beginning each shift. Utilizes a systematic process to provide patient-centered care to complex patients across the life span. i.e. The Nursing Process Recognizes priority care problems and prioritizes care accurately. Promotes safety and quality improvement as an advocate and manager of nursing care. Manages a group of 2-5 patients proficiently, utilizing clinical reasoning, evidence based knowledge, and research based policies and procedures as the basis for decision making and safe patient-centered care. Demonstrates skill and knowledge when administering medications: parenteral and non-parenteral. Accurately interprets the meaning of lab values Coordinates, collaborates, and communicates with diverse patients, families and the interdisciplinary team to plan, deliver, and evaluate care. Demonstrates skill in using patient care technologies and information systems that support safe nursing practice. Adheres to standards of practice within legal, ethical, and regulatory frameworks of the professional nurse. i.e. Texas Nursing Practice Act Demonstrates knowledge of delegation, management, and leadership skills.Demonstrates behavior that reflects the values and ethics of the nursing profession. Accepts and profits from constructive criticism Comments: Please use back of sheet for comments. Thank you! What do you see as the student’s greatest opportunities for growth? Was there anything that would have made this experience more meaningful for you or the student?Preceptor’s Signature____________________________Student’s Signature ____________________________Clinical Advisor’s Signature ____________________________Date:_______________________________________CTP Assessment of Preceptor569341014160500Preceptor: Clinical Location: Rate the preceptor on the following items using these ratings: 4 = strongly agree 3 = agree 2 = disagree 1 = strongly disagree The preceptor: 4 3 2 1 Oriented student to clinical area Discussed clinical learning objectives Incorporated experiences related to accomplishing your learning objectives Provide examples Helped you to identify additional learning goals Encouraged you to become part of the team Consistently discussed patient care process with you Encouraged you to participate as a professional Encouraged you to think independently Implemented teaching strategies that stimulated critical thinking Provide examples Encouraged you to ask questions Provided consistent performance evaluation Provided constructive suggestions for performance improvement and professional growth Helped you to learn time management in the provision of nursing care Helped you to learn prioritization of patient healthcare needs Served as a positive role model You would recommend this preceptor to future students In the event of a score of 1 or 2, please give a brief example (of the problem, behavior, or attitude): ................

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