Required Textbook List

Required Textbook List


Alcohol & Drug Counseling Certificate Program

Books must be purchased in advance and brought to the first class meeting.

|Course |Author |Title |Publisher |

|ADX 300 |Kinney |Loosening the Grip |McGraw Hill Higher Education |

|ADX 301 |Small |1. Becoming Naturally |A Bantam Book |

| | |Therapeutic | |

| | |2. The Gift of Therapy | |

| |Yalom |3. 12 Smart Things to do when |Harper-Perennial |

| | |the Booze and drugs are gone. | |

| | | |Hazelden |

|ADX 302 |Zimberg |Practical Approach to Alcoholism|Springs |

| | |Psychotherapy | |

|ADX 303 |Inaba & Cohen |Uppers, Downers, All Arounders |CNS Publications |

|ADX 304 |Flores |Group Psychotherapy with |The Haworth Press |

| | |Addicted Populations | |

|ADX 351/352 | |No Text | |

|ADX 306 |Beattie |1. Codependent No More |Hazelden |

| | |2. Beyond Codependency | |

| |Beattie | | |

|ADX 353/354 |Berry |When Helping You is Hurting Me |Crossroad & 8th Ave. Publishing |

|ADX 309 |Wilson |When Violence Begins at Home |Hunter House Publishers |

|ADX 311 |Twerski |Addictive Thinking: |Hazelden |

| | |Understanding Self-Deception | |

| | |The Heart of Addiction | |

| |Dodes |Breaking Addiction: A 7-Step |Harper Collins |

| | |Handbook for Ending Any | |

| | |Addiction | |

Instructors use the most current edition of each text.

Prices and books are subject to change. Books may be purchased at the campus bookstore at the beginning of each semester. The bookstore telephone number is (310) 243-3829 and website is csudh. The bookstore carries a limited number of books.

Textbooks might also available at: textbooks


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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