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Using Wonders’ ConnectEDA “How-to” Guide for Students and Families ConnectED is the online component of the McGraw-Hill Wonders reading program. Using this program at home will help your child practice the valuable literacy skills he/she is learning in school. ConnectED allows you to access online books, play literacy games, and much, much more. 40405058890000Logging into ConnectED:1. Go to .*Note: ConnectED may work better in Firefox or Google Chrome than in Internet Explorer. 2. Enter your Username and Password and click Login. Username: ________________________Password: ________________________3. Navigate to different parts of ConnectED by clicking as described in the image below. 1814830461645Click the book cover, “To-Do”, or “Messages” to navigate to the main page.00Click the book cover, “To-Do”, or “Messages” to navigate to the main page.4. If your child’s teacher has created assignments, they can be accessed by clicking on the To-Do icon. 115252597790To- Do Icon00To- Do Icon5. Even if you do have assignments, you can still follow the directions below to access even more resources! 3935731180975006. Click on “Resources” at the top of the page. 276225190500008. Use the sidebar to navigate to resources. You may want to start by accessing leveled readers. 196215068580004933950135255Click on the star to add to your favorites. way to access the student book. 00Click on the star to add to your favorites. way to access the student book. -295275259080Click here.00Click here.center23495Click on the book to open it.00Click on the book to open it.2171700269240009. Close the Leveled Reader to return to the main ConnectED page. Then click on “All Categories” to naviagate to additional resources. 15335254514850010. Choose another resource to explore. “Games” is another popular choice. You can then choose the type of game you’d like to play. 4410075384810Click the icon to open the game. 00Click the icon to open the game. 7518405715000 left88519000536257524765000*Note: Most games open directly to a directions screen. Click the blue X to begin the game. ................

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