

Teacher: Ms. Crockett


Classroom: 318 Office Hrs: All student lunch periods Rm 318 (email request for private conference)

Course Description

This course is designed to help understand the present, interpret the past, and plan for the future. It is intended to assist in finding value in geography considering that we use geography skills every day. We use online maps to find the nearest Walmart, Home Depot, or any big box store; GPS technology on our smart phone tells us where to go when we are looking for a particular place; weather reports that help us decide what to wear each day; the transportation system that gets us from place to place and understanding the people around you—their values, beliefs and ways of life. These are all examples of how geography is integrated into our daily life. Understanding the elements of geography in detail can help you become a better planner, decision maker, and citizen of the United States and the world.


1. To enable the students to take ownership of their learning.

2. To get a better understanding of how geography help us interpret the past, understand the present, and plan for the future

3. To become more familiar with the people and places on earth.

4. To understand how physical processes shape Earth’s surface

5. To understand why climate is important to life on Earth

6. To understand how the characteristics and distribution of human populations affect human and physical systems


1. Each student must come to class prepared to learn and work every day.

2. Each student must respect and adhere to all school and classroom rules and regulations.

Textbook: Geography: The Human and physical World, McGraw-Hill Education

Course Outline:

UNIT I: The World; Geography; Comparative Economics, Politics, and Religions

UNIT II: Europe and Latin/South America and the Caribbean

UNIT III: Africa, Arabian Peninsula, and Central Asia

UNIT IV: South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia and the Pacific

III. Format and Procedures:  

The class meets daily.  All students are expected to be present every day and be prepared for the course work.  Any missed work is the student’s responsibility. Attendance in class is vital but it is also important for each and every student to be active participants in class. The class format includes, but is not limited to; class participation, book work, computer work, research, group projects, class discussions, lectures, student presentations, and homework. A book will be provided during class only. The book is also online at Simeon’s website if the student needs to access readings outside of the class period.

V. Academic Integrity

Each student in this course is expected to abide by the honor code put in place by Chicago Public Schools.  Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's own work.

Students are encouraged to work and discuss concepts covered in Human Geography with their peers to enhance understanding. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of (including photographs), or copying, work done by someone else. Should copying occur, both the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both receive a zero for their assignment and the Student Code of Conduct will be utilized to determine additional appropriate punishment.

Skills: Students will learn and practice such skills as: identifying main ideas, determining cause and effect, analyzing the text, develop intellectual public speaking skills

Class Preparation/Supply List:

Students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings with all supplies listed below.

- ½ inch binder for written assignments/class notes/handounts (binder may be shared with other subject areas

- White out

- mini stapler

- (1) pack of stapler refills

- (2) Composition books

Tardiness and Absences

If a student is absent, they need to bring a note so the absence can be marked as excused and the student will not be penalized for late work.  If the absence is considered un-excused, the student will not be allowed to make-up any work. All assignments for this course are located at Simeon’s website

- Tardiness will be recorded daily

- Absent work is due (7) calendar days from the date the assignment was due. Ex: Jan is absent Mon. Sept. 8th and missed a quiz. Jan has until Mon. Sept. 15th to present her excused absence and take the quiz under my supervision.

- Students are responsible for accessing the class website daily located at

to receive missing work, all assignments, and video documentaries

- Students may use my classroom computer to access class work when needed during school hours

Academic Honesty/Plagairism:

Plagairism, copying from fellow students, and other attempts to get out of doing one’s own work on assignments will first be dealt with in the classroom between the student and teacher. Repeated infractions will follow Simeon/CPS policy pertaining to academic dishonesty and plagairism. All plagairism issues will be communicated to the parents.

Grading Scale 20% Assessments & Projects

A     90-100                          20%    Reading

B     80-89                            20%    Writing

C     70-79                            20%    Speaking & Listening

D     60-69                            20%    Academic Excellence & Organization

F     59 and below           *Grading scale may be modified based on the student’s individual education plan.

Remediation: Students will have an opportunity to redo most assignments and all assessments if they complete a remediation plan which allows them to clearly express the support needed. This plan is also located at the class site

Video Content: In order to reinforce understanding through real world experiences, some content via video documentaries may utilize adult language. Please inform me if you do not consent in the signature area below that will be returned to the school.

Field Trips: All mandated trips from the Administration and CTE Departments will be approved. For non-mandatory field trip forms presented by students who have a 69% D or lower, approval is at the discretion of the teacher. Field trip slips presented by students on the same day as the trip will not be approved. Field trips attended by students who did not receive prior approval from the classroom teacher will be recorded as an unexcused absence.

Communication: Please reach out weekly to my email for thorough reports on your child’s academic progress, attendance, and overall attitude to ensure their success in this course. Thank you.

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I have read, reviewed, and discussed the Psychology syllabus with my parent/guardian.

CLASS PERIOD: _________

STUDENT: (print name)________________________________________________ Date ________

STUDENT Email_____________________________________________________

PARENT print name: __________________________________________________ Date __________

PARENT Signature:_________________________________________________

PARENT Email: ___________________________________________________

PARENT phone:___________________________________________________


Simeon Career Academy

8147 S. Vincennes, Chicago, IL

Phone: 773.535.3200

Fax: 773.535.3465


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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