Sunshine State TESOL of Florida - Home

11583791800274473742200To Presenters:? Make sure that the place you are presenting from has GOOD wifi speed!!!? Make sure you are presenting from a reliable computer with reliable audio and an inbuilt camera.? Make sure you have the most recent version of zoom downloaded on your computer.? THIS WEEK: In order to prepare for your zoom presentation, go to zoom and create a free account. Go through the motions of setting up for yourself a meeting. In this way, you will download the zoom software and you will be able to test your camera and your audio.** Links to ZOOM help videos: click here*** We have a help slide show on our www site: click hereThings to know:? Each Strand will have a unique zoom link (not your presentation).? All zoom links will be sent out on Thursday afternoon. The zoom links will be located on this page on our SSTESOL www site. Look here on Thursday!? Each session will be individually recorded. By presenting, you automatically agree to have your session recorded by SSTESOL.? If you do not want your session to be recorded, please email me at ? Each presenter will be given Co-Host privileges by the STRAND Host at the start of your presentation. This means a presenter can take control of the shared screen in order to present.? Pace your presentation. You have 30 minutes only. Your SSTESOL zoom host will turn the session off at the 30 minute mark.? All participants in your zoom session will be automatically muted. They will have chat function (ie they can post a question). If you want to answer participants’ questions/comments on the chat, your Host can read selected questions out for you.? The polling function will be active and available to all presenters DURING your presentation, but it will NOT be available to you before your presentation. If you want to prepare a poll to be create interaction, we suggest you use KAHOOT.Things to prepare:? Please use a SSTESOL logo for your zoom background and for the 1st page of your ppt, go here and choose one: We suggest the “SSTESOL Conference Landscape” image . In the above folder there is also one ppt slide with the logo already set up as the background.? The Host for each Strand is a SSTESOL Board member or SSTESOL Chapter President. If something goes wrong during your presentation, help is limited. We will not have technology help backup to troubleshoot.STRAND #1: BEST OF SSTESOL CHAPTERSHOST: Carla Huck: ? ? HYPERLINK "mailto:swfltesol@" \t "_blank" swfltesol@STRAND #2: BEST OF SCHOOL DISTRICTSHOST: Catherine Baucom baucomc@STRAND #3: TECHNOLOGY, REMOTE, DISTANCEHOST: Tony Erbensstesol@STRAND #4: TEACHER EDUCATIONHOST: Ryan #5: TEACHER EDUCATION 2HOST: Keya Mukherjeekmukher1219@STRAND #6: K-12/DUAL LANGUAGEHOST: Li-Lee TuncerenTuncerenL@STRAND #7: ADULT EDUCATIONHOST: Andrea Lypkaalypka@mail.usf.eduSTRAND #8: ESP, EAP, IEPHOST: Michelle Ploetzmploetz@mdc.eduSTRAND #9: K-12HOST: Scott Neymanneymanone@STRAND #10: ADVOCACY / POLICYHOST: Jennifer Killamkillam.jennifer@STRAND #11: EFLHOST: Shannon Solisdocshansolis@STRAND #12: TECHNOLOGY, REMOTE, DISTANCE 2HOST: Amany Habibhabib.amany@STRAND #13: EXHIBITOR 1(each exhibitor hosts their own presentation and open sessions)STRAND #14: EXHIBITOR 2 (each exhibitor hosts their own presentation and open sessions)STRAND #15: FABESHOST: Arlene Costelloaces00121@STRAND #16: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTHOST: Cynthia Schuemann cschuema@** Each Presenter will receive POWERPOINT slides, to use with the SSTESOL logo: click here*** Below are some Netiquette Rules to follow: ................

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